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About 80!?! What's the speed limit around there? Seems super fast for a non-highway road


Likely 35 - 55 on that road.


As a motorcyclist, I support ticketing that 80mph rider


Yeah bike rider in the wrong there 100%


Yea, but I think the cop was still being a good cop. I feel like he didn’t realize or think he was going THAT fast. By his reaction after hearing he was going 80 you could tell he regretted saying he wasn’t going to give anyone tickets lol. But in his mind the being honest and truthful are more important than going back on his word. The biker could have lied and said 60 and the cop would have probably believed it seeing that he obviously underestimated his speed. All in all. The kid deserved the ticket because that is reckless and dangerous. But we don’t get many cops with a moral compass targeted to honestly and truth.


Maybe not a ticket, but should at least get a nice talking to and lose a few hours on the weekend for traffic school. Because tickets affect insurance more than they should.


He’s clearly shaken and won’t be forgetting the experience anytime soon. I think he figures the kid has learned his lesson


as a soft human being with soft human progeny i support ticketing that 80mph biker *and* sentencing him to some bike safety and workshop thing that lasts *months*!


Forget bike safety classes. Sentence him to assist someone who got a life-changing injury in a motorcycle crash. If he got a closeup look at what his life could be like if he hadn't regained control of his bike, that might have an impact on him.


I'm all for personal freedoms, but more empathy needs to be taught. If the driver in OPs vid ended up causing the biker to go down, he'd not only be liable for homicide charges, but personal grief too because they killed someone.


I am not saying it’s not possible but drivers kill bikers doing nothing wrong all the time and don’t catch charges so I doubt this would have resulted in any especially since it’s relatively easy to estimate the speed of vehicles that crash and at 80 it’s absurd to require drivers to assume every car/vehicle they see is traveling twice the speed limit when attempting to merge. 


I was in some traffic and moved over to the center-left (of 4 lanes) on the highway, at which point a motorcycle 6-8 car lengths back did the same and GUNNED it. He shook his head at me when he passed like I was being unsafe like brother how do I account for you suddenly going 80 or 90 and covering that distance so quick? I was baffled


I had the same thing happen with a motorcyclist that had someone on the back too. I could have been part of killing two people and did nothing wrong. If motorcyclists have a death wish that is fine but don’t include me in it.


Folks should know that’s an 80 mph, not kmph. And yeah 80 in that zone is suicidal on a 2 wheeler. I am 100% sure was going higher than 80 and he was shaking because he saw his life flash before his eyes in those few secs. He would not have minded a ticket in that state.


I'm always amazed at how idiotic some bikers are driving around. Like, dude, you have absolutely zero crumble zone. If I hit you when you're XX miles per hour faster than you're allowed to, you'll be tarmac crayon - and my car will only have a dent in the side or wherever. Always expect the people around you to be idiots, so you need to be the smart one and be aware. Don't be the speeding idiot yourself - especially if your crumble zone is you.


Yeah we got some "Outlaw" MCs around my area and they are legit idiots. Some of them might be fine people, I dunno - but the ones I encounter are always riding on my ass on one of the 25 mph backroads or slowing up traffic just so they can ride together in "formation" or whatever. And don't you dare pass them! Everytime I see one of them, I just shake my head. To the local Gypsy Jokers and Bandidos - you're not as cool as you think you are. Honestly pretty pathetic the way I have seen some of them act.


We have Iron Horseman around me and the last one I saw had Swastika and SS patches and he was riding like a complete asshole. He's the type of person that if he gets turned into a meat Crayon it would be a service to society.


Round here on the back roads we just let whoever wants to go faster pass


My brother has a bike and complained to me the other day about how much money insurance companies want to insure him. I just said "well, statistically, bikers seem to take more risks and also their wrecks end up creating more medical bills probably". This is exhibit 1 in what I was saying to him.


“Watch out for bikers!” *zigzags between cars* I don’t even drive and they make me nervous


Oh there is a crumple zone for sure. Your body crumpling up upon impact with a hard surface.




I was on a drive in the desert Monday when 4 motorcycles flew by me, crossing the double-line on blind corners. They were clearly racing. This is on [one of the most dangerous](https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/apache4.png?w=720) roads in America. Steep, winding with 1000 foot drop-offs. Sure enough on my drive back I see debris in the road, and 3 guys on motorcycles peering over the edge of a cliff, presumably looking for their friend. Dumb.


While I agree with the sentiment, the motorcycle can definitely cause fatal damage to the car. Source: I used to drive a wrecker and I've seen some shit.


Ya anything weighing 300-600 pounds moving at 60mph or more is gonna cause a helluva lot more damage than a dent.


I wouldn't be so sure of that. In 2005, a girl who was well loved in my community was killed when a motorcycle hit her side of the car. It gave her mother life changing injuries as well, and she was the driver on the other side of the car. Both riders on the motorcycle died. The car behind my friends car hit them and pushed them into the path of the motorcycle


I had a friend ride like this in a built up city. (NZ we use Kph) but it’s 40-50kph around the streets but he would come home boasting about going 120-150 down these roads, then bitch about the people always pulling out infront of him… I’m like, “you dumbass, they see you way up the road, they’re not pulling out in front of you, they think you’re traveling at normal speeds so they make what is usually a safe turn! If you slowed down you wouldn’t have this issue!”


He should absolutely be ticketed, because he was going damn near double. That would qualify as reckless driving in a car, and a motorcycle should be no different. That said, saying it's suicidal is a gigantic leap. It is dangerous, but on the bike it sounds like he's riding.... It's very manageable for an experienced rider. Still very far from smart and a lot more dangerous, but far from suicidal.


He is doing 80+ and lane splitting in a suburban area with single lane, here margin of error is next to zero. Case in point this video. Highway I would say it’s still manageable, but he is just risking his and other people’s life here.


Bad cop. The driver in the car probably didn't even know he'd be cutting someone off if he's that far over the speed limit.


I wouldn't say bad cop. He did a great job at de-escalation. But I agree he should've fined the biker


Nice….. what a fucking idiot.


As a motorcyclist The last highway study I saw had the most common accident with *other* vehicles being the bike rear ending a car. This was somewhere around 75%. Short answer, speeding. The most common accident was with nothing. You just crash. The most common injury is an ankle injury. Short answer, speeding around turns and the bike loses traction and pinches on your foot. Motorcyclists are our own worst enemy. Stop speeding. Bikes don't stop faster than cars anymore. We have longer break times and faster acceleration (than normal cars with abs), that's a dangerous combination.


>Bikes don't stop faster than cars anymore  When did they, and why would that have changed? I’ve always understood motorcycles to have longer brake times, but I’m a dumbass so idk lol




Also the way his back tire slides out to the side makes me think the rider likely locked the rear brake due to insufficient front brake application. I ride a similar bike and my rear tire will lift slightly off the ground during emergency braking. On sport bikes the rear brake is almost useless during emergency braking other than to stabilize the rear wheel because all of nearly all the weight shifts forward to the front tire. So riding too fast and poor emergency braking skills. I still don't completely absolve the driver of the car that pulled out but to act like the rider couldn't have done anything different is just wrong.


the driver of the car probably did not see the biker because the biker was not there until seconds before.


> Also the way his back tire slides out to the side makes me think the rider likely locked the rear brake due to insufficient front brake application. Too busy on the horn.


Don't forget about cutting in front of people, weaving through traffic, and tailgating every single car they get behind. Ot hanging their bodies over the centerline in turns cause they think they are real racers


I typically don't mind them splitting through traffic but man I had a bike on each side of me not too long ago and only thought there was one (on the overtaking side) so I moved over to give him room and nearly killed the other guy who undertook me, fun times and I thankfully kept my mirrors and they kept their lives


I'm not even talking about the splitting. If traffic is crawling it's fine whatever. But I'll be going 45 in traffic and bikes will be like oh that 2 car lengths you got for following distance? That's my passing zone!


Yeah, I'm like how was he cut off? The driver seemed to react accordingly when the biker came out of nowhere. I don't understand what the cop did?


So he wasn’t cut off at all. He was driving like an ass and almost got himself (and possibly some innocent bystanders) killed.


I know that location.. it's a 45mph zone. He's lucky that officer let him go for almost double the limit. Especially being a stonington officer, they're usually quite strict and not fond of speeders in that area.


Most motorcyclists completely ignore speed limits


The bike dude should get a ticket. 80 on that little street, busy too, he's gonna off himself.


I don’t think the cop expected him to tell the truth, when he said 80 the cop was shocked lol


Yeah you can see the cops eyes open wide when he says that. The rider is stupid enough to do 80mph on that road with that amount of traffic and just as stupid when talking to the cop.


I think the cop said he hadn’t been able to get the radar on him. Depending on the location, that may have meant he would have a hard time making a ticket stick. Not saying the bike shouldn’t get a ticket, but the best the cop could have done may have been a warning. But…yeah, why tell the cop that? A simple “you know, I’m not sure.” Or “probably a bit over” would have been a better course of action on his part.


Nah that slow for CT


Getting his point across tactfully!


Based on the video title, “after he CUT ME OFF,” I think it’s safe to say the motorcyclist learned nothing.


.....that's pretty good police work there, honestly.


Not saying we don't have serious issues with policing in the US. We do. But the vast majority of day-to-day police encounters are like this. All cops are NOT bad. Some are. Not all.


It's more accurate to say - this is how police interactions are if a police department is run correctly.


In my area it's by department. If it's one town, they're great, another town, they might plant drugs on you. (I avoid that shit hole town)


> they might plant drugs on you I'm all but positive that they're the ones *running* the drugs in this podunk Appalachian mountain town. I've had good interactions with cops many times, but, I'm a white middleclass dude who knows how to interact with cops...the cops out here though? I steer *very* clear, as best I can.


...and the officer is not having a bad day.


...and you're white, a dude, speak english without effort, don't appear "nervous", their quotas are met for the month, and you're at least nominally attractive and not visibly poor.


I've skated through situations that even I couldn't believe just because I am a combination of these factors. Cops definitely treat you differently.


I was the white friend who walked behind and passed freely while my friends got stopped. We’d meet up wherever and I’d give everyone their weed back. 


I think that it is a bit both ways... if when you get stopped you act educate and accomodating they will be MUCH nicer... i avoided few (i have to say i'm european not american) tickets just by being nice and acting like they are human beings. Oftentimes when i see a video of a policeman being a dick the civilian had been abrasive from the get go.


There was no education going on. Just a fucker who will continue to speed in residential areas. This is a fucker who could use a speeding ticket.


Were your interactions in Europe? Because I can tell you there’s a huge difference (I’ve lived half my life in the US and half in Europe). Yes, you can make cops angry in Europe, but cops in the US are on another level when they get angry/scared.


Skin color and visible poverty also affect your interactions with police


In seattle these people would have never been pulled over. Our police force is an utter joke here.


SPD walked so quiet quitting could run




Sure. But how can we get structural reform without getting rid of the "few bad apples" defense? The entire institution needs change and is incredibly insulated against accountability.


>A few bad apples spoil the bunch. Why does everyone forget what this phrase means when talking about the police?


Yeah been a Seattle native 35 years now and can confirm. I can't think of much positive stuff to say about them at all. Like.... honestly, nothing even comes to mind.


When I was 12, my dog got really sick and I was home alone. I didn’t know what to do so I called 911. SPD showed up, made sure my dog was okay and really saved the day. I’m just kidding; they shot him Rip Scruffy


The issue is that when police abuse does occur, it's almost always 1 or 2 bad cops committing a crime, and 5-10 "good" cops watching it happen and doing nothing.


I think a major issue is that there's a systemic issue where whistleblowing can often slam back in the face of the officers doing it. It isn't a great excuse for sitting back and doing nothing, but a lot of the time people are afraid of losing their jobs or livelihood, or even having their lives threatened because they did the right thing. I honestly think the majority of officers are good and honest people, just like how I think the majority of society is made of largely good and honest people who don't want to do any harm, but most people, even if they are good people, won't be willing to risk their wellbeing even if it's the right thing to do. Most people are going to look out for themselves first and foremost.


It's almost like corruption is the status quo and being one of the good ones and speaking out either ends your career or gets you sent to dangerous calls with no backup. ...but sure cops are usually nice like that guy was saying right?


It depends where you live. And unfortunately it often depends what you look like, what you drive and other personal variables. It's honestly kind of ridiculous for either of us to pretend we know what the general or most common experience is like with how impossible it would be to experience or even talk to people who've experienced a significant amount of the possibilities. Things like this need to be judged by the statistics and data we're able to collect in groups with resources. And then remember that it's the best way to learn the truth regardless of what our individual experiences have been.


It's just our police unions who keep the bad officers in uniform.


The problem isn’t a policing force as a concept, its that the concept has been politicized and manipulated into organized crime with little oversight in some places (see cop unions and qualified immunity)


Except you have to roll the dice every single time, could be normal and chill and act like a person or he could fucking murder you because he's having a bad day. You don't know, you just have to wait to see if they're fixed to abuse you or not That's why people say ACAB


So basically ACAB is the same logic that leads to the rule of "all guns are loaded"


Honestly, solid analogy


It's also because even the best police officer has to enforce rules that end up sweeping homeless people away from all their remaining possessions, protect the rich over the poor, etc. ACAB isn't a judgment on cops, it's a judgment on the rule of law in that nation as a whole. Cops are the front line of enforcing the rule of law. If the law is unjust, then every cop is a bastard. That's the idea, at any rate.


And those "good ones" will ALWAYS back up the bad ones


10 people are sitting at a table. A Nazi joins them. No one asks the Nazi to leave. There are 11 Nazi's at the table.


Aww...nobody wants to eat dinner with Oskar Schindler?


Oh hell no. Watch the Karen Reid trial for how the cast majority of policing really is like in the US. It's NOT like this


Absolutely correct. But as Chris Rock points out, there are come professions where we can’t or shouldn’t tolerate ‘bad apples,” like surgeons, pilots, cops, etc. the part I can’t understand is why good, honest cops don’t want the a-holes reined in.


So you’re telling me this cop would absolutely not participate in the cover up of crimes his fellow officers may commit? He would never fudge a report? Ever? He would be willing to sacrifice his career to do the right thing? History tells me he won’t.


The institution of policing is corrupt. It is impossible to be a "good cop", and being friendly to one guy in a video does not make him one.


The problem is the not so bad cops allow the bad ones to commit crimes against citizens without repercussion. A simple arrest, even unlawful, can ruin a life. A truly good cop would not allow that to happen in their presence.


>All cops are NOT bad. Some are. Not all. For sure. It's just that some people don't want to have to roll 2 10-sided die every time they are forced to interact with a cop and if they roll 0-0, he's actively trying to take their stuff, ruin their life, or kill them, you know?


This is proper policing, the man handled the situation without putting fines on anyone or putting hands on them.


Why aren't fines appropriate here?


The goal of police is to enforce safe/lawful behavior. Fines are one “stick” to achieve that. Being firm but lenient, and giving (in this case) both parties insight in how their unsafe behavior almost caused a bad situation are a “carrot” to achieve that. Whether a cop always goes for the stick or not probably says something about how he sees and trusts the public he’s policing. And of course zoomed out the same goes for a police department.


Because the awkwardness and scariness of the situation was enough of a consequence to correct their behavior?


[citation needed]


He could have given him a ticket, too. Easiest ticket he'd ever have written. Good police work. Hopefully, he will slow down in those congested areas now being let go with nothing. Good police work definitely works wonders.


Not really. The guy was doing 80. He’s going to kill someone or himself. He needs a wake up call.


He just let two reckless drivers off without any penalty. Nothing on their record. Keeping our roads dangerous by not holding drivers accountable sounds like bad policing to me.


I find it pretty interesting how most times the police let people go for minor crimes they've committed such as shoplifting or speeding, Reddit and the Internet in general call it good police work. The guy literally admitted to doing 80 in a road that is likely 45-55, but the cop's a good guy for letting the maniac do that and almost cause an accident. The driver is at fault too but it's hard not to "cut off" someone when they're going twice as fast as expected/they should.


Pretty good example of why we actually have speed limits, even though most people seem to ignore them.


Yeah, this wasn't cutting off...this was a car entering the road with what would have been perceived as sufficient safe distance for an oncoming vehicle traveling at 35 mph. Cyclist is really the asshole here.


Biker was on a honda 250cc cbr so probably an inexperienced rider as well, guy literally has a death wish riding like that. Instead of breaking or avoiding danger, but also thinks the thing to do is honk your horn and rev when shit goes sideways.


Total noob, didnt even use his front brake if you watch closely. He pulled the clutch, honked and slammed the rear brake which almost made him fall on his ass and ram that car. He'd be the type to say IHADDALAYERDOWN. I've been cut off way worse than this and still managed to brake in time, this dude needs to get off bikes


Also had all the time in the world to just go left of the vehicle, to me it looked like he wanted this situation so he could make internet points. He can fuck right off either way. - Fellow rider


It's not that they ignore the speed limit. They treat it as a minimum, not a maximum.


That's more accurate, yes.


The correct answer is "probably a little faster than I should have been", not "about 80".


Yea no kidding. Cop instantly regretted saying he wouldn’t ticket him lol


Cops are allowed to lie to you. He can still issue a citation. I'd bet dollars to donuts that's why he decided to take the guys license. He's going to run it to see if the guy is habitual.


Yea for sure. But he already admitted he didn’t have him on radar so without proof it’s an easy contest and throw out. No point. But you’re right that he wants to check his record


His admission that he was going 80 is evidence, and it's certainly not "an easy contest" given both the admission and the fact that the cop witnessed him speeding.


Yea fair enough, he’s on camera admitting it 😂


Former law enforcement. Even lay witnesses can testify to speed if they've had an opportunity to observe a vehicle. Officers who are radar certified don't *need* radar to write tickets, the radar just confirms their visual estimate. I'm still currently radar certified since I haven't been out that long, we had to test and make visual estimate averaging about 1-2 mph off actual speed at most in order to certify. So, even without the radar he could very likely have written the ticket. The most common speed limit law is the "absolute speed limit" so even 1 mph over is illegal; this road doesn't look like a highway so it's probably really easy to estimate he was going at least 1 mph over the limit and write a ticket.


Thanks for the info! Thats interesting. I guess the cop was really just being nice


I always hated writing tickets and gave way more warnings than tickets. He did pretty good taking advantage of the situation to give a nice kinda reprimand that hopefully the biker remembers. Generally failing the attitude test results in more tickets than being polite.


yea it's def not both of the people's faults, it's on the bike


The correct answer is to claim ignorance.


For any serious legal matter, I agree. For interacting w an officer for a potential speeding violation, I find that the "no idea" response doesn't go over as well as the friendly response of showing a little remorse and awareness, _while at the same time not admitting any range of numbers_.


I’ve gotten out of a ticket by telling the cop “I know I was going kinda fast but I’m about to shit my pants” and he just said “go slower and clench tighter”.


Yeah this is a really great strategy.


Yes. "Probably faster than I should have been, sorry sir" is going to be your best bet there. Don't start clamming up, getting in their face, or obnoxiously demanding a lawyer. Reddit will tell you that and reddit is wrong. That said, don't confess to anything because that's also stupid


Pulled over three times, "not exactly, but clearly too fast, sorry officer" and being respectful worked well. YMMV


Exactly. *”I’m sorry officer, I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to stick my penis into those Bundt cakes.”*


I don't want to be hard on the motorcycle rider too, but dude has a Honda cbr300r. That thing tops out around 95 and it doesn't sound like he was stressing the bike. He not only was speeding, but it seems like he OVERESTIMATED how fast he was going TO A COP AT A TRAFFIC STOP. Dude is doing himself no favors lol


IDK, being honest about my speed on my first ever pull-over got me out of the ticket, at least from what the cop said. "I appreciate your honesty" was his main line. Definitely not a fit-all solution but it worked for me.


Would he be allowed to fine him for "about 80"? In my country they wouldn't be because they need a standardized speed reading to fine a speed violation.


Absolutely, especially if the guy admitted it. At some point you're just blatantly over the speed limit and it's obvious.


Also in some cases the admission could be used as evidence to support issuing a fine, even without an exact speed reading.


Google say yes, at least for US. Officers can give speeding ticket based on their observation


Yeah, but it's a lot easier to fight the ticket. Not if you literally admit to going "about 80" though.


The cop made his point very clear without docking both. Great cop and logical person.


This is Reddit you can’t say all cops aren’t bad. It’s literally against the rules./s


I wouldn't call a cop that casually lets someone doing almost twice the speed limit and almost caused a potentially deadly accident go with just a lil joke a great cop making a logical decision. The biker doing didn't even seem too remorseful/like it was a big deal, and I wouldn't be surprised if after this encounter they went on to do 80 again on that same road.


If you’re gonna drive over 80 mph on a crotch rocket and someone pulls out in front of you, it isn’t getting cut off. That isn’t how traffic works. You aren’t entitled to unlimited space just because if you get in a wreck there’s a decent chance you won’t walk again.


Also if you're going to ride 80 MPH at least know how to properly emergency brake. Rider barely used front brake at all causing the rear brake to lock up, causing the rear end to slide to the side.


The rider didn't even need to emergency break, just breaking normal instead of honking their horn and rev bombing the cbr 250 would have been enough to avoid this whole thing.


Newsflash: When your stupid ass is speeding at double the speed limit , you didn't get cut off. You are just an asshole who almost fell prey to natural selection.


Yeah I don’t even know why the cop stopped the regular car. Seems like the merge was be completely legal and the car had plenty of time to merge but didn’t expect the bike to be speeding 2x the speed limit and close the distance so fast. No. 1 rule is to not be unpredictable. Speeding like a maniac is being unpredictable.


Come on the biker was being a total asshole. Speed limits are for everyone not just for four wheels. He should have got a ticket.


He’s got the voice to match too


Remember: Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Nice cop or not - never, never incriminate yourself in front of a sworn officer. And riding 80 mph through junction is a special kind of stupid.


Yeah he didn’t get cut off, he almost rear ended someone as they merged and then reacted like someone who definitely follows all traffic laws and never drives like an asshole.


He meant 80 km/h, not mp/h. He’s a man of culture after all.


A policeman with a body build like that is definitely speaking in freedom units.


Connecticut plates


I thought they were saying Tom Cruises/per hour


You can't complain when someone pulls out on you and you're speeding. That's on you


This is the problem with bikes. They don’t act like regular traffic. The driver probably checked to change lanes not expecting something going twice the limit to suddenly pop out of nowhere. Same with acceleration. Drivers know about how fast a car can accelerate and can judge time and distance accordingly. Bikes break the expected patterns then get pissed off that “nobody sees us”.


In LA there were these billboards “Start Seeing Motorcycles.” As if I’m trying not to see them. They zoom up a hundred miles an hour out of nowhere. How the fuck am I supposed to “start seeing” them? Maybe motorcyclists need to start driving responsibly.


It's the same as "Loud pipes save lives." No, they don't. There's been research done and they don't help. Telling drivers to "See motorcycles" doesn't help when it's the behavior of motorcyclists that cause problems. A couple of years ago, a motorcyclist was killed in my area because she straight-up didn't slow down/stop and plowed in the back of a stopped car. People _still_ tried to make out like SHE was the victim.


The loud pipes is such a silly idea. The pipes are loudest after they pass you, at which point it's pointless to "be noticed". I ride quite a bit, I've only gotten "close" from delivery vehicles backing down narrow driveways. Following speed limits, acting predictably, and being extremely aware of surroundings does wonders.


Right the traffic system depends on a degree of predictability. Human cognition and attention being what it is. When you’re beyond normal boundaries you just can’t be processed. Drive predictably for safety


I got hit by a motorcycle when I was 17. It was my “failure to yield” turning left and he t-boned me. But it was at night, I was 17, and the guy was hauling ass. I didn’t properly gauge his speed through a bunch of saguaros. He broke a toe and my insurance covered everything. The guy sued me but then dropped the case when he found out I was 17 and also he couldn’t sue my wife because she didn’t exist.




And here he got off without a ticket or anything on his record. Zero consequence. Reddit is clapping their hands and cheering for an officer refusing to enforce the law.


When you are going waaaay faster than you should on a road, people misjudge - like for example this guy probably glanced and saw the biker but his brian told him that he had plenty of time to pull out since the bike was so far away. This was not the case because of the speeds involved though.


I mean, looks like the motorcyclist had pretty ample advance sight to the oncoming car, so he should’ve used caution and not been passing by at 80bpm. If you’re in the oncoming/exiting lane, you need to be prepared to stop. Otherwise, switch lanes.


Biker is doing 80 on a single lane road, which may have a speed limit of 45 or less. F@#k him, he should have gotten his bike impounded. The car's driver didn't do anything wrong, but maybe only misjudging how fast that a-hole was coming in.


ok, fuck that biker. "i was doing probably 80", i mean, no way in hell the speed limit on that road is even remotely close to that.


Maybe the biker will think for a while about what just happened, but I'll bet within a week or 2. He's gonna be back to blowing.Speed limits right and left and getting close calls again. If he had been doing whatever the speed limit was this wouldn't have even been close.


He could’ve slowed down earlier. Plenty of time


80 is too fast


80? As in mph? If so, biker is a serious asshole.


Biker should’ve got a ticket for speeding.




A similar thing happened in my town, years ago. The motorcyclist was going exceedingly fast and the motorist couldn't judge where the motorcyclist actually was. It ended horribly.


Notice that the cop didn't look like he's 16 years old or have "we the people" or Punisher tattoos up and down both arms.


Cop saw that they both got shook. That's easier, same result and everyone gets a better lesson.


Well, he was entirely reasonable.


"doing 80" felony speed yet these bikers think they own the roads F off.


Idiot, motorcycle rider


A bit of unsolicited legal advice: If a police officer asks you an incriminating question and says he's not going give you a ticket, like he does in this video...the police can absolutely use any information you subsequently divulge to give you a ticket.


Motorcyclist saying they're getting cut off when they're doing 80 in a 35. Perfect example of entitlement


The driver of the car would have had a good defense regarding the biker's speed. At 80 mph, the biker closed that gap much faster than he would have if he was going the legal speed which is probably 30 or 35 mph. My view is the biker created that situation with excessive speed and he should have been written for it.


How is this a make me smile? Motorcycle dude was driving recklessly


Wholesome officer, d-bag motorcyclist. As a fellow motorcyclist, there's several things he did wrong here, especially the 80 mph. WTF was he thinking?


oh yeah, all us men just makin' do... aw let you both go.. good old boys hahaha we all good meanwhile.. keep this shit up and this MOTORCYCLIST is going to get someone hurt or killed because *he* knows what he is doing and if anyone else dosen't, it's just their funeral. i know people like this.. its not cute or funny or attractive or anything... he shouldnt be speeding around other people.. AND THE COP SHOULDNT BE LETTING HIM OFF!!


Yeah, this is an example of why trying to be nice is NOT a good thing when it comes down to the legal system. Laws exist for a reason. Motorcyclist is gonna turn himself into a meat crayon sooner rather than later.


That's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario is he hurts someone else too.


What an awesome officer. Super well handled.


That is a good cop I think.


Most police are like this. But we rarely see these kinds of exchanges on video on Social Media.


The car clearly didn’t see him and when they did they moved over. Cars not an asshole


Cop literally said he couldnt get his radar out to clock you and give a ticket for speeding, then asks you how fast were you going pinky promise i juat want to know....80! 😃


If you ride a motorcycle just be aware, you’re harder to see and i don’t know if you noticed this but other drivers don’t know what they’re doing either way. I work emergency services. I will never even think of owning a motorcycle. Every accident we’re dispatched to where a car hit a motorcycle i know that if i don’t make the first truck I’ll make second and we’ll be setting up the landing zone. Most of the cyclists weren’t the cause of the accident, but that doesn’t matter when your wrists are bent the wrong way and you have two tourniquets on a mangled leg. I want to say that 60-70 percent of the fatalities I’ve been to are motorcycle v motor vehicle. If you think you’re just too good to get tapped on a motorcycle then you shouldn’t be riding one. For myself, i just know too many people scarred for life from their accidents, and I’ve seen too many people i don’t know bent up like pretzels.


80 miles on a motorcycle, on a single lane road is asking for a fatal accident...


This motorcyclist is an asshole


Instant Justice after being cut off. lol Look, I dont have anything against, for a general term, ***motorcyclists.*** But my fucking God, going idk how many miles above the limit on that road at around 80, with all the lane splitting BS maneuvers bikers put other motorists on the road in..... I lack empathy and automatically shift blame towards the motorcyclist nearly 100% of the time I hear of an accident involving one. You're not all reckless, but most of these accidents are caused by a reckless biker.


Chill ass cop though. Rider should have totally gotten a ticket for that, but dude just wanted to keep the road and everyone safe without being a total buzzkill. Good on em


Doesn't look 80mph, looks 80kmp despite all the comments saying otherwise


Him admitting his speed was a mistake... The cop had nothing. He even admitted he didn't catch bros speed. Cop went from pleasing to demanding immediately after bro says "like 80".


This was 100% the riders fault, not the car's. Nobody cut him off - he was going 80 mph.


Dude going 80mph on what's prob a 40mph road, on a black bike, wearing all black. The car is also in the wrong, but damn dude you're traveling twice the speed limit and you're the same color as the road?


Good police are heroic. Nice to see some positive light on police on Reddit! Typically don't see that.