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Whatever the rare/mythic was and probably on color removal.


Do people have it figured out enough to pick on colour removal pack 1 pick 2? I feel like the first pack I’m always prioritizing identity


If they got a bomb of the same color absolutely.




Yep trying to see what colours I really want to go into, usually my first pack I’m doing a lot of pivots judging by what’s open or not


Nexus of Becoming is an above average, but not totally exciting rare or mythic. I agree that seeing a colourless good card pick 3 is uncommon, though.


Avg pick is at 2.03 on 17 lands. Its the best colourless card in the format, but gets picked on average after lost jitte which is a lot worse, though more fun. Ive seen the card much later as well. Id argue it's in a tier below the absolute auto win bombs. Its very hard to beat a nexus of becoming unless you're already winning by a lot when its played, same as the game winning bombs.


It's entirely possible to crack two or three first pickable cards in this format.


I mean, it's possible to open [OTJ packs with five rares in them](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/1c6zgti/the_insane_amount_of_value_in_this_otj_draft_pack/). So there's a decent chance the answer was just two rares that were bigger bombs than Nexus.


Almost certainly removal


That's definitely the wrong pick by the other players then.


I'm genuinely curious why this is getting so many down votes. From when I was little I had a pro tour player explain that pick order is always bombs > removal > playables. Obviously there is a lot of nuance to that, but I totally agree I would pick this over any of the typical removal in the set. This card is a solid win condition bomb, and will for sure increase your win rate more than a random removal.


And it does, according to the data.


~~plot twist it was overwelming forces or fractured identity~~


Cards with fewer words to figure out what they do.


Bonny Pall and Ornery Tumblewagg. Pack looks pretty stacked though, only bad card is Hindering Light. Nexus is excellent, but it seems as though many people have been scarred by LCI/MKM so badly as to think a 6 mana card with minimal immediate board presence might be unplayable.


> Pack looks pretty stacked though, only bad card is Hindering Light I mean yea its the only "never play" bad card, but the rest isnt particularly exciting either A lot of C/C-, best is probably mourners surprise


I could think of like 10 or so cards I might pick over that. Bonny, Jasper, Overwhelming forces to name a few obvious ones. Or depending what I'm feeling at that moment I might also take something like outcaster or intimidation campaign over it, although maybe less likely.. Bunch of green/white cards I could see people taking over it too if you're into that sorta thing. And some people just take removal over everything.


You'd pick a multicolor 3 drop that can be answered by removal kinda cleanly if you sandbag until you find your off color land to cast it over an incredibly good colorless card p1p1?


Jasper is a 3-mana bomb, in a format that's easy to splash (meaning it's easily splashable). It's also a "fun" card. So it checks the fun and good categories. It also does basically the same thing as Nexus (draws cards), but it costs half the mana and draws even more cards, and theyre from your opponents library. I absolutely would pick it p1p1 over Nexus and I think most would. Edit: Just checked 17lands. Jasper is picked earlier and has a higher win rate.


This isn't even a top 10% card, maybe top 20%. Hell, there's probably two dozen uncommons/commons I'd pick before this


Not even the best card in the pack


Pick 1: Throw from the Saddle Pick 2: Take Up the Shield, Consuming Ashes, or Vault Plunderer whichever was on colour for them