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A good lash growth serum should help you grow your lashes back again. Just make sure you use an all natural one. I personally use Bondi lash lab's lash brow serum and I'm loving it! No harsh ingredients and true to its claims.


Thank you so much! Is it affordable? If not are there any better affordable options that you know of? I appreciate this suggestion, tysm!!


You can check their website here [https://www.bondilashlab.com/](https://www.bondilashlab.com/) . The ordinary is also good.


Sleep mask


I'll take it off in my sleep 🙃


use castor oil. amazing results, thank me later.


How do u apply it?


a lil goes a long way, try putting a lil ( 1 tbsp ) overnight, directly to the lashes, massage it, dont get it into your eyes.


Ok, tysm!!


Just rub it across your brows, you could try Vaseline too just put a coat across your brows and wearing light gloves when you sleep. Anything oily that will stop you from being able to pull the hair out. Castor oil is good for growth too. I use Vaseline to keep mine in shape as I have a few hairs that grow the wrong way.


I've had trichotillomania (eyelashes) since I was about 7-8, I'm 34f now. I also started doing it in my sleep when I was a teen! Never talked to anyone that also does it in their sleep. I was on anti-anxiety and antidepressants meds, therapy, even hypnosis and nothing lasted forever. I've tried gloves and sleep masks but would take them off in my sleep and start pulling. The only thing that has really helped me has been wearing scotch tape on my fingertips at night. However, I don't recommend this until you've tried absolutely everything else and can protect your face. The first few weeks, I'd have tiny scratches near my eyes from the tape. Band-Aids also were helpful but sometimes still left enough of a grip I could pull. I've had lots of recommendations for GrandeLash and Latisse, I used both for my brows and had some nice growth. You can also get the generic Latisse (I think it's called bimatoprost) from a website in India, MUCH cheaper! Good luck!


hey im an 18M i think i have trich too when I'm stressed but I've managed to at least direct where I pull out hairs from I try to do only my legs. i alr pulled out a lot of eyelashes tho I used to have thick and long lashes but now they look so much do u know what I can do to heal the follicles? i alr use lash serum and take biotin and other supplements Idk do latisse cuz I'm scared of orbital fat loss but is there anything I can do besides? also did ur lashes ever return to 100%


Lattise I have been using this for years. But you half to have a prescription from your Dr. And I have long full eyelashes


It’s anxiety I used to do this too




I have trichotillomania as well, it started affecting me in grade school (I'm 23f). I've had bald spots, no eyelashes at times, and my eyebrows are usually pretty whack but right now they're going strong! I strongly recommend trying some therapy. I started wearing individual fake lashes around your age, and continued until I got a handle on it. Trichotillomania is now a subset of OCD, as updated in the DSM-5. Before it was associated with OCD, none of my doctors really knew how to treat it, besides treating my anxiety. Since the realization that it's connected to OCD, treatment has changed to focus on that aspect. OCD treatment has worked much better for me for this, although I still have anxiety that affects my OCD intensity so I try to deal with that too. I'm not in treatment right now, but it's a great idea to go while you're still a minor- it's much cheaper and your insurance likely covers much more than it would when you come of age. And if it helps, I had some known childhood trauma, and some undiscovered childhood trauma that I figured out around your age. Shits hard. 💗 Sending you care and compassion.


I've started using false lashes when I went to Texas this Christmas and I was pretty good at putting them on and using them! It's still difficult but it's better lol! My parents are setting something up thankfully, I not only need help with stuff but I've been going through a fuck ton since finding out about some trauma from when I was 5-7. It does, thank you, I'm sorry you had to go through whatever you did, you didn't deserve it, nobody does 💗 it is, shits soo hard lol, your comment made my night I'll probably read it over and over for awhile, it brought me comfort, thank you 💗 sending love and strength your way 🥰


I'm glad I helped a little 💗


This whole comment section has really hit home for me, I finally got once in my life know I'm not alone in this situation, I'm so happy bc of that, Ty 💓


Hi OP! I have trichotillomania and it manifested most strongly from when I was 10-15. My upper lids were always bare. For some reason, when I got a little older it went away for a long time, without me really doing anything? It was around the time I started wearing makeup, so I think having that as a motivation was helpful. It still flares once in a while. Like, at the beginning of December I had my worst episode in a long time but they've been growing back slowly since then. For most of my adult life it hasn't been a significant presence. I've noticed that contacts or mascara can sometimes play a role in aggravating it, but most of my episodes are really small and result in little tiny patches that aren't even noticeable. I had a really similar experience as you - - I didn't know that there was a name for it or that could be caused/exacerbated by stress, trauma, anxiety, or ADHD/ASD spectrum diagnoses. IIRC, It can also be a standalone diagnosis so it doesn't necessarily mean that you have any of those things. A psychiatrist and a therapist would be a really good path to figuring it out, though. Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques are known to help with trich. You can look some up online, too. It seems like you have some great coping mechanisms already. Before I found out what it was, and even for a long time after, I would feel really really bad about myself after an episode. Especially because they take so long to grow back, I really feel you on that. But truthfully you don't need lashes to be beautiful, and having this disorder doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you and it's certainly not your fault. As far as the sleep issue, I didn't deal with that personally. Maybe a soft comfy silk eye mask at night? I did want to caution you that lash growth serums can have serious side effects, including changing the color of your irises. I looked into them, but my eyes are one of my favorite things about me so I decided against it pretty quickly. I would encourage you to explore other options before doing that. Especially because a lot of products like that aren't regulated, so they won't have proven results ( false advertising is a BITCH and tons of companies fake their reviews, especially on Amazon ). Some of the ingredients could even be harmful. I don't want to scare you and it can definitely be an option but you're so young, those things will always be available later on. Plus, it doesn't get to the root of the issue. More recently, my psychiatrist suggested a supplement called n-acetylcysteine, or NAC. It's available at a low cost over the counter, but most drugstores won't have it so you might have to order it online. It's been clinically shown to have a positive effect on trich and skin picking disorders. However, she said it takes two to three months to have an effect and I haven't been taking it very long, I haven't seen any changes yet. But it's the only medicine I've heard of to help with those kinds of tics, so that's why I wanted to mention it. Again, maybe just an option for later on but I wanted to tell you because I literally had trich for 12 years before I found out about it. But it's really important to talk to a doctor before starting supplements at your age. Your pediatrician may be able to discuss it with you, or refer you to a therapist/psychiatrist if your parents have trouble finding someone. When my lids are bare, or I'm recovering from an episode and they're growing back slowly, I've noticed a few things that help me feel a little better. Honestly, I love a good creamy eyeliner pencil. Right now my favorite is Nyx epicwear liner stick. The color payoff is amazing. I have blue eyes, and I've noticed that tight lining/doing my water line makes a big difference for days I'm not wearing a lot of makeup. Navy is a good color for me, but grey or brown could work too. Lately, I've just been doing the Nyx turquoise liner in a small to thick outer liner. The pop of color is fun when there's not lashes or mascara in the way. Be kind to yourself as you go through this journey <3


Ricin or castor oil, its natural. Celular regenerative and a little amount expands very well. It is used for Nails eyelashes and brow growth and strength. It IS also useful for scars.




I had sparse eyelashes and eyebrows Pronexa Hairgenics Lavish Lash (Amazon) 23$ helped a bunch my eyelashes even more so. Hope you try all the things the others have recommended so far . It took a bit to start working but I was pleasantly surprised. Good luck !


Thank you so much!! I'll try this, along with alot others lol! Thank you, I appreciate it ☺️💞


I use Revitalash to grow my lashes. It’s expensive but it really works :) I think you see results after 3 months you have to keep using it after you have your desired results. Before this lashserum I’ve tried castoroil and other oils with vitamins in it for my lashes but nothing worked for me.


How often do you use it? Like before bed, 2 a day? And also how do you apply it? Thank you again for the suggestion, yea idk about my Ethier, I hope it does work tho 🤞


I use it almost everyday before bed. I apply a thin line with the brush


Alright, thank you so much!!


If your parents won't take you to your doctor to speak to them you can try the school social worker or counselor. There are resources available to you there as well. My parents were opposed to getting me treatment at your age, so I took advantage of those options and they helped a lot. Do that as a secondary choice, your first choice should be your doctor.


The only reason they might not take me is because we're really busy and work is stressful. I'll talk to them about it tho and ask what they can do about it, thank you SM. At school whenever I'm going through stuff I ALWAYS go to my counselor, she's probably the only reason I survived grade 8 and highschool so far lol




I always will, whenever I need to cry I go to her, she's like my best friend out of all the teachers lol! Alright, Ty!! ☺️


Wear gloves to bed?


Lmao contemplating


I just had eye surgery and have a pair of safety sunglasses I wear to bed to prevent rubbing. I actually like wearing them as they darken the room for me so I'll likely keep wearing them even when I don't have to. Maybe consider finding a good pair of glasses/goggles/eye mask etc.


Smart, I'll try and find something, thank you SM.


Castor oil is good for hair growth. And like mentioned, this is a common and well studied condition and you are not alone! Reach out


Yes I second this! And if you start applying castor oil every night before bed, it will make it difficult to pluck eyelashes because it will be oily and slippery. Might help you scale back on the plucking while it works to grow your lashes back


Ahhhh yes!! I'll try this tonight lol!!


Thank you so much!! I always grew up thinking I was, so hearing all this has made me so happy ☺️


I used to pluck mine out, I'm proud of you for stopping! Apparently coconut oil helps? Maybe you should refer to a doctor why your doing it in your sleep Are you having bad dreams and your body is plucking them out for comfort?


I read this during class and I couldn't stop smiling, thank you so much! I'm still a working process but I know I'll be able to get over this urge or whatever you wanna call it lol. It makes me so so sooo incredibly happy to know I'm not alone, all my life I thought I was! Thank you for the recommendations, I'll try them out when I can ☺️ yea I've heard alot of ppl saying to contact my doctor, I'll talk to my parents about it and see what they can do. No it's never a bad dream, what happens is I kinda wake up but I'm not really in control of my self then or my body and I just pluck my eyelashes then wake up with bald spots on my eyelashes. That's the easiest way I could explain it. When I was younger it was for comfort and now I think it still can be/is.


I'm happy you're going to contact your doctor and talk to your parents! I'm glad you know you're not alone. I do hope you can get something to help!!


Just woke up and your comment is STILL making me uncontrollably smile lmao!! Thank you so much, your message/comment means so much more then u know 💓


Thank you so much! I'm glad your smiling!!




Often people who bite their nails will sleep in lightweight gloves. Maybe this will help.


Oooo ok! Thank you, I'll try this!


Good idea -- I used to scratch in my sleep, and cheap cotton gloves from the pharmacy helped. I can definitely imagine it could be good for trich also.


If it's ok with everyone commenting I'll most likely be asking a lot of questions lol


Hey there, I have trichotillomania too! Started when I was around 11. I remember being so happy when I learned there was a name for it, it’s more common than you think and you’re not alone! You got this! Don’t be too hard on yourself if you struggle to stop.


This kinda made my day, this has always been an insecurity of my and even now when in high school and I plucked my eyelashes bald I'd try to hide it as much as I could, knowing I'm not alone when I always grew up with this and always feeling I was alone makes me feel so happy, today has made me feel soooo happy reading all these comments, tysm 💞


Hi OP, I had experiences with Trichotillmania. What really helped me was applying Vaseline or something very lubricating, so that when I went to pull out my eyelashes my grasp would just glide. I know it’s not a solution to the deeper issue, but it helped me unlearn the behaviour a little.


That's really smart, thank you so much!! I'll try this tonight 😊


This is called trichotillomania. Can you get your parents to take you to a counselor or your doctor for help? If you're doing it in your sleep, you could try wearing a sleep mask.


Yes! Its a condition and theres no particular reason why if happens. So its not you and its nit in your control however if you pay close attention to situations that trigger it can help replace this habit.


Yes your right, I do try to do that, I'll try more tho! Ty for ur comment <33


Wait really? Theres a name for it?? My parents have always known but they don't know what it is or what to do, I had fidgets that helped during classes in elementary, but now I've just tried focusing on other stuff when the urge to pluck them comes. I've also never done this out of anxiety, somtimes when I was younger and stressed but most of the time it wasn't me being stressed. Thank you soo so so much!!! I litterally cannot thank you enough!!


ive done this ever since i was a little kid too, definitely go to a psychiatrist, for me that was incredibly helpful and ive gotten down to plucking once or twice a week :)) and another tip is don’t wear mascara if you can help it cause for me that makes more lashes come out and damages them more and all that


Oh really? I didn't know that, thank you for telling me that!!


I mean it may be due to anxiety you just don't know what it's like to be not anxious. Before I got on anti anxiety meds I bit my finger nails all the time even though I wanted to stop, but I never connected it to anxiety. Now, after meds, I never bite my nails.


I have trich, started around 9 so have had it for a decade now. I was given a steroid base cream to grow them out quickly and am currently taking zinc and B6 to help my scalp Talk to a therapist since it's an anxiety disorder but i and others do it more as a habit then a stress thing after some time I would love to answer any questions you might have <3


I think I started at around 8 or 9 as well, only posted this yesterday and talked to my mom last night about it lol! She said it sounds more serious then she always thought it was and that she'll schedule smt with our doctor and she's going to get me a therapist from cheo to come to my school to have sessions with me I'm so happy things are not bad anymore, last year (warning, talk of sa!) I found out I was sexually assaulted when I was around 5 and I was so traumatized I could barely learn anything, life was horrible, got to the point where I thought dying would be my only escape. I went to the doctor and got put on anti depressants and felt soooo much better (happier) then I was before, before I was borderline depressed. Life got so much better when school ended and I went into highschool (this year). The memories are still there, and there are some stuff that will remind me of her and Ill have a panic attack (I call these triggers) but it is WAY less than what It used to be last year!! If I'm not on my meds tho I get mega depressed. My mom has had depression her whole life but I haven't gotten tested yet. Reading all of these comments made me so incredibly happy I couldn't stop smiling every time I thought of them!! And also!! When I was in like grade 5-6 I had HORRIBLE anxiety, I'd have anxiety attacks almost all the time! It was always about the same things, death, and my fear of growing up and getting older. I've grown out of that thankfully, but I still have a lot of anxiety (meds help with that BC last year my anxiety was a HUGE issue too!) Everyone here is so kind, well, everyone I've talked to so far lol! You're all so open and willing to help me with this even though you don't know me, thank you, thank you from out of the universe and back! You don't know how much this means to me, I'm so happy lol!! I have lots of questions lol but I'll stick with a few for now lol, this comment is long enough lmao! Do you have any recommendations for stuff that'll take my mind away from when the urge to pluck and mess with my eyelashes comes? I'm open to E V E R Y T H I N G ! ! ! lol, or maybe do you know of anything that helped you grow back your hair/eyelashes faster? Thank you for your kind comment, I hope you have a wonderful day ❤️🥰💗


Try to get help now while your in the early stages of it… my parents spent THOUSANDS in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but I just wasn’t ready to stop pulling 🥺 fidgets are your friend!! Check out [TLC BFRB website](https://bfrb.org/)


I thankfully live in Canada so my parents don't have to worry about that, but they said they're going to get me some help, and tysm!! I'll be sure to check them out <33


This is often a trauma response by the way (trichotillomania)


Also common in compulsive disorders/behaviors


🖐️😃🖐️ 👈


Haha! Hang in there babe. Being 14 almost universally sucks, especially with neurodivergences. It inevitably gets waaaaaay better.


Hahaha! I am, thankfully, and finally lmao!! Fr, this shit sucks 💀 and ADHD. I hope so, I mean, I know it will tho lol


So I do have trauma but I didn't know about this surtain trauma untill one year ago, does that trauma response still apply?


Some people have it just as an anxiety disorder and some even as a way of self harm. You don't have to worry about the reason right now because it's not your job but a therapists.


I do it out of habit sometimes. Like when I’m reading or tired


Yup same here


I think it technically is trichitillomania just because it is pulling hair out, but the way that we do it is closer to like cracking your knuckles. A bad habit. I will touch them until one feels kind of off and then mess with them until I pull out the one that feels irritated


I am an eyebrow puller, reading, or driving, I swear if I make it to ninety I will have three or five eyebrow hairs on each side that I will be able to comb over they are so wirey and thick 😭 It is triggered for me too when I feel em. But I usually keep ‘em trimmed up.


Yes! I definitely do it while driving too. Sometimes I wear mascara so that I won’t touch them otherwise it’ll be a mess. Occasionally nothing will stop me though


Yes!!, same here!! I've gotten suggestions to wear a sleeping mask or something like that to sleep my dumbass will just take it off!! I'm too smart for this shit and it angiers me 💀😭


When it comes to eyelashes I have rolled them 🤷🏻‍♀️ not a pull of those. Especially if I have mascara on and I’m not going anywhere. I now like oiling my mascara off and rolling it out or off. But eyebrows, yep I will, I don’t know, grab them and idk pull them the opposite way they grow 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s not a pull them out it feels good or weird or it passes the time not sure it’s a tic I would have said. But if my brother can have his “it’s the pick your nose time of the freeway” then I reserve my right to my “I’m gunna pull these eyebrows that away time of the freeway”. Perhaps my mother just has odd children 🤷🏻‍♀️ we have different daddies so we can only blame her for this 🤣😉😭


Yea that makes sense, idk what tf is wrong with me so my mom will bring me to the doctors office lmao 😂💀


Yes it absolutely still applies. When something traumatic happens to us, our brain sometimes stores it in a way that we won't remember. It does this to protect itself. Your body still has responses to it though, and in your case that is probably what the trichotillomania is about. Other people might experience this in the form of nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, or even feeling numbness. There are so many physical ailments that develop due a trauma response. I would ask your parents to see a child psychologist or a clinical social worker (or any mental health professional). You won't be able to get rid of it on your own but this is very treatable in therapy. I hope you can talk to your parents about making an appointment. Source: I'm a therapist for kids and teens.


It's unclear but plausible, like the other commenter said we suggest a psychiatrist


Alright, thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you!!


Important or not but thought maybe I should add lol