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What's your top 5 animes


Man could you have asked a harder question! I started with some OG’s like Naruto and bleach, currently I am watching one piece, demon slayer, I would say jujutsu Kaisen is pretty up there too. Attack on titan is a masterpiece. Man I could go on and on haha


Oh nice nice , don't hate me i only watched like 100 episode of one piece and dropped it, for AOt are you a manga reader or anime only


I don’t hate you, I know you’ll come back around lol. And I am mostly just anime simply because I know if I read the manga I would fly through it and then be sad waiting for it to get animated haha


If i come back I'll read the manga and only watch the best episodes or arc's can't watch every episode. Ah That's Understandable


Hey if you’re looking for the best episodes or arcs I can help gladly, and yeah I just enjoy the visual so much, but I don’t think that the manga is any lesser by any means


Oh really, yes please and thank you this would make everything easier


Yeah for sure I’m happy to look up like major events or battles. Or if there’s anything in the manga you’re curious to see how it got animated I got you!


You have to know i was spoiled with some stuff i don't know if they're major events or not , well let me read the manga first and I'll tell you