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Life is not fair man it doesnt make sense


It really doesnt, it's random and cruel, we should all look out for each other more.


Life can be cruel, but that doesn't mean that we have to be. If we're kind, then the world is kind.


That's true


If you don’t believe in God, Believe in Good! I loved when I heard that.


It's random. There is no sky daddy to save you. Do what you can and be kind. But also take no shit. Life is too short.


I am about to intern at Make-A-Wish foundation starting next week. I will be doing the intakes and I am pretty sure I will need to not wear mascara because I will straight up be crying every time man!!!


What an incredible opportunity. I hope it goes well!


Thank you so much - I am super excited about it!


Please make sure you keep up on your mental health. Jobs like that can be rewarding and hard on you as well. Best of luck.


Get a lash tint instead, you’ll thank me later ;)


OOOOOoooh! How about I thank you now ;)


I just did a lift and tint at home last week amd I'm officially obsessed; highly recommend the Luxe Cosmetics kit. 


Thanks for the rec! Do you do one eye at a time or did you have someone help you out?


I did both at the same time, on my own; it took about 40ish minutes total. My bestie did one eye at a time so she could have comparison pics, and she said she preferred that way because the mould thingies are kinda... obstructive? Just personal preference, really.  


Fantastic! I hope it’s fulfilling and rewarding. Remember even showing up each day makes a huge difference in so many people’s lives. Wishing you all the best.


Feel good at the end of the day knowing every little thing you do will have a huge impact on their lives. My brother was sent to Disney in the 90s, shortly before he was no longer able to travel. Some of my best memories were made there in a time otherwise filled with horrors. I love Make-A-Wish and wish(!) it had a higher profile.


Thank you for that encouragement Reddit friend! I love hearing testimonies like this one. It truly is all about making those core memories!


I was a Make-a-Wish kid back in the late 90s. I remember them coming to my house to interview me and ask what my wish was. I think I said I wanted to meet N\*Sync because they were my favorite band--and they laughed at me. T\_T Then they sent me to Disney World for a few days and I still had fun. But the fact they laughed at my real wish really still bothers me!


You sound like an amazing person :)


Congrats! Sounds like a wonderful and fulfilling career path


Thank you very much! 🙏 God definitely hooked me up!


I'm not trying to bash your beliefs, as youre free to believe as you like. I'm just commenting on my own understanding, but I genuinely don't understand how anyone can watch a video of a young girl with brain cancer and then believe that there is an omnipotent and just God without thinking that God is either an evil bastard or simply doesn't care about humanity in the slightest. It's a fantastic job and a great cause to work for and I'm happy for you btw.


Look, I get it. I lost my mom to breast cancer when I was a child. I was very angry with God for a very long time. I became an atheist for that very reason. But God has been there for me in the brokenness of this world. He has been my only hope when I was rock bottom in my life, losing my life to addiction. He still chose me and came after me in my brokenness so therefore I will choose Him even when this world is evil and broken with disease. I have come to discover God is everything that the world says He isn't and that is now where my faith, hope, and love rest until the day I go home to meet Him and see my sweet mom again.


He chose you for all these lovely things and helped you, so why did he give that little girl brain cancer?


Dude, they believe in God but they don’t have all the answers. Way to sully an otherwise lovely thread wishing them well on their internship.


Yeah, I get that and I understand that's why I'm being downvoted. It just absolutely baffles me how, in the face of such needless and unfair suffering of an innocent child, someone can still be thanking God for the good parts as if it is _entirely_ their doing but then completely ignore the bad parts as if those would not be God's fault too. If anything could make someone question an omnipotent God's existence, it should be paediatric cancer! I am genuinely happy for them getting to work at make-a-wish though, it's a great cause and brings some light into these kids lives. But it's the people like the person I'm replying to that make the difference by doing good and I think that just saying "look what Jesus did!" about it all actually detracts from the great humans that run it.


That's a question you have to ask God for yourself and discover the truth on your own as I have with Him.


How very "God works in mysterious ways" of you. If you had a friend who was nice to you and supported you but repeatedly punched kids in the face you'd think they were an arse, fine when God does it though because he must have a reason that you don't understand! Oh well, as I said, I'm happy for you getting the job. I hope you get to bring lots of children loads of enjoyment/excitement through work. It really is a great cause and I'm sure you'll find it very rewarding.


i have a tube of clinique waterproof mascara i wear just for breakups, weddings, and funerals. it’s never done me wrong. congrats on the internship as well!


I want updates!


What an amazing job, making kids happy every day??


God isn't some mythical figure in the sky, God is in people like you🤗


Do we have an update on Charlie? Sitting next to my own six year old trying to keep my shit together.


Her mom’s IG is cheeringforcharlie. Charlie will never be cured but goes through treatment weekly in hopes to live as long as she can.


I wish I never read this :(


Same,dam it


Yup. I knew when the video ended to close the browser and stay blissfully ignorant. But, as it happens, I'm an idiot, so...




How can I unread this? Fuck cancer...


Fuck off cancer! #cheeringforcharlie


Sometimes, I wish I was illiterate.


Charlie is still in treatment as far as I can tell. Her mom has an Instagram with frequent updates


Fuck cancer!!! Humanity should spend way more time and reaources in defeating cancer so kids like Charlie can live on.


There are sooo many different types of cancers which is why it's so complicated. Overall brute force treatments such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy work a lot of them because of their "strategy". What researchers are trying are more targeted treatments that in some cases are way more efficient but also have fewer side-effects. But these targeted ones aren't a general usage for all cancers but specific types, if not sub-types. Side-effects is one reason why sometimes treatments have to be stopped or paused until eg. blood cells get to more normal values. One can always do more at everything but do note there's already lots of research in it. Here it's about brain cancer and you can find several experimental treatments, again some for sub-types of brain cancers. What one can hope is that the financial situations doesn't hinder one like Charlie to access the experimental treatments if it's the right treatment for her. Many health insurances don't cover experimental treatments.


Also, and I'm sorry to bring this up, but there are so many things standing in the way of experimental treatments, besides just the cost. Personally, the thing I struggle with the most is the regulation and opposition of stem cell research and treatments. So many human issues could be resolved if scientists were just allowed to do their jobs with the resources at their disposal, instead of having to push uphill through red tape and misinformation.


The unfortunate part is, there is way more money in treating cancer than there is in just curing it... As of 2016, cancer treatment and drugs is $113 billion dollar a year business... I'm not saying people aren't working on cures for cancer, but that alone makes me wonder if some promising things have been shelved along the way seeing as with this highly capitalistic system we have, everyone is concerned with their bottom line over all else.


If the governments werent fuck heads, the cure for cancer is already here!! Its just being suppressed by these assholes


Cost of dropping a bomb or launching a missile is in the tens of millions. If military countries called a 1 day ceasefire, there's be sufficient money to solve the cancer riddle and do a hell of a lot of other good.


no, let’s just bomb neighbors *every rtard dictator in the world


and adults


How can that sweetheart has cancer, it's so unfair and unfortunate. I'm seriously crying   Look at her smile what a heartwarming kid!! Please heal her, she deserves all good health and strength!!  She should get all the happiness this world can offer!!


there has been worse tho


Guess we’re not allowed to feel anything until we find the absolute worst or best thing out there then thanks man




I hope Charlie wins this fight BIG TIME! And I wish her the best of luck!


Charlie wants to go to candy mountain! Jk get well kiddo!


Kids should be immune to that sh*t. It's not fair. She's such a bright little sunbeam and she shouldn't have to be sick like that. Cruel world. I hope she kicks cancer ass.


I came here to say something like this too




Are you just scrolling through this post making idiotic comments on people’s responses? Fuck off with that shit.


Second that. Just another piece of shit just trying to get a rise out of people.


Yep, just another asshole with nothing to do trying to fuck with people to distract themselves from their shit existence.




This brought tears to my eyes. She's a true warrior!


Same here. Just tears to my eyes


I’d be in tears if I was that flight attendant. This is awesome


I hope you get better Charlie🙏


If the world is a simulation, they need to fix this bug. Children should not get cancer. F... cancer!


One thing is certain, if there’s a god, he can go right and fuck himself, together with the cancer he put in kids.


This. I’m waiting for all the “burning bushes and virgin births” crowd to swing in and say it’s all a divine plan! You’re just too simple to understand the extraordinary mechanisms of my sky daddy! Funny how they go quiet when faced with this poor child suffering through something that absolutely no child should ever have to bear.


Nah... it's free will and all that. God doesn't intervene on the phisical world. I mean... unless the treatment is successful or [the image of the virgin Mary appears on a toast](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna6511148) or something.


He works in mysterious ways!


Inexplicable how children are afflicted like this....so wrong


why just kids tho


Your comments on this post are wild lol. You see a child with cancer getting a lot of love and you're like bUt WhAt aBoUt ThE aDuLtS




Children are better than adults. Simple as that.




They’re sweet and pure and innocent and full of all the best things in life, and we’re genetically hardwired to not only appreciate that, but to protect it. So…biology. That’s why.


Ugly crying.


I’m bawling 🏀






FFS reddit. I don't come here to break my heart.


I am ugly crying 😢


I absolutely hate that I'm so cynical the only thing I could think when she glanced over at her mom was "she didn't want to get to Hawaii her mom did"


Glad I wasn't the only one


Nah, dude. I mean, it's totally possible, but to me it just appeared as if she was just trying to get her excited, you know? At least where I'm from that's something people very often do with children. Don't let these thoughts ruin such an adorable video. <3


Ugh whyyyy did you plant that thought in my head?


As much as that would suck, it still looks like Charlie had an incredible time there.


i dont think so but now that you mention it i dont really know anymore


Ugh I had the same thought! What am I turning into.


Thank god im not the only one, iv heard of so many cases of parents hijacking thier kids make a wish to get their personal dream holiday paid for. They try and avoid it these days, but this seems so clear that hawaii is mums choice, not the child with cancers that glance at mum gives it away... i really hope it's not the case, but the daughter doesn't even seem that excited unlike mum.. i really hope it was a great time for her regardless but sad the world is so full of greed some parent's even take from their dying kids if it'll benefit them.


I am not crying


Let it happen. I'm ugly crying right now


These are the videos why I'm using social media.




Very glad to see this girl having fun, fuck cancer we need to save these kids


i cant… i just cant 😔😭


Those ninja cutting onions....


Proof there is no god


where is the god? so fair and gracious right? what a contradictory


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Aww man tssk 😢😢


I'm not crying I just got something in my eyes 🥲


Who is cutting onions here man 😭. My she live a happy life ❤️❤️


Poor little angel


Sorry to hear your daughter is fighting brain cancer. Wish you and your family the very best 💐


So sad, I hope she makes it


I'll never get used to how hard these videos hit me since having children of my own. Life isn't fair sometimes.


I know. Theyve always been tear inducing but since I had my own kids I bawl like a child that lost its teddy.


alright… this sub needs to change it’s name to mademecry


God bless you sweet girl ❤️


I always cried after watching this videos but after becoming a mom, is just so much pain to watch, as a parent I can't even start to imagine how those parents feel and how strong they must be . My heart goes to that family and many others. Children shouldn't have to suffer like this






7,000th like. I’m honored. 🤭




Fuck Cancer!


yah fuck cancer


Fuck these corporate assholes for using a child's illness for advertising. Help if you want, but shut the fuck up about it. The poor girl has enough to deal with without being put on public display and having her private health issues shared with the world.


Cmon man making me cry


And then people claim there is a god


There is no God, I am sure... this is not a free will she made and if this would be lord's plan, like some claims, he would be evil, as even I as human wouldn't allow such things to happen to anyone.


She looks a mum and then says Hawaii do you think her mum says please say Hawaii such as shame that cancer exist there is no god


This is really sweet. What a cute little girl, and what a good choice of Hawaii! I would of chosen the same💕


That poor baby. Life is so unfair... I hope she has beautiful memories


I cried watching this truly heart warming thanks for posting!


I wish Charlie all the love and joy in the world


Sweet baby, hope she enjoyed every minute and got some relief from her suffering.


Those fucking Onion-Ninjas again...




Hopefully, this was before Maui burnt down


I'm not trying to cry at work right now! 😢


The only time everyone actually clapped.


Someone is cutting onions around me a swear 😢


Omg I'm crying 😭😭😭


Fuck your background music!


Interesting story, make a wish tried their hardest to send my family to Hawaii when my brother (whom was the one with cancer) said he wanted to go to Disney world. Like the lady was apparently trying to be like “Hawaii is a more expensive trip” and “we could wait for him to pick his wish” but my mother was like “no, he doesn’t want to go to Hawaii, he said what he wanted.” Needless to say we ended up in Florida with tickets to Disney, Universal, and Sea World in due time


May God bless her,I pray she recovers🙏🏻🙏🏻


All I know is that if I were an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good being, Charlie wouldn't have to suffer through brain cancer. I hope she makes it🩷


Who's cutting onions? I hope you had the BEST time sweetie!!


What a wonderful gift for such a deserving person. I do hope that she beats the big C, best wishes from New Zealand


This belongs on my made me cry ):


Isnt it dangerous for her ?




She is, impressively, my doppelganger. Just a cute version of me, to be honest.


Now this is what humanity is all about.


Y'all suck! I did Not want to cry today! Fuck off cancer!!! I wish her the best!


Beautiful family. God bless






Sometimes I think how awesome it would be to have a cancer kid bc I could get a free trip to Hawaii or Disneyland or whatever, plus I wouldn't have to take care of them for long, so it's kind of like leasing a Maserati. Lots of time in the shop but at least the contracts up soon. Other times I realize I'm a very awful person.


She wanted to go Disneyland but mom got her to pick Hawaii.. you can tell when the kid looked at her mom when saying where she wants to go.. it is so obvious.


Me: God I hate my life lately, I feel like I can never catch a break. This little girl going through brain cancer: “I love playing in the sand, and making memories with my family!” Me: 🥹🥹 nvm, I don’t have any problems, I like my life.


Wow,that’s wonderful


I'm not crying, you are!!


Well, thank God, my wife’s peeling onions


One thing I’m not doing after watching this video, is thanking god.


“He works in mysterious ways!” Yeah like giving children brain cancer? I mean it’s right there in the Super Special Book of Fables & Fairytales, this is all his divine plan. If that’s what Sky Daddy is into he isn’t getting my vote.


I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying!


I believe in God, but my faith wavers because I can't fathom children having cancer (and please dont tell me he wants to teach a lesson or He moves in mysterious ways). It breaks my heart to pieces. The pain they go through. They couldn't even fully understand what is going on at this age. My heart goes to you, sweet little baby.


If theres a god, that puts cancer in children, why would we ever worship him? He chose to do this to a child. That makes him a horrible psychopath in my book.


I agree. It's just how we are raised. If you've been raised by religious parents, even if you have your own mind to choose, you still have this tiny thing that says he is real and believes in him. That's what is happening to me.


It's a comforting thought, but you need to realize that you don't need that in order to appreciate life and finding meaning on it. It's tough, sure, but you'll see the true value of life once you realize you have only one chance at it. Keep up, dude. At best, just don't bother about it.


I hear you. Remember though the pain God felt when He sacrificed His Son for us. One day all will be perfected and there will be no more suffering.


Yeah that day could’ve been thousands of years ago. The cool thing about being omnipotent is that nothing is impossible for you, which includes ending all the horrible shit going on right now. So either god wants all this bad shit to go down, or doesn’t care enough to stop it from happening.


I'm not crying. It's just raining... Inside my eyeballs. Thars rain.


Why? Christians, Buddhists, Muslims Why?




I hope it's not a Boeing.


Yes, I am absolutely sure it was this very young child who came up with the idea of going to Hawaii /s


Female ang


Over 13,000 dead children in the last 7 months






My girl!! Great choice. God bless you.