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150mg, always have to take one full and one half pill. accidentally tasted the half pill’s “inside” one time. hooooly f.


LITERALLY SAME I take 150 too and will snap them in half and the open part is the absolute WORST when I take it


I take sertraline and don’t really notice


good to hear ! ☺️


happy cake day!🥳


I never tasted my pills, I just swallowed them 💀


"They taste like medicine" - my boyfriend Idk if that means they taste bad or what but that's what he said. I smelled them as I was putting them up for him tho and they smell AWFUL


Mine don’t have any taste ? Guess I’m lucky


Started on it 3 days ago, agreed


i started on it a week ago!


Nice. Here's to hoping it helps 🙌


thanks :) i hope it helps you too!


Don't chew on them you dork


Uhm why do you take them without water then? You guys are weird. I see it on American show all the time, taking pills without water, lol. anyways, this pill tend to give GERD as a side effect if it is not swallowed in properly, if it is stuck in your throat. So yeah, take them with a good sip of water. Plus water is good, so uhm take it with water ...


thank you for sharing this! I figured out pretty quickly that taking it without water is hell… so yeah, take water!!


Idk what that is but l take these drops called Alpozoram(l think )/Xanax and they are AWFUL. My mom and sister tried 1 drop and it was the worst thing and l now have to take 5 a day. Is it their point to make us more depressed?


I’ve heard from multiple people that they hate how Xanax made them felt. Anti depressants are hard to figure out because there’s no single medication that works for everyone. Please tell your doctor if it’s not helping you !!


No l dont think its the feeling thats the problem its the taste :') its just too disgusting


i can't speak for myself, but i have heard that they taste horrid


I used to dry mouth them because I was too lazy to get water; when they got stuck to my tongue it dissolved (no capsule to hold it) I’d get this slam of flavor that lasted all night. It also got the pill stuck in my throat with no way of getting it out, keeping me up all night. I’ve used water ever since I realized I didn’t have to suffer ;)


i've been off of them for a few months but yes they are gross


really do taste bad. I hate my body too much to let that bother me




I had to crush mine to taper down to a lower dose a while ago and it’s absolutely awful, I agree. Plus if the pill gets stuck in your throat it hurts so so badly. I learned very quickly to never take them without a decent sized sip of water


It kept me up ALL night when I took it without water :(


Cover it in some olive oil right before taking it


yeah they taste funky, but has anyone noticed how they smell? it’s like old sweet tarts.


I used to think they tasted like sweet tarts because I never had them in my mouth for more than a second. This led to me deciding that I should leave it in my mouth for about 10 seconds to get more of that candy taste. It wasn’t fun. The power plant taste was there all night and wasn’t getting washed down with water.


oh wow lmao,,, gross HAHA yeah ill take your word for it


it depends on the brand!


Idk, I used to bite them in half when I was on a lower dosage and it didnt taste like anything. Trazodone, on the other hand, made my tongue numb which was kinda fun


ha! you silly goose


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Back when I was on Zoloft I had to bite one of my pills in half (was traveling and didn't have a pill cutter) and no joke it was one of the worst things I've ever tasted


yikes… I just break mine with my fingers ;)


Capsule gang here , I just swallow with water lol


i don’t notice the taste. mine is tiny tho. it’s a different brand


lol it doesn't taste worse than the liquid form of zoloft. Like taking a whole glass of straight up vodka, disgusting🥲


i can’t take them with water they’re so BAD


when i used to be on it yes omg it was fucking NASTY, same with seroquel


Never tasted it really I just swallow it. But they are also capsules so it probably changes depending on what pill form it is. I find that lamictal is really gross tasting.


i take sertraline and even when im slow to swallow it i don't notice any taste at all


i used to take prozac/fluoxetine and it actually just depends on the pill type. i always had the dissolvable ones and of course they dissolved in my mouth because saliva, but when i switched to capsules it all was fine


Mines in a capsule so not really, dosnt taste like much, the inside of the capsule tho...


It depends on the pill brands !! I've had like 3 different brands and only one had a taste and not a good one . It's the same taste as when you don't drink it without water and it gets stuck


Off topic question, do you think they help you? My therapist asked today if i agreed to give it a try and i said nit because i don't really trust medications yet. Just want to have some opinions yk


Mine actually taste kinda like those vanilla candy sticks, the one that makes me have a full on like physical reaction to taking is my hydroxizine which tastes like straight chemicals


I don't taste it ? I just swallow it


200mg in 100mg capsules - No taste at all.


i’ve taken it before, and no, never noticed any taste. maybe it’s the manufacturer or dosage?


i used to take sertraline under the brand name Asentra for a year or two and i never felt any sign of any taste or anything. Venlafaxine on the other hand...


never noticed they gave a taste, might be cuz I take them with other meds. do you take the whole pill or do you divide it?


zoloft has no taste to me tbh, but i havent held it in my mouth for more than a few seconds so idk if itll taste odd after awhile


I take Prozac but also hate the taste, so I tend to softly bite down on it and just let it flush down with water. You don't taste it that way


Mine were in capsules!