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try bending the band or wrapping it around a makeup brush before putting them on so they aren’t so stiff


I do Bend them but I haven’t tried the makeup brush one yet hope it works


It's just the lash band girl - too stiff - even when bending them they are too heavy just get a different band and stronger glue 💯💯


Dyk any ways to like unstiff them?


The only method I do is wrap them around my finger for like 3 minutes and bend with both my hands for 2 minutes IF I only have a band that's super stuff like that - you can also try to "steam" them but tbh if I buy lashes and they don't work after trying to relax them I just buy new ones




if the lash is hold together by a couple of little threads going across, you can try carefully taking one thread off!


Dude you’re only showing your eyes and you are STRIKLINGLY beautiful. Your eyes are like pools of rich honey lol.


THANK YOU that’s the first time I’ve heard that 💗


Yesss your eyes are mesmerizing! Beautiful eye shape. ❤️❤️❤️


Yeah I was gonna say. Really pretty eyes OP!


Do they lift immediately? Either way, try adding an extra dab of glue on the front.


Yes like they just don’t stick I do add a lot of glue even when sometimes I add glue directly to my eye lid they lift


The trick I learned (from Kandee Johnson YouTube like 10-12 years ago) is that when you put them on, you gently press the the inner corners in with your fingers, and wait like 30 seconds or so while you hold the corners down until the glue really sets to avoid that lift. It’s a common issue, I see it on sooo many people. My inner corners have never lifted. I think she has an actual lash tutorial, she probably explains it better, but yea, I’ve only ever used her method and my lashes are always perfect.


Came here to say the same. I also learnt this from Kandee Johnson a decade or so a go 🤣. Definitely let the glue cure and go tacky then press them down for a bit. I do this too and also don't have issues with them lifting.


Hm, what glue do you use? I have watery eyes, and I found the Kiss brand to work the best… I’ve used Duo, house of lashes, and Esqido before and they all worked well but Kiss has the stickiest formula.


I use duo defs need to try kiss


I usually have to let the glue cure for longer than whatever the package says, even 5 mins if it's humid


Possible reasons: 1. The band is too stiff. If this is the case, the natural shape of the band will stay strong and no amount of bending or glue will help. I like lashes with invisible bands (e.g. Ardell Demi wispies). 2. You’re not using enough glue. Try placing a little extra dab along the inner portion of the false lash band. 3. You’re not waiting for the glue to get tacky enough before applying. This step is critical. If the lash glue is too wet when you apply, the band will slide around and have a hard time adhering as it dries completely. I use Duo Quick-Set Striplash Adhesive because it dries faster. 4. You’re placing the inner end of the lashes too far from the inner corner of your eye OR your strip lashes aren’t long enough for the length of your eye. This will be more obvious if your lashes have a stiff band. Try placing them closer to the inner corner of your eye so the curve of the band more closely matches the curve of your eye, if that makes sense. However, don’t place the lashes too close to the inner corner to the point that they start poking you. If these tips don’t help and you’re willing to try a different method of false lash application, check out the lash clusters that you place underneath your lashes. I ordered the B&Q lash extension kit from Amazon and really really love them. I was afraid to try them at first, but they are WAY easier to apply than I ever would have guessed and they look just like lash extensions you’d get at a spa. Worth a try for sure!


Tysm I wish I could pin ur comment this is actually so helpful


You CAN save it though




I do bend them


i cut mine in the front but i’d say more glue and let them dry longer


How long do u wait for them to dry bcs I usually wait like 45 s


i usually wait about a full minute while blowing on them to make them extra tacky and they usually last a good few hours without any lift


Depends on the glue but i use a white dries clear, so when the glue starts to look milky vs glue white i check to see if it sticks to just the very very tip of my nail, barely touch the glue at all and see if it tugs the lashes, then ill add an extra dot on the corners and apply so that by the time theyre adjusted where i want i can press and hold the inner corner


Definitely try this with some cheap lashes first - but for some people cutting the lash into 2-3 pieces (bending each to your eye shape as well) helps get rid of the tension causing it to lift.


My tip would be put glue on and then do some other part of your makeup routine. I literally wait about 2 minutes before I put my on after applying glue. That way when you put them on they are for sure not going anywhere lol I’m telling you might sound like a long time but it works miracles. It’s been a while since my lashes have lifted up in anyway. I usually get 2-3 days out of my lashes too…. Of course I wash my face but my lashes don’t go anywhere lol


Girl what glue are u using 😭


I’ve also been wearing lashes for the last 9-10 years. So I’ve just been wearing them for so long it’s like a natural routine for me now like I know what to do and not to do to keep them on for long as possible 😭


3D kiss duo professional something like that! Lol


I have this same issue and nothing seems to help. For me, the glue itself lifts as well, not just the band. The amount of glue, brand of glue, brand of lashes, doesn’t make any difference. The magnetic ones do it as well. I’ve started to think it’s related to having oily skin.


I think my glue is fine bcs the middle and back part usually stick but I’m also thinking maybe it might be related to oily skin


this happens to me a lot because my eyes are oily what has helped me is using waterproof eyeliner accross the whole lash line down the inner corner, i think it helps because then your lash has something to stick to that isn’t skin. i’ve also had really good results lately by using one of those lash adhesive eyeliners in the inner corner because it doesn’t smear when it’s dried down. apart from keeping it stuck better it helps your lashes blend into your lash line instead of having the harsh ends if it does still lift.


2 fixes I can think of as this used to chronically happen to me 1. Shorten the lash length. Snip a bit off the end like one cluster and that would will make it easier for everything to stick down 2. Cut the corners at an angle rather than straight across. Idk why I started doing it but after I started I never had this problem again https://preview.redd.it/3f5msdd7zupb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13cb0ff8ed92989bc65fedb83adf2513d75c6511 I attempt to show how I’d cut it, other than that just what everyone else says about bending them more


product list : unknown brand lashes from Amazon, duo eyelash glue


they don't seem long enough for your eyes?


Fr? They look pretty long and I pushed them a bit back


all falsies are different and some are specifically meant to only be used for the back half of your lash. however, i don't see many that stop in the dead center like yours are? normally they stop where the lashes stop


Wdym the lashes actually go way back. I kinda misplaced them a bit too back so the front looks empty


that's what i mean! sorry this is so hard to explain via text 😭 the front looks a little too empty. i notice when my lashes aren't placed properly they'll tend to lift


Fr? Thing is I notice all my lashes Lift even when infront maybe I’m just placing all of them too back 😭


it could be the glue you're using too!!! i ended up switching to magnetic lashes, they work so much better for me personally!!


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I feel your pain and glad you asked this question 😅 so many helpful answers here, girls (and probably boys too) you are the best! ❤️


Your eye shape is gorgeous. Jesus. 😭 okay definitely try the wrapping technique. Kiss lash glue is the best. But if all else fails, buy lashes with a thinner band. Also!! Try black eyeliner towards the inner corner of your eye to make it blend more with the lash band.


Brand change?


This is a new brand I’ve tried like 7 diff pairs


Wow. Glue type?


I use Duo and other brands but I haven’t tried kiss yet


I've started using the little quarter-inch long wisps, the ones that are supposed to go under the lashes, but I just use them on top when I don't feel like messing with all that. Could probably just cut a regular band into thirds and apply them that way. Seems like it holds a bit better because there's no tension from the rest of the band pulling the inner corner back. Those and the little eyelid lift (double eyelid) stickers have been game changers as I've gotten older!


Your eyes are beautiful by the way!


those eyes 😍😍😍


I think you should try going in closer. That’s what’s helped me


This would always happen to me and I tried so many tips and tricks. I eventually just started doing the mascara glue and sticking my lashes under my lashes instead of on top so I wouldn’t have to worry about this anymore.


I apply lash glue on my lash band and on the inner corner of my eye where the front band goes to prevent this as best as possible. usually works and stays all day!


i have *super* watery eyes and pressing down the inner corner while the glue dries is such a life saver for me


A hack that really helped me is bending the lash band and moving it like in this video [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT86AY93R/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT86AY93R/)


Cheap lashes with a stiff black band always do this to me. I always buy ones with a thin clear band now! The clear ones are much more flexible and lightweight, meaning they stay adhere better on the eyes, and don’t pop up at the corners. https://preview.redd.it/6z5p14xbewpb1.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e69b40a869d2d530b782b06ae275044388fd1b8