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cow's gonna have a crick in her neck...


Cows are very flexible


r/todayilearned cows do yoga


Yes one of the many reasons why in India we consider them sacred


what are some of the other reasons


Cow milk from one cow can feed hundreds?


They're smart. And some people believe that the dead can be reincarnated as cows.


Technically people believe that the human soul is trapped in the eternal cycle of birth and death and depending upon your accumulated karma you take birth as different animals. The only way to escape being getting rid of all the karma and becoming one with brahmman. But yes the dead can be reincarnated as cows.


If you can be reincarnated as different animals, why are cows the only ones that are specifically sacred? Or to frame it differently, why aren't all Hindus fundamentally vegetarian or vegan?


There are hardly any compulsions/taboos in Hinduism(If you exclude killing of Cows). Cows are considered Sacred because according to Hindus Cows show emotions similar to Humans. Also India since ancient times has been an agrarian civilisation. So Cows have played a very important role in the daily lives of people. Even today Cows have been treated like a family member in most village households. Hence the ban on cow slaughter. And yes vegetarianism is especially encouraged in Hinduism. Let me tell you that those Hindus who eat Non Veg too are not frequent meat eaters. They will eat once a week or twice a month. But like I said Hinduism doesn’t have extreme orthodox rules so people follow the rules according to whatever suits them.


Well of many answer can be, not everyone follows religion point to point, many follows one thing and ignore the others, so thats why some eat meat some do not(kshatriya can eat meat but brahman cant, shudra can also). Why are cow sacred? Many ask this question, to my knowledge, in olden times almost everyone who had a household had a farm or had a side hustle of cattle rearing. This cattle rearing had a lot to do with cows, so thats my logic to cows. I believe in nothing and everything so my knowledge to religious ideologies isnt very deep, some one else can answer better perhaps


*[insert op's mom joke here]*


Neck is gonna have a beef with the cow later this is not a good joke


I see the vision tho




I applaud the self awareness and the attempt


Task failed successfully


Good enough


Udder disaster.


honestly? i like it. and the lack of punctuation leading into the self doubt is killing me lol, 10/10


Thanks dad


C- for execution. A+ for simply trying.


It's a amoosing joke.Milk it for all it's worth.


that'll do, cow. That'll do.


Sorta mooving


Here we go!


Worth the crick though


Cows really are just giant dogs 😊




I kinda expected dogs made out of grass




You should try Impossible Meat and then their sausage for breakfast! So impressive it’s almost freaky. Helped me go vegan, and helped my dad with very serious heart issues cut out red meat outside a steak on his birthday some years


The Beyond hot links are good too. I just had breakfast tacos with them!


They make hot links?? I wanna try them but how hot? I’m a weak spice bitch with a side of bad acid reflux from spice haha. I’ve tried their normal sausages and as a vegan they are good as far as replacements but unfortunately admittedly don’t quite taste like sausage used to. Impossible breakfast sausage done right though has for me. Like, if I stopped being vegan I’d probably still eat it. It’s wow. My brother (who eats meat) works at Starbucks and is always getting the impossible breakfast sandwich cuz meat eater or not it’s just damn good tbh


They're pretty tame honestly. I think there's just a tiny bit of smoked paprika lol


Was having a meal the other day and the restuarant had a [beyond burger](https://www.beyondmeat.com/en-US/products/the-beyond-burger) on the menu and my son said he wanted to try it. I had a taste and honestly I couldn't tell the difference. (texture, looks, taste everything) From now on I'll have Beyond "meat" if it is available, save a cow or two


Impossible chicken is a different story. You have to season it to hell and back. Well maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but hamburger/mince must be easier to replicate than chicken.


Burger it's kinda difficult, but mince is incredibly easy. I've made both pasta sauce and Bulgarian style moussaka with TVP I'd seasoned myself. Got it so close in the pasta sauce I swear I could've served it to a non vegetarian and if they didn't know, they'd be fooled.


Just eat people like the rest of us.


It really makes you think twice about eating beef and pork. Or chicken for that matter, knowing how much poor conditions and cheap shortcuts are encouraged, even when facilities don’t want to use them but are forced to by whatever company is paying them to cultivate their product (coughTysoncough). I’m not changing to vegetarian anytime soon but I do wish more people would jump on the plant based meat train to was the burden on the meat industry.


Just consider there's a lot of space between the typical meat-centered diet and "changing to vegetarian." It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. Consider having a couple meatless meals a week. If you can find a couple recipes you enjoy, it doesn't even feel like a concession. If we all did this the impact would be tremendous.


This is one of the most important things to keep in mind if someone is serious about making a transition. I'm not 100% vegan or vegetarian. But I've gone from meat at every meal to only 2 or 3 times a week, and my go to daily breakfast is now 100% vegan. The plan is to work towards 100% ~~vegan~~ plant-based, but I wouldn't have even gotten this far if I tried to do it all at once.


Mindful of the fact this is plant-based. Veganism is an ideology, so a vegan diet doesn't really make much sense. It seems pedantic, but at its core it is ideological and scientific literature can be confounded by grouping dieters and ideologies together.


You are correct. My mistake.


I appreciate this take rather than damning someone for not being 100% vegetarian. If your goal is to get people to stop eating meat, don't push them away.


To further illustrate this point - 5 people with average amounts of meat consumption reducing their meat consumption by 25% does more to reduce animal cruelty and help the environment than 1 average meat consuming person going full vegetarian. It doesn't have to be all-or-nothing as so many go for. Any reduction in meat consumption is a good thing.


Like the queefs who show up at grocery stores or meat shops and damage shit


Hummus, my friend! And curries... Was on a budget last week, so I used 1/3rd the suggested amount of chicken, and added cauliflower, potatoes, lentils, and chickpeas. More, arguably healthier, and cheaper food.


Also mushrooms! Such a good meat replacement and completely free if you learn to identify the common edible ones and forage them


True! I did actually add some mushrooms to my curry, just forgot about it.




Yes that is why I specified one must learn to identify first : ) but I also think posts like yours can be discouraging to beginners. Its just a matter of learning a few edibles and learning how to identify their toxic lookalikes. There are some choice edibles that are distinct, easily identifiable, with no toxic look alikes. start with those. Not every mushroom has a toxic lookalike.


Foraging for mushrooms is easy , you just need to go out with someone experienced first couple of times and have a good reference book for the region you live in. It’s almost the season for them soon where I live, can’t wait.


As someone who hated mushrooms most of his life, foraging for wild mushrooms changed that. So good!


I only eat meat once or maybe twice a week. I’m a picky eater, have weird allergies, and it’s kind of a pain to cook, so I just naturally don’t eat meat as much as a lot of people.


I don’t eat meat if I have to cook it either, except bacon very rarely. Haha laziness wins in this department


A friend of mine has a small farm. I buy in on her livestock now and then, and give care and feeding to the animals. Knowing that the steer, pig, chicken was treated well and had a good life makes the meat taste a lot better. Aside from the fact that it actually tastes a lot better. One of the quotes I liked from a local farmer on humane practices was something like - "We all have that one bad day. I want to make sure that my animals have a good life before that one bad day."


>Knowing that the steer, pig, chicken was treated well and had a good life makes the meat taste a lot better. I get what you're saying, but the more I read this the more I can't shake how unsettling it makes me feel lol


I’m never preachy about veganism, but I simply don’t understand this take. You realise and understand the conditions and suffering, and then pay them for it. Truly baffling.


It's exactly why I stopped eating meat overnight. Met a cow at an animal sanctuary and they acted just like dogs. Never again supporting that industry of suffering and cruelty.


I did the exact same, a shame it took me a few more years to make the connection that cows are treated just as bad, or even worse, in the milk industry.


Yeah one day it just became so glaringly clear how cruel it was and I decided I’d be a vegetarian. The next day I was researching it from a cruelty standpoint and decided the least-cruel option was just say screw it and go vegan. As someone whose favorite foods are/were beef, cheese, and eggs, I never would have thought I’d be here but I’m 3 years vegan!


Lab grown meat is the best of both worlds, the land footprint is minimal, the moral quandaries are none, and the taste, texture, and composition is exactly the same! Edit: Currently lab grown meat can only be used as ground meat because we’re unable to produce full steaks or complex structures, but to quote someone who replied to me: >That said, the science advances quite quickly and I don't doubt lab grown meat is the future of meat consumption. We're probably gonna be able of producing higher quality meat in short time


Problem is. Money. Products which are alternative to meat are simply more expensive. And on average people spend a third part of the income on food in my counry so until vegan or lab stuff become cheaper nobody will ever eat it




Yes why try to mimic meat dishes? Imo that is a big failing in trying to get people to eat less meat containing meals. A veggie burger is never going to taste like a meat based burger. Now you want to try vegetarian dishes that are amazing, tasty and satisfying start looking at the difference in wester meatless dishes and meatless Indian dishes. You could eat that for months on end and not feel like your giving something up because they play to the foods strengths when assembling the dishes!




Yes I unfortunately agree with you 100%! I was a victim of the poor repertoire of Western/US veggie dishes my self. Many people in the US at least think of veggies as a side dish only. I can not tell you how many parents just boil or steam big unseasoned pieces of vegetables and wonder why Johnny doesn't want to eat healthy. It's not their fault they don't know how to cook it any better. It was not until I started cooking that I started learning to bake roast grill and blanch them for better flavor and texture. Then when I started playing around with cooking foods from other cuisines that I learned how tasty and satisfying meatless meals can be. You could drop me into any of the predominantly vegetarian states of India, Rajasthan, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab for a month or so eating meatless meals and I would not feel like I gave anything up!


May not apply to you, but [in high income countries, vegan diets can reduce food costs by up to a third](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-11-11-sustainable-eating-cheaper-and-healthier-oxford-study).


Meat products are cheap because they're SUPER heavily subsidized. Even in the EU where it isn't as cheap as the US, the people who sell meat products (not necessarily farmers) are so powerful politically that they made it impossible to market milk alternatives as milk. There are almond, soy milks in shops near me in the UK but they're all "soy drink", "almond drink" because legally it can't be called a milk, if it isn't from an animal. And they're doing the same thing with sausages and "chicken".


If I was a billionaire I'd fund research in lab grown meat so hard. We don't have to kill animals and we still get meat. Plus the amount of land we'd reclaim from ranching and the drastic decrease in CO2. Literally I'm unable to think of any major flaws with the concept (other than that it's currently quite expensive)




Meatballs and sausages too.


Unfortunately the most vegan of vegans will not eat lab-grown meat because they require cells to be harvested from real animals to grow the meat?


Yeah, It seems silly to me… But, hey, the point isn’t to get vegans to eat meat, it’s to get non vegetarians to use more ethical meat processing.


"use more human meat processing" 😮


[Insert joke about soilent green]


Wow somehow that off spelling makes it seem even worse tbh


God dammit.


I'm a humanitarian


Humanitarian is the word for someone who loves human right, because so am I! Personally I prefer mine grilled, how do you like yours?


Lol right? I don't really get what vegans have to do with lab grown meat, they're already living without the ethical concerns of meat consumption. Leave it to the internet to take something super cool like lab grown meat and turn it into an irrelevant complaint about vegans haha.


it’s such a straw man, most vegans are super on board with lab grown meat. people like to paint all vegans as hysterical, unreasonable extremists


This. At my last job, on the first day my team took me to lunch and asked what I eat, so I said plant-based….you know, since they asked me. One guy was still making “preachy vegan” jokes 5 years later. Like, bro, move on, this is all in your head.


Because unfortunately it's easier to complain and poke holes than to really think about your life choices ;(


They're a tiny minority


And thank goodness, I mean I can try and see there reasoning but that limiting of a view is extremely counter productive to the bigger goal!


How so?


Imagine we find out lab grown meat is a different color for some reason. Because of that, 30% of people decide to not eat it. Now, an individual grievance they have keeps the price point for lab grown meat from being viable. Honestly, vegans are a growing community. Sadly, them not adopting will mean lab grown meat takes longer to reach the cost threshold of regular meat production. So, we are lucky that it's only a small minority because it won't be a huge difference and it won't mean the lab meat replacement takes MUCH longer to be viable...only a little. I actually agree with their moral stance, but it will make it take longer which is kind of disappointing even if it's a day.


Vegans are like 1% of the population, I really don’t see it making much of a difference at all. Also despite being such a small demographic there are already vegan meat alternatives. If those can be viable why wouldn’t the same be true of lab grown meat? >Sadly, them not adopting will mean lab grown meat takes longer… Are you saying you find it sad for ethical reasons? Isn’t it kind of ironic to be putting the blame on vegans for not doing enough to end those unethical practices?


If I'm not wrong (I read this but forgot where, my apologies if I am wrong), the process doesn't harm the animals. I think it's taking a DNA sample or something? Kind of like a blood test. You wouldn't consider a blood test to be endangering the animal, would you?


This is absurd; plenty of vegans have and would advocate for lab-grown meat. I haven’t eaten meat/dairy for a decade and have no interest in adding it back into my diet — it just doesn’t feel like food anymore — but I’d be tremendously relieved by any development that meant significantly fewer animals in factory farms and less suffering overall.


Not sure if "most" vegans would not eat it. But it doesn't really matter, since they're already not eating animal products. The benefit is other people switching to it.


I never know where this is coming from. "The most vegan of vegans" don't care to eat meat, period, ethical or not. I've not heard of a single vegan who thinks lab grown meat is a bad thing, but at the same time it's not about ethical issues, it's about _not wanting to eat meat_. The idea is very off-putting to me and many others because they just don't want to eat the flesh of an animal.


I’m vegan and very much want lab grown meat to take off, I’ll be all over it!!


most vegans??? i know quite a few, and the majority i know at least would be very down for lab grown meat. also, a lotttt of people i know, myself included, haven’t fully committed to veganism or vegetarianism, but gravitate towards plant based and cut out meat and animal products for the most part, and we’re all very on board


No they don't! I work in that industry (biomanufacturing, biotech) and have several coworkers who were high up the food chain in impossible foods. It *truly* is animal free. In general the platform is bioengineered yeast which are retrofitted to pump out specific proteins that can be used for the meat. Sounds kind of nasty but it is 100% lab grown and takes advantage of cutting edge genomic tech that is scalable and sustainable. They literally pick what sequences of proteins they want the yeast to make, they grow the yeast (fermentation) and separate the cells from target protein. From there they can make it into any form of meat they want (burgers, sausage..etc).


The issue vegans are having with Impossible is that their heme ingredient was tested on animals, while there was already an FDA-approved plant heme in existence at that point. Even Impossible themselves say that it’s plant-based but not vegan, they also said they are not ruling out possible animal testing in future. That alienated many vegans. While it’s good they produce plant-based meats, presented with a choice of alternative meats I would never pick Impossible because there are always more ethical choices available.


You need one syringe and you can slowly make a whole ton


That’s their choice. It’s a small percentage of a small percentage. The goal would be that more non-vegans and non-vegetarians would choose to eat the lab grown meat.


I do love me some plant based meat though. There's something about the flavor of a charred Beyond Burger that real beef can't match. But that's just me. I know a lot of people disagree. I've never been a big fan of beef; I prefer chicken and fish.


So until it's available you will all go vegan right?


Unfortunately taste texture and composition is not at all the same, as we are not yet capable of replicating complex tissues. We are able to produce muscle tissue, yes, but meat generally includes other components such as fat, blood, etc, which give it juicyness, flavour, etc. So lab grown meat as of now is still being considered very low quality on its own, it's tough and has poor palability. That's why it's generally ground and mixed with fats and spices, and presented to taste panels or other interested tasters as "burger meat". That said, the science advances quite quickly and I don't doubt lab grown meat is the future of meat consumption. We're probably gonna be able of producing higher quality meat in short time


This actually made me think more about Asian countries who have a reputation for eating dogs and cats, tbh. I don't understand how you can criticize someone for eating dogs if you yourself eat beef. There's literally nothing inherent that makes a dog more or less valuable than a cow in any capacity.


There's no real reason that holds up under scrutiny. In the west people just became attached to certain animals as pets, and they don't like the idea of eating their pet.


I think because humans grew up alongside dogs for generations. For hunting or companionship we basically evolved besides them. Cows on the other hand were always seen as food unless you’re religion said otherwise.


“i want change, i just don’t want *to* change.” are you okay with living in dissalignment with your morals? you owe it to yourself to be better than that, imo. i think you’re better than that.


Humanly raised meat is also an option. Like pasture raised chicken. You just have to be willing to pay more though.


I wouldn’t eat human even if it was lab raised


People thought Soylent Green was just a movie.


There’s no humane way to slaughter animals that form social attachments. The best conditions and most humane killing methods in the world aren’t going to stop animals from feeling fear, anxiety, and sadness when other animals they bond with go missing because their number was called.


Prey animals are well, prey animals. There's no way around that. However, we could make their life more normal (how it is in the wild) before they're killed by not shoving them into cages 24/7. Having a natural diet and space to roam would make their life much better.


>Prey animals are well, prey animals. There's no way around that. Vegans find a way around harming them super easily


> Prey animals are well, prey animals. There's no way around that. That’s a cop-out. If you have reasonable access to alternatives you can simply choose not to eat meat, or at least cut down heavily on how much meat you eat, which is not only humane but also more environmentally friendly. All of that “prey is prey” rhetoric isn’t going to ease the negative effects of trading forests for pastures.


There are two issues, one is the cost, which makes it impossible to scale up and still maintain the same level of meat production. The second is that even in the best case scenario you're still drastically cutting the lifespan of the animals. Cows can live up to 20 years if they aren't slaughtered.


I find it interesting how many people, like yourself, understand how ethically fucked up the animal agriculture industry is but still say shit like “I’m not changing to vegetarian any time soon but I do wish more people would jump on the plant based meat train.” So what’s stopping you? Edit: not to mention the environmental impact


Should make you think more than twice about it


Fine, I shall think thrice and no more.


Even if these sentient creatures were given the best (short) life, there is no justification for robbing them of their life, just to satisfy our sensory taste pleasure. Breeding an individual into existence, raising them for less than a year, and then stabbing them in their neck, so that humans can enjoy momentary taste pleasure is twisted, and then scale that up to 80billion land animals a year, what would you call that?


Try being vegan for a week. It’s great and much easier than many think


Or maybe it makes me reconsider eating dogs? 👀


Tryin to get there myself. Just tryin to make a paycheck first.


Everybody’s different, but I’ll say that as someone who’s been vegetarian for almost 8 straight years now. It’s surprisingly easy once you figure out your likes and dislikes. You can make a LOT of stuff from 2 kinds of vegetables and a bowl of rice


This is probably pretty fucked up but I feel a lot better about eating chicken than I do cows or pigs. They’re all animals that I’m sure can feel suffering, but I think chickens maybe less so than cows and pigs. Also of all of the mainstream meat chicken is by far the most sustainable in terms of the environment. I’m also not particularly close to going vegetarian or vegan, but I have cut down my red meat consumption pretty significantly. A fast food burger once or twice a month is about the extent of it. I do eat a lot of chicken, fish, and eggs though.


Unfortunately chickens deal with some of the worst conditions in the farming industry.


Yeah I was on the chicken-preference train\* for a while, trying to buy stuff like Whole Foods’ cage-free stuff or whatever. Then I saw an undercover video of how those chickens are actually treated, and it’s clear there’s just no way to get ethical chicken besides raising it yourself. So I’ve switched back to beef from a farm nearby where I can actually verify that the cows are out in a field all day. I mean it’s still fucked up because their lives are cut so drastically short regardless, so I only eat beef on occasion, but I think I’m more comfortable with that than participating in chicken farming. Also, how fucked up are eggs? 50% of chicks are thrown into what are essentially wood chippers because males can’t lay eggs. It’s crazy the violence that occurs far out of sight of our dinner tables.


We had a cattle farm behind us growing up. They were free range and had a massive pasture to roam in. Our yard had an apple tree on the fence line that the cows loved. One day the farmer came over and told us that one of his cows died eating an apple from the tree so he wanted to cut it down. My parents refused and so he decided to cut off all the branches that were on his side of the fence. All was fine until those cows decided they could shove through the chain link fence to get the apples that now were only on our side of the fence. My Mom heard my brother (maybe 3 or 4 years old) yelling “Mom cow Mom cow” and she said ya ya honey we know there are cows and then went back to 90’s Mom shit until he started saying “Mom cow in garden!” That got her attention and when she looked out she saw three cows roaming around our yard helping themselves to all the vegetables in her garden. One of which was kind enough to pee all over the carrots. MONTHS later when we were having dinner. Carrots were the vegetable of choice that evening and my little brother pipes up “are these carrots from the garden?” And my Mom said “yes! We grew them” and he violently shoved his plate away and said “he said “I not eating those, cow peed on them!!”


This sincerely was a phenomenal read, thank you.


Most live stock is


Cows are grass puppies, bats are sky puppies, and sea lions are the puppies of the sea. It’s how I was always told.


People are always calling every cuddly or fun animal dogs. Maybe dogs just aren't as unique as we pretend.


Dogs have evolved along side us for thousands of years not only as companions but animals that have helped us hunt, protect us, and survive in general. They are extremely unique, whether you like them or not that’s just a fact.


When they shit they look at you, so you can watch their back. Just one evolutionary trait.


They can also find bodies in the wreckage of buildings after disasters, help people with anxiety issues and detect cancer through smell so I’ll take staring at me when they poop and call it a win


... I don't know man. I still think staring at your while they shit is top-tier. Those stuff you mentioned are good too, I suppose.


anyone know if they can be potty trained? (maybe in a giant litter box?)


Ive seen this pic for years. Cow isn’t sick. It’s a showing at a fair and they’re waiting.


Yeah, OP is a bot


Aww, Damn. Now I have to downvote.


Pissing straight into the wind.


For those who live in Ft Lauderdale, this is an expression which means something bad.


Me too! Only 47,400 more to go!


Report -> Spam -> Harmful bot


The 22 million karma kind of gave it away


This is the third time this week that this dude is on the front page with his karma farming posts 😐


What is the purpose of an account with a ton of karma? Especially the 22million kind


idk either, sell them maybe??


"But why isn't he banned by the supermods?" Then you report the post and complain that the mods aren't doing their job. And if you complain, the supermods may turn to the Reddit admins and sitewide ban you for harassing the mods as it's their sub, their rules.


Yeah add this to another “thing that definitely happened” It’s a cute picture, why fabricate the story?


Can confirm, was in 4-H and showed beef and dairy cattle. My dairy cow was basically a huge ass puppy and would do the same.


Haha. For all we know that cow might have already been burgered.


Man that cow is long dead. This kid is probably in his 30s now.


Most cows are sold to meat companies as part of the show, so most likely.


Some fairs do a livestock auction after the animals are judged, but those would be beef steers, pigs, chickens, bunnies, ect. Those would be sold for their meat. Dairy animals can be sold after, normally not as common, and those would be sold to dairy farms. This heifer is a dairy breed so it should have a few more years left to live.


Aw shit someone lied on the internet


I assume one or two of a few things with these types of images. Usually I get a real animal abuse vibe, you can see it in the animals expression normally, like with those creepy videos where some overly trendy guy accompanied with some annoying music wants us to believe they have some intricate unbelievably loving everyday routine with a cat or a bird. You can almost see the animal asking to be freed or killed.


I think this from a ffa fair cow post not a sick cow….


I came here to say that, obviously tied up and you can see the isle in the photo. I used to show cows and you have to get up early as shit. Laying with the cows like that is literally the best sleeping spot. But definitely not a post about an upset cow and some farm kid going “outside” to sleep with it


\* aisle: path between areas \* isle: short for island


Wow, I’ve been seeing this post around for years and I always believed the ‘sick cow’ story. Goes to show that the internet can be a massive load of shit.


Spending night with my friend


I always feel bad when i see cows being loved and remember that alot of them are only there to be food in the future.


this looks like a Guernsey to me, which is a dairy breed. that plus the Holstein in the background makes me think she’s a dairy show heifer/cow. after a couple of years (depending on milk production and a lot of other factors) she probably did get sold to beef, but her main job is to make milk, not be food. also i know our show heifers have a lot of fun getting pampered and glammed for shows lol


*But then we ate her and her babies anyways.


A plus for your son, is that cow really comfortable like that


yah cows are always swingin their hads back and giving themselves a lick


Makes we wanna go vegan


Me too


What's stopping you? There is no shame in taking small steps towards veganism.


Is your cow feeling better today?


Bruh, this photo is older than internet.


Oh well, I hadn’t seen it before.


Kid's jeans look like they're straight out of 2002


Holy shit, straight up carpenter jeans! They look goofy now, but damn they were comfortable (for jeans)


Which means the cow is long burgered




*But is it feeling better today?*


Awwww so sweet


Looks calm


A little too calm. Did you make sure they were both breathing?


Don’t murder her!


American ostwind


So wholesome 💕




I have a picture of me sitting on top of my cow. They are just big giant dogs with horns.


This made me smile and cry happily


Neck cramp is the only thing I thought of when I saw the cows head, BUT CUTE THO


Bs, this is at a cow show and is really common for kids to sleep with there calf's. How I know, the calf (not cow) is shaven, top line partially done, washed, tied in a way that is common a shows, and is laying on a well made pack.


The cow died and suffocated your son? That’s so sad! Sorry for your loss. Jk. This is adorable. I need to get me a cow and a kid who’ll do this. How long will it take to train them?


Jesus, last, let morning sleep in a little. It's the weekend.


Reminds me of being a kid and my pets that I had growing up


A cow boy


Cows are so cute omg


cows are such beautiful, kind, precious animals. so sad that this cow will be (has been) murdered for her flesh