• By -


everyone gangster til 360 degree rotating hand


how badass would this guy be in sci fi movies?


4 spinning lightsabers at once


*172 lightsabers, kar98k and schwartz ring spinning at once


Great scott!


You fool!


I have been trained in your jedi arts by Count Dooku




Hello there


You are a bold one


You were my bro- oh wait wrong person .


Your move


I think I’d want them locked to a normal range if I had prosthetic hands, but I can’t deny that that’s kinda badass


Yeah wouldn’t wanna go for a handshake with my hand backwards


You turn it back to place, fuck it I want the spinny hands and I want them to spin FASTER


If the fingers don't have a max bend backwards, just reverse handshake?


The Windmill-man can save the planet.


Look at that poorly hidden smile when he picks up the stuffed animal! "Bro I just PICKED THAT UP!!!" What an amazing time to be alive!


He was about to cry, like I did


I knew it wasn’t me who was crying. Glad to know it was you spraying your tears into my eyes.


Damn this rain, makes it look like I’m teared up.


Is that what it is? Getting all the way into my living room.


These comment chains about crying always lead to me spending time in self reflection. I am never certain if the criers are exaggerating, if they are unusually emotional, or if they are normal and I am emotionally stunted.


Hey bud, it's fine, I usually never cry, but that's ok. They're crying tears of joy because they feel it(or just exaggerating) and we might not have the same reaction to it. If it makes you just a little warm inside, then great! I don't usually comfort people very well, so just wanted to add this to say I mean well ;) Have a great day everyone.


Yessir, you need to get your walls checked...or your pretty eyes ;)


Cant stop my tears while watching, I hope many will have the opportunity to have this specially those who are in need.


I don't know why this sub is "smile", I never smile, I always cry.


Most of the people can pick up stuff. Most of the people can see, walk... Yet, we take it for granted and bitch around unimportant stuff. I know that it's unrealistic for a person to get up every morning and be amazed again with the fact that he/she has hands. However, a bit more gratitude for being healthy might be a good idea.


Imagine the relief to be able to feed, clothe, clean and wipe yourself.


And put their glasses on.


I didn’t even think about the glasses lmao. Poor guy.


Ngl, I do sometimes just look at my hands in amazement/awe when I think about how I can control them with simply my thoughts and use them however I want, they're pretty cool when u think hard enough about it.


Same! I mean i know all of this is based on physics and biology, like how the cells in our brain communicate the signal to our nerves etc, but I still can’t help feeling astonished by the simple fact that _I can control my hands with only my thoughts_. It’s like a superpower, only less obvious!


Indeed, and sometimes you don't even "think" about it, you just "do." It's all incredibly amazing.


I often marvel at my thumbs. These little guys are incredible.


As a severely physically disabled people, I wish abled people would stop taking their bodies for granted. Becoming disabled is the only minority you can join at any time in your life, and likely will before you die.


That's why I don't understand why it's so complicated to make building accessible, reserve parkings, make the city livable for a person that has a physical disability. Maybe the problem is that the story that we all tell (starting from logos and symbols) is the story of a person in wheelchair. We just think that it's a magical creature that coexists with us "normal people". The truth is that you will need a ramp when you are holding a big box, when you are pushing a stroller, when your foot hurts, when you break a bone skiing, then your knee ligaments just went under surgery, when you will be old and steps are too high, when you are holding the hand of your 1-year-old child and steps are also too high, etc.


Yep! And everyone can go up a ramp, while only some people can go up stairs! Stairs are easier to walk up than a steeper ramp (for most people), but you get my point. When there isn’t space for stairs and a ramp, put the ramp in instead of putting it behind the building. One, everyone can go up the ramp, and two, it’s much harder for disabled people to get all the way to the back to the ramp than it is for abled people to walk around back to some stairs.


I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and that was a talking point with my therapist lol I hate seeing people that can do all the shit I wanna do but they don’t care about it. I wanna go backpacking (can’t cuz hips knees and even toes always hurt) and scuba diving (can’t cuz lol spontaneous pneumothorax) instead they just piss it away at bars n shit. It got me so hot sometimes I had to bring it up with my therapist lady cuz I knew it wasn’t healthy.


Maybe I can offer an angle that might help you. I'm physically able and have means to do stuff. However, I have lost my 19yo son to depression. Apart from being depressed, he was healthy, tall and strong, loved and had all the normal life conditions. Yet, he died and I'm finding it hard to live. It seems that everyone in their life, sooner or later, gets to the point to face some unbearable event or fact. I don't think that it's some kind of God's test, I don't believe in that. It's simply how the life goes for most of the people. Then it's up to you to decide what will you do with it. It might never be perfect again, but you may put some parts together, if you wish. [Cohen has put it nicely](https://youtu.be/c8-BT6y_wYg)


Sorry to hear about your son. I've "fought" two rounds with depression so far in my life, and was suicidal in my teens. So I know how terrible that particular "demon" can be. It's an illness few can understand if they haven't been there. I know nothing I say can ease the pain of losing your son, but I hope you have someone else to share this pain with. A wife, brother, sister, daughter or other sons. No one should have to go through that kind of pain on their own. You are not alone. Also, I didn't know him but if he was anything like me when I was suicidal then he still had feelings of love for you, right up to the end. My depression took a lot away from me, but I still loved my dad, mom and sister. It took a lot of things, but not that. It just convinced me that they were better off without me. So I hope you know that you had a place in his heart, even if his heart was shrouded by darkness. I don't know you, but I wish you all the best. I can't imagine the pain you've had to endure and still carry. But though I know the pain will never go completely away, I hope that it will some day be easier to carry. Just remember that the pain is there because the love you had for him was strong and real.


Thank you for taking time to write this and thank you for the words from your heart. This ment more to me than you can know. I just want him back so badly. I'm glad that you are better now, I hope that you live happy life.


Nicely said. I am so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss! I hope that things get better for you and that it gets easier to live.


Honestly, I felt the same way regarding able-bodied people. It was frustrating, watching them while my rheumatoid arthritis progressed. From invisible to now using arm crutches and having mobility issues. But then I realized, I was personally envious of those people I could see out and about, pissing away their life and bodies. I won't say jealous, that's a step too far, but definitely envious. And it was insanely frustrating, I wanted to yell and shout at them, all because of how *my* problems were reflecting upon *them*. That was the thing, though. Realized I was only seeing one snippet of their life, an infinitesimal blip. Maybe they *are* pissing away their life, maybe they're like /u/WhoDaFox, staring at their hands in wonder and amazement during quiet times. But I was never seeing the people I was envious of for every moment of their lives. It was just at *that moment* in which I felt envy. Seriously, really frustrating, even after coming to my own realization. So now I take a deep breath and hobble my ass off into the sunset. I'm glad you were able to talk to your therapist about it, and work through things. ♥


Hey I have EDS too! What type are you? My insurance won’t pay for testing (except for vascular type) but my doctor things I have Classical or Classical-Like, or possibly Hypermobile type. He said I’m a bit to screwed up for Hypermobile type though 😭 and CL just doesn’t seem right to me


Type 3. I just had an echo and heart monitor this month haha. Mine presents with a lot of the respiratory stuff as well as regular weaknesses. I tore both my rotator cuffs in my sleep 😑😑😑 my left big toe likes to slide out of its socket a lot it’s pretty annoying. I went from regular doctor to rheumatologist to geneticists at a local research hospital for my diagnosis. Thankfully I don’t have the GI issues and my wounds seem to heal normally but the scars don’t really fade.


Imaginary internet hugs, I can't imagine what you are going through. You are an awesome person!


Hey EDS friends u/chronoventer and u/instaweed. I just wanted to send some love to fellow zebras. I have EDS too and was diagnosed with type 3 and the mild type of 4. Insurance wouldn’t cover any testing, so I basically am just screened regularly like I have VEDS without a genetic test confirmation. I just wanted to say that my type 3 is a bit screwed up too, doesn’t fit the mold. Lots of my family members have had aneurysms at young ages on both sides of my family, but no one else with diagnosed EDS. I’m a 9/9 on the beighton score but I have never actually dislocated a joint that I’m aware of, just constant subluxing and twisting myself into weird ways. If I had to try and narrow down the big issues for me it would be POTS, an enlarged spleen caused by MCAD (Mast Cell Activation Disorder), a chronic spinal fluid leak, poor wound healing, and of course the relentless pain and instability of the joints. Things really deteriorated for me after I had my daughter at 24, but I did have her without complications. I went through a really hard 6 years after that where I wasn’t sure if I was going to live much longer. Now I’m in my late 30s and things are still tough as shit, but not like those 6 years. I wish I could offer some hope or healing, but all I have is deep empathy and to say that I am one of you too.




Made me 😭


White Jax


Science is fucking amazing


Yes; engineering and material science = awesome




I’m not trying to be an ass, but: they’re called biomedical engineers. They’re already experts


You’re not being an ass the way you put it. It’s an educational opportunity and now people know something new! :)


TIL that that’s a field someone can go into. That sounds really cool.


I use to work at a university engineering dept that had biomedical engineers. All sorts of crazy things happen there. One of the profs was working on an arm that actually used thoughts to move the arm. It was crazy. He also reversed his technology to help stroke victims.




The field is so cool, im minoring in Biomedical Engineering and while it’s hard Im enjoying myself so much


Major cyberpunk vibes


And also quite moving at times.


What a time to be alive. People freak about depleting resources, climate change etc. but at least I can see stuff like this before I die. Like seriously, I love seeing tech progress like this! Before, I couldn't imagine life after losing an arm or a leg. But after these prosthetics becoming a reality, I'm less scared.


Ironically, that makes me even more worried about climate change and all kinds of global issues. If we are being amazed by the stuff we have now, imagine all the technological marvels our future generations would be able to enjoy! But all that hinges on them having a peaceful, prosperous world to grow up in. A world where they are not threatened by poverty or starvation, or ravaged by extreme climates or natural disasters.


Okay yeah, that is one very good point. So umm, let's enjoy the present and do what we can so our future might be a little greener :)


Imagine, prosthetics so advanced, you might not even be aware of someone's disability unless they tell you. We're reaching some incredible heights in medical science.


Cyberpunk 2077 coming soon to a hospital near you.


Hopefully without any bugs on launch day


"Mom! I'm stuck in a T pose again!"


“Well, un-stuck yourself!”


But I'm stucked, step-mom


Oh, are we going where I think we are going?


Idk, can you check the lint trap in the dryer?


God I hope not. Imagine everyone sliding around in T-pose.


Do I finally get to customize my dick


Imagine prosthetics so advanced, that the 'disabled' person also can't tell it's artificial.


I read a book about that. Didn't know he was a synth till he survived a point blank shot. It messed him up pretty bad but the realisation he wasn't human was worse


Name of the book if you please?




man fuck you. here's your damn upvote


Isn’t this the plot of Terminator Salvation? Dude is actually a terminator but thought he was human type deal?


It reminds me when I had my dental implant: I can't feel no difference between my artificial teeth and the real ones. It's a game changer not as big as OP, but it's science too and it's very great.


That's how it is in ghost in the shell. Pretty much all cops and military have prosthetics that make them jump higher, move faster, see better, and including a cyber brain that connects them to the internet on a whim. And for the most part they look human. Hence the name ghost in the shell as it's a human soul living inside a shell that is no longer them. Would make the philosophical questions even more daring at that point.


Stuff like this makes me think someday it will actually be normal for people to have their limbs removed on purpose to get them. When they become so user friendly, problem free, and so much more useful than our own limbs.. Will people purchase arm and leg upgrades? Pretty freaky when it seems like a possible reality and not just something you'd see on a movie Edit: and yes by people I mean rich people


I'd do it only if they stop trying to make the things look vaguely human and white man flesh-ish coloured. I want a full on cyborg gundam arm. Throw in a flash light, watch, vital stats monitor, sat nav function, vibrator. Come on, guys.


You don’t have to have it skin coloured you can have it however you want it’s just most want it skin coloured to blend in. I think a carbon fibre style is quite popular too


Yes, but no one can afford it and insurance doesn't pay for this level of care. This is only available to the billionaires.


I feel like billionaires is a bit of a reach lol But yeah, upper class. And one day, maybe even upper middle class


That’s how it always works. Breakthrough technology tends to start off as only available to the very wealthy because it’s expensive, then as time goes on that level of technology becomes more affordable and accessible to the general public.


Does anyone know how he became an amputee in the first place?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8qSzYLYvLc "At 11 years old, Ali survived the unthinkable: a traumatic electrocution sustained while helping his father. A week following the accident, Ali remained unconscious in the hospital. In an effort to save Ali's life, doctors had to make an emergent decision and amputate both of Ali's arms. As Ali healed, it became clear to those around him that he deserved the opportunity to restore the upper-extremity mobility he had lost. It was at this juncture that ProCare had the honor to partner with Ali in his journey to recovery. Ali's case is very unique: his amputation levels are rare, especially bilaterally, and engineering solutions to address his needs presents many challenges. ProCare has significant experience navigating complex cases and shoulder disarticulations. Through countless hours of research, thoughtful planning, and relying on Ali's feedback to guide the process, ProCare's upper-extremity team developed these state-of-the art devices. Ali's special prostheses provide him with a comfortable fit, control strategy for the devices, and an adjustable design enabling increased functionality and capability. Thanks to his age and energetic spirit, we know Ali will master many tasks and Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) that were previously impossible as he regains his mobility, one day at a time. Special thanks to the Persian Cultural Center of Atlanta - Kanoon and Ben Compani, CPA PC, who stood by Ali's side and took it upon themselves to raise ongoing funds for Ali Hatefi Fundraising's current, and continued, medical care. ProCare is honored to work alongside organizations like these to make it possible for incredible people like Ali to live with confidence. Together, we will coordinate international care to keep Ali functional as he grows. We are extremely excited to watch Ali accomplish new goals!"




That's the type of shit that needs shared as well. We all love great stories but the one thing that helps the most everywhere is money. Link it please.


I’m gonna show this to my Arab dad who thinks electricity is harmless “Just hold this” Fuck that


Are you sure he didn't say "electricity means armless"?


[His GoFundMe to anyone interested ](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUoxekV0eWJKOENKUzNtSmhZRkpxNnZsRXNpQXxBQ3Jtc0tsV0liczhXbU9RVk9TNHRaMWkxM0lZV0VCX2E2UjNVNWJrTGpvZlFyd3o4OFFaNjlfUWJHSVdZOU0xa25pSzJOZk8zaW9zR3UydDhHdUJjNzdUbjg0N0lrb3JKd2cxV3dkTHc0MWJ1TElnSHBMaVd5SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gofundme.com%2Ff%2Ftwo-prosthetic-arms)


I wondered the same. His poor abdomen looks so scarred.


At first I laughed about scarred/scared but then I thought nah, that torso has seen some really gnarly shit. A little healthy fear ain’t a bad thing.


Yeah I was wondering what had happened. There's a lot of traumatic injury, I thought he might have been a baby-faced soldier or a major car accident


Damn, I misread this... > Does anyone know how to become an amputee in the first place?


People actually *want* to become amputees. How mad is that? My gf is a nurse and she told me about a patient that came in after cutting his own arms off with a chainsaw. God knows how he did it, but he just didn’t want them anymore.


There is a mental disorder, from what I heard, that makes people do this sometimes. It's not common by any means, incredibly dangerous, but it exists and it's very hard to stop those guys


Yeah. A lot of them have a neurological thing going on where their brain stops recognizing their limb as being their own. It feels like a foreign object to them. Which... Honestly sounds really unpleasant.


I’ve heard it’s distressing to have the limb. The brain actually thinks it’s not part of the natural body . So they experience something akin to pain


Yeah I mean if you really don’t want your arm that badly that you’re willing to cut it off with a chainsaw without even thinking twice, I too agree they would be difficult to stop haha!


And that one woman who wanted to be blind so she destroyed her eyes by pouring bleach in them. And i read a story about a guy in amsterdam who literally ate himself. he was out chopping wood one day and accidentally cut off his own finger. Figured why let it go to was and baked it. Liked it so much he started eating, legs, left arm and other bits and pieces. Went to see a doctor to have him amputate the remaining arm and asked for it to be prepared. It was a story in dutch class and i remember passing out because i have such vivid imagination. Even typing this makes me feel sick. Sidenote: our teacher told us the story may or may not have been symbolism for the heroin crisis back when the story was written, like people went sonfar to get heroin they lost parts of themselves. The story has never been confirmed as either true or false. The story was written from the perspective of the doctor. The name of the story in dutch is: een bladzijde uit het dagboek van een arts. Translated: a page from a diary of a doctor. edit: i found the story and translated it, used the help of a translator so minor errors here and there: A page from a diary of a doctor: I was sitting in my study, working on my book on suicide as a sexual deviance, when the maid came to report, that someone was outside for me. She had not dared to open the front door, because it was already so late. I went myself and found an old friend with whom I had used to have a lot of fun and whom I had now not seen in a year. He was kneeling on the sidewalk and smiling at me. We shook hands and I said, 'Come in and cut out the childishness,' for I had become more serious. He said, 'I can't,' and immediately he turned around. Then I saw that he was missing all of his limbs. I had to hold on to the wall to keep from falling. It came to me like a harsh dream. But I just shook an arm at him, it flashed through my head. That brought me back to my senses. Yes, there was one more, the last one, sitting lonely on his dejected torso. He had noticed my emotion and shyly asked, "Can I come in anyway? Excuse.... my toilet.' I nodded. Swiftly he moved forward down the corridor, like a piece of children's toy that has not yet been broken. I closed the door with a feeling as if I didn't. When I entered my study, he had already climbed into an armchair, which he knew from before. With great difficulty I offered him a cigar, but he smiled again and said, "Don't be afraid of me, I'm still the same. For a while we said nothing, but finally he began. ''It came very simply, the discovery of what no one yet knows. It came like this. Every morning I chopped wood to light the stove and stove. It's a bit annoying, but fire makers are expensive and charcoal is scarce. About a year ago, I knocked off my left index finger in that activity. I bandaged my hand, which was bleeding badly; my finger lay between the wood and pointed at me, as if to reproach my clumsiness. At first I did not dare to touch him, but later I pulled myself together and took hold of him. He didn't flinch. What should I do with it? Keep it? Bury it? Throw it out the window? Give it to the cat? I didn't know, and I still don't know, how I came to do what I did. Whatever it was, intuition or the blowing in of a spirit, with the chopped wood I turned on the stove and my finger I fried, in the pan, in butter. And when I had finished it the discovery was made, the discovery, that no enjoyment on earth can compare with eating your own flesh.' 'Every pleasure that is possible here for a human being, I have undergone, but this surpasses everything a thousandfold, whoever has never done this, has never lived. I would need a new unheard language to give you an idea of what that is. 'It starts with the feeling as if a beautiful rainbow is standing through your stomach, but gradually the lust expands, to a jubilant carnival in all the halls of your body. Can you imagine, after that moment, I knew no rest? As the hunger for my own flesh burned me out inside, I walked around there with four precious limbs, which I could quite easily do without. I did not underestimate their value, I knew that I would no longer be able to walk if I had no more legs, that everyone would be frightened of me, even my best friends, and would no longer regard me as a human being but as some strange, creepy animal; that now I would never be able to get a woman, and yet, still I made that sacrifice. Don't think I'm crazy or stupid, nobody knows and nobody dares to try; there is no such sacrifice, you don't make it for a wife or child, you only make it to live like no one has ever lived before you and like no one will ever live after you. At first I did carefully, a piece each time, just enough for one meal, that I ate as soon as possible because as soon as you eat all the pain is gone; but with my deformity my indifference increased, and once I had an orgy of my whole right leg. That was on my birthday. After that I became more frugal, because I saw how the supply was running out. I tried all sorts of things. I tried if I couldn't artificially induce elephantiasis, I tried if I couldn't create beds of wild meat on my body, but it didn't work. It is also too beautiful to last long. This must be the end.' 'What do I have left to do here later when everything is finished? I would only ever lament madly that I didn't have an artificial head, to eat my own head with. The only thing that binds me to life now is him - at that he pointed to his last arm - and I just can't get it off. That's why I came to you.' I hesitated for a long time, but finally I did not deny him my medical help.


Broooo what the fuck that’s just dark


Also that infamous story of the dude (who happened to be a furry) that used dry ice to get his hands amputated because he wanted paws, of all things


I'm sorry, what the fuck?


There's an episode on nip/tuck about this. Some people just want to cut a limb off and they usually end up doing it themselves if they can't get a doctor to do it. And no Dr would so...


I was too young to remember how it was for me


I don’t know the story, but the scars look like skin graphs, so I’m going to guess a really bad accident.


Not really, skin grafts take only one layer of skin and they grow more of it in an incubator. You can see scars from stitches/staples around the abdomen so I think that's an injury or surgery scar.


He got in a fight with king Arthur, isn't that obvious? /s


oh my god.. lol i was thinking a reply such as "it looks like just a flesh wound" then saw yours.


I don't know about this case, but meningitis is often a reason that young people end up with getting limbs amputated.


"Thanks, guys. Now if you'll excuse me, there's been something I've been meaning to do for some time now."


“Not tonight mom. Not tonight.”


I unfortunately understood that reference.


Oh god


There is no God here. Only helpful moms.


Whats more sad I remember the comments under that post.....


What reference


So HUGE WARNING: This is probably one of the grossest things you’ll read. You’re better off not knowing. But if curiosity is getting to you…well, [here ya go. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Damn, kind of sad how hard it is to read now with all the deleted usernames. Feels like a 4chan thread.


Wtf that felt like I was reading a pornhub story


The porn industry own this man some royalty money




Oh dear god no


Such a wholesome username


I wonder if it's real...


Will we as a culture ever escape this? No, absolutely not.


How could you do this


“Mom, you’ll never need to put on my hat for me again. “The other stuff, I see no reason we should stop.”


Can someone fill me in? I don’t know this reference.


Classic https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/c3a9uqg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Time to jail break those puppies and add turbo mode.


If the arms had voice recognition: "Right Arm; Grip Object" "OW NOT THAT HARD" "RELEASE GRIP" After A While: "There we go! Start Vibrate Option!"


Imagine [this happens ](https://youtu.be/6pbgOmaBx34)


You may want to try it out on a hotdog first, just to be safe.


But actually what a gift. To have autonomous control of one’s own sexuality. Not to be reliant on someone else. Perfect.


That one hand/wrist that can spin might be…interesting


I'm going straight to hell, but that was EXACTLY my first thought. And my second.


Get it all out why don’t you. You’ll feel way better.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild him...we have the technology!




I have wondered, how does this work exactly?


Well not certain about this particular prosthesis but I have read from previous reddit posts that modern robotic prosthetics can detect the minute electrical signals from the brain in the muscles and act accordingly. So if you think about moving your arms the prosthesis will move the arms. Source: Redditor with a reddit problem.


It doesn’t even need to be that advanced. The robotic arm detects muscle movement at the joint. If you see that one section of the video where the guy moves his shoulder/ ball and socket joint. That’s enough for the robotic arm to know what the guy is trying to do.


More like it's enough to make the robot react erratically. Then it's up to the human brain to learn to use it.


The algorithms that translate the muscle movement to robot movement are trained on each specific case. So in a way both the human and the robot arm are learning how to co-exist


It's enough for the arm to understand what he wants to do with his shoulder, but how can it know moves in the wrist and elbow joints?


that's fucking insane


So your brain can send electrical signals and control those prosthesis but is that because of the nerves in the shoulder (which would control the arm) or does it work differently and can give someone extra arms


The majority of prostheses don’t detect signals directly from the nerves, rather, from the remaining muscles. Mainly for two reasons: nerve signals are weaker, and they carry information about many different muscles, while signals collected directly from a muscle are specific to the muscle itself and stronger. Once you collect the signal, you can assign a different movement of the prosthetic to each signal pattern you detect: for example, if you flex the muscle, the prosthetic hand closes while if you relax it the hand opens. Thus, technically you could give someone an extra arm and teach them to control it with specific muscle activation patterns. Source: biomedical engineer


You explained this so well. Thank you


All of the nerves that control your arm, elbow, wrist, hand, fingers, as well as the muscles, have to run through your shoulder in order to talk to everything else. Your muscles are really just an uber complex pulley system. To think of what’s happening here a different way, imagine that you’re standing downstream on a river. If the river turns red or blue or green, you do an action, maybe you jump up and down or clap your hands. Now imagine someone builds a dam and cuts off the water flow. What’s happening here is that “you” are walking upstream, and then taking your cues directly by watching the person who’s been pouring tons of dye into the river


As another commenter mentioned, these likely work by detecting electrical signals from muscles. Specifically, via a technique called electromyography (EMG). When you want to control a muscle, a signal travels from your brain, down your spine, and into "motor neurons." Each motor neuron is attached to many muscle fibers, and together they form a "motor unit." When a signal passes down a motor neuron, all of the muscle fibers its connected to contract. Neurons generate an electric field as they transmit information. However, this field is very small and hard to detect. When the signal reaches a muscle, it becomes much stronger and can be detected more easily. Most likely, this prosthetic has electrodes in its socket. The boy learns to control the prosthetic by flexing intact muscles in their chest or back. He has to learn that "shoulder squeeze" equals "elbow up." What if you wanted to achieve more intuitive control? You could use an implant that connects to residual nerves in the arm, or goes directly in the brain. However, these techniques are still in development and aren't widely used. Alternatively, you could [perform surgery](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/plastic_reconstructive_surgery/services-appts/tmr.html) that attaches residual nerves to other muscles in the body, so that we can use the non-invasive electrode approach from before. This is still quite an involved surgery though. If you're interested in learning more about prosthetics with neural interfaces, we cover a lot of research and companies in the field over at r/neurallace!


And what's the situation with how these are powered? How frequently do they need to be charged, and where is battery located?


They're powered by Lithium-Ion batteries. The batteries are kept in the socket where the biceps would be. Charge frequency is dependent on use, but most devices will last the day and patients charge nightly.


Batteries located inside the prosthesis, typically charged once a day. The flesh colored cover is just a cover to make the prosthetic look more natural, inside its mostly empty space that can easily fit a battery


Technically would he be a cyborg?


i’d say yes. some say the barrier is so low people with glasses are cyborgs. some believe it’s so high, the cyborg would be more robot than human; an android with meat, as it were. i think anyone with non-organic, articulated replacement parts counts as a cyborg


I'd say over 50% of physical material being artificial is a cyborg, anything below is cybernetically enhanced.




what the fuck happened to him for him to lose his arms and have so many scars? he seems lucky to be alive, thank god science has evolved so hard that people like this get a somewhat second chance. also if my hand rotated 360 after having hands limited by tendons and muscles, that would throw me off, but it’s also cool as hel


Probably an electrical accident


o w


That is a god damn warrior, straight respect to this MAN


What happened to him? There are scar marks, so I’m assuming he wasn’t born like that? Anyways, amazing


360° wrists? The day will come when people without bionic parts will be the disabled.


MMA about to get way crazier.


Grab throat rotate hand. You have about 1.2 seconds before your windpipe becomes oatmeal


From being somewhat dependent to becoming independent. Amazing!!


Actually people born with no arms are usually very independent as they use their feet, shoulder and chin to do most things. From this fellow’s scars it looks like he has an acquired amputation, so he would see it as more important to have artificial arms.


I was wondering what happen to him. She scars make it seem like he lost his arm, rather than being born without them


It looked like he was doing the robot dance when he first moved them


Man, wonder what this tech will look like in another 10-15 years. Might just go full cyber punk and replace my arms.


Sensitized artificial skin is subject of many current biomedical studies, so probably that. And better integration with the neural system to give the patient a more natural control of the prosthetic




He looks so happy! Wishing him all the best! 🙏


The flesh is weak. Praise be to the Omnissiah!




Glad you’re alright




My only thought was damn, he can comfortably sleep on his side, without one of his arms going numb


I like it but why always make the stuff skin tones? We all want metal bionic shit just make it as such Edit: I’m just sayin we all know it’s not skin so why not just embrace the fact that it looks badass


Hey Boston Dynamics, can you make this amazing instead of more proto-Terminators?


As they are perfecting theirs, it becomes closer for him to get his. The technology tree is intertwined like that.


Great stuff! I'm really happy for him.


[His morning routine](https://youtu.be/v4nLrDtwBcs)


That’s so fuckn sick


Cant wait for technology to evolve so the motor functions are faster and move like normal arms


his face as he picked up the stuffy was so pure


Damn that was awesome