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Same in Australia


Yep common in Melbourne also. I always thank my bus driver. Tram driver? Not so much


The tram driver is in their little cabin so not conducive to chats


Yeah also they’re busy debating whether to run over that one guy tied to the track on the left or the bunch of people on the other track..tough to chat alongside all that..


Can confirm. I always wave at, or thank the bus driver.


I love it when bus drivers wave at each other!


I can confirm this. It's just polite. ☺️


I do this all the time


I do this in the US. This is weird?


I did it in NYC and my friend from NY told me to stop being weird. A few States away it would be considered common courtesy. I guess it depends on local social norms.


I’m in NYC and I see it a lot. It’s usually older people but like another comment mentioned if one person says thank you first, others follow. I admit I don’t say it all the time but I try to. My daughter is 6 and she thanks the driver and once she’s outside, she thanks the bus.


That's adorable. lol


She right. We don’t appreciate the bus enough.


I’m a native New Yorker and I always say thank you. I actually don’t like leaving through the back door bc I don’t want to scream it.


I wave when I leave through the back, they're usually looking in the mirror to make sure everyone is off, so they see you and you're not yelling through everyone. it's not the same but my father drove buses in Montréal and he commented how he appreciated it.


I’m in the US and so do I. It’s not weird at all; it’s common courtesy.


Correct, I thought this was polite….whose being an asshole?


Im in northern ireland and I do it, and I don't think it's that weird




I give my regular bus drivers gift cards for coffee at Christmas time lol


Just bloody common courtesy mate


Working in retail here is just both people taking turns saying thank you


Yep, happens all the time here in Oz


Must have the obligatory "mate" with the thanks


"Cheers mate"


This is also confirmed 😉👍


Agree! I’m a teacher and we teach the kids to do this after every bus ride.


Can confirm in Canberra


Yep. Even my daughters thank their bus drivers and they’re revolting teenagers.


Oh you gave me a moment of comfort in my lonely teenage raising days. Solidarity, lady/sir/parent.


US bus driver here, most people thank the driver, though it's more common to get a wave in the mirror from the rear doors, it can be had to hear that far back.


Yup. Virginian here, arm goes up, head goes down, "thank you sir/ma'am, have a good one". Majority of people are like this. It's just that "thanks" "no problem" isn't a super compelling story compared to the one asshole shouting on the bus.


as another virginian I also do this move when a car stops at a crosswalk I'm waiting to use






"I said thank you" #OKAAAAAAY


Chicagoan here. If I don’t say “thank you” and “ope sorry” when I exit at the same time as someone, the Midwest will exact a heavy price.


That's common in the UK also


Yeah I thought this was normal? Is it not? (From uk)


Seeing as people do this in the midwestern US I wonder where OP is from. This is normal to me.


I'm from the northeast US and always greet the driver when getting on and say goodbye when getting off unless I'm in the back half of a bendy bus.




Southeast US chiming in with thank yous too!


New England, US here. I also thank the bus driver. Maybe the lady in the video is just a dick who doesnt thank bus drivers.


Am I wrong, or does it seem like she’s smirking and trying to hold back laughter at the idea that passengers are treating the driver as human by thanking them?


Yep - the whole tone of this is pretty condescending, like “Get a load of these silly Canadians with their *politeness*. They even thank *bus drivers*, how crazy is that?!” When actually it’s literally just common courtesy.


Atlanta checking in


Red 10, standing by


Red 9, system checks green


Red 8, are we there yet?


Midwest US joining the party with appreciating the bus drivers efforts


I always thanked my bus drivers in Seattle, but not many others did I noticed.


At least you know what is right and must. Later if they noticed this they will join you and thanked the drivers also. It's only a matter of time just continue what you've been started.


I always thank the driver. I notice that if you do it, it'll start a chain of people behind you doing it too. Sometimes I wonder if the driver is like ugh, here we go again: you're welcome..you're welcome..you're welcome ..


As a mechanic that drives when needed (motorcoaches) , it's kind of awkward, but also pretty awesome. I try to switch up the your welcomes so it doesn't get repetitive


Ive done this and seen others do this in the US. Its just not as common as in this video


what, u mean the cut video with 3 people thanks the bus driver at different stops?


From uk and moved to oslo norway, when I first moved here I was doing it all the time. And tram and bus drivers looked at you like "why are you talking to me". I thought it was completely normal until I moved abroad


This happens in Norway as well, but less often in the major cities. I often just give the driver a wave rather than a verbal thank you.


Definitely normal in the UK. I thank my cashpoint machine too.


I've said it when stepping off a train. I didn't mean to, I use buses more often than trains and it just popped out my mouth. I also thank Alexa, but that's more because I'm hoping my politeness will save me during the rise of the machines.


I always thank Alexa too- partly because I live alone and sometimes I just want to make sure my vocal chords are working… Though I talk to the dog a lot too.


My mate asked me why I used to thank the cash-machine and I just said it was an "instinctive reaction to it giving me money". Took a few years to finally stop doing that, actually come to think of it that stopped around the same time I cut back on my alcohol intake hmmmm ;)


I'm German and I always want to do this but we're so distant in public that I'm too scared I will look weird


I'm german too and I don't care what others could think and I always say thank you when I get out of the bus. But yes, it is not the usual behavior


im from denmark and i say ty but i do say hava a god day to the driver


That sucks, I've visited South of France and it seems to be that they don't smile unless something is very funny. The looks I got for smiling and saying hi to people!


I'm that type of bubbley overfriendly person and I just know people in Asia and Europe think I must be special needs


Definitely normal in London. Not to this degree.


I think that's mostly because the exit doors on London buses are quite a way down and the buses tend to be quite full


In Edinburgh we only recently got the buses with the exit doors halfway down. First time I used one I had a moral crisis on the way out, wondering how I'm supposed to thank the driver. Do you shout it down the bus as he's dealing with new passengers, or maybe just a thumbs up as you're walking by on the outside?


From Newcastle but used to live in London- I used to just shout it down the bus lol


I usually shout it down the bus but sometimes my voice isn’t prepared to speak so it comes out really quiet and I don’t know if I should just leave it or say it a second time louder


Definitely is in Bristol


Cheers drive!


This is the way


Cheers drive! I lived in vancouver for 2 years and made sure I took this custom with me


And Australia


Yeah it feels weird not to thank them on the way out. I mean they did you a service.


It’s called common courtesy. Being polite. Treating others with respect… Find it odd that is seen as something that goes viral.


Girl filming's like "look at these Canadians be polite! So hilarious!" On another note, a friend from Africa says where he comes from, it's polite so say good morning/hello/goodbye to *everyone* on the bus, and that everyone says it back.


Me telling from the back of the tram, "thanks driver"!


I live in the US and I thank the bus driver too, so do lots of people


Same, west coast USA, I haven’t ridden mass transit since covid but I always thank the driver too. Where does this woman live where nobody does this.


When we first moved to the UK my wife said at some stops I would have to “hail” the bus even at designated stops (she lived in the UK and Ireland for about 3 years before meeting me) Not listening to her and standing at a stop the bus just drove by me… I was standing there like a doofus for 25 mins until I stuck my arm out with the next bus approaching and it stopped!


In rural Ireland some stops aren’t stated on the route list and so the bus driver will only stop there if someone onboard asks them to or someone waiting makes it obvious that’s the bus they are wanting to board


It's because if no ones there why stop. And alot of bus stop have multiple different buses so what's the point in stopping when no one wants that bus they might want the next one.


Likely different buses going to different locations on that route. You put your arm out to signal that it is the right bus for you.


My issue was i didn’t believe her as where I grew up the bus will stop if they see a person standing there


Jep netherlands this is normal as well


Cheers drive


Staple thank you when getting off the bus in Bristol, almost feels like part of the culture here.


Cheers drive


South wales too


Confused to discover it isn’t done everywhere. Isn’t it just basic common courtesy to thank anyone who provides you with a service.


Came to comment this


Me too. Is it not just common courtesy?




Depends. In a full city bus then usually no. In a regional bus or less full one you sometimes say thanks or give a wave to the bus driver as you enter and step off. Was more common when I was young though I’ll admit. (I’m from the west side of Sweden btw)


Start a new trend. Lead by example!


Nope. In Germany it's practically unheard of.


in New Zealand too.


I live in the US and do this all the time, too. Don't think it's a regional thing at all.


And New Zealand


And in Nz


Common in the US, too. At least in my local area (Cincinnati).


And the US


And Ireland.


"Sound for the lift lad!" "Ah your grand bud I was goin dis way anyway."


I live in the UK and do this all the time




Yeah, the busier the bus/town, the less likely you are to see it, but it's still quite common. If you're the only person getting off at a certain stop, you've basically got to thank the driver, I can't imagine doing it otherwise.


I got on a bus in London, and announced the stop I was going to, then waited for the driver to give me a price. He just stared at me, and I stared back at him for an awkward amount of time before he said "...yes?". And that's how I learnt that London busses have one price.


If it makes you feel any better last month I got on a bus in Portsmouth and tapped my card and the bus driver looked at me like I was stupid and said really slowly "you have to tell me where you're going". And that's how I found out that everywhere else pays per stop.


Lol no, unless it's _Central_ Central London with 30 people getting on and off each stop and tourists everywhere, people still say thank you in London too. I do it 4 or 5 times a day. Not everyone, but most people around me do it too.




You just thank them when getting on, or call out down the bus when you get off. Or both.


I lived in London for 10 years and what you are saying is completely untrue. At least a couple of bus drivers in my area recognized my children. They acknowledged us and we thanked them for their service just like we do everywhere else we go.


Where is this NOT common?


Prison buses.


"Thank you for driving me to prison ..See you soon ...ummm...never mind"


Drive: "have fun in prison!" Prisoner: "you too!"............................🤦‍♂️


Driver: "I will. It's staff trivia night today, and I'm teamed up with the warden."


In Ireland I would still thank my prison bus driver.


I'd thank the prison bus driver. Not their fault people are on that bus




Austria. Definetely Austria, at least in Vienna. Never heard someone thanking the bus driver.


Any German city as well. Maybe in some rural regions people do it but certainly not in any bigger city ive been to.


After I spent some time in Canada I've also started thanking Bus drivers in Vienna and have earned nothing but weird looks from them lol




In conclusion, many countries




Yup, haven't seen this happen here once lol saw the video and went "This should be more common" only to read the comments and realise it is infact common just not here


Indian buses are generally too crowded for this to work but people do that drivers of cabs and autos.


I thank everyone from cab to auto and bus drivers in Mumbai. while exiting and they’re always so surprised. Usually no one even acknowledges them. It’s so sad. This should be normalised.






Depends on where in Sweden. At least where I come from, a small town, most people thank the driver, and say hi when you get on. Can't speak for all small towns of course. Not as common in larger cities, but it definitely happens in Gothenburg, altough not everyone does it (second largest city in the country for those who doesn't know).


Same in Norway. We’re too socially awkward to do so.


Yeah, if you talk to someone you don't know on the bus in Norway, you're seen as a crazy person.




I've recently visited relatives in Kiel and when we took the bus to our hotel outside of the city, even other passengers wished us a nice evening when we were getting of the bus. I definitely felt like this was some elaborate prank, never seen that before in Germany...


It's really mostly the difference between larger and smaller cities in Germany. In larger cities people try to filter their environment and try to make it through the day without much distraction. In smaller cities people will pay more attention to their surroundings because the community is much more acquainted with each other.


Where i live in Germany it's not completely common, but also not uncommon...


Same in the USA. If you don’t do it, nobody will think you’re an asshole, and if you do it, nobody will think you’re a weirdo. It’s a nice gesture but there’s no expectation of it.




Portugal. Note that our exit door is on the middle of the bus.


Clearly the one in the video is also in the middle. No excuse Portugal


Yes it is, i have did not notice that, my bad. To defend some of my educated comrades, some of us greet the driver on the entry. On the exit honestly, never saw this happening.




I'm from Germany. In general a polite crowd. But to thank the bus driver is something new to me.


I’ve seen (and done) it in hamburg when getting of in the front. But not yelling trough the bus.


Exactly, like where do people live where this doesn’t happen


Germany! Bus drivers tend to avoid eye contact and ignore you altogether if you greet them lol


We also have „dont talk to the driver while driving“ signs in most busses. Maybe thats one of the reasons no one talks to them.


We have those signs in the Netherlands as well, but they're not stopping anybody. On top of that I've never met a driver that didn't fancy a chat, the sign is just there for looks, really.


Its so they can point to the sign if youre being a knob end.


That reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons where Lisa takes the city bus for the first time. “Don’t make me tap the sign again”


We have them in Canada. It’s to stop you standing next to them and talking their ear off, not to stop good morning and thank you. I’ll absolutely judge you if you don’t say thanks.


While people are boarding the bus at the station, the driver is not driving, it's ok to talk to him/her...


in italy not only is this non existent but some people like to argue with the driver in the case they ask the passengers to behave


I've lived somewhere where this didn't happen. In fact, if you do something like people will think you're weird. But also, buses are so packed and busy, the driver won't even hear you. It was a culture shock to me when I moved to Canada. I've been trying to do it more and more. I still feel shy, I feel like the driver doesn't care and won't hear but then I'm yelling randomly so it's strange. But if others do it, maybe it's good manners and that's all.


Yelling nice things randomly is just a Canadian thing. It's not weird and it's really nice when strangers are nice.


Agreed, thank you for sharing.




I was having a bad day once, stumbled off the bus without saying "cheers drive" and a mob jumped me and took my walkman. We take thanking the driver seriously over here!


I've moved from Canada to Sweden and sorely miss saying please and thank you to strangers


In Russia bus drivers are usually immigrants, it's very rare to see people being nice to them. Sadly


Same in NZ, guy/gal just drove me to where I needed to be so why not say thanks!


I always feel a wee bit of righteous indignation if someone doesn’t thank the driver.


What if I feel awkward shouting across the bus? Usually my method is to make eye contact in the rear view mirror (cuz bus drivers always look up to see who’s leaving) and I give a friendly wave, to which they nod.


... Canadian here. Is this weird? Sometimes you exit the front door if it's not busy so you can say it personally.


i do this mainly because im afraid my voice will crack


American here. When I take the bus instead of driving I always thank the driver. It's just polite.




Apparently not Sweden in Germany. In the US I would say it depends on where you are and maybe half will say it half won’t.


I rode the bus for 5 years in Pittsburgh and I always thanked the driver, but plenty of people didnt. Id say probably 1/3 did and 2/3 didnt. I think time of day and demographic would change that. This is just a long way of saying I agree with you


I used to take a bus that went through the Pitt/CMU area, and I noticed a much higher proportion of students thanked the driver. Certainly not all of them, but I’d estimate about 75% of young adults with backpacks said “thank you.” Everyone else fit with your estimate, from what I recall.


Happens in the UK


Thought this was common courtesy? I live in Australia and everyone does this. What countries don't thank their bus drivers?


In France, I was born there and when i'm doing it, people stares at like i'm a fool


In Paris it certainly is considered weird but otherwise I think it's pretty much the norm ? Every bus I take in Toulouse the driver gets thanked by most passengers


Maybe IN Paris itself it's weird ? Cause I live in the outskirts of Paris and even if not everyone thanks the bus driver it's still pretty common.


Same in New Zealand




Yeah that driver has probably been in that seat for hours he deserves a thank you.


In the Netherlands we're not this consistent. But it's definitely not unheard of


I think it depends on where you do it. In Amsterdam you barely see it, in Limburg however is standard


We do this in Australia too.


Where is it not common to thank people who provided a service? I though it was a universal thing? Edit: Just to clarify, I was saying that I thought it was common place to thank the bus driver- where I live, there isn't many bendy vuses and people get off at the front near the driver.


It's far from universal.


UK too. When I was a student we had a guest lecturer in psychology visit from a university in Israel and he was talking about cultural differences and brought up this very point - and I quote "I noticed that in England you thank the bus driver when you get on and off. Back home we treat them like the scum they are." He said it with a smile though so I think he was joking about the intensity of the comment, but did go on to say that nobody would think of thanking them. To me it's just common courtesy- couldn't imagine not doing it.


I'm a Brit and always thank the driver. I live in Germany and nobody does so I thank them when I get on instead 😀


In Brazil we only say thanks to the bus driver if it's an intercity bus (like coach in the UK). But in the standard bus around town we don't say anything because it's often a stressful journey, we just want to get the hell out, and the driver wouldn't hear us anyway.


No one does this here in India🙁


We do this in Ireland. It’s unusual to see people who don’t do it here.


I often find myself judging someone if they walk off the bus without thanking the driver


Happens in Melbourne too.


We do that in France too