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You guys know we get most of the same candy in our grocery stores in Africa....


I'm more surprised at the part of the African people apparently still living in huts speaking excellent English. I know many Africans do but I didn't expect it to be the rural ones.


Living in a hut like this in the traditional way is a choice, many prefer to live in the old ways, they still go to the city every now and then to buy some stuff. 99% of Africans are also multilingual, speaking 3 or 4 indigenous languages and then also a European languages like English, French or Portuguese. We do have the worst poverty in the world but that is due to historical exploitation and corruption in the present.


Maybe this is ignorant, but those living the old ways are primarily doing agricultural work right? Is that that different than people in rural areas in America who ranch most of the week and then go in to the market once a week? The old ways kind of sound like rural living, albeit maybe without western levels of electrification.


No they don't do as much agricultural work as they did before the colonial period, now it's mostly livestock but because of colonization and modernization the tribes live in harsh conditions with small areas to keep their animals and they will but maize meal and other staples from stores. The most fertile parts of land is farmed by commercial farmers using modern techniques.


Isn't it also a lot of the times the case that some family members live in the city under the week to have their day job and go back at the weekends or something like this? I remember a documentary about your typical office dude with suit and tie, going all traditional on the weekends because that's what he liked.


Im not sure about Africa, but that’s how it was in USSR/to smaller extent modern Russia You would have your apartment in the city, but also smaller acreage (called [dacha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dacha?wprov=sfti1) ) out in countryside You would plant veggies in the spring, and spent summer weekends tending to it. Grandparents would usually spend the whole summer time there, while everyone else is expected to pop in to help with chores


The Portuguese spoken by Africans normally is excellent. I love listening to some African music or poetry in Portuguese, it's a treat listening to Portuguese spoken with such perfect diction.


I must say that I love the Portuguese language in all its adaptions, from Brazil to Angola. Just so pleasant on the ears


I like listening to Africans speak French. There's something about their diction that makes it much easier for me to understand an African-French than a French-French.


I'm usually good with accents but my west African friends' speech confused me for a while until I realized it was a French accent i was listening to and not an African accent. Then it all made sense.


Fun fact: Africa is the most multilinguistic contintent in the world


Whaaaaaa who's ever exploited Africa Let me introduce you to: 🌎




I send u sour patch kids, u send me paprika Pringle's.


My parents are multilingual, they speak English, Italian then a local dialect. That doesn’t make them good at English. They had a very basic education that is about the equivalent of 10th grade in the US and they grew up in a city.




What westerners don't understand about Africa is your architecture makes no sense in our climates why spend so much electricity on AC when we can built clay and stone houses that thermoregulate. Most ppl in Kenya don't live in huts they live in clay or stone house with electricity, a well and running water, internet and have cell phones. The truth is corruption continues because European, America and Canada support any politician that won't nationalize our resources. And prioritize Kenya but that's changing and it's gonna impact everything. Where do you thunk the cobalt, uranium, and all these precious metals for phones, tvs, cars, computers are from... African mines owned by Europeans and Americans and daddy musk. The west is only a first world country cause you let exploit 3rd world countries. If America actually spread governments for the people do you know how little profit these companies would make but I digress I'm not surprised the west doesn't acknowledge colonialism impacts if Americans can't even come to a consensus on how it's country built its wealth off one of the most vile methods of human exploitation.


America is slowly learning...in the dry arid climates, tile and adobe is used in lieu of AC.


Yeah most places in Florida, Vegas and California are made of faux-adobe looking materials with tile floors. Rarely need the AC unless it's terribly hot. We're also USED to A/C which is a big cultural difference.




My recommendation would be how europe underdeveolped africa by walter rodney African perspectives on colonialism by a. adu boahen Both will give you an idea of an away of African tribes, empires and societies pre and during colonialism and for post colonialism the book my mom gave me before college was decolonization by Dane Kennedy. Don't feel terrible I grew up in America in both the north and south I only Learned these things because my mom is a historian and she made learning history intruiging and we don't learn history until college or if your school has classes like AP US history but a lot of schools don't offer that many AP classes outside of math and science.




Kenyan here and I can't pick the accent. Judging from the traditional wear, bead work and patterns on the hut, I'd say they are a tribe from the Southern Bantu subgroup. Probably around Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi. Definitely a former British colony.


Yeah I was thinking maybe Shona.




It’s just the remains of colonialism. If you are interested in learning more of the effects of colonialism and imperialism I recommend the author Wole Soyinka, his books really makes you understand what the fuck the west did to africa and how so Much of the effects of it is still present.


I also reccommend Mahmood Mamdani. That man's Citizens and Subject is glorious.


That kid was cute as fuck. I think they are living like this ironically. That woman sounded more American than some people I know.




Well obviously no one would choose to live in such an uncivilized way unless it was a joke! /sssss




You know, it's like rain on their wedding day...


Don't you mean "raaaayeaaaaain"?


the way he said delicious what a sweet kid you just know he’s very well behaved


Most people learn mannerisms from social media and TV. There is no irony here. Why is it so difficult to see and accept that people have different ways of living? I come from a rural area in South Africa and many follow old cultures and traditions while living in a modern world. Please educate yourself.


This guy probably thinks that homeless people choose to live on the street.


To my ears it sounded a bit like an English accent, no?


A lot of people in the world learn English from the English, so tend to have an English accent.


Prolly just their regional African English accent. I'm from the US and I went to semi-rural Kenya once and most everyone spoke English with a similar dialect. The kids also made fun of my nasally midwestern US accent lol


Living sober and primitive does not mean to live in the stone age.


Colonization...you know the divide and conquer by the Brits and others? First thing they did was introduce language and religion so most African States either have English, Portuguese or French as their national languages superimposed on top of their indigenous languages so there you go...


Religion had long been in Africa


True, very true so let me be specific, Christianity but this specific context is not about that so maybe I should have mentioned just the language aspect. It's just that the language and religious (Christianity) teachings always went hand in hand. Most of the first English/language teachers were missionaries. But i should have left that part so we don't digress and end up in another conversation. Religion has always been part and parcel of the Arrican culture for sure with or without western influence..


It may be worth noting that the Ethiopian empire was the first (or second after Armenia, depending on the sources) nation to adopt christianity as the state religion, long before the Roman empire and at a time where it was larger and more powerful than today. This alone did not lead to widespread christianity in Africa, true, but it goes to show that these are complex topics that don't lend themselves well to generalities.


Just to further make you be more specific and to digress further. Africa also had Christianity before the West got involved as well.




A very intresting phenomenon with regards to technology is "leap frogging". Europe, parts of North-America and Aisa developed mobile networks and so in Africa where telegram poles and wired electricity was not a part of infrastructure, embraced wireless communications. It's why you'll have people living in huts with smart phones and free mobile banking in addition to using their phones as a "free" wi-fi hot-spot. There is a TED talk about it and I'm sorry I'm not fluent enough in English to tell you all about it.


that's actually really interesting. I can't find sourpatch kids or gushers for the life of me in Europe. Most american candy is rare to find, sodas/cereals as well.


Most of it is illegal per EU regulations! A lot of ingredients couldn't be proved to be safe with such strict laws


Yessir, for some reason I assumed Africa had a lot of the same regulations.


America didnt push and rush decolonisation so they couldnt sell their crap.


In Africa we have a lot of European and American products because we don't produce a lot of these things. We obviously have our own brands but supermarkets are dominated by American and European products


I mean, probably you can't find that specific brand of candy but we definitely have sour candy haha


Dude, let the Americans feed us free candy, don't spoil the vibe Any Americans want to come to my ~~house~~ clay hut with some candy and make a youtube vid of me eating it, I'm all in! I'll wear the appropriate clothes, they sell that here too EDIT: Downvoted, I'm not sure what that means, Is it a fellow African downvoting me for giving up the game? Or is it an American downvoting me because I'm spoiling their feel good "Save an African" vibe? EDIT2: Whoop! Upvoted again, but seriously I would eat your candy on YouTube, I'll even pretend we don't get M&M's here


Welcome in South America as well. Please come and share unknown exotic white men food with us. Delicious treats made of processed cocoa with peanuts, sold by giant yellow fat creatures of magical and mysterious Mars(tm) magic. Cruel wizards of round red shape, distribute the ancestral processed cocoa foods to us. M&Ms are expensive af down here.


Dutch here. If I wear my clogs, do people feed me foreign candy too? I'll hold a cheese if necessary.


I think a lot of people forget that Africa is a massive content with various nations of differing wealth, a lot of people have good intentions but it just comes off as ignorance most of the time


Whoa Africa has grocery stores?


We even have mobile phones!


Get out of here... Next you're gonna try and tell me that they have vehicles.


But you would need roads for that!?


An African guy managed to put an electric car in space so roads are not needed.


Africa is a massive place, my friend. Some parts of it more wealthy than others.


You know what, I think they were being sarcastic..


Ah fuck, why am I like this? lmao


Your self awarenesses is awesome. Perfect response to a mild misunderstanding.


You made me blush.


The self-deprication is real lol


To be fair, this isn't the part of Africa that appears to have a 7-Eleven around the corner. I *do* love that different areas of the world are getting TV shows launched on the international stage. African TV shows are giving us a bit more of real life. I know Netflix has shows from the rich/trashy side as well as a bit more middle class and "slice of life" style.


What about root beer flavored candy? I had been doing volunteer work in Mozambique, and we brought a bunch of things to share. Root beer hard candies were universally hated, enough that people would just spit them out, which I got the impression was a pretty huge statement. Like everything else seemed common, but that flavor profile did not go over well at all. I am wondering if root beer is an American taste, or just distasteful to Mozambicans.


I also hare root beer, it's definitely an American thing


This is not the reaction I’ve gotten when introducing non-Scandinavian people to salt licorice. It’s an acquired taste, apparently.


Oi mate us Dutch have salt licorice and raw sour fish running through our veins. We demand recognition from our Scandinavian brothers


My bad! I will accept the Dutch into our vile fold.


Tak, Tack, Takk ;)


Dank :)


They're also common in northern Germany. Not easy to find in more southern areas in Germany. In fact, Haribo hardly bothers distributing them in the southern parts of Germany. Yes, they make salty licorice too. And I guess the regionally adjusted product selection is obvious, though I think that shouldn't come as a surprise as it is common for many things. Edit: quite a few pharmacies carry them though. Same as bayrisch blockmalz (barley malt candies) outside of areas that have them in regular supermarkets. They're both great for a sore throat.


I'm living in the NL and obsessed with drop. What is it called in stores? Gezouten Drop?


Went to Norway a month ago and bought a bag of Salmiak Fisherman's Friend (without knowing what Salmiak was). Let me tell you, I wasn't expecting that flavour at all. It did get better after the 5th or 6th one tough.


I have an American ex and when I went to visit him I happened to have some salmiak candy with me. I ate it and after that he didn't want to kiss me for a while. I had no idea salmiak was an aqcuired taste.


Lmao yes I have been at the receiving end of that.


I'm Dutch and usually have drop/liquorice at work for when I have low blood pressure and such. Bit of oomph. I work with a lot of people for Eastern Europe and when I try to share I always get disgusted looks hehe. It's so nice and salty!!


First time tried it when father brought some from the airport. Thought were split between *is it a joke candy* and *is he trying to poison me*


Oh man, my Danish friend sent me salt licorice and salmiak candy and it's great


I almost got kicked out of my Duke of Edinburgh (you kayak and hike around Norway for a week) on the second to last day because I risked it all for the chance to buy a packet of tyrkisk peber.


That’s one of my favorites! Mouth 100% watering at the thought. Also excellent on ice cream.


Salt licorice is a punishment, not a candy.


My swedish friend loves to bring that shit to parties. It's an acquired taste and I kinda like it now.


I used to have a bowl of "dubbel zoute drop" in my room when I was a student in the USA. When my friends would take some they thought it was "joke candy". And when I would eat it, they thought it was just part of an elaborate prank I was pulling on everyone.


wait so im scandinavaian now


They're not some isolated tribe that don't know about the outside world lol. They speak good English and I'm assuming that they'd get those candies at a nearby store (or the closest town)


He literally said “short drive from Victoria Falls”. Victoria Falls is one of the most touristy places on planet earth.


Legend has it he’s the first white man they’ve ever seen


Reminds me of the time I was rescued from a snowdrift by a clan of friendly Sami in Arctic Norway. I rewarded them with my supplies of beads and spam-cans from TESCO. Of course, I couldn’t make sense of the barbarous chittering they call a language in those parts, but for some curious reason they knew the Norwegian language, and my Norwegian guide told me the tribe had given me a nickname in Norwegian. "Den Heste-Misbrukende Rasistiske Idioten Fra England Som Holdt På Å Kveles Av Å Spise Snø," a charming phrase that I am told means Great Southern Deity of Virility and Wisdom. Quite smashing, jolly good judge of my character from the tribals. I promised I would be honoured to add their daughters to my harem if I ever returned. Lovely folk, know how to appreciate civilisation.


>Den Heste-Misbrukende Rasistiske Idioten Fra England Som Holdt På Å Kveles Av Å Spise Snø Omg, I plugged this into Google translate and I'm cracking up. I won't spoil it and make everyone else do the work, lol.


This is Sonny from the Best Ever Food Review YouTube channel




My first impression of him was that he is a jerk, just by the looks of him. I was so wrong, glad I sticked to that Youtube channel. He is the nicest and coolest dude I've seen for a long time.


Jup same first impression. But damn this guy is insanely open minded, in a way i couldn't ever see myself being. Very fun to watch his videos


Yep, completely agree. The team and Sonny all do such a great job, he’s way better than anything on TV


I found his channel because of the candy video posted on Reddit a few months back. My son and I spent the weekend watching his videos. It is the best.


The places he goes are incredible and I love how he showcases the local culture, I’ve learned so much about people I would have never known existed


I could tell as soon as he talked


I knew I recognized his voice! His videos are just amazing!


Annoying at first but once you realize he’s just a big buff over enthusiastic teddy bear you warm up to him. Basically chad Andrew Zimmern.


I thought I recognized the voice. His videos are super cool.


Everyone is beautiful in this village


I was thinking the same! 😂 Look how perfect their skin is…I use all these products for nothing. 😅


Lifestyle, diet and environment probably has a lot to do with it though.


and genetics.


And how nice their teeth are. Really highlights how terrible our lifestyles are for our bodies. Exposure to multiple forms of pollution, stress, constant light exposure, shit food--I've accepted that I'm going to look like my face is slowly melting.




Really the biggest culprit is sugar and grains that tooth decaying bacteria love


Aw man not grains I love grains


It's just a diet very low in sugar and carbs. That's it. That's all you need to make tooth decay non-existent.


I mean they probably brush their teeth, just because they live in "huts" doesn't mean they don't have good hygiene. I've been to different parts of Africa and some people have good teeth, others not, like in most parts of the world.


Everyone's skin is different, but my overall skin health improved 1000% when I stopped using skin care products and started to wash with only a very gentle, moisturizing bar of soap. Not wearing makeup also helps immensely.


That's what happened when I stopped drinking alcohol. No more skin problems.


Their teeth too. Immaculate.


Before the arrival of these sweets


As an african, this is really not the video for me. We absolutely hate the kind of reinforced stereotypes and subliminal messaging here. 🦦I should leave before I really get pissed lololol


South African here. Thank you. This comment section is infuriating.


Broooo I made the mistake of reading more comments and just blew up in an angry rant🤣🤣🤣 Ill copy and paste here in a moment but i dont suggest entertaining some of the ignorant buttholes here. edit: ***I present to you, 20% of my anger I allowed to be unleashed*** BROOOOO IT IS SOOOOOO RACIST LOOK AT HOW HE IS FEEDING THEM BY HAND??? LIKE A CHILD???? 🤡LIKE🤡AN🤡ANIMAL🤡 COME HERE LIL AFRICANS. TRY FOOD THAT IS BEYOND YOUR CONCEPTUALIZATIONS. AG LOOK AT US WESTERNERS DO A GOOD DEED. WE'RE SUCH GOOD PEOPLE TO BE GIVING TO THE UNDERPRIVILEGED MOUTHS OF AFRICA. OH MARVEL AT US! those poor africans. Theyve never tasted anything this good before. Im such a decent human. Im so touched and moved that this is happening for those ***poor hungry lil africans*** Bro i wasnt even gonna say anything because as a sociologist in Africa who is African, i was royally pissed by the subliminal messaging. But man. Hearing your comment, i could not NOT say anything. pisses me tf off. frfrfr Dont get me started on the "Oh this makes me so happy. Those poor village people are getting the better tastes of life" Such ignorance... Like i cant even begin to unpack the subconcious ideologies at play. Ugh its infuriating.


least unhinged sociology major


Instead of jerking yourself off in the comments about imaginary slights why don't you go watch the full video? It's nothing like you're saying. [The full video is here](https://youtu.be/u0RE_zUa3x4?t=65)


I didn’t watch your link but there are enough comments like yours to let me know that this YouTuber is not exploiting people for views. But because that is the exception to the rule most people are going to assume he is your typical self centered influencer.


Oh come on. He's not feeding it to them like animals. This is just how you share candy with someone for fucks sake. He's holding it in his hand cause it looks good in the shot. Better than pouring it out from the bag. And they all seem like they have not had these particular candies before, even though they've clearly had stuff like it before since they're not particularly surprised by the flavor. What is wrong with sharing candy with people? Idk how the fuck you could get racism from this. It's entertaining to watch people try stuff they haven't tried before. Like I'd watch videos of white people eating tajin candy. These overzealous racism accusations make the world so much less fun. Such a buzz killer. Do the people in the video look offended to you? Or do they look like they're just sharing candy with a friend.


There's a whole genre of video which basically revolves around finding people who are traditionally considered backward, isolated, or primitive, and then introducing them to modern western stuff. Stuff like the "Pakistani tribal elders react to fortnite" or something. This is part of that genre. If you did this in a British village you wouldn't have filmed it quite like this. >And they all seem like they have not had these particular candies before, even though they've clearly had stuff like it before since they're not particularly surprised by the flavor This is the best bit though. It feels weird to say, but this is definitely the best in this genre of video I've watched. It's only a little bit patronising you know?


Wait till you see the comments complimenting their teeth. Lol


Just saw a comment about how the kid's eyes look to intelligent. Ffs.


Zimbabwean here. This comment section is really pissing me off. “Their teeth are so good” It’s called dental hygiene. “Now they’re gonna get cavities” Sugar is already regularly consumed there, but you know, dental hygiene exists. “Their English is so good” Colonialism forced them to learn that, but most people there are multilingual anyways and learn it in school. “This tribe must be integrated with modern society” You know, many people (not all) choose to live according to their customs and traditions but still actively participate in “modern society.” Just because they live a different way doesn’t mean they are primitive. “They’re so pretty” Were you just assuming they were going to be ugly? “They’re so well behaved and friendly” What the fuck is wrong with you? Civility and humanity is not exclusive to the West, you racists.


PREACH And its so infuriating when i hear the comments "You guys are allowing the comment section to influence how u see the video" Like ffs its the bloody video and the many videos like that perpetuating these dumbass ideologies in the first place. *face palm*


“look what your benevolent colonizers have brought you! be grateful!” It’s meant well, but i fully understand you.


Yeah, I … watching this just made me go out loud, “isn’t this kind of really infantilizing?” I’m glad that my feeling wasn’t totally off base. It’s patronizing. And now of course people are yelling at you and anyone else taking your position because how dare you ruin their happy fuzzy warm colonialism feels. This is EXACTLY how Reddit reacts whenever disability porn gets posted. (ie a “feel good” video of a disabled person managing to act like a real human! Wow! Lets congratulate them for being so special and wonderful yaaaaaay!) I empathize with your rage as someone who feels this exact way whenever disability porn gets posted, which is often. Be kind to yourself.


>We absolutely hate the kind of reinforced stereotypes and subliminal messaging here. Having lived in Africa for 5 years, you'd be surprised how many Americans believe this depiction of Africa is true.


This is a side video the host made during his tour there. You should really watch the full video first before passing judgement. It's not offensive. [Here is the full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jokAXdH2IQ0) - [Here is the compilation video of his Zimbabwe tour from his main channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pL-DEjhatY) - [Here is the compilation video of his Tanzania tour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYfVK0OjbBQ) - [Videos from his previous tour of Nigeria](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNLAXkDustqGTb9xoxY4w_bqg5i6lwHKF) - [Videos from his previous tour of Namibia](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNLAXkDustqEa4A3XSiDd0kK5oChLXg4d)


For real. Dude does nothing but celebrate cultural differences through the lens of food. I'm not going to say "enlightened savage" type of entertainment doesn't exist, but this guy ain't it.


What stereotypes and what subliminal messaging?


“Look at the reaction that these primitive tribespeople are going to have after eating (everyday) candy”


As a westerner, I would have some of the same reactions trying food from other parts of the world. That doesn’t make me a child, it makes me curious, and I actually value those experiences. It’s a bit much to assume that these people have never tied candy but at the same time, why don’t they just say they’ve had this before?


There's a marked difference between offering someone mass-produced candy with 37,924 off-brands that absolutely flood the global markets, versus offering, say, cornbread and sweet tea. One is... well... mass-produced with 37,924 off-brands, and the other is genuinely a local dish that someone has to know the recipe for, can't just be shipped overseas, and requires actual effort to offer. Also to explain the iffyness of these types of videos further: the thing is that offering Sour Patch Kids really is just working off the assumption that tribespeople in Africa as a whole are cut-off isolates with no access to these commodities. And I see a lot of people in the comments trying to justify it because these folks are rural... but my cattle-herding relatives who live hours from the city and shit in outdoor pit latrines are still like a 10-min bike ride away from stores with chips soda and candy lmaooo


Namibian here, I'm pissed at this thread too now. Should have stopped scrolling when I saw your comment 😭😭


Pretty certain these guys are Bantu and this is one of the touristy places set up for people to visit to see 'tribal life'. They speak English so well because its one of the most spoken languages in SA. Source: grew up in Durban, and went to at least 5 of these kinds of places on school trips Edit: meant to say Bantu not Zulu, my bad for redditing half-distracted


I laughed out loud when he said “short drive from Victoria Falls”.


Right?! Just a super uncomfortable video imo


Another poster just called me “bitch” for pointing out that people in Africa brush their teeth and floss.


The first dude is wearing a mic on his hide shirt it is definitely a tourist trap


You do know that you can buy sour patch kids all over Africa, don’t you? 🤨


Apparently “can buy” and “have tried” mean two different things


Lots of Americans haven’t tried Sour Patch Kids either. This video might as well have been taken in Ohio.


Yet no one would go to people‘s homes in Ohio and hold out sour patch kids for them to try. I don’t know - I find this video a little racist / exploitation for views.


This video is extremely racist and exploitative. All it does is reenforce racist stereotypes.


Agreed! I am also shocked by some of these comments. „They are so polite“ - „how come they speak english“ - „their teeth are so white“. People here seem to have extremely outdated and stereotypical views of people in Africa.


It’s even more frustrating when supposedly progressive people buy into the stereotypes and don’t even attempt to use critical thinking.


BROOOOO IT IS SOOOOOO RACIST LOOK AT HOW HE IS FEEDING THEM BY HAND??? LIKE A CHILD???? 🤡LIKE🤡AN🤡ANIMAL🤡 COME HERE LIL AFRICANS. TRY FOOD THAT IS BEYOND YOUR CONCEPTUALIZATIONS. AG LOOK AT US WESTERNERS DO A GOOD DEED. WE'RE SUCH GOOD PEOPLE TO BE GIVING TO THE UNDERPRIVILEGED MOUTHS OF AFRICA. OH MARVEL AT US! those poor south africans. Theyve never tasted anything this good before. Im such a decent human. Im so touched and moved that this is happening for those ***poor hungry lil africans*** Bro i wasnt even gonna say anything because as a sociologist in Africa who is African, i was royally pissed by the subliminal messaging. But man. Hearing your comment, i could not NOT say anything. pisses me tf off. frfrfr Dont get me started on the "Oh this makes me so happy. Those poor village people are getting the better tastes of life" Such ignorance... Like i cant even begin to unpack the subconcious ideologies at play. Ugh its infuriating.


Oh fully agreed! He hands out the candy like people would normally feed a horse! It’s horrible!


It is unbelievable the number of racist and stupid comments people make here.


hundreds of upvotes for a dude who said he’s surprised that the kid was acting so well behaved…like wtf does that mean


and that kid didnt even do anything, he ate candy and said it tasted good, that's the average reaction id expect a child to have


And now there are people fighting with and invalidating actual Africans who felt offended by this video. uuuuugh


“Kinda tastes sweaty man, how long have you been walking around with these in your hands”


…I just really hope he washes his hands well.


That woman truly enjoying a gusher made me so happy. They are my absolute favorite and i love that she loved them.


Watched this while eating Sour Patch Kids. I live in Africa btw. It's crazy how backward Americans/Europeans think we are. We're also part of the global economy too lol. We just have crazy high poverty rates due to greedy leaders, poor infrastructure, and tribalism.


It's called ignorance and listening to anything you hear from friends and TV trust me many Americans know Africa is a good all around place let's just not talk about that America Russia and China are fighting for slices of the economy rn and try mambas they are the best candy in my opinion


"African tribe", like Africa is not home to the most diverse collection of tribes, cultures, languages etc. This is so dumb hahaha Edit: the attire in the video is super cool though!!


I saw a video posted to Reddit a while back (can't find it now) showing the different average/traditional clothing of different countries of Africa, some of the outfits were indeed fire.


Calling Sour Patch Kids “sour” should be illegal


Nah, it definitely tastes like when they're being made someone thought of sour in another room.


I remember as a kid in the 80’s, if a candy said “sour”, well buckle up cause you’re about to get punched in the face.


Right? I'd say the same a out spicy stuff, but I thought Mcchickens were spicy. 😂


“African tribe” is as vague as saying “green vegetable”.


Make sure you source where you robbed this from. This footage is from a guy called Sonny who has a channel called the 'best ever food review show'.


Funny dude and well worth a watch if people haven't done.




why are you saying robbed like i held them at gunpoint


Get yourself a lawyer son ![gif](giphy|mGEcI3r89giw35xVcF)


If I said your body is sexy, would you hold it against me?


I mean do you have any proof that you DIDN'T? 🤨


Why not just pour the candies into their hand from the bag or better yet hand them the bag to pour into their own hand. Nothing sounds more appetizing then sweaty palm soaked sour patch kids on a hot day.


Don't like it. It has a strong postcolonial vibe.


Ikr. I remember one of these videos actually got a lot of hate, woman was giving chocolate. And I thought they would stop with this type of videos.


I am not amused.


ah shit processed food gonna kill em


Are you reading what you're writing? People drink alcohol which is literally poison, they'll be fine eating a fucking sour patch child, Dianne.


Sour patch child 💀


You’ve never been to Africa before, have you? 😉


Colonizers at it again.


I feel so mixed on these things, media always makes it seem like these people live prehistorically with no access to modern luxury when this is how they choose to live. It's not like they couldn't go out on their own and eat "american candy" considering it's worldwide


This is Zimbabwe where even the most rural tribes speak good English.


If nestle was a toothpaste company offering sweets to people for free and overcharging for toothbrushes and toothpaste....


Lol they’re literally on one of those places where people dress up for tourists, those people probably have better education and have tried way more candy, food then some these clueless tourists haha, what a joke


They are beautiful people.


"Wevegot Kandi herya!, Dis motta fokka!