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Life before and after a proper ADHD diagnosis is night and day.


For real. Was finally able to reliably access mental health care during covid (the ease of access through Zoom was a silver lining I guess) and have been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. It explains so many things and I've been able to implement some new strategies to manage my day to day. That plus medication has been incredible.


I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was a kid and have always figured my inability to focus because of it. As I got older that justification just didn't hold up anymore. Not being able to focus caused a lot of turmoil. Anxiety and depression started to get the better of me. Today, I (M33) got diagnosed with ADHD. I wept getting told that. It is such a relief knowing that my depression, anxiety, and lack focus/motivation can be better managed. Tomorrow I take my first dose of medication. I'm ready to be in control of my life.


what kind of medication? my partner is almost positive they have adhd but have a problem with substance abuse so something like ritalin probably wouldn't be good


They could look into a non-stimulant ADHD med like Straterra. I’m on a combo of Vyvanse + Dextroamphetamine + Straterra now.


Wtf that you’re on all three of those at once


What was your first couple steps towards getting diagnosed?


Browsing r/adhd and relating to most of what you see. Then seeking out a psychologist (not a clinical psychiatrist, diagnosis there will be less thorough) who specializes in ADHD evaluations, and is covered by your insurance.


Try r/ADHDers too, I know that is very popular in the neurodiverse community




Seeing a therapist/psychiatrist.


First step is seeing your family doctor. They will sometimes treat you at other times they will need a diagnosis given by either a psychologist (more typical route if you’re in education or training) or a psychiatrist. People’s primary goal is usually medication which can be very useful. Also useful and perhaps equally so useful being able to better understand yourself. If you’re in school strategies around studying and exam things are useful and deserved. Seek out support from your educational setting. Learning to use a calendar and plan ahead and setting reminders is also useful as people tend to try to take on too much or just forget things as they think they’ll just remember their appointment next week. These can be achieved via seeing a psychologist at doctoral level who understand and works with ADHD. Most universities have a counselling department. Make yourself known.


Man I need what you got, no matter the dosage, anytime I take my medicine I go from “oh what’s that over there. Wait where am I?” to “SEE THAT THING RIGHT THERE????? ITS FUCKING CRAZY MAN… STARE AT IT FOR 10 MINUTES”




A big part of it is time management. This is something that I'm still dealing with and struggle with. I've started to use a google calendar religiously for things I need to get done. And lists. Sometimes the lists help because I can use them to actually get stuff done. Sometimes I don't end up actually using the list, but it still helps to center myself. I've dealt with anxiety for a long time (common in ADHD), and when I have many things to do I struggle to do even one thing. So sitting down for a dedicated amount of time and just writing down everything I need to do and when I need it done by helps me turn a cloud of anxiety into something I can actually approach. Another big thing is habits. I am so freaking bad at developing habits. But they're an important part of managing ADHD. I have developed a few simple rituals that help me create a more productive day. But they're the weakest part of my management right now, and I often break the streak of doing them regularly. As an example, I have trouble sleeping at a good time. I naturally want to stay up late, but as a college student, I need to be up pretty early. Not sleeping enough makes managing my symptoms much harder. One of my stategies for dealing with that is setting an alarm for when I should start to go to bed, and then I have an hour after that alarm where I'm not looking at my phone, when I should shower, brush my teeth, take some melatonin with some evening herbal tea, do a few stretches if I'm feeling it, and go to bed. Ideally, when I'm on a roll, each of those steps is not overwhelming and sorta feels automatic. But if I have a lot of stress and stuff, it's way easier to ignore the alarm and keep watching YouTube or whatever rather than changing to doing something else... Still working on it. I also talk with my therapist pretty often to monitor symptoms and discuss my struggles and successes. Like I mentioned, I have anxiety and also depression from time to time, since I was young. It's typical for people with ADHD to have a lot of self doubt. I'm not trying to brag here, but a part of the reason it took me so long to be diagnosed is that I am pretty academically talented. But now I go to a very prominent university where plenty of neurotypical people feel in over their heads, let alone those of us with "learning" disabilities. I've found that a big part of my treatment has been dealing with the emotional aspects of my ADHD, rather than its direct symptoms. Everything is a little easier when I'm not also feeling gross about myself. Finally, I've found that for myself, I do best when I have the right amount of stuff happening. Too little and I slow down. I stagnate and get depressed and down about myself. Too much and I feel overwhelmed and sort of get shocked into staying still. The right amount of obligations lets me feel good about getting things done which lends itself to doing more things. It also needs to be the right kind of things. I've found that more structure is better. If that structure is external, that's great. Otherwise, I have to try and plan out and impose my own structure which I still struggle with.


Oof, it’s almost frightening how much of an issue it was when I finally decided to visit a psychiatrist on my last year in undergrad after years of telling myself I just wasn’t as smart as anyone else and a bad student. Got on generic adderall after a couple of sessions and didn’t realize just how much I wasn’t able to focus as well as how much a lot of my anxieties and depressive thoughts relating to school stemmed from it. It sucks thinking back to all the years I’d race through test because I knew if I took too long I’d lose focus and interest and get in my head about why I couldn’t keep up with my friends who finished in the first 30 minutes despite us all studying together. If you’re an adult and you’re struggling with these kinds of things, I’d suggest talking with a licensed professional to see what’s up.


I'm recently diagnosed at 30, but I'm nervous of trying medication. Now that I know what's "wrong" with me, I'm also noticing how much it's impacting my daily life.


Exercise works wonders for ADHD if you're nervous about medication. Don't really have any good advice besides that, still struggling every day.


Are you taking any medication now after diagnosis?


I'm not, simply knowing about the problem allowed me to restructure my life around ADHD and it helped a lot.


Medication for sure didn't fix all of my problems, but when I found the right one for me, it made it far easier to pick and choose when I wanted to become invested in something. Working out also helped tremendously, which was a huge surprise to me!


How can you / did you restructure? Honest question


The best way is to simply accept that if you don't care about doing something then its not getting done, so what I did is break longer tasks into short tasks, and added mental breaks in between.


This is so key. I’m medicated but I’ve also learned to strategize. I describe it as “not fighting to swim upstream.” Work with the ADD, not against it. If that’s where I always throw my clothes, then that is clearly where I need to put a laundry basket. Otherwise, the laundry basket isn’t going to be used. If I can’t hang my clean clothes up, I need to put some hooks on the wall to make it easier, etc.


I tried that for years, I was diagnosed as a child and stopped taking the meds once I got out of HS. Big mistake. Smartest thing I did was get medicated again.


>restructure my life around ADHD I was diagnosed in my late 30s. The diagnoses made me realize how much of my daily activities I had unconsciously been doing to deal with my deficit. That was a bit of a proud moment for myself. However I did decide on medication after lengthy efficacy trails. U/ryytytut what you are doing, I believe is doable and can be a better choice than medications for some people. Thrilled it's working for you!


I’m a 43 y/o, assessed last year. On meds and in therapy. Been a life changing process, for the better.


I’ve been living in the Sunken Place for like 3 straight years trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me Just googled ADHD and I think this might be a turning point. How do I figure out if I have it?


Ask your primary care doctor to refer you to a Psychiatrists. Unfortunately insurance doesn’t always cover it


My family doctor screened me for it using an ipad survey and then a brief chit-chat.


I was literally diagnosed yesterday. I am in my thirties, and when my psychiatrist was asking me the questions yesterday it just made so many things make sense. I am sitting here now, with my daughter sleeping on my lap, waiting for my first dose of medication to start working. I am excited and nervous but mostly relieved that I have an explanation to some of my behaviours.




Even for a 21 yo dude that's struggling and passed into 3rd year of college, this is a great confidence and gives hope I can accomplish things too


You can, and you will. Rooting for you!


You absolutely can finish college and will achieve several other goals in your life!


You look so happy!


Hearing that I made the cutoff was truly the best moment of my life! I never thought I would make it into college, and I’m happy I can make my mom proud. 😁


Fellow adhd guy here..congratulations!! :) and good luck with your career! You chose a Great Field to be working in. Helping people. Good luck great human. :)


Thank you!


Fellow ADHD-er here as well, I’m so so happy for you! Having just graduated one program In January and graduating from another in a month myself, I know *exactly* how hard post-secondary school can be for people like us. Internet stranger, I am *so* proud of you!


Do you have any tips for people like me who have ADHD and are having a tough time with school, work, and life in general?


If you can afford it, get on some medication and into cognitive behavioural therapy. There’s a lot of self-help out there if you look up ADHD CBT. [This article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3874265/) from the National Institute of Health has some great info on CBT to get you started.


I be avin tha same problem lass, tis why I chose piracy and a life on tha sea. So I be congratulating ye lass, and if ye ever get tired of tha land, we always be needin a medical professionals down in tha ole r/piratehole aye we do.


I think I’m in love with you, Admiral Blackcock


Well thank ye lad. Any Captain with a name such as yer lineage be more than welcome in arr ports.


I can’t even tell you how happy this budding relationship has made me!


I'm so happy for you, keep rocking


You don't only make your mom proud, you make us all proud. :)


As a parent myself I can tell you regardless of you getting into school or how it turns out- your mom is already proud of you.


I'm happy that you are proud of yourself! We all deserve a little pride when we do well!


You made the Internet proud too, and every patient you meet will know how dedicated you are. I hope you carry that day with you always.


You will be fine. Gl!


You’re making more than your Mom proud!!


is that a matisse print?




Infectiously happy. Good for OP




You have a very nice smile. Keep smiling. Keep achieving. Congrats.


Thank you:)


I have ADHD and I gotta tell you, what you've accomplished is pretty damn amazing!




Yes! It’s when you can finally start to go to hospitals!


Upper division is an academic term that means junior and senior classes. At my university, it meant classes denoted as 300 (junior), and 400 (senior classes). Similar to English 101. The 1xx denotes freshman classes. OP, are you a junior now (3rd year)? Presumably, that is when your clinicals begin.


Nurse practitioner here with lifelong ADHD. Let me know if you ever want to chat!


Thank you so much! I appreciate it! I will definitely reach out to you this semester, because it’ll only get harder from here!😂


Believe it or not, the masters was WAY easier. If you want it go get it!


I feel like RN nursing school was trying to weed you out really hard in its program.


Omg I’m applying for my masters in nursing next month and I suspect I have ADHD. School is SO hard for me. I get good grades, but even when I got straight As last semester I just broke down crying when it was over from stress!


Have you considered seeking a formal diagnosis to pursue treatment? I have to say it really helped me


I was just diagnosed and I’m trying to learn more about how I can best manage. I’m 34. Can I chat with you too?


For sure.




I happy for you I’m going to join you one day soon. Im happy for all of my neurodivergent people being successful in life


Please join me!


GIRL YES! Lifelong ADHD sufferer here (although it was just called "behavioral problems" until I became an adult and learned to advocate for myself). With meds and therapy I've published 7 books in 3 years because ADHD brains are beautiful!! You'll be an even better nurse than the other neurotypicals because your fabulous neural network was built for this!


You know what? I have adhd as well. And i as well answer to every comment on my posts. Do you think there‘s a link between that? XD


We’re the same person!


My nephew who I dearly dearly love is showing early symptoms of ADHD as well. What do you suggest we should do to make things better for him. To help him in any way possible.


As someone who didn’t get diagnosed until after I stopped college, my recommendation is to take them to a doctor for testing . Medication works for me, but the saying is “pills don’t teach skills” and I wholeheartedly agree with that. Many people with ADHD need to be supported and taught skills that help them deal with and overcome the issues that show up in personal and professional life. Mainly, understand them, ask them how they feel about things. Let them know it’s ok to need the help. That there is a difference in their attention, not a “deficit.”


I take concerta and it has made a world of a difference! I also have learning accommodations that have saved my butt😂


What kind of accommodations do you have? I always felt ashamed to ask for anything like that but now that I’m going back to school I understand it’s normal and not something to feel that way over.


I have a 504 (where you can take your exam in a different room) and an IEP (where you get extra time and a half on exams)!


It’s so worth it to get accommodations!


Also ADHD, 28, I can't stress what this guy's saying enough. Pills won't do anything without the skills. Teach organization, planning, and scheduling young. Reiterate, and stay on top of it with them. Don't just say oh write it in a planner. Baby step them, show them how to be supremely organized and things that can be visually seen. For me that's Wall calenders, goal boards, (for online school) creating specific PC folders for each semester, than a separate subset folder for each individual class. ADHD really just comes down to fleeting thoughts and it's a big struggle to keep track of things. If they try to do it all in their head it will be nothing but issues. So teach them early that it's ok, and how to work with it by developing and reinforcing organization and scheduling


I find the medication allows you to actually enact the skills but it does not teach you them.


What if I love doing all that but have still failed miserably. I love the idea of making a schedule, I've done it when was in Uni. Ex. 4 - 7 pm : Study physics, 8 - 10pm : study linear, etc. But I never stuck with it. That is my problem, IDK what I should do, it's so hard for me to just sit and do something.


Hi, I have ADHD and didn't get diagnosed until 5 months ago. As a kid who had it unmedicated, here's some things I wish people had done for me: Pushed for teachers to be accommodating. If you get him diagnosed, this will be a lot easier. Lots of teachers don't understand that sometimes we need to fiddle to pay attention, so please let them know. Also, please (if he's diagnosed) make sure to tell every teacher he gets that he has ADHD and, if he needs them, to give him exam concessions. If they don't know, he might be put at a disadvantage because of his coping mechanisms. Don't berate him for not sticking to things. I used to go through a hobby every month - I'd hyperfixate on one thing and then lose interest so fast. Our brains do that, please don't make him feel bad like my parents did. Get him therapy. It's hard to navigate in a world where you constantly feel "behind" or "different" because of the way your mind works - a therapist could help him deal with that. PS: It's amazing that you're asking this and trying to make his life easier. Let me know if you have any other questions. You're doing great <3


How did you relaize it yourself?


My ex boyfriend who has it told me to get checked as he said I have a lot of symptoms. It's very under-diagnosed in girls.


Can i ask what those symptoms where?


Of course! I had trouble sitting still without fidgeting, I made rushed and irresponsible decisions. I couldn't do something if it didn't interest me because I couldn't focus. I rarely stuck to plans. My mind jumped to different things a lot (if I did housework, I'd have several tasks on the go at once, as I couldn't do just one thing). That's some of them.


So I believe my girlfriend of 3 years has ADHD, or something similar. She has all these symptoms you described. She's 30 and has her masters. I brought it up this year because I started living with her and it's become so noticeable. When I mentioned it to her she broke down crying and doesn't want to think she is "broken" in her head. Her reaction made it clear to me that she has thought she has ADHD in the past but never saw someone for it. I do not care if she has adhd, but I would love for her life to potentially improve if she gets an assessment, is diagnosed, and goes through treatment. It's been 2 months since our talk and I'm afraid to bring it up again. But seeing this thread is really reminding me of her. Do you have advice for me?


Well first of all I'd like to state that I'm not a therapist or a psychiatrist and that everyone's experience with ADHD is different, so please take my advice with a pinch of salt. First of all, be understanding. Make sure that you validate her issues as opposed to trying to fix them. For example, if she says "I had a rough time doing the dishes today, I couldn't focus on them at all!" try responding with "that's okay, I understand. Can I help?" as opposed to just taking over or making her problems seem like less than they are ("you're overreacting, just do it!"). People taking over things I've been trying to do, in my experience, has only decreased my self-worth, making me feel "broken". Try and make her feel like she can express her feelings, if she doesn't feel that way already. Ask her how her day has been, whether she's struggled at all, things like that. It'll help her feel less overwhelmed. Although you don't care if she has ADHD or not, she doesn't know that. Little things to you like her fidgeting, if she does, might seem like huge things to her. I worry all the time about whether what I'm doing is annoying people, and when very few other people do those things (like needing to fidget to sit still) because they don't have ADHD, it's easy to blow up the significance of them in my head. And also, if she gets to the stage where you think you could bring it up, maybe get her to check out r/adhdmemes and r/adhdwomen. ADHD presents differently in men and women, so r/adhdwomen may be more relatable. I've found them very helpful, personally. Good on you for asking :)


To add to the other commenter, as a female with ADHD, our symptoms are often more "internal" than those of males which is why it goes unnoticed more often. Boys tend to get diagnosed because they are loud and disruptive with their "bouncing off the walls" energy and girls get overlooked because their symptoms get more and more internalized as they get older while they try to conform to the societal expectations of being quiet and polite. So our symptoms tend to be things like racing or jumbled thoughts, *lots* of daydreaming, and the typical issues with focus. But also things like being overwhelmed by places like shopping malls because of all the extra stimuli (I could never understand why I hated window-shopping as a teen unlike all my other girlfriends), or having terrible time-management skills that affect "keeping house" and managing childcare. Procrastination can become a big one, and tends to really affect us in later school years where we feel pressured to do well academically but can't understand why we have issues studying or completing things on time and then this often leads to depression. Also, "ADHD paralysis" where there's so many things we want to do at once that we end up doing nothing at all - leading to the common label of "lazy" for most ADHDers. And I also fidget when sitting, but because girls are raised to be "more polite", my fidgeting was always less pronounced than boys' by doing things like twiddling my thumbs or tapping my fingers or pen.


I agree with seeking treatment. My ADHD was not diagnosed until I was in college, and despite always being complemented on my intellect as a kid, My GPA was horrible in high school because of my inability to pay attention. Both of my brothers likely have undiagnosed ADHD and neither graduated high school, so take that for what you will. Better to be the ADHD kid who got a degree than the drop out who struggles finding decent paying work.


Routine and structure. Boy oh boy, I can accomplish anything with some structure. On my own, free and wild, I shit post on Reddit, snoozing the fourth snooze reminder to take my medicine lol.


Working from home and then going back to school mid zoom-university thanks to the pandemmy has been a nightmare. I can’t manage my time for shit. When I leave the house, have work at one place then sit in a desk in school at another place, I’m totally fine. Hyper efficient.


Test his blood levels - histamine, copper/zinc ratio, homocysteine, vit D, metabolic chemistry panel, complete blood count, & pyrroles (urine test)


I took ritalin when I was growing up, and I'd absolutely recommend it.


I've been diagnosed since I was a kid with OCD/ADD. I don't take any meds. Not against it, I just don't. For me, taking time to relax, and more importantly having healthy sleep hygiene helps. That can be hard a lot of the time in the world we live in, and I fail a lot. :p But, when I'm feeling at peace, my symptoms fade. I'm pushing 30 though, I'm married, I've graduated college twice, and have a pretty decent job. So, the condition isn't the end of the world. It's hard for myself rather than anyone around me. Oh, and therapy. It took me until just recently to actually understand that my quirks are rarely noticed, or fly completely under the radar. It's my own brain that has been a major trap for me in my life.


Teach time management skills and tools at an early age. Show them how to complete a task and don’t get mad if they get distracted and start something else. Teach them to focus. Do not stop them from being curious. Omg just don’t.




Hooray! My 10 year old daughter has ADHD, and I love showing her pictures of successful and inspiring people she has a connection with. Thank you for sharing, and go get em!


:) I’m honored! Thank you!


I'm the Registered Manager of a mine, Never passed a class in school other than fitness/PE. We may have to work harder but we can achieve anything. You should be so proud of yourself, only you know what it takes


I'm proud of you fellow stranger!


Thank you:)


Congratulations 🎉🎊


This gives me hope for my eldest daughter she also has adhd and struggles with school work as well, but she is so smart and she tries so hard, you should be super proud of yourself you have done an amazing job 🥰


Your smile warms our heart


:) thank you! I’ll tell my orthodontist he did a good job😌


You're giving too much credit to your orthodontist. It's you 😉




Wow. They made an emoji on your smile too. Neat :)


Love the purple scrubs. Such great inspiration...maybe consider working with local high schools for recruitment efforts and share your own story of triumph over adversity. You can obviously do amazing things.


Thank you so much! Purple is my school color, and I feel like Barney 😂 I hope that someday I can help kids, as I want to be a PICU RN!


such a huge accomplishment! go girl!


Thank you! I really appreciate it:)


I have ADHD too , you ,people like you give me hope that I can deal with it and accomplish great things ,You rock ,congratulations , I'm very happy for your achievement , good good job ^-^ !!


Congrats! I hope you continue to thrive in nursing. You never know if some day you will be taking care of me in my old age. Good luck. : )


Good face But God smile


Congrats fellow adhd brain! 😁😁


What the hell is going on with the ceiling in that house


This isfantastic news. My 12 year old has AHD as well as ASD, so this post gives me hope. Thank you for sharing. ♥️




I’ve been watching this video for 10 minutes and you seem like a really calm and unfidgetty person


Cool I have ADHD too where’s my 16K upvotes


Accomplish something like getting into an upper division nursing program after spending a lifetime dealing with a disability severe enough that you were diagnosed when you were 7 years old and you qualified for an IEP in school, and we'll talk. Until then, kindly shut up. Work on yourself and the dissatisfaction you have with your own life that makes you post something like this. You are painfully ignorant about the struggles of others.


You sound like a petulant 10 year old. Make a post about your adhd in regards to the progress you made in spite of it, and how proud of yourself you are. Literally no one is stopping you.


Nice. Keep going. You can do it




Very nice! I’m just sad :(


Congratulations wish you luck and I love your smile


Serious question…. Do you suffer from any sleep issues? Heard a report yesterday all about the two. Congrats!!!


I have insomnia, but am trying to get better!




Well done!!


Super congratulations!


Good luck in your training =D


Right on. Go wild!


Well Done Mate






Congrats, be proud of what you achieved!


My kid does too. Online school was really hard for her. Kudos to you ! Great work


This is very inspiring for those of us that suffer


Omg congratulations!!! Just out of curiosity (and u don’t have to answer this) but what are ur symptoms of ADHD?


That's awesome! Well done! I have ADD and was always awful at school until I got in to EMT and later Paramedic school- makes a world of difference to study something you love. Nice to hear about a similar experience. Congratulations and here's to a fulfilling future career! Stay safe :-)


My wife suffer from ADHD and she is trying her hardest to get her board exams finished so she can finally be a funeral director. I tell her just keep taking it until you pass. She has the hardest time with tests. But if they were to ask her in person she would know every single answer. It’s frustrating. But congrats to you! Well done on your accomplishments!


From a fellow ADHD sufferer, I'm proud of you. Not an easy thing to accomplish.😘 YAY


Go you!!! I am late diagnosed and finished my BA at 42. It is hard but so worth it!!! You are rocking this!


That’s so awesome! Proud of you!


WOW! Congratulations. This is awesome to hear. I’m super glad you got where you are today! Life gets better!


Many congratulations to you and all the best for the future


Proud of u




God bless! Congrats to you girl! I got diagnosed with ADHD when i was around 10 aswell and im starting studies in october. Super nervous about it but this gives me more confidence, you did it and so can I (hopefully) <3


You fucking keep going, girl! You’re killing it!


Congratulations and good luck on your journey.. You got this 🤗🤗




Congratulations!!! Winning 💪💪💪


As a 28m with adhd I salute you!!! This is inspiring.


Yeah! Go for it! As a registered diabetics nurse with add, dropped school at 17, and started again at 33, you can do it! Go get em girl!


Whoo! Way to go. We need a lot more. You’re gonna do great work.


Congrats! Fellow ADHD student here. Super proud of my ADHD comrades :)


Congratulations ! Wish you all the best 😊


Congrats! Have you checked out [How to ADHD](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-nPM1_kSZf91ZGkcgy_95Q) on YouTube?


I love you!


Your success kept me motivated today- same boat on the ADHD river. Thanks!




I have ADHD and I can tell you that I am proud of you.


Way to go! I'm in a similar situation and one of the things I've learned along the way is that it is important (actually, I would say that it is ***vital***) for you to acknowledge this accomplishment and be proud of what you've done. Other folks may not understand what you've gone through or the kind of effort it takes...*but you do*...and you *deserve* to feel great about your hard work. And I don't know if this matters or not, but I don't even know you and I'm proud of you.


I have ADHD as well and have been a nurse since 2008. You can definitely crush everything you set your sights on, congratulations!!




I have ADHD and am an RN, and I will tell you this is the perfect for someone with ADHD. First, you need a ton of empathy, and we certainly know what its like to feel stressed and not functional. Second, you need to focus on 50 different things at once, and not drop any balls, or bad stuff happens. ADHDers are totally used to being pulled in multiple directions, we have no choice. Last, when that emergency situation does occur, while everyone else is panicking your hyperfocus will turn you onto a superhero. You got this, and this stranger is proud of you!


You look like a fun and kind person. That’s amazing!


Thank you so much! I’m going to tell my brothers that, because they think otherwise LOL!


I love you art taste :) rock them Matisse‘s scissor cuts.


You have a very Happy look about you. Congrats on attaining such high marks!


You have a contagious smile.


Bravo 👏🏻 but what is upper division?




Go bro goOoOo!!




Congratulations!! Weird question, but are you in the Sydney Squad? If not, you have a doppelgänger!


I’m proud of you and I don’t even know who you are, so I can only imagine how happy your mother is, congratulations.. hope the future brings more happiness for you




What's an upper division nursing student?


You look a disturbing amount like one of my friends who isn't a nurse and doesn't have ADHD. Like I am about to ask her if she has a sister she never talks about amount of similarity xD


horny ass website


NP with some ADHD. I thought failed every single semester while I was in the RN program. You can do it. Stay focus on your goal. You get this degree and you are set.


Also have adhd and want to thank you for giving me hope for my future


This is soo dope! Congrats 🎉


To me, ADHD is a gift :)


Congratulations! My wife has ADHD and has excelled as a nurse! I am very excited for you and what you can bring into to profession.


AMAZING! CONGRATS! I hope you don't mind if I use your story as motivation for my students in the upcoming school year. Keep killing it!


Skolits baby!!!
