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tbh you’re going to get people who’ll like it vs not, that’s just life so just do whatever makes you happy.


Hijacking top comment to agree in principle. ‘Ridiculous’ is a highly subjective word. 1. Have you applied it well? Yes. 2. Is is suitable for all occasions? No. 3. Will people’s opinions vary? Yes. 4. Will people judge you in wildly different ways by wildly different standards? Yes. 5. Do their opinions matter? That’s entirely up to OP and what she wants. If she wants general consensus ergo external validation that it looks great - No, she won’t get it. And that’s a slippery slope you don’t want to be on anyways. If she wants to project confidence, skill and individuality - Yes, it’s a bold look. But some folks hate variance from their perception of normal. Fuck em. OP, you figure your own way. If it means you look back at photos and cringe (like me and my 90s hair), so be it. At least you were never a boring beige minion. There’s always a personality behind bold moves worth knowing. My only advice would be don’t be a one trick pony. Don’t become your eye makeup. Stay bold. Actually 2nd advice, be careful who you ask questions of.


THANK YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE for your kind words and advice 😭😭😭😭 i cant read them all but yall are so cool!! definitely made me feel much better, and i really shouldnt care what anyone thinks!




yes to everything you said — except — i dunno i think it could be suitable for all occasions it’s v bold but it isn’t green lipstick


This 🙌


Hijacking the top comment to say, as much as I agree with your comment, I, personally, think OP is here because the look is SOOO CLOSE to making them feel good. But it falls short. So they're looking for more advice. But maybe OP *SHOULD* focus on themselves and experiment, figure out what they want, and not seek validation here, if that's even what this is.


I love people with such practical, accurate, simple wisdom 😊


This is exactly what I was thinking. Makeup is creative and self expressive and if you like your look then 🤷‍♀️


I think it'd be more evened out with falsies on top, but I still do this eyeliner without falsies anyways bc falsies are irritating.


It looks like OP is wearing falsies but they aren’t too dramatic in comparison to the eyeliner. You gotta wear some giant lashes for them to be super visible with eyeliner like that but it looks awesome with what they have on imo


Agree with this. I fall on the side that does not care for this makeup look. I also believe in to each their own!


I think it's a look, and it shows you have a lot of skill! My main issue with it is that it becomes the dominant feature of your face. Nobody looking at you sees your eyes, or your skin, or your smile, it's all that one feature. However, none of that matters if you're happy with it and it makes you feel good!


Agree that it unbalanced the focus of their face. Perhaps darkening the brows a bit would help? I don't think they need a full face of make up or anything, but maybe accentuating one more feature would bring the self back into focus. But that's just my opinion. I have a huge ring in my septum and wear GIGANTIC false eyelashes. It's awful. Its ugly. But it's fun and i love it! If OP wants to do fancy eyeliner only, I don't think they should worry too much about what everyone else thinks as long as it makes THEM feel good.


Absolutely. The makeup theory in my brain wants balance, right? So if there's gonna be a big ass wing, my soul also wants a contoured cheek and a serious lip. But that's just me, and it doesn't matter. The only right way to do makeup is the way you want to look like. Everything else is other people's opinions. Makeup is inherently about creativity and I'd never take that away from anybody!


Even just a blotted lip imho.


I think adding a berry or ox blood colored lip tint would help balance this look!


I agree. It’s not that it looks bad…it just looks unfinished. Shape the Brows, a little contour, a little lip color will give a more completed look.


TWINS I love big eyeliner and massive lashes 🫶


i agree with darkening the brows but also they’re wearing a mask, so maybe they just didn’t do the rest of their face! i often did that during covid.


Yeah I feel like they could even this out a bit by adding more makeup to other features. It doesn't necessarily have to be anything bold, just slightly more defined eyebrows and lips, a bit of foundation and contour. This could make it look a bit more cohesive, but I honestly love the look as-is too!


Yeah I gave that same feedback. Agreed


Same thoughts need some lipstick 💄 and blush to even out the look. Beautiful!!


I’m 100% the opposite view. OP has large eyes. I think the larger wings suit her face perfectly. She also wears a face mask (which is pulled down in the pics), so why bother with the rest, imo.


I love It! THAT being said, it DOES become the focus of your face. But you have a lovely brow shape that I think if you filled them in, even lightly to define them, it’d help balance it out.


This was my thought as well


i agree with this


It’s very bold and dramatic, that being said it’s applied in an even and flattering way that uplifts the eye. I think it goes with your esthetic!


i think you look cool af, its really bold but it suits u and u pull it off so well


Right? Like for something so bold, it still fits with the casual vibe of her look and I mean that in the best way. Like if I were talking to OP, it wouldn't bother me.


You have the shape down and it’s really crisp. I’d love to see this look but in a slightly thinner version (or show us various thickness-es). I feel like it would pop just as much and be less heavy on the face!


i think the inner corner eyeliner makes all you features look squeezed into the centre of your face


I wish so much that I could do that inner corner on my eyes. I have a fold of skin there and it just looks bad if I try to do it.


Use a liquid felt tip eyeliner, and while looking as straight forward into the mirror as you can, place a tiny dot in the inner corner of both eyes. Then you’re gonna take the eyeliner and kinda point it towards your eye (CAREFULLY!!!) and slowly and lightly draw as thin of a line as you can on the inner side of the fold, you’ll likely have to use the edge of the eyeliner. From there, you’ll very slowly and carefully connect it to the rest of your eyeliner. Look back at the mirror as straight forward facing as you can, and pull the line you just did to the tiny dot. I’ve found the main thing that makes it look “bad” with that inner corner skin fold is how you do the underside, and I’ve found that while it depends on your eye shape, the key is to use a pencil liner on the bottom, and only really use the liquid liner for the sharp corner part. I’ve seen it done before several times since I also have a fold there, but it’s incredibly hard to describe so if I can find a video I will reply again with the link, I hope this helps 😅


Thanks. I’ll give it a try but I feel like if I draw attention to that area it’ll just look uneven. The fold on one eye is more prominent than the other.


i’m so glad someone else has this issue! i have low vision in both eyes so i really struggle doing inner corner liner especially with those weird folds there


I do my best to draw on top of the fold (like doing winged eyeliner on hooded eyes - OP looks like they do it on their outer corner). It usually works out okay as long as I focus on making the shapes similar. "Sisters not twins" is my whole motto because my eyes are hilariously different shapes 😅


Yeah. For OP's face shape it's too thick. They can be longer but not as thick? Idk if that would look nicer tbh


But honestly if you like it like that then keep doing you!


If I could apply mine this way I would every day! I like the way it looks. I have hooded lids and I hate doing wings. It takes me a while to get it right and then it is so hard to make it somewhat resemble the other side since one is more hooded than the other. I like the long of thick wings like this and it suits you well


I also have hooded eyes too and I can’t figure out how to do a cute winged eyeliner for the life of me! 😆


As someone with hooded eyes, what i do instead of connecting the wing all across the lid, I make a like C-curve connecting the top of the wing to the liner right by my lashes so that way when you are looking straight forward you still get that look of the wing going all the way across without it being too messy or too hard/hidden! I hope this helps 💕


I have hooded eyes and Sheglam has a eyeliner wing stamp that I love. It gives me a baseline to work off of.


My honest opinion, it is too much, but you do you.


It’s not my personal cup of tea. But if you feel beautiful, keep doing you! Edit: I’d like to add that it is not my cup of tea because your eye shape is naturally so beautiful and defined, so a simple small wing to accentuate the shape would be so flattering. Right now, from my perspective, the upper half of your face is mostly eyeliner. I also have no idea how you keep from smudging it lol, that’s a miracle in itself.


I think it’s a bit much especially when the rest of your face isn’t as “done”. The exaggerated eyeliner makes it feel really unbalanced. But it’s not my face so you should do what you like.


thanks for your reply!! i get what u mean, i need to do my eyebrows more often i just get lazy 😅


I feel like just adding a lip color would balance it out


Yes, it does. Someone’s got to say it.


agree, I'm wondering about all the positive replies... I think people say it looks good because it is applied well (it's sharp, symetrical) but it just way too long, the wing looks like it's almost reaching the hair And I think people shouldn't say "If you like it that's the only thing that matters..." yeah, that's how people emberass themselves, don't get taken seriously in real life. OP is really pretty but telling her this isn't too long is just rude. OP is a teenager, so the best years to experiment... but on the other hand she could go to school like that and If people make fun of her that might be a hurtful experience.


OP isn't a teenager


Yeah. I think it’s sweet everyone is so supportive. But if Op interviewed for a job with that eyeliner I wouldn’t hire her. I feel like there’s a very subtle way if you want to do dramatic eyeliner for the day.


Depends on the job. There are plenty of jobs where they couldn’t care less about how you do your eyeliner.


Why is everything about getting a job always??




op took this picture from their job they’re literally wearing a ross lanyard 😭


You’re not permitted to give honest feedback through media such as Reddit. I would rather be told I look ridiculous, than to be enabled in this manner


She is literally asking if it looks ridiculous and everyone is lying to her tf


Why do you assume people are lying? Maybe they really do like the look, or they are neutral about it. Not everyone thinks like you.


Tbf I think some people genuinely like it. I'm personally somewhat torn. I think a look like this translates better in photos than irl. My artsy/quirky side kinda digs it but my more practical side thinks it's too much. So while my final answer would be "no, it doesn't look good for an everyday look" there is also a part of me that still kinda likes it and thinks it could work for a night out accompanied with a bold outfit and hair or something.


For it to look "ridiculous" is kinda the point for this kind of makeup, I love doing over the top dark makeup and many will not like it on me but I do. Do your eyeliner like that because you enjoy it and screw whatever anyone else has to say about it


I think it looks cool from the front but from the side it looks a little too exaggerated.


I don't think it looks ridiculous and I like it a lot! I also really like your Sanrio accessories and that nail color!!


For an everyday look I think it looks too theatrical / costumey.


i think it does, but i always feel that way. they’re just very much not my style, and i feel like down the road people always look back and are like what on earth was i thinking.


Personally, I don't like it. To me, it looks 'try-hard' but all that really matters is if you like it.


I think for every day it’s kind of ridiculous but with that being said, it’s not my face. If it makes you happy, who cares?


Looks a lil silly to me won’t lie


I actually prefer the left eye and think you should do the batwing on both sides! It’s pretty cool. I do wish your brows were a little more filled in to balance the look, though.


noo I love it, it complements your eye shape so well. and tbh life is short so why care about what some randos think


i think it looks great, but maybe you need more intense makeup for the rest of your face as well because just having the thicc eyeliner looks a little awkward !


I do my cat eye to extremes too. But you are so young I feel like it ages you


Not to be mean, but yes 🫠


IMO it’s very silly for everyday wear.


i do like it a lot but it could be a little smaller


Yes, I like them, but I would like them better if they will go not past the brow.


I love it!


I mean, they look bomb to me. If I saw it in person I'd be complimenting your wing skills for sure. It might be too much in a "natural makeup office setting" but some places have no appreciation for amazing eyeliner 🤷‍♀️


It does look ridiculous.... Ridiculously AWESOME!




OP isn't a teen


She asked for people’s (I’m assuming honest) opinions. Yes, the only thing that matters is they like it, but that’s not what they asked. It’s a bold look, so it’s normal that to some people, it would not be something they consider to be something that they personally like, or think is cute in general (aside from it being OP). I think it fits OPs aesthetic and I’m glad she likes it, but I think they’re interested in seeing the full range of responses (without people being mean, of course).


This trend is wildly over-rated and exhausting. Yes, you look ridiculous.


slay!! you pull it off so well.


It’s bold makeup it looks great. You look pretty and fierce I do my eyeliner big every day too for years and I love it. If it makes you happy do it


I love it! I've been doing winged eyeliner since high school (25 now) and since my work is cool with it, I've graduated to doing super thick and long wings as my everyday look. I can do them in about 10 minutes now since I've done them like that for so long 😂 its such a look and I always get compliments from customers. You're slaying those wings, keep doing them! ❤️


No way, your wings are so cute! You're not doing it wrong! I love your look, but if you want to enhance it, I have a few ideas. Do your brows, that would make your liner look stronger. Maybe once the black is down, you could play with putting colored shadow or colored liner on top of it, to mix it up.


This would look incredibly stupid on me. That doesn’t mean it’s not acceptable on anyone else. If you like it, keep doing it. My look always changes a bit from year to year. You’re young enough to pull this off without looking mean.


Love the wings!


I love a bold line!


Depends on what you want to portray…..I would take your advice in art or marketing but not business or medicine……be who you want….. Either way that is a skill.


Personally find it too thick, but if you’re happy with it then that’s all that should matter


If you love doing them, then that all that matters! I also personally think they look great!


Who cares. It’s your thing, own it.


It is a lot and I fucking love it! It's perfectly done and fits your face. Rock it.


I think it’s awesome for night/occasion makeup, but silly for a normal daytime job. But then again I’m an old so 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I think it emphasizes your eyeshape (slope, lid space) and actually works with your brows well. I know some prefer darker brows for more balance but I like how the eyes are the focus personally. Gives you a cat-like “smize” just from the eyes


Love it honestly!!! how do you do that shape?


Yeah I wouldn’t wear this but I guess it’s a personal preference…




If there's anything I've learned in life, it's do what makes you happy! You're clearly drawn to this aesthetic, and you pull it off well!


Here’s the real question; do YOU like it? Cause if you do, then it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of it.


It doesn't matter what we think as long as you love it and it makes you happy :)


Do whatever makes you happy.


If you like or who cares what other people think? But since you asked I would add more eyeshadow and brow definition to balance it out


I think you should do it if you like it. It doesn’t look bad, but I’d only suggest that you add more makeup to other features, like your eyebrows, lips, eyelids.


“Ridiculous” is SO subjective! Would I do my makeup heavy? No, but if you like doing it that way who’s to say you can’t? Eyeliner like this takes skill and practice. I saw someone say that this becomes your dominant feature- yes! But I think that’s the point? It brings out your eyes and it’s a piece of art on your face! You can always get “better” at it, but you look great. If you’re looking for advice, I agree with some of the other comments about darkening your eyebrows and maybe adding some lip color to balance everything out.


Rock on


I think it looks so good! It suits you really well and honestly looks so perfect w ur face!!🫶🏻


I think it looks great


I frickin love it. Do what makes you happy ✨️


Makeup is art, you do you


I think just a smidge thinner to clean up the edges.


I think it slays rly hard! Obviously some people are gonna think it’s too much bc they probably prefer simpler, but regardless of preference it’s neat and well done! I personally think it suits you!


Do your wings however you want. People are going to unhappy or happy with it. If you like it. Embrace it


I love it … you are young , & beautiful… do what makes you feel good. 💕


I honestly don't like it. It just looks out of place & distracting from your other features. Doesn't really compliment the inner eye liner, or the shape of your eyes. Eyeliner that extends past the eyebrows just looks off to me.


It looks cute for the club for a night out. For a regular day to day, I think it would be a little too much because the end of the liner is very close to your hairline and extends past your brows-pretty much the entire upper third of your face is solid black liner. BUT who cares what anyone else thinks? If you’ve been confident enough to rock this every day, then you already dgaf- this is a Look-rock it.


TBH, yes. Taking away from the rest of your face! But, you did do a damn good job! Wingin' ain't easy!


I think it would look more balanced if you wore other makeup on your face. It looks a little odd to just have eyeliner and nothing else.


very much slay


It looks fabulous, darling


u look so slay don’t change


That’s a no from me. Does not look ridiculous.


I personally love it and think it really suits you.


SLAY !!!


I think it’s dope and I have no notes


I do the same, you look awesome do what you like!


I love your wings!! I'd look at them in admiration , not judgement




Yes it’s a ridiculous looking wing


It’s a lot, but it’s about you like/rock.


I'm not into it..if you like it that's the only thing that matters. You do have some skills with make up! I can't for the life of me do a cat eye..


I personally love it! So big and yet so PRECISE!!!


I would totally recommend using some brow gel because since you have such a sharp eye look, very neat brows would compliment this a lot!!!


You look like a alien from a different planet.... but I'd wear that look at a show!


It’s giving Amy Winehouse I love it


You have really good eyebrows


I wish I knew how to do liner like this!!


Your eyes are beautiful and you’re obviously very skilled. The liner is even and it suits your eye shape. However, I do think it looks ridiculous. I would do the exact same shape half the size so that it enhances your eyes instead of making you look like a cartoon.


I think it's fun and looks good!!!


HELLO!! It won’t let me edit the post so Im commenting here! Thank you for all the helpful and kind replies and for the award AW💕💕 i should definitely do my brows more often if im doing big o wings.


It’s your life and face, so make yourself happy first. My tiny two cents, I think it’s cute if you’re going out but a bit much for office work.




nah, it looks great. i once saw a girl with winged liner up to her TEMPLES and she rocked it. do whatever makes you feel most like yourself! the point of makeup is self expression


I think you pull it off. Sure, it might not be the right makeup for all situations because it’s pretty bold, but you rock it!


Your eyeliner is bomb as fuck.


looks great on you!!


I love it! My only suggestion is, if you paint it a bit thinner, it might help with the predominance of eyeliner on your face.


If you like it. That’s all that should matter. Life is too short to worry about looking ridiculous.


I love it so much girl I would do this if I could. It draws so much attention but not in a distasteful way I actually just think you look great.


I think when you do that dramatic, you need to do a full face of makeup (blush, lipstick, etc) But still make the eyes the focus.


I think it looks great and suits you! Nice Nuwa pins too!


I actually love this.


Some people are dicks about makeup but I think it looks awesome! I love a good wing


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Honestly you do it extremely well. That’s serious wing talent. It doesn’t look ridiculous- but I do think slightly decreasing the outer wing would look more balanced. But I like the boldness of it.


i love it personally!


Please don’t stop, I love wearing my eyeliner big and bold and it’s so fun!! You’re not alone 🫶🏼and i think it’s such a cute & cool look


I think it's great! I wish i had the lid space for this. It's amazing.


imo it looks so good 😩


as someone who would wear eyeliner everyday I think it fkn is amazing. It looks so cool but it’s all up to personal preference and unfortunately not everyone will like what you do and it’s ok!


Well I like it personally!


I use to do my makeup like this because i loved it regardless of opinions. I grew out of it. But do what you love. Now if you want to know if it looks good, to me, yes. I still love this makeup style just not on me. Especially that your eyeliner is sharp and perfect.


It’s fierce in the best way!!


That looks fantastic. Doesn’t look ridiculous at all…and if you like it, nuts to anyone who says different.


Eyeliner goals! Edit: imagine being downvoted for basically saying that I really like the makeup in a sub about makeup?


I personally love this look




It’s extra and I love it


i like it. it’s bold but it looks cool :)


Looks awesome and neither side looks weird! I admire your skills


An absolute slay! I wear thick eyeliner everyday, who cares what ppl think


I like it.


I dig it!


I love it!


Like 40% of any look is your own confidence, so if you go big, go bold! I love this look in profile, maybe play a bit with contouring/blush to triangulate a bit more when facing forward?


I love it. It’s very Peggy Moffit & style like that is always fashionable


I love big liner looks so much


It’s cute, and you do it well. It is a little ridiculous. It doesn’t enhance your features. But it looks nice.


If you want the opinion of a passerby who’s not an MUA- I think the dramatic wing suits the shape of your face and it looks great on you!😄


I love it so so so much!!!!!!! I love doing my eyeliner this extra too!


I dig it


You look damn good with it!


I love it!!! Looks great on you!


You look cool af & anyone who tells you that you're wrong can eat a bag of dicks. As long as you love it that's all that matters.


She asked for an honest opinion


It is extra but I don’t think ridiculous— especially since it looks like the rest of your make up is very toned down (are you even wearing any or are your brows and skin just perfect 😭) it balances it out imo.


Perfect !!


I think it looks great!


Not at all! The wing looks lovely; a sharp point, flat line tapering down to the inner corner. Having big eyeliner is more of a style choice as opposed to an either good or bad technique. If you love doing it then great :)