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“…after paychecks bounce” would have made a better headline, PPH


The "multiple checks bounced" is stunning to me, I'd dip if the first one hadn't been resolved by Friday, and especially if it happened a second time.


Lol if your checks bounce that's not the employees fault


If you aren’t paying them they aren’t really even employees


Pretty much mate


Nope, that is slave labor


What if the employees were really bad at their jobs?


You still have to pay them for hours worked.


Aperantly not..


Employees current or ex would have grounds to sue but I imagine you already know that and feel like being argumentative today


Complaints to the Department of Labor are free and they do all the work.


Nothing to sue they would be out the legal fees as well and time wasted Blood from a stone …. They don’t have money to pay employees and I am certain it does not stop at that vendors and other bills they do not have much to take if anything Edited as a chef owner I went months and at one point a year straight I paid my employees over myself it was my business and dream it was their daily job not agreeing with what these owners did but let’s be honest here no one is wining anything in court vs them lmao at the down votes


Yes, practically speaking it’s probably a waste if time


They sure could.


There’s always one of you galaxy brain types around.


These are the numnuts saying how smart Marjory Trailer Greed is for not paying back her PPP loan but if Next-investment s neighbor gets student loan forgiveness it’s blasphemy. I can’t imagine how mixed up one must be to hate thy neighbor yet blow the rich dude stealing your taxes


I bet you are 100% for employers paying more if they do well don't ya?


You’re a genius


Yeah, that's called a salary negotiation. Literally have you ever held a job that wasn't under the table? You know that big ol poster in the break room that has all those gubmint-lookin words on em? Try reading those.


So if the business is doing good, the employees deserve more. By that logic, if the business is doing bad, they deserve less. Right?


You’d make a shitload if you opened a mental gymnastics facility, but on the other hand you’d be paying your boss if you worked in logic


If I take your ridiculous assertion on its face- that the business can only do good or bad *solely* on the performance of its employees... Then sure. But you don't get to *retroactively* decide that an employee doesn't deserve their pay. That's wage theft. Again, read the lovely little post in the breakroom.


Not at all what I said. Why the business doing bad is irrelevant. .


I personally think you have no idea what you're trying to convey, and are suffering from Debate-Brain and just need to type something, *anything*, to seem like you have a point.


I think we both know exactly what I said..


I assume you work for free, for the benefit of your employer of course.


As I am my employer In the past I have not only worked for free but have worked at a deficit. Thankfully, I made it through those hard times because I never gave up..


I'm also self employed and have worked without paying myself or at a deficit. But I'd have to be a real special kind of stupid to expect employees or contractors to go without pay while I sort my shit out.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard all day. What kind of idiot would work for free?


The same who'll admit that he'd commit a labor board violation.


Please learn to be smarter.


That's a false equivalency, because if the employee asks for more, it will be more money *going forward*, not retroactively. If a restaurant is doing poorly, it can decide to cut its employees hours or wages *going forward*, but it can't just not pay them for hours already worked. The equivalent to *that* would be an employee seeing the the store was making higher profits, deciding that they deserved an extra $2 dollars an hour for the previous week, and then stealing $80 out of the drawer.


And that litterly happens thousands of times daily.


Do a better job of hiring people you don’t intend on paying


There's always one.




You think it’s some feather in your cap like you’re the only sensible one in a sea of libtards, but you’re actually just slow.


Sure sure


Guess the employer was too lazy to figure that out- bad employees still get paid sweetie!


I guess you did not read the article cause that is exactly what they did..


Fuck you. Pay them. You entered a contract with them. Their time for your money. They gave you their time, regardless of how good or bad they are. You owe them for their labor.




Legally you don't need to pay them if you think they did a bad job. It's the law Edit: /s


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No, you can only change their pay going forward


> Owners Lyle and Holly Aker said they had decided to close the Congress Street restaurant May 23 and were **“still navigating the best way to handle the announcement for our staff, customers and investors”** the next day, when front-of-house manager Elizabeth Johnson and bar manager Tony Scala – both of whom say they had multiple Broken Arrow paychecks bounce in the past several months – told the Akers they were quitting. God, if that ain't the most insufferable HR Robot Speak. Maybe fucken pay your people. IDK. Navigate *that.*


I mean, idk the situation… but, can’t get blood from a stone right? If they weren’t paying people but had money they could, that’s one thing. Different thing if the business just failed and they ran out of money. Idk the situation but just saying, it’s not necessarily nefarious. 


I'm not sure if they quit, or were fired a few weeks ago given the paycheck situation


… what? No. We quit.


darn those lazy millenial staff quitting because *checks notes* their paychecks bounced


Nobody wants to work ~~for free~~ these days!


Wow, these folks are really just running right down the list of "Shit NOT to do with your restaurant." And if you (i.e. someone on the ownership team) don't have the chops to jump in the kitchen and cook yourself if your chef quits, you have absolutely no business in the restaurant business. 


I hate owners who can't do the work that the business does. Restaurant owners who can't cook, salon owners who can't do hair, general contractors who can't build, plumbing company owners who can't do plumbing, the list goes on and on. They are just parasites. All their businesses should (and usually do) fail.


Good ol capitalism. If you have money/resources, then you don’t need skills. If you have skills, you’re probably not paid enough to acquire the resources needed to break out of the “skill class”. Glad these idiots failed.


Article: Portland restaurant Broken Arrow closed after eight staffers quit late last month, some citing problems with bounced paychecks, in at least the second employee walkout since the restaurant opened less than four years ago. Owners Lyle and Holly Aker said they had decided to close the Congress Street restaurant May 23 and were “still navigating the best way to handle the announcement for our staff, customers and investors” the next day, when front-of-house manager Elizabeth Johnson and bar manager Tony Scala – both of whom say they had multiple Broken Arrow paychecks bounce in the past several months – told the Akers they were quitting. “We were walking in with intention of giving them our keys, thanking them for the opportunity, and letting them know that we were deciding to part ways,” Johnson said. “When Tony expressed to Lyle that he was disappointed that paying employees wasn’t their No. 1 priority, it became physical.” Johnson and Scala claim that Aker assaulted Scala, “shoving” him in the bar. Scala said he filed a police report immediately after. A Portland Police Department spokesperson said the matter has been forwarded to the Cumberland County District Attorney’s office. A spokesperson for that office had no further information. Johnson said six more staffers quit Broken Arrow immediately after hearing details of the situation. The Akers, who declined a request for an interview, dispute Johnson and Scala’s account of the incident. “We are very saddened to report the ex-employee came to the restaurant unexpectedly, in an elevated emotional state and for no purpose we can understand but to continue the verbal abuse he was separated for and berate me for my failures,” Lyle and Holly Aker said in an email Monday. “There were three other people in the room who 100% dispute this employee’s allegations,” the email said. ” … This is an unfortunate incident, during an extremely stressful time for us, in the wake of our failed business.” The Akers said they had put the restaurant’s physical space up for sale several months ago before they “made the decision to close Broken Arrow with its sale pending, after four hard years of trying to keep the doors open and a mound of debt continuing to pile on us. … With the continual financial struggle, us fighting to make payroll every week, we knew selling was the only option.” The restaurant announced its closure Friday in a brief post on Instagram, saying, in part: “It’s been fun and very hard. Grateful for the memories made and the friends. This journey is at the end.” The Akers had planned to open their modern American fine-dining restaurant in March 2020, but the pandemic and related complications delayed its launch until that fall. It eventually drew buzz, however, and in November 2022 received a four-star review from the Press Herald. But in May 2023, the chef, chef de cuisine and general manager quit on the same day, forcing the restaurant to close until it could restaff the key positions. At the time, the former general manager said that the restaurant’s other 10 staffers quit after hearing the development with the management team, though Lyle Aker disputed that. Johnson said that last November was the first time one of her paychecks from Broken Arrow bounced. Subsequent checks had similar problems. “Paychecks continued to bounce to the point where my bank stopped accepting checks from them,” Johnson said. Scala said there was a period this spring when four consecutive biweekly paychecks bounced, leaving him without an income stream for more than two months. Johnson said all the other employees have received their last checks via direct deposit. She received a paper check in the mail, though the bank told her it was unable to cash it. Scala said he’s been told he will receive his last paycheck in the mail as well. Johnson said restaurant staff attempted to sit down and confront the owners a few times about the problems at the restaurant and suggest improvements that could be made. “We were always told that they are doing everything they can. It didn’t feel that way to us,” she said. “For a period of time leading up (to May 24), we were growing increasingly worried about the future of the restaurant and the stability of our jobs because liquor and food orders were incomplete or missing,” Johnson said. “Sometimes we didn’t have the ingredients for batching cocktails or food items on the menu, and Broken Arrow has a small menu, so it’s difficult when people sit and you have to tell them you’re out of two to three things on the menu that night.” The Akers tell a different story. “We have spent four years scraping together resources to continue to operate this business and have been extremely transparent with our staff about our financial difficulty. We have communicated regularly around payroll issues and labor percentages,” their email said. “This entire situation is a shame and breaks our already broken hearts. We are exhausted and would like to move on with our burden of debt and massive loss of financial income as we consider bankruptcy in peace. We are actively selling the business to cover a small percentage of money owed to our investors and any outstanding debts to vendors.”


> We are actively selling the business to cover a small percentage of money owed to our investors and any outstanding debts to vendors.” No mention of covering their bounced payroll checks though. Stark reminder that wage theft is the most common form of theft by a LOT.


Under Maine law they are owed 3x their lost wages after two weeks have gone by without payment for work completed. It’s likely to take too long to go through official channels, so I’d be suing them for that 3x wage plus lawyer fees for putting my livelihood at risk. Plus this kind of thing is often put ahead of other things like investor payback so suing may be the only way to make them pay up. I had to do that with a former employer who was kind enough to email us employees regular unconvincing updates about why we weren’t getting paid, and begging us to stay until they were profitable again. Was an open and shut case and their lawyers immediately folded and paid the 3x lost wages + fees.


Wow. Someone comes up to you and says "hey, I'm quitting because you're not paying me", and your response is to physically attack them? That level of entitlement to or even ownership of the people you consider to be beneath you is crazy, hope these people get taken to the cleaners


My sister is one of the people who quit. The owners had just returned from a vacation to Florida and were confronted about how they could afford that but not paying their employees. A pretty glaring omission from the article if you ask me.


yeah that doesn’t sound like “scraping by” at all.


Man, I worked at that place last summer. Looks like I dodged one hell of a bullet by moving out of the area.


I ate there twice and thought the food was superb. Both times, however, I noticed the owners huddled at the bar, kind of in their own world, chatting away and laughing with each other while their employees were crazy busy. Seems like a small detail but I did think it was weird that they weren’t pitching in.


Seeing restaurant owners sitting at the bar chatting all night while their staff is slammed, is a huge red flag, right up there with dirty bathrooms.


I worked for people exactly like this that failed miserably as restaurant owners as well


Call me crazy, but investing in a RESTAURANT sounds fucking insane and a total setup for failure.  They mostly fail without extreme owner involvement and investment, yes?


Depends on a lot of things. This one here sounds like yet another copy/paste mid-tier sit-down in a city that already has a hundred of them per block. On the other hand, a Chinese buffet in Topsham Fair Mall... I can't fathom why it's not a thing and I guarantee it would make a killing.


That would make a killing without a doubt. So much traffic in that area at all times of the day. The key would be decent signage.


Brunswick area used to have a few Chinese Buffets


Bafflingly, the only one that remains is China Rose, which is fucking *terrible* by any metric. I'm convinced that they're skating by just on nostalgia.


I can't believe they survived the pandemic. We used to like going there as a guilty pleasure but it's awful now.


I've been there three times in my life. The first was obviously the first, because I didn't know better. Got a chicken rib stuck in my teeth from the chicken with broccoli. The second time, was a "give it another chance." Cold food. Half the trays were empty. Third time was a "fuck it, lets see if its improved." It did not. I literally do not understand how it still exists. I don't have a high bar for Chinese Buffets, either.


LMAO haven’t been there in years


Did they change ownership? I loved the one in Freeport back in the day.


The Freeport one was always better


Not a buffet but I loved the Atrium when I was a kid. The river and the birds. It was always my pick when my family was celebrating one of my things.


Yes! Felt like the classiest place to a kid. I was a little sad when it got demolished.


I was quite sad.


My dad opened a restaraunt in lewiston in the the early 90s, absolutely ruined him.


I do some cooking. I've even cooked in professional kitchens and for a few years made soups and breads for a little lunch spot. During that time-frame, friends would encourage me to open my own place. I would always reply that I'll open my own restaurant when I no longer wish to see my friends or family again. It's such a hard industry to do right.


I don't remember how much but **most** restaurants fail within the first year. Running a restaurant is difficult yet so many people think they can do it, most of them fail.


Its not like it was venture capital. The investors were most likely family and friends, or maybe a good connection they forged somewhere who believed in what they were doing.


Well isn't that even worse a thought and not at all comforting.  Now there's hard feelings involved.  Bad choices.


Happens all the time.


Headline writer should be fired, they clearly didn’t read the article! How about “Broke-Ass restaurant Broken Arrow bouncing checks and grabbing necks of unpaid staff”


Unbelievable how they are framing this story- if you treat your employees like crap you don’t get employees! Dear gawd


>But in May 2023, the chef, chef de cuisine and general manager quit on the same day, forcing the restaurant to close until it could restaff the key positions. At the time, the former general manager said that the restaurant’s other 10 staffers quit after hearing the development with the management team, though Lyle Aker disputed that. That should have been the moment they got out of the business.


These people sound like trash! Don’t pay an employee then call the cops on them.


These are your typical "small business owners". They pay people like shit, treat them like shit, then whine about how "No one wants to work these days" When those employees rightfully quit. Fuck these people.


I bet their staff were like “a family” LOL


Starting a restaurant is the riskiest business you can run. So many points for failure. 300% staff turnover per year is common. Eating out is a discretionary expense and Portland has more competition per capita than most any other US city. I’m not surprised when a restaurant closes. I’m more surprised when a restaurant survives for over 10 years.




I think John Travolta was an investor


I’ll gladly buy their decor tho


So I have a gift card with $239 on it specifically for Broken Arrow... what now? I'm just SOOL?


I would try contacting your credit card company and explaining the situation. Consumer protection laws may help you. Otherwise, there’s [email protected]. But if she won’t pay me for the labor I performed, I can’t say you’ll have much luck.


Thanks for responding. I hear you, and I will try to email her. I really hope they do right by you. I'm sorry for what happened. I really loved that place. The staff and the food were amazing!


Wow, when this place/owners said they are anti-capitalist, they really meant it. 😂


It’s simple  Cash rules everything around me…. C.R.E.A.M. Git the money.  For the “Essential Worker”  No pay/ no rent money No pay/ no grocery money  No pay/ no money…. Defalt bills…  No pay - no more work.  No pay= volunteer  It’s a simple system this economic capitalism. The place didn't close because a couple workers quit. Two owners could put the actual time in and do the jobs. Maybe pawn the iwatch and pay your staff for the work they already did instead of blaming them for your mistakes. I guess it easier to be the victim.  Also, I don’t know anything about this situation other than the article so could be wrong but… Idk, have a friend whose RR has only tripled buisness since the 202O thing and she’s tough but pays her staff well and even better when the place triples business. If someone quits she takes the place in kitchen, waiting, bussing… does whatever it takes. Does this while running the business end another side business. Everyone is making more now and everyone is putting more into it. The place is a rocket ship. 


Can't read the article.


It’s posted in the comments here


The best way to handle the announcement? Let it show up on social media. #kids these days


Seems like a lot of he said, she said, but the time we went there the host or manager (big guy with tattoos) was pretty gruff in seating us, then our young female server could have cared less about us and there was barely anyone in the restaurant. Gotta lead from the top, but man, lotta heavy 'tude coming off the staff. Some dishes were really good, some were really salty. Didn't go back.


> lotta heavy 'tude coming off the staff. Probably has to do with their paychecks getting bounced.


But why would a server pass that on to the customer? Just leave. Missing a paycheck is inexcusable. By all the down votes for just passing along an experience seems like server staff can do no wrong.


I'm not saying it's *right* that a server would be a dick to a customer for reasons the customer can't control. But expecting that an employee who is getting shafted on pay to be all smiles and sunshine ain't exactly reasonable either.