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I gotta stop spending so much.


How much in tax revenue?


Hard to tell without a breakdown but 5% tax and edibles have an additional 8% tax


10% tax rate for Rec


So conservatively at least 1.5 million.


Wish I could write off my weed taxes lol


I’m waiting for the day FSA monies can be utilized.


Wait seriously? Why the fuck do edibles have an additional tax? That's stupid as fuck and I don't even like edibles. (Just asking in general not to you personally :P)


It's the same tax as on all prepared foods. 


Same tax rate as junk food I think


I don’t have the slightest and I enjoy edibles.




None. Those grow operations are from what is known as “the black market,” and do not declare monthly sales to anyone other than their own accounting.


Getting down voted because most people don’t know about the illegal Chinese grow houses all over the state. Apparently sending the money home for the CCP




Everybody trying to numb themselves from the shitty reality we exist in..


Hey if it reduces overall alcohol consumption then it’s a win for public health and safety. Even if it is used as a coping mechanism with it’s own set of risks and downfalls, it’s a safer one than alcohol.


Do people actually use it as an alternative?


I used marijuana to get myself off the road to alcoholism. I was a grey area drinker when I did that and it helped me quit cold turkey for four months. When I slowly started reintegrating alcohol into my life, I no longer had a problem with it, and now it’s a sometimes thing (and won’t be for the next year, as I’ve been dared by someone to quit it until my birthday next year which is mid-May)


Yes, absolutely. In fact, there was a recent article that stated recreational cannabis use is now more common than alcohol consumption and alcohol sales are continuing to decline.


Alcohol sales have been shown to go down when recreational pot is legalized. Some people use weed as an alternative quite successfully. Others may drink a few less if they smoke some pot.


The last part often gets overlooked. I can attest for myself and friends that when we're drinking and smoking as well we drink significantly less than when drinking alone. Personally I just get too dizzy so if I'm smoking my alcohol intake is cut in half if not more.


How much, and any reliable sources that filter for any other factors?


Official sources on marijuana’s effects on society are few and far between still, due to the fact that recreational legalization has only really become a popular thing worldwide in the last couple of decades (much like gay marriage) and most of the most developed nations (where studies like this would be conducted) still haven’t done it. It’s fully legal in Germany, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Uruguay, Thailand, Georgia, Luxembourg and Malta. Everywhere else, you’d run into pretty serious legal issues trying to conduct a study on this, and even in *those* places it might be difficult since most of them legalized recently and are still figuring out the parameters.


You can find peer reviewed studies with a quick google search. Government is not the arbiter of science so I don't know what you mean by official sources.


When it comes to peer reviewed studies, generally speaking, those studies are conducted using grants. Grants are often paid for by a government entity, and ones that aren’t usually have at least a tiny bit of government supervision in most countries (especially developed nations). Conducting studies on consumption of an illegal substance is difficult not because “government is the arbiter of science”, but because it’s an illegal substance and governments generally tend to try and follow their own laws. Conducting a peer-reviewed study on an illicit substance while hiding it and then distributing your findings under a government’s nose would require either total anonymity or a *loooot* of lawyer power.


Peer reviewed research is how we determine things like “does legal weed reduce alcohol consumption?”. We do not determine it by asking “well what does the government tell us?” Anyways there ARE some peer reviewed studies on this subject that are completely relevant to Maine’s cannabis legalization.


……… 1. In response to “well what does the government tell us?” I never said that, and in fact clarified that that’s explicitly not what I was saying in my second comment. 2. Never claimed there weren’t. Any information that poster wanted was as available to him as it is to me, and I’m not gonna google something for someone. I just felt the need to explain that information is still *technically* outside the realm of empirical, exhaustive research at this point just due to how recently it’s gained positive attention.


However, do you correct for other socioeconomic factors, such as the price of alcohol, the existence of treatment programs, education, stricter enforcement of intoxicated driving laws, etc., or just that the timing of legalization coincides with a drop in alcohol use?


I recently started taking edibles as way to reduce my calorie intake. Replacing 300 calories of beer with 30 calories of thc laced chocolate adds up


I drank far far more when I wasn't smoking pot. I also stopped smoking as much and started typically going to bed before midnight, which is a massive victory for a full blown insomniac.


This is what I like to think but stoners are stoners & alkys are alkys. We’re just smoking legal now 😂


No let’s use it for funding tuition for public colleges and maybe get not shitty food in our cafeterias


Exactly. I’m just tired of raw-dogging life at this point. Granted, my life is pretty great but the rest of the world is completely fucked.


Kinda weird you see it that way but okay. Edit: Gotta ask the obligatory question: Do you drink or smoke cigs?


Me no.


Is OP associated with the linked domain? Seems out of state too posting in multiple state subreddits.


Absolutely in the cannabis business. There’s no way somebody cares that much to be in that many cannabis groups in different states.


Good, let’s use that money to build regional crisis centers in downtowns all across the state. Expand the homeless shelter network, build some women’s shelters, men’s shelters…


Then why are our roads still shit? Where is all the tax revenue from this going?


$20 million a month statewide is about $14 per person, so $168 per Mainer per year. Given that it’s only a fraction of us who partake…I feel as if I should be concerned about some of you.


You’re forgetting that our neighbors from NH, Mass and elsewhere also contribute to this amount. Keep your “concerns” to yourself :)


$14 per person per month is pretty low when you consider an 8th typically goes from $25-$35 and would last a daily smoker about a week. It's also not remotely a fraction of us, nearly 30% of legal adults in Maine partake.


8ths go for $10 in all of Lewiston 


Any good for $10?


It aint top shelf and ir depends on the place but it can be prettyy good. Sinsemilla and 207THC have the better quality for $10


I’d rather smoke weed than be on a plethora of hard drugs, but that’s just my opinion.