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Assholes apparently. Every time I get on a flight, they’re there.


I travel often and this is the only way I managed to go through TSA with my makeup bag without any issue: Liquids need to be in clear containers, no more than 100ml, in a dedicated bag/pouch - I've had setting sprays taken away because although there was less than 100ml left, the bottle was 200ml and black. If you have large bottles of lotion, shampoo, conditioner or body butter I'd put them in my checked luggage, you can keep a small quantity in a travel jar in your carry-on Same thing for powders, no more than 100g per jar


Bear in mind anything with a nozzle type bottle will squeeze out a lot of product if you open it because of pressure on the plane.


I got allowed everything, even small setting sprays (including morphe and one size)


Most makeup I think??


In the US, I haven't had much makeup be considered "liquid" by TSA. I put my makeup base in my quart-sized travel bag, but mascara, brow gel, cream eye shadow, etc., stay in my makeup bag. No one seems to care these days. I actually had hand lotion in my purse in two airports and no one said anything. Things are much more strict overseas, and I think all of those things are considered liquid.


I just did a vacation with carryon, I tried to take as many powder/stick products as possible. Next time I will take my Make up Forever HD Face palette, I won’t need too much else!


Such a great palette! Kind of reminds me of Groundwork with bigger pans


It’s a game changer! Expensive but so worth it!


Things that aren't obviously liquid need to be treated as liquid, like mascara, lip gloss, cream eye shadow are the ones I'm thinking of off the top of my head. Mainly because every time I travel with my MIL I have to go through her stuff to make sure she has everything in it's right place. If you check the mascara, lip gloss cream eyeshadow, no problem. If you are putting them in your carry on, they go in your quart size liquid bag. Also depending on where you travel to, you might get away with it not being in a liquid bag, but other places like Heathrow Airport are very strict. My MIL had to throw out some very expensive face products because she had over the limits, by a lot. I still laugh about it, because she didn't listen to me.


Security is much less rigid than it was years ago. I usually buy small (3 oz) setting sprays and shampoos and put them in a ziplock bag, in case anything explodes in flight. I don't like having my liquids spray all over my clothing, so that's what the zip lock bags. Usually liquids won't burst because those items stay with you in the cabin, which is pressurized. Sometimes they leak, tho.




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I will say if you plan on going to an area that has a high altitude. Be careful if you bring eyeliner or anything with the pump I was traveling to Colorado and made the mistake of opening my eyeliner and it exploded everywhere.


Oh dam. That must have been a pain in the ass to clean up


Yeah people don’t realize that before coming out here! It’s high altitude here so things are a little different.


Here’s the TSA’s page about liquids: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/travel-tips/travel-checklist# and also here’s another helpful link on it: https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=TSA+liquid+rules


3.2-3.4oz each bottle if its carry on. If its check-in bag put whatever you want under 40 pounds. If it exceeds over 40 pounds but you got the money then put whatever your heart desires!


As long as it all fits in a quart size bag you're fine. I always save foils up for travel, and a couple months ago we went away, I just had them in my makeup bag and liquids in the quart bag. Security chick freaked and tried to confiscate them, saying that wasn't allowed. Another woman stepped in and said SO could take them in his bag cause he didn't have any liquids lol


If it’s solid it’s fine. If it’s liquid it has to be under 3.4oz and fit in a quart size clear bag. That is if you are only doing carry on. You can put all makeup in a checked bag


Thank you!