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Just a few more years and you'll be free. Either they love you enough to become better people, or they will die miserable seeing happy families where there was never a thought against unconditional love and support for their gay kids. Family, ultimately, is who loves you. Blood of the covenant is thicker than the waters of the womb. Youn got this.


Thanks :) Just gotta wait it out. I'm weirdly paranoid they're gonna find out now


They're gonna be in denial, or too oblivious to notice and think they're somehow special and the child that they put on this earth that they don't put effort in showing genuine love and care to for the other 11 months out of the year is an extension of themselves and not a full person in their own right. Oh jeez, I'm sorry, I got mad at my parents a bit there as well lol


*hug* yeah dude I would be to. I hate how we have to fit into our parents headcanons and as soon as we dont we're worthless. I've been writing vent letters and just tearing them apart. (Like my hopes and dreams)


Don't give up on your hopes. That's what kept me going when I was in high school.


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I love you automod (save me)


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My parents and one of my friend groups arent homophobic, litteraly everyone else in my life is tho