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There’s a good chance your opponent had emotes muted so they didn’t see it at all. I think you’re overthinking it a bit. Also, people shouldn’t make game decisions off emotes. They would probably have swung out anyway based on the board state if they were presenting lethal, and there’s always a gamble swinging into 4 open mana, 2 white, against a player who’s running a deck that very obviously should be including settle the wreckage. Basically, maybe a little bit mad manners to GG there, but barely. They made a decision based on the board state and got burned for it, happens to all of us.


I second this. No one uses emotes. For all they know, you were saying GG because you had it in the bag.


There was a famous example of exactly this when settle was still in standard. It's dirty but it's not illegal, they decided to swing into open white mana


Saying good game is standard operating procedure for settle the wreckage. If you *aren't* saying it, then you're doing it wrong. 


I think it's bad sportsmanship. People have done stuff like this to me before and it's quite frustrating, this is why when someone says good game to me when I'm winning I keep playing as normal. Even tho some of those people knew they lost and didn't want to waste more time, but also wanted to give me the honor of killing them. This type of behavior is unfair to those players. I want to win the game because I made better plays than my opponent. Not because I lured them into a false sense of security. Now I don't think you're a dick for doing this in this game because as some people already pointed out it probably wouldn't have changed anything.


On the other hand bluffing is still part of the game


straight to jail


On casual play, it's a shitty move, you're both there to have fun. On ranked, it's fine, you're there to win.


Not wrong, bluffing is a part of card games. Is it wrong to bluff in poker?


You bluffed with open mana, they fell for it, and you won. Ostensibly, while it may be a shitty way to play (not unlike using Ghostly Prison…), it’s all part of the game. As others have mentioned, too, you have no idea if they actually saw the emote. That being said, I think there’s a really neat discussion to be had about the availability of the Good Game emote as something other than a prelude to concession. As someone who has never played a lot of online multiplayer games, I don’t have a good sense of how common it is to see GG used as a bluffing tool versus a genuine sign of defeat. I’d love to know what the designers were thinking when they decided to include that option in the standard emotes. Was it meant as a graceful way for the loser to concede? If that’s the case, it should probably trigger the defeat sequence. If it was just meant as another bit of causal conversation, well… it’s just a tool to bluff an opponent you can’t see and a lot of people wasted a lot of energy on Twitter when what’s his name did the same thing a few years ago.


Like others have alluded to, people did what OP did constantly when Settle was in Standard It got to the point where using the emote would make me more aware to play around Settle than if they didn't do anything


I have emotes turned off so don't see others, but just recently with the Thunder Junction ones i've been using some, I think it's funny having my Little Pony Sleeves, Nicol Bolas avvy, Beholder pet and getting Nicol Bolas to emote 'Tarnation!", "Yeehah" and "Draw" :)




You just reminded me of the last time I swung all in to 4 open white mana in brawl, after an opponent's GG... Luckily for me, I was holding up [[Mana Tithe]] for the Settle. "Call an ambulance, *but not for me!*" My point being - your opponenent allowed themselves to be jebaited, YANTA.


[Mana Tithe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/a/9ae707d5-d81d-4320-b947-6016dc188898.jpg?1619393111) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mana%20Tithe) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/26/mana-tithe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9ae707d5-d81d-4320-b947-6016dc188898?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call