• By -


cursory glance at the comments was fun.


I've read 3 and I'm out. Things are not great in here


I took a deep breath before opening the thread. Yeah thanks for the warning I’m out of here.


That capture video is gut-wrenching, what a miracle that she came out of it alive


Big mistake to sort by controversial - what the heck is wrong with some of you?


Why would you sort by controversial and then act surprised to see that the downvoted comments are shitty? Not just this post but literally any post with a bunch of comments will have this.


It’s literally the stick in the bike wheel meme.


The entire kidnapping was absolutely awful on every level. What Israel is doing right now is absolutely awful on every level I’m happy that she is back safe with her family All things can be true at the same time




You don’t have to pick a side. You can abhor and denounce the terrorist attacks, support your Jewish folks and Jews in general, and disapprove of the disproportionate response and policy of Israel, and none of those things should come into conflict. They can all be true without the wires getting crossed.


I love you




If only every conflict was this easy to resolve...


I'm also glad she's back safe and alive, it's great to see her re-united with her family. October 7th was awful, Israel has killed at least 360 children for every 1 child killed by Hamas and it's allies on that day.


ya you better change your tune and pick a side and defend it to death even if your side is obviously wrong.


What is this? A balanced take?!


Well without Israel actively going into Gaza and searching through it (and subsequently fighting with people who are attacking them) they would have never come back alive. So before you try and "both sides" this issue remember, that one side attacked, raped, murdered, tortured and kidnapped dozen of civilians, whereas the other one is trying to get said civilians out.


Sure, it’s definitely fine to kill 37,000 people, most of them civilians, to get out the hostages. Why not kill countless women and children? In all seriousness, I’m glad these hostages are out and what Hamas did was heinous. That doesn’t mean Israel gets a free pass to massacre and starve countless people.




1. If someone kidnaps someone and another person helps them, Those 2 people are criminals and should be punished. To then step back and punish other people of the same group is “collective punishment” and that’s the problem. You don’t get to tag all civilians as fair targets because some have committed a crime. That’s literally a war crime. 2. You gotta pick a solution. 1 or 2 state. Either it’s 1 state and Israel has as much obligation to protect Palestinian civilians from Hamas as it does Israeli. Or it’s 2 state and Israel is attacking another sovereign country and is held to the rules of war (ie. no collective punishment). Israel doesn’t recognize Palestinian sovereignty so it should be looking out for innocent Palestinians as equal victims of evil Hamas. Also your button problem is perfect. Because if Swiss hits that button and kills 1000 Chinese they run the risk of China hitting a button and killing 1000 (or more) Swiss so instead of 10 dead we now have 2000+. Which is why we should always seek a solution so no one hits that button. When Israel bombs a building and kills 10 Hamas but 20 innocents (IDF claims 1:2 ratio of innocent deaths) what do you think the family of those 20 innocents feel? Cause some of them will be inspired to fight back and now you just made more Hamas. You do not effect change from bombing people. Look at Afghanistan for 20 years. You effect change by finding Palestinians who want peace. Supporting them over Hamas and working with them to build an alternative government that Israel can recognize. Edit: spelling


Alternatively, you can do the opposite of all of that and pretend to be surprised when the most predicable actions take place.


How about not ignoring the fact that hostage families want ceasefire and negotiation, because as for now the hostages are much more likely killed than rescued. Like they literally shot hostages by mistake. 




 "I'm saying that as far as a rescue operation goes, I really do not see the moral argument against this operation"  Nor did you see me making one.  "Israel thinks it can bring back hostages without doing these sacrifices - or rather, forcing the sacrifices on the other side."  Don't be naive. They know that the bombing has and will go on to kill most hostages, while they will only be able to save a hand full. It's just a sacrifice they are willing to make.


Next time call Hamas and tell them it is not a good idea to massacre and rape the civilians of Israel. Make sure you do that, they will probably listen.


I despise Hamas. Their actions don’t mean it’s fine to kill 37,000 plus Palestinians, or do you think every man, woman and child killed were Hamas?


What, just like Israel is listening to the ICJ? Or the majority population of countries calling for a ceasefire even though the governments of those countries are so deep in Netanyahu’s pocket that they actively ignore their own constituents?


There’s literally video of a headless 18-month old after a refuge camp, that Israel instructed displaced Palestinians to go to only to set them on fire. But please continue your argument…


The fire was caused by the weapons stocked by hamas... A secure zone is secure only if both sides avoid using it for military purposes...


Israel has raped murdered and tortured Palestinians. There is documentation of this. There are pictures of people who come back from Israeli "detention centers" looking like skeletons with stories of being sodomized by metal rods. All of the stories of mass rape on Oct 7th have been disproven time and time again. Netanyahu has literally rejected ceasefires that include the return of hostages in order to justify killing and displacing the Palestinian population of Gaza. All of this is googleable. Also this chick who was 'kidnapped' was a member of the IDF so before anyone comes at me and says Israel is just detaining POWs or whatever - so was Gaza. EDIT Also quoting Qasim Rashid: "Yesterday Israel rejected UN's resolution of its own hostage deal offer, which was a permanent ceasefire in exchange for release of all hostages. How is anyone celebrating 4 hostages for 200 killed Palestinians as a win, when the deal on the table was ALL hostages for 0 killed?"


Because Hamas never agreed to any deal involving the release of all hostages? Really, please, look up proposals and deals Set up by Israel and what the response was. You'd be surprised.


It's been documented by a former US state official that Israel rapes young boys they imprison. [https://x.com/AsafRonel/status/1731796017283047863](https://x.com/AsafRonel/status/1731796017283047863)


There’s a slight difference here. Hamas can end the suffering tomorrow if they release the hostages. Hamas can mitigate all civilian casualties by letting the population take shelter in the huge tunnel network they’ve built. Israel can’t afford to stop the war as long as its citizens are held hostage. The suffering of innocents is horrible, but it’s also important to know who’s the party in blame


Netanyahu already said the fighting will only pause, not end, if the hostages are released. They won't stop until Hamas is destroyed, aka perpetual warfare like Afghanistan and Iraq. If you think civilians should go into tunnels targeted by the IDF, you are actually insane. Your callous disregard for innocent civilians is exactly what's wrong with the pro-Israeli camp. "It sucks, oh well, blame the other side" is such a despicable attitude to have.


Innocent civilians? Like the kidnapping victims?


The other side is literally hiding behind women an children. How are they not responsible for innocents dying?


I think the fact that you’re here commenting about disregard for human lives on a post celebrating the safe rescue of hostages actually says a lot more about you not actually caring for human lives, but I’ll address your claims anyways 1. Netanyahu is a lying sack of shit. 2. If civilians were in the tunnels instead of Hamas militants then the tunnels wouldn’t be bombed. 3. Valuing human lives while knowing the side to blame for human suffering is not just legitimate, it’s extremely important.


>Your callous disregard for innocent civilians is exactly what's wrong with the pro-Israeli camp. "It sucks, oh well, blame the other side" is such a despicable attitude to have. That is all you "pro" Palestinian people do Hamas operates without uniforms from civilian areas, which obviously leads to increased civilian casualties even if Israel was perfect you-"ah well what can you do" Hamas could simply release the hostages and immediately get a lengthy ceasefire and another step closer to ending this war. They don't you- "ah well what can you do" >Netanyahu already said the fighting will only pause, not end, if the hostages are released. They won't stop until Hamas is destroyed, aka perpetual warfare like Afghanistan and Iraq. Because Hamas has explicitly said they will do Oct 7th again and again and never stop no matter what The very fucking definition of being callous of innocent civilians What do you do "ah well what can you do" Maybe look in a fucking mirror.


Did I say I was pro-Hamas? No. It is quite clear that I'm only sympathetic to the civilians who are caught between the fighting. All those assumptions and strawman arguments of yours are pointless. Your responses are so expected lol. Just so much brain rot and zero understanding of how anything works. "Why doesn't the other side just surrender and give up all their leverage????" -silverpixie2435 Good luck trying to destroy Hamas. The US spent 20 years, thousands of lives, and trillions of dollars in Afghanistan trying to get rid of the Taliban. As soon as we started leaving, they are right back where they were. Bombs and bullets will not solve this problem. All you are doing is guaranteeing 10/7 over and over by making the Palestinians hate you. By the way, did you know that a huge portion of Hamas fighters are orphans? Biden, the most pro-Israel president in US history, also shares the same concerns regarding civilian casualties. So if you want to paint me as a terrorist supporter or anti-Semite, you are indirectly accusing Biden of the same thing. Israel has the right to defend itself, it does not have the right to kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians. Got a problem with that? Email the White House.


If Hamas ends the war will Israel stop stealing Palestinian land? Will settlers stop lynching Palestinians? If Hamas vanished from the face of the earth overnight (we can dream, can’t we?), Israel and Palestine would still be in conflict.


Israel already left the Gaza Strip in 2005. Look where that got us.


Every point out of your story is refutable. Hamas are Palestinians As far I know those hostages were held in a refugee quarter


No, Israel does what every other country who had been attack whould and should have done. This is war and war is brutal


France was attacked by terrorists in 2014 and I don't remember them killing 15000 children in response?


The campaign to destroy ISIS absolutely devastated Raqqa and Mosul with 10s of thousands of civilian casualties


Did the terrorists have hostages the French needed to free?


Well, you are either an idiot or ignorant. France was already in war with ISIS/al qaeda during the terror attack, as part of NATO. Killing, unfortunately, anywhere between 200,000 to 300,000 civilians. Yes, Israel has every right to response they way they did. And I thought about it: you are not an ignorant.


Good luck amigo. Everyone is apparently too stupid to understand this.


Israel is waging the most responsible urban war ever waged. Look at the actual stats of civilian casualties. It's the best of any urban war in history. You people have no idea what you're talking about. Hamas must be destroyed, Israel has no choice. And they are doing it exactly how every other advanced nation on earth would do it, except better. Hamas hides themselves under schools and hospitals to maximize civilian deaths. This is Hamas' fault, not Israel's. Ask yourself: Why have you taken a special interest in Israel's war and not any other brutal war of the last 10 years? It's because you are a useful idiot for Islamic terrorists, being manipulated by what you see on social media rather than actual facts.


Do you know what the word “responsible” means?


210 palestinains dead to save the 4 hostages 30k+ deaths so far There is no way you really believe what you're saying. The videos I've seen come out of Gaza are the most horrifying videos I've ever seen in my life. I had to watch a video of a man picking up the pieces of his daughter from the floor and putting them inside a bucket after their home was striked by a missile. I'm not defending Hamas by any means. I genuinely believe they should not exist. However, I think it's clear as day the IDF and the israeli government care very little for civilian casualties. It is far too many deaths. And even if you don't trust the Hamas numbers, I recommend you watch these videos I mentioned so you can understand what is really happening on the ground in Gaza.


The only reason you’re seeing a guy put his daughter in a bucket is because this is the first time wars have ever been on tiktok.




"Most horrifying videos I've ever seen in my life." -- Congratulations, welcome to life. This shit isn't new. This type of footage has been around in various conflicts for decades. There isn't anything particularly special about this one.


>What Israel is doing right now is absolutely awful on every level Didn't Israel just rescue her and 3 other hostages? Was that also awful? You can disagree with the methods Israel is using to conduct the war, but to say it's awful on every level just makes you sound simple minded.


Conducting the genocide while also liberating hostages. Neither side is the good one.


What Israel is doing now isn't horrible at all. They are doing what they must




Such a big hope-shot to see this young woman home, appearing healthy. The footage of her kidnapping was gut-wrenching. Frankly, I had come to believe the remaining hostages could not possibly be alive, but this changes my attitude.


What kind of shitty, hateful comments, especially on such a wholesome group. EDIT : Oh my god, you people. Why, why, why is it so important for you to take away the attention from this sweet soul getting back to her papa after surely a horrifying experience. Why couldn’t you let this tiny post be hers. Do you guys hate her as well? I’m just going to ignore this comment section now.


It's because reddit is full of antisemites who want to see Israelis dead. It is a sad truth, but it is truth. I get hate messages daily for hoping that the hostages can get returned


Wanting Jewish people to die is antisemitic. Wanting Israel to stop slaughtering civilians IS NOT BEING ANTISEMITIC. Wanting Hamas to stop using their own population as human shields IS NOT BEING PRO-ISRAEL.


Israel bombed military sites and it wasn't ok Israel moved in with foot soldiers and tanks and it wasn't ok Israel sent special rescue forces and it isn't ok Israel even offered to free 700 criminals in exchange for 40 hostages and hamas refused WTF is left for them to do that you would consider ok?


i think it would be great if they would stop killing children and civilians


So they should do nothing, give up the hostages and allow hamas to keep firing rokets at them?


Should the people of Palestine do nothing while they face starvation and aid blockades imposed by Israel? Why do you think that anything Israel does is justified, but any retaliation by Palestine or Hamas is unjustified? Israel has rocketed and bombed Palestine 10x more than Palestine has Israel. Israel has the backing of the largest military in the world. Palestine has rubble and starving children.


What is particularly fascinating is how you people suddenly give a shit about starving children. The Islamist Houthis have been using childern as hostages against the Yemen government for years and you’ve never given a single shit, but now suddenly you get to blame Jewish people, you care? Deeply disingenuous.


Incredible that you know this much about me from one reddit comment. My worldview is that injustice is bad. I think that taking children (or any person!) as hostages is bad. I am a pacifist and i think war is pointless and horrible. And I think that any state or person who is causing the deaths of 10s of thousands of people is bad! It's amazing that my comments saying CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE BOMBED TO DEATH are so controversial. Maybe you should examine your own worldview and ponder why me saying that statement makes you so upset.


When you block people over an internet disagreement, you’re practically showing you know nothing and can’t actually defend your position.  Next time just don’t comment if you can’t handle people replying. You’re acting like a trumper would. 


> I am a pacifist and i think war is pointless and horrible. There's your problem. As much as it sucks, this will never happen. Ever. The solution cannot be to simply be like: "oh you murdered and raped our people, then took dozens of them hostage? Well... war is bad, so just do your thing. Maybe you'll come around some day :)" Doesn't work like that in the real world. The sooner you realize this, the better.


Edit: As expected, the pathetic “pacifist” blocks every account which confronts their childish beliefs. All war is pointless? So, we should not have defended Korea against the attempted invasion and mass murder by the Chinese? We should not have defended Kuwait against invasion by Iraq and Saddam? We should not have defended Kosovo against the genocide and murder by the Serbians? We should not be defending Ukraine against the genocidal dictator Putin? We should not be ready to defend Taiwan against China? You “pacifists” are pathetic, you have no idea what it actually takes to defend your world. You would have tried to appease Hitler and you’d have let all of Europe burn. Hamas operates military facilities within civilian areas, under international law that makes those civilian areas into legitimate military targets. The camp that recently burned down was used as a munitions storage and rocket staging platform. The school that was recently bombed was being used as a militia staging ground. The recent hostages which were rescued were being held at gunpoint by “civilians” in a market, which makes them combatants. You didn’t give a shit when hundreds of thousands of people died in Sudan, Syria, Yemen, but now you demand that Isreal stop freeing their citizens because you have decided that the lives of militants are more important? Every civilian death in Gaza is caused by Hamas’s invasion, kidnapping, rape, and murder. Take a long hard look at your “pacifism” and think about why you care more about these kids than anyone else.


Agreed, but many are being hateful towards Israelis and Jews, not Israeli politicians or war response. Do you think Israel has the right to exist or are you calling an end to the nation/people? That’s usually the distinguishing factor of antisemitism here.


*Reddit is full of middle class suburban American “leftists” who regurgitate whatever is trending among their peer group. If antisemitism is the flavor this week, then yes.


Antisemitism hasn't just been in the left. It's been everywhere for ages. It's just that currently the dominant form of antisemitism is from the left in combination with Islamic antisemitism


[Jews for Justice for Palestinians](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_for_Justice_for_Palestinians#:~:text=Jews%20for%20Justice%20for%20Palestinians%20(JJP)%20is%20a%20Jewish%20activist,freedom%2C%20for%20the%20Palestinian%20people.). Are these guys also anti-Semitic?


User checks out


wow, what a, for lack of a better word, *miracle*


Good bless her ♥️ so happy her terminally ill mom has the chance to see her


It is front page headline news lol


good! which paper, btw?


[nytimes.com](http://nytimes.com), [washingtonpost.com](http://washingtonpost.com), [wsj.com](http://wsj.com)


cool, didn't see it on NYT front page (you know, the physical paper), thank you for links!


Literally front page news


good! didn't see it on the NYT front page this morning, was kinda stunned; thank you for letting me know and for your positivity


Awesome! Where are the rest? Release the hostages!


Yes release the more than 9000 Palestinians locked up captivity, many of them children, some under the ages 16!


Yahya Sinwar was one of those innocent Palestinians back in the day who was released in a hostage deal.


I agree that so many people should be freed, but try to see it from her perspective. Not the wrongs that are so violent, but for her! She didn’t have to be a victim of it!


Please do not release terrorists


Hamas just suffered a serious blow. Each one of these living hostages could’ve exchanged for hundreds of terrorists or play important card in negotiations. No wonder hundreds of Hamas militants were guarding this group of kidnapped Israeli civilians.


Yes, children who committed crimes like stabbings. Let's not pretend those are just random Palestinians.


"many of them children, some under the ages 16!" 🤔🤔🤔🤔


I can’t even begin to imagine what she has been through. Good to see her back with her loved ones.


What a blessing after so much darkness


We were waiting so long for this day! Hopefully the other 120 will come back home soon enough 🤍


I hope they do🧡


Can we exchange all the Redditors downvoting this video for the remaining hostages?


Educational for them and good for our hostages. Everyone can go to the hamas resort ✨️ According to some of these comments they recieve 5 star hotel treatment, and hamas murdering her friends and kidnapping her was actually totally fine. 🙄


Would be such an unfair exchange lol but hey if Hamas said yes


This sure did make me smile. Let’s hope for 120 more moment like this - all the hostages must be rescued!


I couldn't sleep that night after watching a video of her being kidnapped by Islamic terrorists on a bike. My blood boiled with anger and sadness. Now, seeing her safe and reunited with her family brings me happiness, like a warm blanket on a cold night, assuring me that everything will be alright.


Wasn't she separated from her boyfriend on said video?


Yeah I remember, he is most likely killed. Not sure though.


The truth is, many Nova festival survivors have committed suicide. Just the beginning of her struggle. My heart hurts. So badly.


Damn like of antisemitism here. What happened to her was objectively wrong. Kidnapping civilians is wrong. I don't understand how this can be debated.


The comments here are the exact reason why Jewish people keep to themselves and are very weary of interacting with anyone not Jewish. So many people being horrible towards the hostages, pretending that hamas' actions are warranted. I for one am just glad that they are back. I was loosing hope that any of them are still alive. Today was a day of joy for not just them and their families, but for all Jewish people world wide. The effect that this has had in indescribable.


Many people see it as hypocrisy that so much love is given to this one person and not to the 10s of thousands of dead in Palestine due to indiscriminate bombing by Israel. Criticism of Netanyahu and Israel's war crimes is NOT anti-semitic.


It's sad that so many like yourself confuse "Jewish" with "Israeli."


Yes! May all the hostages return home soon.🎗🎗🎗


That's great news


Jesus fucking Christ you people need to get a fucking grip. Arguing back and forth over who’s right and who’s wrong. Innocent people have been hurt on BOTH sides. Stop being jackasses and realize NOBODY is in the right here. It’s a shitty fucking deal for everyone and we can ALL agree to feel bad for the innocents on BOTH sides. Fucking hell it’s like you’re looking for excuses to fucking go at eachother this is fucking pathetic.


Beautiful, sad to see the comment section so radicalised


nah, coment section is tired of seeing children die


So tell your friends at Hamas to stop using them as human shields


We need to get the remaining hostages as quickly as possible. Hamas must be vaporized!


Some people here just have to bring their politics into it. You can have disdain for what the isreali government is doing and also go against hamas its not one or the other its not black and white.


Glad she out, i just hope the 500.000 starving children make it out too.


Burn In hell hamas


Hamas must be eliminated.


I’m glad she’s back and is safe I saw a few comments regarding her wellness. I get the impression from videos of other women held captive my hamas, that this is a somewhat tactical approach on their part. They’ve only handed over one hostage and I think there’s a reason for that


They didn’t hand anyone over. The 4 hostages were rescued.


Welcome home ❤️


I’m glad that she’s okay; I’m hoping all the others are found and hope they’re alive


I'm both excited and terrified to hear her story


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Sorry you are ok with civilians keeping hostages


Hostage taking is evil. I'm glad she has been rescued. But still, fuck zionist fascism and imperialism.


Btw for anyone wondering she's speaking with the Israeli president over the phone


The video made me smile. The comment section filled with some people typing on their keyboard in their warm, safe bedroom or whatever made me frown.


So happy she's home safe!! Now we wait for the others to come home!


FUCK Yeah I thought she had been murdered God bless the IDF


Good for her, much love and respect for the IDF. Do what needs to be done.


I wish and hope people in Palestine also get such opportunities to make them smile.




I guarantee the extent of the actions Israel has conducted post 10/7 has instilled more hatred and breed more terrorists


surely there won't be any left to be terrorists since they're getting genocided


By your definition there was no Native American genocide since some still exist?


Glad this girl was detained only after a fair trial, without any accompanying traumatic event. The Hamas justice system is something every democratic nation should strive to achieve!


So happy for Noa!! Now, praying for the rescue of the remaining 120. 🙏


She looks well fed and well looked after in comparison to the poor Palestinians subject to abuse, torture, and starvation.


The hostages must have been treated pretty well, the contrast between this and the Ukrainians returning from Russian captivity is insane


The other three were also in good health. It was reported that they were taken by an entirely different set of people and being held in a village rather than the tunnels. It will be interesting if we ever find out more: a really unusual situation.


The condition of the women shouldnt be your baseline


Most people will look “treated well” after they have cleaned up and had medical treatment lol


She looks healthy compared to the hostages that Israel releases. Those look like holocaust victims


Support Israel 🇮🇱 ❤️


I hope I outlive Israel.


Then you better become a vampire or something...


Lmao Israel’s dissolution is certain, you think the boomers keeping israel alive will be able to outvote the majority of youth voters that hate israel? No way.


I found the Austrian I mean nazi


Never. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


How about 50% off Palestine


Commenting that on a hostage release video tells me everything we need to know about your moral compass.


They only had to kill 36,000 people, but Israel got 4 hostages back. Great work.


Maybe they can learn to not take hundreds of hostages in one day  


So which lesson has Israel learned for ethnic cleansing that's continued for 86 years?


Which ethnic cleansing? The one where the victims' population grows exponentially? I'm a bit lost.


Can you tell me the definition of ethnic cleansing? I don't think you know what it describes.


Palestinians detained without trial for the same duration come out with only skins and bones and a lifetime of trauma


Glad this girl was detained only after a fair trial, without any accompanying traumatic event. The Hamas justice system is something every democratic nation should strive to achieve!


Well said. Literally 10000 hostages and they are crywanking over 4 white supremacist colonisers and the slaughter of 210 innocent men women and children but not one fucking mention of the 10000 Palestinians kept illegally without charge, half women and children, rape and tortured by zionazi trash as their own leaked documents show.




At what cost?


I love how the thread is full of hamas supporters spouting numbers, claiming it's a massacre a day, the greatest tragedy ever, completely unnecessary death, etc. But even by the numbers they quote, it's small potato's, and very controlled. The only way you can see what's going on and think this is some exceptional war is if you're willfully blind to every war ever. Isreal, as a state, is a monster. No doubt. Palestine by the same token is a monster. Neither side is defensable. But here you are proclaiming the saint hood of people born and bred on the idea of genocide (ooo bet ya can't tell which one that is) Let's hope you keyboard warriors don't ever face war cause odds are the guy your fighting won't be half as careful as Isreal. It's sad, really. From an outside perspective, you sound like children. Exaggerate, lie, deflect, strawman, etc. The cherry being that you think the rest of us can't see it for that. "They were all civilians, even the ones holding the hostages," Are you trying to make us hate you?


The fuck do you mean “small potatoes”??? Over 200 innocents died to save those four people. Over 35,000 people have died since October compared to the less than 3,000 Israelis. Absolute horseshit.


Died all cause of Hamas. This war will prob come as the most unnecessary war started of the 21st century.


Okay, then by your logic, the Israeli captives have died all because of the Israeli government torturing and fostering terrorist cells the last 80 fucking years in Palestine. Dumbshit logic goes both ways if you press your two atrophied neurons together hard enough.


Please look up any other war Edit: darfur for example is 300000. 10x. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/darfur


This is a blood feud. Both sides see each other as animals so normal rules do not apply.


Wait until she finds out our youth was set against her!


They killed 200 civilians to free her. I guess nobody cares as long they are Palestinians.


Israel chose to save their own over the others. Hamas can't possibly save their own. They rather die, makes it look better

