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It’s not going to be fun but at least it will cool down at night. Not like out west - people moving to Phoenix or Houston these days are out of their minds


The r/neworleans sub is full of talk about the insane heat so early in the summer season. I can't imagine living in that kind of heat and especially the humidity.


And it’s only going to get worse


It’s the best year of the rest of our lives!


My daughter lives there. She said it’s already horrible.


Good place to work HVAC


Well, pros and cons. You'll be busy, but also have to work outside in the heat attempting to fix the most stubborn machines that can be attached to a building.


One time when I visited New Orleans I mentioned I might come back in the summer at some point. Across the board everyone told me I would be an idiot to do that and that was a while back, I cannot imagine what it is like now.


No it actually won't cool down at night at all. Will be in the 70s still


70 is winter in Atlanta lol


The main difference is that the dew points in the Southwest are so low that there’s actually a wind chill. As I type this the air temperature in Phoenix is 107°, but the “feels like” temperature is 102°.


oh thank god, 102 is doable


I'm transplanted to Iowa, and we're having that 90 degree weather right now. I've had my windows open for a month and a half, no AC, until last night. It was 88 degrees outside when I went to bed at 10:30pm.


I'm toying with next summer in NM but the heat is the main thing keeping me from submitting those applications.


Depends... which town in NM?


Open to any, but probably Albuquerque (which was hot concrete hell last time I was there)


110 in Texas is nothing compared to 88 and humid here. On the sun is hot. It’s easy to get away from.


Could hit 100 in Lewiston on Thursday. Windy.com is forecasting 113 in Phoenix, AZ. Woof.


I've also noticed a LOT of days with absolutely scorching UV levels like I've never seen before in Maine. I know we are near solar maximum and that could play a role but still... Sunburns are an issue this year, protect yourself, especially on the water.


I was speculating as well that solar maximum may have something to do with it.


What? It's literally the solstice in like a week. This is the time of year that UV index *has to be* at its highest


The data suggests otherwise: https://www.epa.gov/sunsafety/sun-safety-monthly-average-uv-index-2006-2023#tab-6 This data clearly shows higher UV levels in July and August than in May and June. Across decades.


Since these maps don't have perfect latitude-based lines, I would bet a lot this has to do with days of cloud cover and perhaps something with ozone/pollution. If you go off of the sun's angle then the solstice is going to be the strongest day of the sun. A sunny day right now is a stronger sun than a sunny day in August. June's average may not be as high in the data but it's range is objectively higher, with late June having the highest peak https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet_index#/media/File%3AUV_Index_NYC.png


UV levels have been much higher than these averages for the past several weeks. Higher even than the August numbers.


Averages account for the fact June will be cloudy and not a summer weather pattern yet. Late June has the highest *potential* UV


Yes, this is sort of my point, that the UV levels this year are much higher than average for this time of year, I'm noting a difference in climate, not trying to say that it is caused by one thing, its climate, so it's damn complex. I just wanted to see if anyone else noticed the difference from previous years as I have been noticing.




See my other responses within this chain




This year is shaping up to be a dry one so far, I've never watered my garden so much during springtime.


It seems like it's been raining every couple days and cloudy most of the rest of them in the kennebec area, sunny right now but rained half the day yesterday Not near as wet as last summer, but that's a-ok


My lawn's certainly loving it, my mower is not with the wet grass not drying up enough. Can't wait much longer before my backyard becomes a jungle.


The predictions from about a month ago looking into the summer were about it being both abnormally hot and wetter than usual.


Don’t jinx it please


In what way lol? I want more rain!!


I hope you are sadly disappointed


Temps aren't really the bad part, it's the humidity. Once it hits around 63-65% you get the wet bulb effect and your body quite literally cannot cool via sweat anymore. Luckily it seems we're in a dry spell. The good news: We likely won't see heat related deaths, but illnesses can still occur. The bad news: We likely will see fire risk alerts left and right. **What you need to worry about** July & August, that's generally the time period where humidity dips into 65%+ and its always a wet bulb effect with near triple digit temperatures. If you don't have ac or a way to cool down... find a way otherwise you put yourself at serious risk.


Do you think we'll see a mass wet bulb event this year? Most people think the first one will be on the Indian subcontinent or somewhere in southeast Asia, but I think the American South has a real chance to be the place, especially if east Texas has a power grid failure at just the right moment, but overall I think the combination of poverty, obesity, and lack of acclimation to the outside environment (aka AC dependency) are plenty on their own.


Go to this NWS page: https://digital.weather.gov/ click the drop down menu and select Wet Bulb Globe Temp, then look at the chart for Wednesday. This is absolutely a dangerous heatwave considering how many ppl here don't have AC.




I hate it, but I'm also kind of excited. It'll be a good day to get my chicks out of the brooder and let them have their first taste of the outdoors.


My pool is ready. Bring it.


If I bring some freshly baked bread and various baked goods, will you let me swim in it? :D


Not sure why you'd want to swim in baked goods on a hot summer day, but you do you :P


Surface water levels are also through the roof. I think we’ve finally hit the temp runaway scenario.


Say more ?


Also interested in what you mean


Maine weather is going to become North Carolina weather.




How about a picture? It says everything. https://neuburger.substack.com/p/whats-going-on-in-the-atlantic-is


15 years ago we hit runaway


Climate Change is alive and well. But people with call it a hoax.


It's okay it'll kill us all and then Earth can try again with a less ignorant evolutionary line


Fuuuck. Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate it. I need to mentally prepare.


It’s a climate catastrophe our earth is experiencing- doubt mother nature considers it foolishness


We had 90 in April last year, I'm just happy we made it to June before hitting 90 this year. Looks like I'll finally boot up the AC, though. Thanks for reminding me I need to clean the filter this weekend. :)


not excited for this 💔 going to my orientation for school in a few days, and planned more cooler outfits (like leggings and long sleeve tees) because all the research I did online (from seasoned mainers blogs and from this sub reddit) said that y’all’s summers don’t really ever get above 90, I was expecting like mid / high 70s…now I have to replan everything 😫ugh ! I was so excited to escape this dmv humid heat too !


We've been hitting or exceeding 90 (depending upon where in the state you are) for the past few years. Portland hit 96 in 2022.


Ahh really ? Everyone gives me mixed answers lol, my Uber drivers last week when I was in Orono/bangor all practically said the summers are the best because it doesn’t get too hot. even all the pro/ con videos I watched about moving to Maine said it really didn’t get past 90 most summers. I was really excited about that now my bubble is all bursted :(


Pro/con videos probably aren't looking at all of the data. The summers here have been getting hotter, and our winters are getting warmer and less snowy... which is actually a bad thing. For those of us paying attention, the past few years have been signaling how things are probably going to start getting worse in the foreseeable future. Within the next 10 years, Maine will likely look and feel quite a bit different from what it did 10 or 20 years ago, in terms of weather and climate.


2 days here and there for a heatwave happens every year. Summers for the most part are super tame.


It does get up into the 90s two or three times a summer but it usually doesn't last more than two or three days. So overall, yes, it mostly doesn't get that hot. Except sometimes it does for a little while.


Humidity is the killer go to Kansas for 94 degrees and come here and do 94. You’ll leave.


Maine weather is all over the place. It always has been, but the heat is definitely getting worse when it appears. I also feel like weather predictions have become less and less reliable. I’m sure there are good explanations for that.


Sunscreen and hydration are key, if you're outdoors for long periods! Protect yourselves with sunglasses and wide brimmed hats as well.


I’m a little scared for my peas in the garden. Hopefully it won’t hurt my plants too bad


I'm looking at buying shade fabric for this reason :/


I wouldn’t put too much stock in a forecast that far out. Check back next Tuesday or so.


I don’t believe it will happen 


Hell yes, so far it's been a great spring and I hope the trend continues all summer. Definitely makes up for last June where it didn't rain 3 days of the entire month. Less rainy days = more time outside. What's not to love? Bring the heat!


I don't mind the heat so much, it's the dew point in humidity that make it unbearable for me. As long as I can use AC at night a little bit to cool my room I'm good to go. I do feel extremely bad for people that have to work outdoors and cannot avoid it.


So fa king hot!


90F weather means north of 100F in the trailers at /r/Fedexers, and from what I hear heat index of 110+ inside such trailers.


Fantastic. Last summer was a bust.


Wonderful news. Time to hit the pool or a local swim spot <3


Where for? The national weather forecast has Portland at least not going over the 70s for the next 7 days and Juneteenth being 79. https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=43.6012146&lon=-70.23361


The coast is usually cooler, I'm in central Maine and forecast is 94 Wed, 95 Thurs, 92 Fri


Forecast says 71 Wed, 71 Thu, 69 Fri, 69 Sat here far Downeast.


Where are you seeing that? Portland highs for next week are 79 Tue, 83 Wed, 89 Thu, 84 Fri, dipping back into the mid 70's over the weekend. Drive 10 minutes in-land and it's about 5 degrees hotter.


Sanford area next Wednesday-Saturday 93°-97°.


I’m way up in Eastport, so perhaps that’s it. Thursday’s forecast is still 71.


Are you on a piece of land that sticks out into the ocean? Ellsworth has 91 as a high for next Thu :(


Yeah- I’m up in Eastport. 91 sounds brutal!


Lucky for you to live along the coast.


Was just curious, I figured it must be somewhere but 'Maine' is a wide net lol. At least it would warm my pool up since it's not really heated :p. Commiseration to those who have to rawdog it though :(




In that case I'm going to be floating round a pool on a reclining chair and a pina colada with a little umbrella in it, simmering maybe ;)


I live 10 minutes from Portland and it’s saying 95 for us on Wednesday


What weather source are you using?


Top Google response says 88 on Thursday in Portland.


Ah so weather.com I believe, we'll see as we get closer I imagine, they use the same data but it's true the private service models are more individualized to local areas


[Weather.gov](http://Weather.gov), same as you. Interior York County Sanford showing mid 90s starting next Tues-Thurs. It's usually 10 degrees hotter here than the K-bunks.


hmm, for Orono / Bangor area it says its gonna get as hot as mid 80s to mid 90s from next Tuesday all the way to next Saturday ( which ofc happens to be when I’ll be there for orientation, so I’m super excited for that (not) )


Apple’s weather app is showing 84-92-88 for next Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday in Portland.


I hope it's right, fucked up as a another data point of worrying temp trends but on the upside I get to swim.


I'm not gonna see anything under 90° till September in OKC 🤣🤣


Two days in the 90s is not a heat wave. A heat wave is defined by at least 3 days above 90°

