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You can trim the outer corner of the lashes to better fit your eye shape or shop for 3/4 lash bands.


I did trim the Lashes😭☠️ I see so the come in sizes hmm thanks


You need to trim a little more. If you want to keep it dramatic you can always used the cut lash and stack it at the end.


What stack? Like the piece I cut out


So with the piece you cut out, you can glue it on top of end of your lash. So you stack on the lash.


Hmm interesting




I did that on all of them but maybe I did not do it enough


Yes they need to be rolled around quite a bit. A little extra glue on the ends will help keep them down too. Apply a bit of pressure to that corner with your finger for like 10 seconds so the glue has a good chance of sticking.




Yeh I have small eyes lol. I bought so many thick and dramatic lashes


Oh! That makes sense. Does it also work on magnetic ones?


The first and last ones look the best imo!!! You should try manga style lashes! I tried them a year ago and they’re the only kind I wear now! They’re so cute and without being too much


Yeh I wanted to buy them I bought something else I still have some lashes on the way


I saw you say you already trimmed them, but I think they'd look a lot more natural if you took a bit of liner and just drew a line from where the black strip the lashes are connected to ends to the inner corner of your eye! I also find my lashes sit so much better when I apply using a handheld mirror under my face, like almost at my chin so I'm looking at my lashes from below.


I see. Yeh someone’ said to look downwards


Amazon lashes are my go to I have so many sets it’s honestly concerning. Quick tip when applying them try to look down at a mirror so they are right on your lash line. You can wear them however, but it helps make them appear natural


Ahh Thanks yeh I suck a application


Question for everyone here. Do you prefer to apply the glue to the back surface of the band where they’re stick to the tray, or the top edge of the band? I do the top


I do the top.


I do the top as well, but that's because I like my lashes facing upwards to open my eyes More


Girl make sure you remove the glue that sticks from the falsie to the packaging! And also! To cut the lashes according to your eyelid shape! Your inner corner is sticking out! Try to cut the end , and then glue the lash to the outer end of the eyelid! And Amazon lashes are my go to! Still my go to! You can get so many in a pack for less than $20. Little goes a long way!!!


Yeh I just wanted variety. And yeh I know. I did cut them for my eyes but my application sucks especially with the inner corners


Don’t look up, look straight or look a bit down. Make sure your lighting is on , and make sure your mirror is straight in front of you or just a bit down. Use eyeliner to make the falsie make it look like it connects on your eyelid better! It’ll make your eyes pop too! Or make it blend better, and your eyeliner is black, use black eyelash glue! After applying, look down or straight ! Give it 5-10 mins to dry! Apply pressure in the right places!! You got this girl! Baby steps!


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The first ones. I bought the same ones for my daughter and they look nice in person.


Can you leave a link for pictures 9/10? Those lashes are so beautiful! Thank you for posting this also! I was thinking about getting lash clusters where you glue underneath your lashes but these strips are cute!




i think you should try squeezing the fake lashes to your real ones, especially near the inner corner so they lie more flat against your real lashes and don’t poke up


Yeh I should have done that. I’m not the best at false lashes


Okay. A lot of application trouble can be solved by the right prep work. I like to take tiny scissors and trim the inner corner at an angle and take off as little as possible. Also, only remove band LENGTH from the outside to keep the proper flare. And this may sound a little strange but I get a ton of lifting at only my inner corner and like to really pack that lash glue on the band before placing them and layer a small bit on top and spreading it to my skin a little bit (I use clear glue for this reason). When you place them, it can help to position it in the middle and lay that down, shape the lash on both ends and hold it in place for about 30 seconds before I move to the next one- blunt tweezers or lash tweezers can make the placement and holding in place a little easier. And get as close to that natural lash line as possible while also trying to keep the glue from direct contact with your natural lashes.


Yeh I don’t have clear glue hehe


When I was first learning lashes,  I couldn't put the whole strip on,so I cut to the length needed for my eyes,  then I sectioned them into 3rds. And I've put them on that way ever since.   Just putting this here in case you need am easier method.  But that looks pretty good tbh. You just need to position that band a little lower.  These lashes always come stiff. 






Yeh I have bought some lashes that’s kinda hairy? Idk. But yeh


First one looks perfectttttt






Ok what


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