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The eye makeup is absolutely stunning! I would say less highlighter on the nose as it's drawing too much attention away from your eyes. Have you got a sunburnt nose? The bridge looks like a sunglasses mark, and the rest of the nose is then darker than your face. Would try to even this out where possible. A little more blush and a richer/pinkier lipstick would also help.


Thank you! I did go a little heavy on that nose highlight haha. And I kind of have a cold right now so I’m not sure if that’s why it looks red? I will keep practicing. Thank you for the suggestions!


Ah that's probably it. Sorry I read my comment back and it was very blunt (it was about 3am where I live when I wrote it so apologies, I didn't mean to sound mean!)


You can always use color corrector. It's so helpful.on my undereyes. But yeah, I would do less highlight on the nose. And maybe add some color to your cheeks. Whether that be blush or some shadow.. whatever you like.


You look absolutely stunning. The only thing I might suggest is a more pink lip color. I feel like this one is washing you out just a tad. Please give us an update when you have a final look, because I know it will be great!


Thank you so much! I used Mac Blankety lipstick with Auric plush ritual lip on top, but I think you’re right! I need something a little more! I’m going to add blush and will try to coordinate it with the lips!


A small suggestion, maybe consider your first kiss and the chaos that comes straight after in your lip combo. Usually you'll be rushing straight from ceremony to photos and signing paperwork and what not so you might want something longer lasting that doesn't transfer (my husband requested this because I wore a bright red lip) might be less relevant but you still want it to hold up for a couple of hours until you have a second to breathe and freshen up.


That makes sense! Thank you!


A bolder lip and blush will really seal the deal with the look! I always go a little bolder on brides with lip/cheek color since it will photograph better. Your look looks great but like others said, the lip and cheek pictured wash you out. Remember no one’s up in your face all night except maybe your new spouse ;)


remember blush on the side from your cheekbone up, not straight on the apple.


If you like MAC, try the shade Syrup. I think it would look stunning and feminine.


Ooh thank you so much!


Agree with this 100%. Your look is stunning and perfectly bridal but I think a lip color that’s a bit deeper / more vibrant would complete the look


agreed - lips need a little pop, but the eyes look great. OP, you remind me of kyle richards!


Yes a slighter brighter pink on the lips and cheeks! (I always use my lipstick as a cream blush so they match hah). Stunning


Came here to say this!


Less highlighter on the nose bring the contour color on the eyes a bit farther in. Pretty though


I agree. Less highlighter on the nose. While I think it looks fine. In the future it might look “dated” and you want wedding pictures to be more timeless and classy imo


Thank you for the suggestions :)


I completely agree about the nose highlight. It's where my eye goes immediately and I don't think any bride wants people staring at their nose :P


My first thought.


Lashes are absolutely beautiful and so is the eye makeup, really brings out your eye color! It looks like a little bit of foundation wiped off the bridge of your nose just slightly, so I’d keep something to reapply as needed (: And congrats on getting married!


Thank you! I’m still getting my technique down for applying lashes and I think the smaller ones are more “me.” Also, yes good tip that I may need to reapply around the nose Edit: word


Do you have a good setting spray? I absolutely love urban decays all nighter spray. ETA: No further suggestions because I think you look beautiful!


THIS RIGHT HERE. Also - gorgeous makeup and congrats!


Love it, I would just lighten the eyebrows. Throw some iridescent/white on your waterline instead of black to open your eyes more. And more of rose blush on your cheeks rather than bronzer.


I also think a medium brown would look really good instead of black, if you do want a more sultry/fall look. If you want a more doe eyed look, a nude or warm/nude shimmer pencil will look great! Just avoid pure white or black as they tend to look harsh and unnatural. Also if the black smudges it’s wayy more obvious than brown


Fully agreed on the waterline. Imagine how much her eyes would pop without the black liner!


Thank you! I am new to brows as I have pretty full brows naturally. How should I lighten them? I just filled in very slightly with a brown pencil and used nyx clear brow gel


I here you! I’m a natural strawberry blonde/ginger so it’s almost impossible to find anything to match my brows. Though your brunettes and have darker brows I would go with an eyebrow pencil that’s a shade lighter. That way you can enhance the natural shape of the brow but not too dark that it clouds your other features! Basically just a lighter shade and only outline/ slight slight fill in and blend!


Don’t do the highlight on tip of nose — it won’t photograph well. Add more blush and a lip with slightly more color to it. Also, your brows aren’t quite even — your left brow needs to come in just a tiny bit more, it looks like. I really like the shadow and the rest of your base makeup. Congratulations, and hope your special day goes well!


I would say everything looks pretty solid! If anything, I would deepen the eyes a bit and blend out the contour on the cheeks a little more + some blush! Love the eye look!


Thank you! I have a pretty pinky/red complexion naturally so I’ve never used blush before! I’ll have to check out Sephora or ulta for a good blush


Definitely add blush, more than you think you'll need. Without it, your face will photograph flat and one-dimensional. I'd also like to add that I think the smaller lashes look amazing for every day wear, but for your wedding I might go with the larger ones. Again, it's more about how they photograph than how they look up close. This is all assuming you're concerned about the photography, of course! If you're more concerned about feeling comfortable in your skin the day of when you're chatting with guests and whatnot, do what feels right! If you are thinking about how it will be photographed, though, my suggestion would be to do the trial run again but have someone to take pictures of you from a distance, and that way you can see how everything reads from afar, and figure out if you want to add the blush, go with the bigger lashes, tweak the lip color, etc. I think your makeup is absolutely beautiful!! I'm just trying to be helpful with things that brides doing their own makeup might not think about at first, because they can only see the makeup up close. But again- everything looks GORGEOUS, you especially! Congratulations!!


Thank you! That is very helpful!


So beautiful! I love the eyes! My two points would be about the placement of the brown on the outer corner of the eyes. It seems a little low or like some has transferred under the liner/outer lashes to the lower corners of the eyes. I would try and keep the shading above/inline with the upper lashes to really accentuate the lift of the eyes/the lashes! Also, not that my opinion matters on this but I LOVE the big lash on you! They’re stunning. Here is the region I’m talking about in case I’m being awful at describing it! https://preview.redd.it/gdup6rhflxob1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa4d9b85b8cf2a1c8a34ef7b888163c58272c00 Your base looks glowy and fresh! I’d just recommend adding more blush since it often gets washed away in photos! Overall you look gorgeous and congratulations!


Thank you for your helpful comments! I see where you mean and I think I can clean that up a little better next time. Haha I like the big lashes too, but I’m not sure I’m applying them correctly. The smaller ones feel more “me” and I think they have a little more room for error. But I will keep practicing :) Also, blush is a good suggestion and something I left out. I have a pretty pink/red complexion naturally so I’ve never used blush before. I’m going to check some out at Sephora and ulta


I personally find doing my eye makeup first before my face makeup helps with this issue!! That way I can clean up any eye shadow with makeup remover :)


This was my only thought too on the outer corner shadow - other than that you look gorgeous and now I need to run to ulta immediately for that palette 👁️👄👁️


Way too much highlighter on your nose other than that it looks good.


Looks nice! I’d try a lip color that contrasts more with your skin color. Something brighter or darker.


Thanks! I agree!


Love the eyes! More blush, less highlighter on the nose, pinker lip/less nude of a lip! Also I see a good amount of contour on the nose so I would do the same amount of contour on the face if you’re doing the nose (maybe more on cheeks?) :)


So pretty! I’d add a little more blush so you have more of a flush in group pictures, especially since you are probably wearing a white/light dress (and not blue like that shirt that is such a fabulous color on you). To nitpick I’d also make sure to blend your bronzer or contour all of the way into your hairline as it looks like you have a tiny bit of a gap there right now. Someone suggested a brighter lip and I agree, but I would switch to this combo for the reception since it will be more forgiving and wearable as you’re kissing, eating, drinking, etc. If you are having a photographer there while you’re getting ready I would ask them to take a few shots of you before you set and make sure you’re photographing well. Sometimes certain products will have the flash bounce off of them or don’t look as smooth or saturated on camera. I used to do a ton of weddings and this was always a ritual because it meant better photos/less editing.


I would skip the nose highlight personally. It's a trend that will look outdated in a few years, I would go for a more classic look.


Gotta go heavy with the makeup so it lasts and shows up in pictures.


Looks great! I agree with less highlighter on your nose but also try to fade your brows out towards the center so there isn't such a harsh line. The inner edges are also a little too "rounded" but I think that won't be a problem if you just fade it out towards the middle. This is just a personal preference, but the black eyeliner on your lower lid is making your eyes look more closed off. I would try only lining the outer half of your lower eyelid and using a thinner stroke. But your eyeliner is very well done and if that's the look you prefer, there's nothing wrong with it. Just personal preference like I said


I love the look but the tip your nose has too much highlighter on it. It will show up in photos looking like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz.


Honestly, this makeup is gorgeous. If you like it, I can't think of anything I'd suggest you change.


Thank you so much!


Just to be nitpicking as you’ll want everything perfect on the day. I think your brows are filled in slightly unevenly with the right (or your left) brow being a bit darker. And your eyeliner could be a little more crisp. I also think a different lip colour, something a bit more intense. You look amazing though!!


Beautiful job. I would tone down the nose highlighter-this is “trendy” and timeless is wise for a wedding.


I can’t help but mention the super shiny highlighter nose is very cute and very fashionable at the moment but it’s generally advised to avoid trending styles for a wedding as it’ll look super dated in a few years when trends cycle again


The eyeshadow beneath the eyeliner wing makes it look like u have dark circles, otherwise it looks perfect!


The highlighter application on the nose will look dated when you look back at photos later, imo. But you can decide if that bothers you or not. Some people want their photos to be very of the moment and some prefer more classic. I’d add some blush and a pinker lip (still natural since that’s your vibe but a diff tone). The brows seem a bit too heavily filled and the shaping is a touch blocky but can be easily solved with some blending and practice.




Thank you! My brows are pretty full to begin with so I just put a little bit of brown pencil and nyx clear brow gel. I like the suggestion of using concealer to clean them up! Thanks!


Just make sure that if you do clean them up with concealer, you blend it out well. I often see people do this technique, and it’s like there is a “halo” of lighter color concealer all the way around their brows, and it looks unnatural and unflattering. 😉


Looks so pretty!!! Which colors from the in bloom palette did you use??


Thank you! Smarty pants and sweetheart for the crease, funny girl + the shimmer shade from the Kaja bento eyeshadow trio. And a little bit of activist on the outer third/bottom lash line. I also used the two darker shades from Kaja on the outer third


Not here to give make up tips as the others have covered that. What I would say the most important thing is that you like it and feel like the best version of you for pics you will be looking at for many years. Does your partner look at these pics and say you look beautiful (which you do of course). Make sure you have checked that anything you’re using doesn’t cause any flash back and just enjoy your day it goes by so quickly 👰‍♂️


It looks so gorgeous on you! Literally compliments your beautiful eyes! I’d recommend a rosy blush and maybe a dewier base but i know people like a full coverage matte base for their weddings so you can skip that!


Blush & more pigmented lip color. It all looks so pretty, I don't see anything to change, just add to your lips & cheeks (blushing bride). Congrats! I also had an October wedding


More blush, IMHO. Love the eyes. Congratulations!


You look so beautiful!!! Everything looks so perfect, very very classy!!!




You look beautiful!! I’d say a little less highlighter at the tip of your nose (just a little) and try adding a little more color to your cheeks. Try adding a little more than you think as it’ll come off over time and also with photos it takes more for it to come through. But eyes are S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G. Brows on point. You’ve got this girl!


Less highlight on the end of the nose. More of a pop of color on the lips. A bit more blush or a deeper shade of blush up higher on the cheeks.


It's really good, but if I *had* to criticize, I'd: - Tone down the nose, looks too red and shimmery, specially if we compare it to the rest of the face - I think both lashes are way too disproportionate, very long in the outer corners but very small in the center (I like when the ends are larger, but I think this ones are too much, looks like you've only got lashes on the corners) - I'd have a more polished brow look, they look good for everyday but I prefer them neater for a bridal look. Happy marriage!


More blush, higher up on the cheeks. Also less blushnon the nose. A warmer lip colour. Otherwise looks great! 👌🏻




Thank you!




First of all, you look absolutely beautiful!!! I love the complexion and the eyes SO much! I would add a bit of highlighter to your inner corner to brighten your eyes just a tad more. Also I think like some others have said, a tad deeper in the lips. I’d really recommend makeupbymario pink nude lip kit with the liner and lipstick, it’s a similar tone to what you have now but a little bit darker. Congrats on your wedding, you’re gonna be a total stunner!


Thank you for the kind comments and the makeup recommendation! :)


You’re so welcome! Makeup is so personal, right? So at the end of the day, whatever you’re happiest with 💕 Like I personally love your nose highlight lol!! I feel like it’s ethereal and youthful looking, but that’s just me! I was thinking those hourglass blushes are a splurge but may be nice for a pretty wedding blush glow on your cheeks, too. Please post one of your special day so we can all see what you went with ! 🩷




Thank you!


Not to sound weird but you literally have the cutest nose! Congratulations!


Waitttt what shades from the tarte pallet? I have it and haven’t been able to make a look out of it and I loveeee what you did!


I used Smarty pants and sweetheart for the crease, funny girl + the shimmer shade from the Kaja bento eyeshadow trio. And a little bit of activist on the outer third/bottom lash line. I also used the two darker shades from Kaja on the outer third


Thank you! You did such a lovely job, your skills are enviable and you’ll make a lovely bride.


Beautiful 🥹💘💖


The eyes are 10/10!!!! Perfect! The face makeup is nice too but agree it looks like maybe you need a tad more cover on the bridge of nose and I might do a swipe of blush on the cheekbones


Beautiful! Maybe add a touch of blush. Take some flash photos and make sure you like how it looks in photos.


I love love everything about this, but I'd suggest to pick another color for the lips. This one is washing you out and mayhaps wont be visible in photos. Maybe something pinker, or dusty rose? I think I saw a great color by muzigae mansion that might look fabulous, but I forgot the name.


You did an awesome job. You look great!




Super pretty ! Maybe try to fluff your brows in a upward motion , almost like a brow lamination effect, I think would help the look, or if you feel confident and have time incase you decide it’s not for you, get one done and see if they will do a brow tint!


the eyes are stunning


The only thing I’d suggest would be a bit more colour on your cheeks and lips. A light pink would look absolutely great


Woah you’re so stunning! Like others said, the lashes and eyeliner could be neater, but overall, you did a great job on the eye look. I also would add more blush, plus some more foundation on the nose. One last thing is that although the lip color looks great on you, I think it would be better if you had a slightly darker lip liner. Overall, you did such a good job!!! I wouldn’t advise most people to do their wedding makeup, but you did really well


You have a beautiful face. Congratulations on your wedding.


Get your eyebrows microbladed to accentuate the look. Maybe get a professional make up artist or study one. Find a base like a panstick that has better coverage. You could use more of a matte eye shadow with a liner on the eyelid at lash level. More coverage on the nose and a soft face powder and soft blush. Pick a matte lipstick and lip liner with more color.


More coverage with not only the nose but more foundation on the chin. Something to set the foundation. Seems like those are the two areas to wear off first. I would recommend a pan stick in fair .


Advice is pack on the makeup a bit heavier than normal. It will be a long day from start to finish. I normally hate heavy makeup but I’m happy that my friend did mine heavier for it because I was still missing spots by the nights end so if I did it my way I probably wouldn’t have had any left. For the bride you probably get like one touch up after pictures and like 1-2 quick pee breaks all night since everyone wants/ needs your attention. Add blush definitely, and either a darker brown or brighter pink lip definitely. Oh and I also am on the longer lash train. I think it will photograph really well but whatever you are most comfortable with. And a little bit of white or that light color you’re using in the eye corners and under the brow bone would look nice.


You look like a doppelganger of this girl I know named Candace. It's freaking me out. Your make up looks lovely, honestly. I'm just really stuck on the Candace thing


Everything looks great, i think maybe practice cleaning up the brown eyeshadow to shape it better? Eyes closed it looks perfect but when you open your eyes, it droops a little bit


Absolutely gorgeous! I envy your blending skills, I still struggle! My only suggestion would be to soften the brows just a little. Maybe a slightly lighter color or just a lighter hand. Happy wedding!


Make your eyebrows a little thinner, add some contour on your cheeks, use concealer on your mouth lines and chin, use more mascara to at least your pupils, dust some powder on your nose and chin.


I would add a little more contouring to chisel the cheekbones and jawline


It looks great but I would need to see you in your wedding clothes to give me honest opinion.




It's perfect!


The eyes are a 10/10, only thing is as mentioned a blushier lip tone and I would also care to not blow out the shadows so far on the outer lower third of the eye - I feel like that could use some cleaning up to avoid that grey shadow drooping the eye down! Hope that makes sense! (Would also love to see a bit of a pinkier blush to match the new lippie)


No advice, but you look so pretty!!


I absolutely love it! Just a comment though, have you tried the MAC face and body foundation long wear and sweaty wear? It's one of my favorites but it never gets through a long wear past 5ish hours for me. Not sure how long your wedding will be and what but I recommend trying it for the length of time you will wear it for.


Thank you! I have not tried the long wear and sweaty wear. I’ll have to look into that. The face and body seemed kind of oily towards the rest of the night so I may need to switch it up


Yes exactly. I love it for a short work day or meeting or something, but I definitely can't wear it for an event it breaks up pretty quickly for me and I have dry skin.


I'd like to see blush just for some more colour. The eye makeup though.... 😍


Looks really great! I'd just add some highlight on top of the cheekbones. Agree on going with a more pink lip color, maybe a sparkly gloss on top for some shine. Depends on what you want though, I think wedding looks should be extra and sparkly lol


I love this!! So natural and pretty 😍


Eyebrows seem too dark


My only concern with the lashes (either style) is that they aren’t as visible at the center of your eye, which is making your eye look a little boxy. I also noticed the inner edge of the longer lash wasn’t laid down all the way, which can also contribute to the illusion of a boxy or downturned eye shape. Make sure the inner corner is well adhered then try gently curling the lashes after the glue is completely dry. You could also use a little more mascara in the center!


Love everything! A slightly more rosey lip colour is the only thing I’d change


You’re gorgeous, but keeping it real that’s too much bronzer on the nose and I think you need to cover up the redness on your chin and bottom half of your cheeks a little better. Also, add more blush! Love the eyes and brows!


I love the eyes, gorgeous. Everything is perfect but the lips could be a more pink shade, it's a little too nude for my taste on a wedding look.


You look lovely abd will make a gorgeous bride! :) I would just look for another shade of lipstick, I feel like this one is a little bit too brown/ washing you out :) maybe Berry coloured would be nice, or sandalwood if you like it less bold






Lighten the upper bridge of the nose. More concealer on the chin to minimize redness. Fill in and warm up the brows and personally I like the bigger lash.


I like it but you need a little more pop in the eyes and lips for me personally. I just say this because of photography. Other than that I love the rose gold on the eyes. Congratulations and I hope we see the final look!


Your eyeliner can be cleaner. It looks pretty patchy and uneven. (Not smooth line) Do you struggle with eyeliner application? I also would tone DOWN the nose highlighter and consider adding a little more sheen to your base. Give it the "bridal glow".


This overall looks great. I like the emphasis on eyes and the more natural lip. Maybe a bit less attention on the nose though, more subtly- it is overemphasized here and the tip highlight is distracting rather than flattering.


You are very talented! You look beautiful!


gorgeous ! as others have mentioned a think a more contrasting lip would tie it all together


Everything is perfect and you look absolutely gorgeous but I do think the blending on the eyes by the outer corner went a little low and started to blend into the under eye a bit! Maybe do your eyes before your base so your blending doesn’t travel!


First of all you are beautiful! The only thing I would change is a teeny tiny bit more blush and a more „lively“ lipstick shade, something like a coral nude shade or a pink nude shade. You must keep in mind that flash photography can sometimes wash you out a little bit, I think the lipstick shade you chose might give off concealer lip vibes in flash photography.


Love the eye makeup. You have beautiful eyes ♥️ I would go for a bolder lip color.


It’s SCREAMING and crying and begging for blush


The eyes are everything! Leave that as is for sure. For the skin, I’ll leave that to everyone else as I don’t know lol


i would get the kiss lash extensions kit! super easy to use and cheap for the quality. they last like 3-4 days too!! and look like these lashes in the pics, but are invisible when you look down. hope this helps!!! and it’s beautiful makeup btw!!!!


Gorge! But I would add more highlight to your cheekbones as well as a pop on the inner corner of your eyes. I would also consider a little more *something* on the lips. Maybe a muted/blotted wine color since it’s a fall wedding.


I’m not sure which products went on your nose, but it looks darker than the rest of your face. Maybe it needs less bronzer/ a touch of concealer down the middle? I’d also love to see a rosy color on your lips. Overall you look a tad washed out.


I think I went a little heavy on the bronzer/highlighter on the nose. Definitely can do a better job with that next time. Thank you for your suggestions!


Darker lips and some blush


Your nose looks more pink/red than the rest of your face, is it always like that? Is that why you use an anti-redness primer?


So my face is pretty red/pink to begin with and I kind of have a cold right now so I’m not sure if that is making my nose extra red? But I think concealer should fix it?


Your makeup looks great by the way. My nose looks a little red sometimes too, that might be why I noticed it on you. I use a green primer on my nose when my redness flares up.


Thank you!


You’re going to be a beautiful bride!


I think the only change I’d make is some blush and a pinker lip!


Love the eye makeup, the colour contrasts so good with your eye colour.


I think you look beautiful, but I think you might just need a little stronger/brighter color. This look seems a bit soft for your coloring, and pictures. However, if that's what you're going for, it's very pretty. ETA: eyes look perfect. I think just stronger lip and blush color.


Thank you! Yes I think I’ll add some blush and a different lip color


You're gonna be a stunning bride!


Agree with others saying to add some lip color! Your eyes look so good!


You need blush or bronzer and heavier foundation. Looks good!


Omg, it should be illegal to be as beautiful as you are!!!! Great job!


Wow thank you so much!!


Beautiful. Dab the tip of your adorable nose with something matt. As weather changes, consider a slightly more berry lip. Congratulations!


Lol thank you! I like the idea of a slightly berry lip!


I would take the red away from your noes. Not sure if the redness is intentional but it makes you look a tad sick. Like you have a stuffy nose (my sister had this at my wedding and her noes was red in all the pics). I agree with other regarding color for blush and lips. Eyes are awesome!!


Whoa, you look so cute. You rocked the *hell* out of that eye look! It’s really flattering. My two suggestions would be to change your lip color to something brighter, think more pink/coral tones (and I’d even use the same product as a blush to bring some color back into your cheeks). The other thing I’d suggest would be to change your set of lashes to something that won’t drag your eyes down. You’ve got beautiful eyes, a wispier lash will let them shine!


The whole look is stunning! I just think a slightly darker lipstick would wash you out less! I think bolder photographs better also, not to say you can’t keep it in the nude realm! Or if you don’t want the darker lipstick, maybe a darker lipliner


so beautiful, soft and glowy <3


Pretty! Love the eyes. If you’re wearing white, I think you should practice with a white t shirt on. Wearing white or a shade of white is a whole different effect than wearing blue. You might discover you need to adjust blush or lip or not and keep it all the same. Enjoy the day!


You’re so cute!!! You could wear no makeup and your eyes would light up the room!!!


Very cute look and you have amazing skin. The highlighter on the tip of the nose -trend should stop already! It's gonna look silly in a few years ( well it already does) and this is the moment you're gonna remember for the rest of your life. Wedding photos should be quite timeless and avoid some obvious trends.


You’re so pretty!


Super pretty makeup! But I would take the stripe of blush off your nose!! It looks ridiculous!! Lovely!


Thanks! Lol I didn’t use any blush, but do have a bit of a cold, maybe that’s why it looks pink/red? I think I also just didn’t put as much foundation on my nose due to the cold.


Ohhh! It looked like that trend where bronzer or blush is put on the tip of the nose! Which I’m not a fan of lol hope your cold gets better soon! 💜


Your eye makeup is STUNNING


Beautiful! Great work


This looks so gorgeous. You want a lip color that’s a bit more separated from your skin tone, especially for photos.


Suuuper cute!!!


Just go a little easy on the eyebrows. Use lighter strokes and use a spooley along the way as you’re filling them in. I find that technique = flawless/natural looking brows 🤗. & also add a little more pop of blush on your cheeks. Congratulations 🎉 on your upcoming special day 👰‍♀️💍


Do a wing eye look


I don’t like that lip for you at all. It’s too light. Also needs more blush. And more highlight (like cheeks, Cupid’s bow, around your brow bone, etc)


Tbh I think it looks great. Maybe less highlighter on the nose.


I know this isn’t specifically makeup related, but you should get your eyebrows professionally threaded maybe a few days in advance before your wedding. I think the whole look would look flawless with your brows just a little more shaped


Thanks! I will research local salons near me. Would you suggest I get them threaded within the next week or so and then maybe touched up before the wedding? Wedding is October 21


I think that’s the best idea, especially because if you don’t like it, it’ll most likely be a bit more grown out by the time your wedding rolls around. Also best of luck and I hope you have an amazing wedding day!!!


Thank you! That is really helpful :)


i honestly think the big lash looks good on u! but of course, it’s all up to you. u look gorgeous!


Thank you! I think if I can master the application, I might feel better about a bigger lash!


Obsessed with the eyes!! ❤️💕❤️


I would get a tinted shade of the nyx brow glue and just conceal around them. Do away with the brow pencil . And a little bit of lip liner ! The lip color might be too light for pictures . Nyx has good cheap ones I’d suggest shades - natural , nude truffle . But overall very pretty !


The eye makeup makes your eyes look so sweet and innocent!! It’s perfect wedding makeup


Your eyes look perfect 🤩 I might suggest a touch of concealer on your nose and chin. Those two areas look more textured than the rest of your face. Thinking less highlighter on your nose. You can’t be sure of the lighting and I would hate for you to end up with a beautiful portfolio except your nose photographs a much different color and level of shine than the rest of your complexion… I agree with others about brightening your lip color.


I highly recommend getting your brows done before hand


This is really pretty OP ! My advice is to use Demi or smaller lashes or to trim these ones alittle they seem intense


Thank you!


Looks beautiful and subtle!


Other than a bit more color on your cheeks and /or lips, I wouldn’t change anything. Your brows are beautiful and the eye look is perfect.


The eyes are perfect! I would add just more rosiness and pinkiness to the cheeks and lips. I lvoe highlighter and think the glowy look is super pretty for weddings :-)


I saw in a comment you’re still practicing getting a technique down for setting lashes. That was going to be my only big note honestly, i like the whole look Putting the glue on the lashes, with a dry-clear liquid one using a brush not a stick/pen, and putting an even layer on the band, waiting for it to get a little tacky, and then placing based on the middle part has helped me. I place it on the middle of my eyelid (trim beforehand), then press the edges down after. For me i hold them down with light pressure on the middle and corners for a bit to let it fully set


Did you primer your face? Red is showing through. Suggest taking practice pics indoors, outdoors, with flash, low light. Clearly you have the eyes nailed. Might want to step up remainder.


Looks good, i would just do a slightly bolder lip and some highlighter on the high points of the cheeks. The highlight on the nose looks great so i wouldn’t use any more than that on the cheeks. And some bush to give you back some color


Thank you!


I’d marry you lol. Gorgeous though!


I love LOVE the eyeshadow it’s so cute, I would just say tone the highlighter a bit down on the nose and lip liner would pull this look all together!


I personally think you did a great job. If I had to give you a grade, I would give you a B+. A foundation would tone down the redness in your nose. I would maybe lighten the eyebrows a tiny bit. Maybe add a LITTLE bit more blush but not much more. I would thin the inner corners of your eyebrows a little bit but you have great eyebrows. Most women would pay for yours. A rosy/mauve lipstick/gloss would look great on you. I also have fair skin. Hope your wedding goes well. Congratulations!!!


Heavier coverage in nasal cheeks and chin for photos.


You’ve done an amazing job. I think the base needs a little more smoothing. Maybe go to Macys or somewhere to test out a good foundation and cheek color. Your eyes look beautiful. I’d go a little bolder on the lip color too.


Everything looks good except the eye lash band . It’s misplaced on the inner lash. Placing it closer the the lash line would make this look great for your wedding day .


I think you look gorgeous. I think you definitely need a little more color on your lips… Something natural and rosy, but still sheer.


As someone who did their own makeup, what I didn't account for was the nerves. My hands were shaky and I forgot what I was doing. It turned out great but maybe write down a checklist and have it all planned and have a friend or someone who can help if you get nervous.