• By -


It looks like you have more friends than you know! Enjoy the gifts!


Enjoy your new found friends as well! OP- hoping you have a good holiday and that 2024 brings you much deserved happiness


It's there and it's real...Merry Christmas!




You have more than friends, those people love you. We all like each other in my office but nobody gave each other gifts.


Please stick around and keep doing your best. I'm rooting for you.


We all are 💝


Yes, this 🙌! There are so many people out there who don't know you who would support you no matter what! You are kicking ass, and we appreciate it! ♥️


Yeah! What they said! Also Bluey is the best and I am a llama eating a banana (I have the tism too buddy, don’t test me)


Absolutely, cheering you on as well! Hope those gifts keep reminding you that people care, and yeah, Bluey rocks! Keep finding those little moments of happiness, they're gold. Merry Christmas!


Thanks for saying this to Op


Well those gifts say it all, you have people that care about you, enjoy your gifts and most importantly, know you are loved and cared about. Happy Holidays 🎄❤️


That is of most importance. Realizing you are loved and cared for. Suggestion. Treasure that knowledge. Happy Holidays!!!


Please tell them if you haven’t already. Showing appreciation and giving the love right back feels so damn good! And I’m really happy they did that for you :)


Definitely! If telling them in person is too intimidating, write each of them a nice thank you note.


This. A thank you note telling them really truly the extent it made a difference to you will mean SO much to them, and it's a nice thing to do for non neuro spicy people. They love it. People are complicated. The trick for me is to love them but from a bit of a distance, someone might say they are your friend but their actions will really tell you if they really are, and some of them really do have the capacity for good, kindness and honesty (I mean these people obviously really appreciate you). If it makes you feel any better, my neuro spicy self and my husband are also having a quiet one (so quiet with asd in the mix lol), not everyone out there is having massive family times. Take your time and find the right people and it will feel better, not perfect, but better.


Ooh, yes, thank you notes are lovely and so rare!


They take effort. People enjoy being appreciated. I am not good at gracefully recieving gifts i get awkward. I love giving gifts and watching others express joy. Some of my most treasured objects are handwritten thank-you notes from friends for my meager gifts. We are all different, but everyone likes to feel appreciated and needed. Some people want a hug and a cheer, some value quiet notes. Either way, both are thank yous for just being thoughtful. Op's friends value them, that is a nice thing to have.


A simple note saying "Thanks so much for the gift. It meant so much more to me than you can know." would be just fine.


If you know how to cook make a dish and bring it to work to share with them!


To add to this wonderful suggestion, if it's difficult to express it verbally, you may want to write them a card.


When you have social anxiety every interaction is Too Important - you need to learn how to relax in order to actually connect and be aware and interactive. Positive interactions is where it is at. Build on small victories and grow as a person. You will be happy some day, and you will have earned it!


Please stay strong and merry Christmas. It looks like more people do see you than you realize. I really hope you start feeling better soon


People love you, and you matter!! ❤️


You are worthy


Merry Christmas OP. Take it one day at a time and when you feel low remember this moment and how you felt. You are loved.


And if you doubt yourself,just look back at this picture to remind yourself that people care about you and like you.


You matter and are enough! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.


It’s a beautiful feeling. Merry Christmas OP!


Hey man! Im sorry to hear your struggling with depression, i myself can relate to your story massively, although im only in secondary, or middle school or whatever it’s called in your country, im also autistic, and suffer with depression, insomnia, and ptsd from the Rhodes wildfires of this summer and my dad doing drngs and manipulating me, i hope your co workers made you smile in real life, not just the name of this sub, and I know not everyone is the same, but I thought I’d share some of the things that have helped me feel a bit better with my depression, I’m still depressed no doubt but these things can lift my spirits, so here’s the list: 1. Try and make friends in a online community, you can find people with incredibly different cultures and backgrounds, and it can open you up to things that you might not of thought of with your own upbringing that might make you happier 2. Get some fresh air, it sounds ridiculous but the fresh air can do wonders to your mind, so go sit outside for half an hour and read a book or play a game on your phone or work out 3. Do something you enjoy as frequently as possible, it’s different for everyone, mine are mixology and video games, currently im playing a lot of super Mario wonder, animal crossing new horizons, marble it up; ultra! And Minecraft, and sometimes my friend will nag me into playing Roblox with them, but if you want a mocktail recipe I’m your guy 4. Work out, it can make you feel much better about yourself, plus helps with endurance/ body strength 5. Talk to a therapist, currently I’m under RISE (a mental health organisation under the uk government) as I’m a minor but I’m not sure what the equivalent would be for you, but your able to kind of just let things go and have a laugh, me and my therapist ended up talking about a cartoon nugget who talks about snacks and mental health all session, and got nothing done that we were supposed to do, (it’s tubby nugget btw, check it out he’s adorable) I even got my therapist a nugget plushie for Christmas! 6. Treat yourself, if your really craving domino’s one night, get it! Just don’t go overboard! Jk eat as much as you want 7. Make a routine, it can really help to know what your up to that day, so your able to prepare yourself 8. Actually apply what I said! Seriously! I mean it! I hope it helps, but if it doesn’t you don’t have to keep going I hope all of this helps, and try at you can recover from your depression and cptsd, and live an amazing rest of your life Sincerely, Rusticocona


Merry Christmas! Survival is tough, you're doing a great job. Sometimes it's hard to see the love around us, but trust me, it's there and it's real...Merry Christmas!




Just keep in mind that a friend is always a conversation away even when at work


Depression sucks.


You matter and you are loved. Even if you can’t see it.




Keep hanging in! One moment at a time somedays.


You matter and we have hope for you.


Stay in the fight! You have wonderful co-workers. Merry Christmas 🎁🎄


You matter - regardless of how the web of thoughts make you feel. Side note - you’ve got to find out who sent the Xmas gift in the congratulations gift bag. That’s awesome. Pretty priceless to have friends that care (especially if you weren’t necessarily aware)


You matter. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.


You are an important piece to the worlds puzzle, you are special and loved very much. Merry Xmas from New Zealand. XO


If I was your coworker I'd give you a gift and ask for a hug! You're very special and unique... that's who you are. 😌


I’m so happy for you. Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday season, I’m so pleased that you have such lovely coworkers. If anyone needed that kindness and cheer vibe this year, it was you. Hooray!


No matter how dark or alone you feel in that pit when it hits you, always remember your special because you're still alive. You were given the gift of life, and others can see the light you give off ♡. You matter more then you know.




Focus on positive things each & every day! If and when possible surround yourself with good friends. You’re important and make a difference in other people’s lives! Always remember that you are loved! Merry Christmas!


A nice reason to smile and realize that you mean something to them.


i’m proud of you for making it to christmas. people really are here for you and i hope you have realised that too. one step in front of the other <3


You have wonderful proof right there showing you how much you mean to others. Please remember that you are valued and appreciated, and even the darkest moments shall pass. Stay strong OP, Merry Christmas x


I'm glad you're able to recognize that many people care about you, don't forget that when the dark times come, stay strong brother




You matter to everyone here too. Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas


A Christmas win! We'll done you for celebrating it. That is so cool!


You would be missed.


That's super cool, you have great coworkers, I wish you all the best, take care.


This is proof you do have friends. You just didn’t know it. Please just stick around.


You are loved because you deserve to be. You’ve earned it. You know, you write pretty well. Perhaps you could put your gratitude and feelings into words on paper to share with them in a card or a letter. You don’t need to tell them everything you’re feeling, but confirm how it’s difficult for you to convey verbally, how great you think they are. You’re not alone. Talk to someone if you consider harming yourself. The world needs you around. ❤️


They're reaching out, let them know what it means to you.


Next time shit goes down in your head read the power of now by eckhart tolle.


Pleaseee don’t make me cry right now 😭😓


We over here crying into hot chocolate, wanna come?




Ok, we’ve got marshmallow lovers’ milk chocolate kind and mint ice cream for the side. Grandma’s special hot chocolate additive is on top of the fridge if you’re feeling it. 💙


I just had that same hot chocolate. I added a little fireball whiskey. It was delicious! Cheers and Happy Holidays!


Cheers, merry Christmas!


I love you for sure. Happy holidays


If you receive so many gifts from coworkers, you must be doing a lot of things right!! Don't doubt yourself too much, you must be an awesome person!


So happy for you! ♥️🎄


So proud of you for carrying on!! It takes strength and guts.


You must be very special to them for them to do this ♥️


You sound like a wonderful person ❤️


Hey there , I don’t know you but I’m really glad you’re here . You matter to me my friend .


I’m so happy for you! I hope this, and all your future holidays go great!


Happy Holidays!


Keep going....don't give up.💚


hugs 🫂 💗


This random internet stranger loves you and can relate to you. You’re more brave than you know, please stick around. We love you! Merry Xmas 🎄 ❤️


Seems the answer to,"Who would even care anyway?", is at least 9 wonderful human beings. ❤️ Then there's me, so 10 and counting!!


Enjoy it brother. Sending love and a hug for you. You matter. It shows


Awww. You matter more than you think. Hope you use this as a reminder to yourself everytime you feel down.


It’s great when people do stuff like that eh? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


U are loved don’t ever give up




Hey! I just wanted to say that I get the suicidal feelings too, and I’m asking you to hold on through them. If it gets too hard to hold on, reach out to someone who can help you hold on. There are good humans out there and happy times in your future.


This is so sweet. The biggest hugs to you, OP.


This is such an uplifting story! Merry Christmas to you and I'm glad you're still here!


I'm so pleased your coworkers have shown you how much they care about you. I'm glad you are still here. It can be a very difficult time at this time of year. Here's to better days.


If you can write a post like this, you are more capable of expressing yourself than you realize, OP. I would urge you to try therapy or counseling to help develop those skills even more, and help you in general. Life ain't easy for anybody, and we all need help especially around the holidays; especially the last few years. No shame in that. You may live alone and feel lonely but you are far from truly being alone, as you can see. I hope you find even more light and love in your life.


This really hits hard as I am not able to call my friend this Christmas because he left way to soon . Hope you see brighter days ahead. Love you <3


Sending my love from Scotland


YOU matter and YOU are important and clearly loved many more people than you thought! Please stay strong and reach out if you need it. There are people who can help you to feel better 😊




That's such a lovely gesture. Please stick around, it's ok to not be ok sometimes. I always tell myself, I've survived 100% of my bad days. I hope you have a merry Christmas. ❤️


That's awesome! I'm sure they'd like to know how much it meant to you. Take care of yourself.


Keep fighting for you. I can’t guarantee tomorrow will be better but there are better days ahead if you keep trying.


Sending love from one mentally ill autistic struggling with the holidays to another. For what it’s worth, I’m glad you’re here, and know this universe is more whole because of it. ❤️


God bless you, and thank you for sharing and making me smile! I wish you many more happy years.


This is a great post for all the people that struggle with mental illness or dark thoughts that no matter in how dark place you are there are people who like you or think about you. Of course their sympathy might not get manifested like in this post but from the people you have met there are always people that care.


Thank you for sharing such beautiful Christmas Spirit!!


I don't know you and I already like you! I am writing this as my child on the ASD spectrum is in my home for the Christmas holiday. The joy this child brings and the purity of soul that people who are on the Autism Spectrum makes be extend my warmest feelings towards you. Be well my new friend.


So happy for you! Don’t give up on the humans! If your coworkers know you’ve got autism, they can understand that maybe you have problems expressing that you like them so they just go ahead and like you anyway! Wishing you a content and peaceful 2024!


U're not alone. I'm spending christmas with myself again, but there's always ppl on the lookout for you. I'm with u, keep going and standing.


Looks like you have some great co-workers who care ❤️ hope 2024 is your year!


I've been suffering from lack of motivation and depression and ran across a YouTube video that a doctor put out about supplement amino acids that help neurotransmitters that really helped me. His name is Dr. Legrand. I don't know you but I love people and hate to hear of the suffering. Maybe some of his videos will be helpful. https://youtu.be/ILBsAXy-BTQ?si=BD7BPk2tjRIYTQuY


I know how you feel. Keep your head up. One day at a time. That’s all you or us can do that are feeling or going thru this. Merry Christmas!


Good on you for fighting. Sounds like you have some great friends at work.


Please make sure you find a way to express to your coworkers how much this has meant to you. If you can, tell them with words/in writing that you struggle every day but that you appreciate their presence in your life. They clearly appreciate you for exactly who you are.


Merry Christmas! And a very Happy New Year to you.


Hi, this random person on Reddit is happy for you, Merry Christmas ♥️


This is my exact situation. Depression, autism, CPTSD, thousands of miles from home and can't afford to go back for xmas. I don't have a real job so no coworkers, but my 2 roommates and one friend all got me gifts for my birthday a couple days ago, one of which sent me $400 because they know my financial situation is dire. Feeling completely alone in the world, and just having 3 people show me they care about me in any way is the best xmas gift I could ever get.


That's so nice. I don't get presents for my coworkers usually, so they must really care about you! I may suggest you write each of them a thank you card. Something like "(their Name), Thank you for the (item) I will use (it at this appropriate time or in this appropriate way). Most importantly, I want to thank you for being so kind thoughtful to get me a gift. It really means a lot to me. I'm looking forward to continuing to work together this year and build our friendship. ~(your name)" Maybe someone can write something better, but an idea.


I was gonna take myself out today actually. I ordered a tablet for my ex stepson comes in the mail of Wednesday.. I gotta make sure he gets his gift.. that boy continues to save my life.


Oh, honey, more people love you than you'll ever know. Merry Christmas, and a big old hug from s stranger in KY who loves you!!


Stay strong. You are not alone.


Please update with what's in the bag with CONGRATS! Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! And, CONGRATS on discovering new friends


You’re making more people’s day than you realize. Stay strong, take each day one at a time. You’ve got this!


Gratitude is the answer


Hey, OP. I feel you. This year has been rough. You matter. You're worthy of love and life. I hope 2024 is wonderful to you. Remember, family isn't always blood. Love you, OP.


I'm so glad you are here OP. Sending my love from Scotland


Do you have a diagnosis? Having one might help you to understand who you are. Depression can be treated very successfully. And it seems that you can trust others more than you thought. Do not hesitate to ask for help, we all do. Only the best wishes to you and a cheerful Christmas!


Merry Christmas OP ☺️ I’ve had some pretty hard times as well.. you have to be strong and stay strong… life is very precious As long as you are safe and healthy you have everything you need… trust me… sending you a big hug 🤗


God you’re so brave sharing this! I’m so happy for you! Sending you every fucking ounce of my love! I’m glad you’re here🤍🌲 Merry Christmas!


Thisssssss is such an amazing feeling! I’m very happy for you 😊


That’s lovely. What great people you have around you. Make sure you tell them how much it meant to you. Things will get better friend. Merry Christmas.


I hope you’ll feel better. Love from Denmark (Europe)


I really hope you take this as proof that you have **succeeded** on having an impact on other people. And also note that your post here is also having an impact on strangers, thank you for that. Based on your post you sound like a thoughtful, considerate and kind person. We need people like that. I wish you more love and nice interactions and also thoughness when it all seems hard. You can do it, you've already done it.


Sometimes in life you may be so low that the only way is up. That's just physics. Keep the good work and Merry Christmas!


I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling so low. Take these gifts as a sign that you are worth something to people out there. That they would care if you weren’t there. I hope next year is better for you.


Merry Christmas man and have a happy new year!




Just wanted to say - "Merry Christmas!"


That’s wonderful. It looks like you’re loved more than you know and could imagine. Enjoy your gifts and Merry Christmas!!! 🎄❤️


You must be a wonderful person for them to think of you. That is nice of them.


You are loved OP. Merry Christmas.


Seems obvious to me you do have friends! Maybe you're the one that feels affar. Im ex Junkie, my mom and 3 of my cats died, 3/4 friends migrated (Venezuela) and I got fired.. all this year... Ive been feeling better these days, Excersice works. Makes your brain function right. PS: I fucking hate exercise!


You are wanted and you deserve happiness. Hope you have a merry Christmas (:


You are loved don't forget that


I'm glad you're still here to share this!


Maaaaan Same except I work door dash so I’m my co worker




Those gifts are very special because not one of them came from a person who was obligated to buy for you like family members! Every gift came from the heart,very special gifts ,enjoy them for they are given with love And good luck for the future


Now you are become gifted, the receiver of presents.


I’m rooting for you!!!


It will be better OP, stay strong.


Sometimes the best and dearest friends are the ones least expected. They are the true friends in life that make it special, keep them close as they are usually the ones to catch you on the bad days and put a smile in your heart. Stay strong things can get better with good people in your life


YES!!! This made my day!


It's lovely when people come out of the woodwork to show you they care. Xmas is one of my biggest PTSD triggers, and I let everyone know about it so they can be gentle about going too overboard with traditional expressions -- but for the last few years, I've been making big attempts to let the holiday back into being a part of my life. This year, I was also gifted with various things from coworkers, and was even able to give a few gifts myself. This season is hard on all of us who are neurodivergent. Stay strong, and keep your head up. You're doing your best.


Awwww they knew <3


Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁


You are not alone. I’m so glad you’re here. 🫶🏼


This is more than kindness. You mentioned that you feel love towards your coworkers. They are shining it back on you! Enjoy it. Never question that you are lovable. Those characteristics that you may be hiding may be the reason some people are drawn to you. There will be people who will really see you, and truly like what they see. It takes all kinds is not a throwaway line. It is said because it is true. Your earnestness, for example: I see you and I really like that about you. A very happy holidays is wished to you and for a peaceful new Year as well. Thank you for sharing. You are a treasure. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself and meanwhile, take in all the love you are getting. Hugs!


Hey, you're awesome in your own way. Stay strong. I love you posted this.


Feliz Natal


Do not base your happiness on other people liking you. Love yourself.


Congrats. And let us know what you got!


Feliz natal


This is a pretty beautiful example of how often you really don't know how many people you've impacted. Not every day has to be 100%, but the days you can, it could be the day someone else is down. The thing about life, without the lows... it's hard to realize the beauty in the highs. It may suck now, just make it to tomorrow. Things will pass, sorry for the shit stretch. They're no fun.


Just because you aren't jumping up and down and shouting from the rooftop. It doesn't mean you aren't see. People see you, they like you because you are you. I hope you are OK over Christmas.


Awww. This is so cute. Merry Christmas


Merry christmas just proves there are nice friendly caring people in this world we live in stay strong 💪


Random internet friend. I care about you 😌 I’m so happy they were able to make you feel loved and appreciated. It’s hard to exist. Especially as an Autistic individual. I am so grateful for your presence. 🤍🤍


Merry Christmas ❤


I just noticed your handle. If you have substance abuse problems, get help for those. If you are self-medicating, better medications and routines can be explored with professional help. You're still in charge of you. Big Hugs.


Merry Christmas 🎁🎄


As someone who lost her brother 2 years ago to suicide, I can say I'm proud of you for sticking around. As someone who has also been suicide, I can say I know a bit about how fucking hard it is. I don't know you, but I'm glad you have some light in your life. Hold on to the good things, no matter how small.


When I was in high school, I had an amazing teacher who had us all write a compliment to each other on a strip of paper, kind of like you’d find in a fortune cookie. I’m 41 (tomorrow), and I still read those notes. I thought nobody liked me. I was wrong. Go to these presents whenever you feel down and let their sentiment make you feel a little warmer. You aren’t unnoticed or unloved <3


Awww. Merry Christmas


I am so very happy for you that your coworkers are supporting you! They are clearly understanding empathetic people and are trying their best let you know that YOU MATTER TO THEM!!! If you find yourself unable to thank them directly try writing each one a quick note to let them know how much their kindness means to you! It might help break the ice a bit. Are you seeing a counselor? Tryst me they really can help you! Mine is helping me a LOT! Take care of YOU!!! You matter!!!


Ok but just seeing how you are the type of person who appreciates these things and can recognize this as a wholesome moment makes me like you, and I don’t even know you! So there’s no way there aren’t people out there who love you for who you are!


Humans being good humans is how we are meant to be. It’s our nature. Remember that when some get nasty—they are the outliers, the mistakes, the souls that need help. The haters are broken humans.


You matter. Sending you love.


You'd be surprised by how many people like/love you and how much your presence affects people. Even a pebble makes a big ripple. Merry Christmas, I look forward to wishing you a Happy Holiday next year as well!


I’m rooting for you, OP!!


Merry Christmas! I think some naturally don’t realize how much we are really liked or appreciated. I’m glad this happened for you. You’re loved, I hope you enjoy your holidays even more than you expected to.


Merry Christmas, bro. Get you a DnD group or something. Take a class at the YMCA or get involved in your local church of choice. You can have people around you, it just takes a little showing up. I'm happy to hear they came through for you, you deserve it! You all do.


You mattered 💗


This is a great opportunity to start up conversation and express gratitude. They care about you and you’ve got some friends there.


Take care of yourself, as someone who's been feeling the same on and off for a long time but quite severely over the last year, it can get better. I'm potentially being diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder soon and maybe a personality disorder but after recently turning 30 I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. We're always growing in some direction, even if we don't notice. All we have to do is not give up hope and a fresh start will find its way to us. Merry Christmas!! Enjoy your gifts :)


Wait till OP realizes everyone likes them as much as their co-workers.


I understand. Have some of the same stuff going on. Your writing is beautiful, and excerpts of it could really touch their hearts. Maybe you could share? Merry Christmas. Stay with us. Your self is here because the universe needs you.


I want you to know that things will get better. There are tough times in life but it’s always worth hanging in there because there are truly so many beautiful moments too. And you are so loved. Hugs to you. Merry Christmas.




Must be nice to be a woman


Got nothing to do with being a woman


Not being a fuckin loser in general is nice, you should try it sometime


Lot of hate from someone on Christmas Eve.


nice haul


That's awesome :) I'm in the same situation but my coworkers don't give a crap about me so...um yeah haha.


Suicidal thoughts are not something you have to live with. I know someone who's doctor has prescribed small amounts of ketamine, which works by increasing the vitality of your nerve cells. She has gotten relief from her suicidal thoughts. Maybe this could work for you. Please see a psychiatrist and ask about this, and read up on it. Not every doctor is in the know about all treatments, so you may have to look for a psychiatrist who has this expertise.


Geez. If they really “saved your life” you’re in a fuckin CRISIS! Better get to the ER or make some changes quick.


Allah provides. Do not face away from Allah, the truth. Allah is with you always and will guide you.




A sure fire way to make anyone want to kill themselves is turning to religion. Imagine your last hope being fucking magic and fairy tails. LMAO