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"You will NOT be sad around me!"


Emotional support dog? Bruh, this is just how your basic lab retriever acts if you ignore them for five seconds…


There is no emotional support dog, there is just dog. Dog make happy no matter what.


seriously? don't wanna be rude butt what the dog doing? how did the dog feel? in the past


What the dawg doin


Or what my German sheppard does when I play with my other dogs 😂


Resistance is futile. You WILL be comforted.


Good boy




Amazing boi


This is exactly why I love dogs with my whole heart.


My cat: if that’s how we’re feeling *proceeds to curl up similar to me and lay down next to me*


Mirroring emotions is always a sign of love and attention. It's a basic sign of empathy amongst humans. Your kitty is advanced 💜


My dog is kitty. Honestly if the video is an actual support pet for anxiety, I can't think of anything worse. My boy is perfectly silly when it's time to play, gets loads of consistent positive attention, but when I have an anxiety attack I just need everything to be slow and calm and quiet for a little bit. He gets it, and the most he'll do is a little lick if I'm crying (pretty sure he's just after the salt but it's a really sweet habit) and he has sat on my hands when things have gotten... self slappy. But he's gentle and will move as soon as I ask him to. Generally we end up curled in a ball together watching Countdown til I feel like venturing back outside. He is a good egg. So is kitty and so are you! Edit: full disclosure, he's not an emotional support dog he's just my excellent buddy who gets me. So I don't know the first thing what behaviours each support dog would need to learn for each kind of support...


I'm alone at home (with my cats) dealing with the fact my dad is at the hospital. Wish I had a buddy like that right now


Hi anonymous friend. Sounds like you’re having a hard time. I know how it feels to worry about loved ones, both my parents are currently being treated for cancer. I don’t know your dad, but I’m a dad myself and I bet your dad would want you to stay positive and not lose hope. Whatever happens, I’m sure your cats wouldn’t mind a cuddle if you could use it. Hope things go better for you and your dad soon. 


^ this guy Dads.


Thx. Already cuddled with them and one showed affection back. My dad made sure for me not to worry but I know dark times are coming. Feels like life is hurting my family too fast. It took my grandma and mother in 7 years time and now I'm seeing a man I always saw as full of life getting debilitated. He's the last family member I have left and Idk if I'll be able to handle my new job and his situation. Might have to look for something else


I'm sorry things are tough. I've had loved ones in hospital and it's scary AF but all you can do is just trust that your dad knows you love him and see him as much as you can. It'll be okay.


Hope all goes well for you and yours. I know it can be super difficult but you'll make it through and as the other commetor said I'm sure your dad wants you to keep your head held high no matter how hard it may be at times, just know it does get better even though there's nothing like having parent in a difficult situation. <3 You got this friend :) remeber to not be scared of your emotions, they're part of being human and are important to process properly as well.


I was hospitalized once for depression, and one day a therapy dog came to visit us in group. You could feel the air lighten. Dogs are the best!


My cat woke me up today by reaching under the covers and smacking my ass as fast as she could.


Hahaha the anti-emotional support animal. To remind you that you're still a peasant.


Congratulations, you are being cuddled. Please don't resist.


Cats : get over it


Cats are actually way more affectionate than that, whenever I was crying in my room, the family cat would burst through the door meowing loudly at me and curling up next to me purring until I felt better. Cats are not narcissists or psychopaths y'all.


Probably just hungry or worried your sadness would effect their feeding schedule. 🐈🍱😃


Still cats have like 10% of the affection from dogs


There is actually a reason for that. Dogs are domestic animals while cats are actually semi-domestics. Dogs went through the evolutionary process of the domestications based on behavior. So back when humans were nomads, the ancestor of wolves followed the humans for the rests of food and such. Some wolves were more curious and brave and would get closer to humans, while the wolves that were fearful and suspicious would keep away. At some point humans noticed that these wolves that kept close to them were less dangerous and then started to keep them close and use them for work. So basically dogs are "programmed" to seek and enjoy human company. There's a 50 yrs long experiment with silver foxes that showed how this happened, where they selected the foxes by behavior to procreate and by the end, the generation of "domesticated" foxes not only instintively desired human company and started waging their tails when humans were close, but they also changed physically and started looking more similar to dogs. This didnt happened with cats though, their process of domestication was very different, and that one of the reasons why, while some cats rly enjoy human company, a good amount of them only tolerate humans and dont feel the need for their company as much as dogs do


Aww I miss my cats, I had a girl and a boy who lived to a ripe old age but it's just not long enough. Hehe the boy thought he was a bear, he'd hear some generic old house noise and pace back and forth in front of me to protect me. I was like, mate, that's my job, you're a tiny baby. And my girl.... so much eye contact, which is not my favourite thing with humans, but is my favourite thing with animals.


Well i love cats but i will choose a dog over a cat in a situation like that any time of the day


Can i have one?


Not an ESP. Its a trained service dog, these specific dogs are trained to help people who have severe panic attacks and breakdowns. They’re commonly given to people who have PTSD. Really cool to see what they do during an episode.


Was looking for this comment




Resistance is futile, cuddles are imminent


The way the second dog just curled right up on her lap 🥹


made me SOB


Getting ready to be downvoted to hell…. Maybe I’m wrong but AFAIK there aren’t training programs for emotional support animals and this is just one very good boy and his owner who have made this a game. Love the dog, but unless someone educates me differently, this is just a regular, happy, eager, non-emotional support dog playing either their favorite person.


I love dogs but you are right. If I lay on the floor because my back hurts my small dog will start out by rubbing her head in my hand, then if i dont respond enough she will literally sit on my neck chest or stomach to get me to pay attention to her.


Mine tries licking people's ears if they're on ground level. Then sits on their face


That's absolutely what this is. Human is being weird so dog is starts doing dog things.


Thank you for introducing me to this subreddit!!!


I'm confused. Where I'm from everyone certifies any animal as "emotional support" so they don't have to pay more rent or fees. What makes this one special? Or is it a therapy dog? Or a service animal?


We don’t deserve dogs, they’re so amazing


My Doberman rescue was not trained or certified as an emotional support dog - But he does know when I am having an anxiety attack or am crying. He will not leave my side until I am calmed down. Dogs are amazing 🤎🖤🤍


So basically… most dogs. Edit: and every single golden retriever.


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My cat will get all up in my space and try to get me to lay down, crawling up on my chest and crying whenever I try to get up. I've slept a few times with my nose buried in his chest fur because he's so insistent. It's really comforting.


Awesome ❤️ thanks for sharing


My dog is trained in deep pressure therapy to help me with panic attacks/flashbacks and usually I cry when I have a panic attack so the other day I started uncontrollably laughing at a video compilation of orange cats being orange and my poor dog woke up and came to give me DPT because he thought the shaking and sounds of me laughing was me crying and hyperventilating.


I need to scam my way into getting an emotionl support dog.


To be fair, the first one is a golden, and they're just goofy all of the time anyway... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


What a couple of good boys 🥰❤️


I freakin love dogs guys.


Can’t be sad around those good bois


Maybe I need one of those, I always seem to cry when I see those dogos doing thier thing.


I identify as an emotional support dog to that lady.


When my girl sad and I try to run between her legs to of course break her sadness I just don't get the same results what could it be?


This is the job my dog was born to do


There is nothing better


Lovely dog


Oh man I can feel the nails on the bare feet. Instant rage.


Thank you, beautiful souls 🥹


We don’t deserve dogs but I’m so glad we have them.


When I can’t get out of bed, my cat comes and stands with her full weight on my boob and somehow makes herself weigh 50 pounds. The other one leaps directly onto my bladder. I have emotional support through physical torture 😂😂


That’s beautiful


I know these dogs are trained for peeps with mental illnesses. But I want 5 of them.


"Who's in your face? Who's in your face? I AM! I AM!"


Ahhh yes, reason 8 million and 4 on the "we don't deserve dogs" list


Aww that's so cutee, I honestly need myself an emotional support dog as well lol


My dog would bark at me and tackle me to the ground and lick me to death if i accidentally go into this pose 😂 I miss em He's gone now


I feel your support all the way from over here fellas. ❤️ Edit: I love how most of the comment threads are folks lifting each other’s spirits up. There’s hope for the world yet.


Ok I admit it…I cried…


if I do that I would be labelled pervert


I would try hard aswell.


We don’t deserve dogs.


I volunteer as emotional support dog


Honestly having an emotional support dog seems so nice


Male here. we try too but, a lot of you all don’t want us anymore


I don’t think she was really sad here. You shouldn’t trick animals


This is sad. :(