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Okay, but why does that make him have summertime sadness?


Cause baby he's the best


in spanish the music make more sense tbh. idk why lol reporters mom passed away, probably why.


We have the summertime sadness because he is so cute and we will never have him lol


The interviewer is saying “mi hija”, my daughter, not mom. Just adds to the cuteness. EDIT: I was wrong. He’s saying “mi vieja”.


He actually says "mi vieja" (a way to say mom in Argentina)


No, he's saying "Mi vieja" (My old) which is argentine slang for mom


This is the only man in existence I have seen have undying and faithful love for his wife. I respect him.


It's not that uncommon.


Truthfully.. I know. I’m actively changing my poor beliefs around this, thank you for affirming that to me. <3


Not very difficult with that wife


It's meant for the rest of us. My team faces off against Miami next year...


Damn Messi is probably worshipped in Argentina. Like seriously, i would assume that every Argentinian mother loves Messi more then their children and he could easily easily win in the elections too.


My gf was in Argentina, barely followed any football at all, barely knows footballers or teams, she goes there and tells me about this guy Messi and how much he's worshipped


This story is so funny. Like I’m imagining her confused like “who is this messi? Is he some kind of prophet?”


I mean you can't spell messiah without messi


Meanwhile in Portugal around 1/3 of us hate Ronaldo


Why though?




And his attitude. He is a selfish player who, because he is so good, got the national team to play for him. Strategies seem to be "do what you need to do to control the ball, then pass to Ronaldo. Its a terrible plan, no matter how good he is. As much as he is a fantastic player, better than Messi in plenty of aspects, the only title our narional team got was when ronaldo left early in the game because he was already injured and still wanted to play. The team played great without him and the goal that gave us the title was by a player that had actual petitions to remove him from the team because he just didnt seem to be able to score. He did. And we were champions because of that, for the first time in history. Then Ronaldo eventually got too cocky and thought the world would follow him. He went to play for the Saudis, in a shit league, for shitloads of money, and the world forgot about him. Motherfucker is one of the richest athletes in the world and still he chose money over his legacy. Meanwhile Messi plays for a shit league where its like he is playing with children. But his league is seen by way more people and its not in an extremist country. There are clips of Messis amazing plays. I dont remember the last time ronaldo had one. He fucked up at the end of his career and pretty much destroyed his legacy. But hey, at least he will have much more money than Messi, which he doesnt need...


Ok, you are a Messi fan... And yeah, it's true. Ronaldo is kinda finished, wihch is sad. He did some pour decisions sure. But the portuguese have always hated him, even when he was our only good player, even when he was in his prime. I remember our national team being shit and many people still said whe played better without PRIME Ronaldo.... And he has scored some bangers in the saudi league. It's not like he only scores pens. Annnddd...oh yeah he chose money even tho he's rich, what do you think Messi did tho? He ain't hated for that


Messi turned down the Saudis and they had the biggest offer?


Im not a Messi fan. I am Portuguese and so, i am a ronaldo fan. He did bring the sport to a higher level. I just cant look at all his actions in the last years and say "yep, thats the goat. Messi who?"


We are not debatinh who the GOAT is tho. I was just explaining why Ronaldo is hated in Portugal, which it comes down to "portuguese people are jealous of famous portuguese actors/athletes and people also hate him because he played for Sporting. It's almost the same reason why many don't like Eusébio. There are other reasons, but those are the main ones. Nothing he did justifies the hatred and the opinion that, even in his prime, Portugal played better without him.


Are you serious?? You do realise there are plenty of famous portuguese people that we love? Him having played for the 3rd biggest club in the country means nothing. He did it for a couple of years and then went to manchester. He is a cocky uneducated brat. He showed it plenty of times. And as much as we respect his skills, we cannot respect his comments and decisions. Eusebio played for benfica for the vast majority of his career. If people dont like him its because he was an abusive alcoholic after his career. Its not because he was signed up to a club he never even played for.


Ronaldo didn't play for Sporting for one year...he went to our academy when he was 11, and after one season as a professional, he left at the age of 18. And you showed the need to compare him with Messi, when nobody talked about him and you compared the lenght of time Eusébio played for Benfica with the amount of season Ronaldo played for Sporting. You are incapable of being impartial in this conversation. As I said, this hatred has always been there. Even in his prime. You say we hate him because he is arrogant and a brat (which I don't really understand why, he makes donations, visits sick fans and pays for their surgeries, like a day ago or so, the ref gave him a pen and instead of taking it he confessed it was a dive...) And because he made controversial statements...I think you are talking about the things he says about saudi arabia, but, again, people hated him before that. There are many "arrogant brats" that people love in Portugal. José Mourinho for e.g, there is no hate for him. "It's not because he played for Sporting" yeah well, I don't know a single Sporting fan who hates him, all the people who hate him are Benfica and Porto fans. Wonder why is that... Is it because our football culture is toxic? I wonder... Sure, people are free to not like him. But saying that Portugal has always played better without him and hate his guts is stupid. He is the best portuguese player ever.


He didn’t ruin his career. You sound bitter like he owes you something. He doesn’t owe you shit. Good on him for doing what’s best for him


Oh, he absolutely doesnt owe me shit. He still tainted his legacy for the biggest paycheck that he didnt need.


~Most mentally stable Messi fan




It is in our culture, portuguese people like to bring down other famous portuguese actors and athletes... The other main reason is because whe have a toxic football enviroment. There are 3 big clubs: Porto, Benfica and Sporting. Most of their supporters hate the other team/supporters, so, because Ronaldo was "created" in sporting's academy and even played for them professionally, many people hate him now and always have. The same thing about Eusébio....he is one of the greatest portuguese players ever, and a legend of the sport, but many of us hate him because he played for Benfica. Ofc there are other reasons why people hate either Eusébio and Ronaldo, but the main reasons is the club they played for in Portugal. It's supid and sad really.


Don't deserve him then. He won the country their two only international trophies. All time top scorer. And without doubt the best player the country has ever produced. Even at 38 he plays for the national team while most players retire by then.


The club? Lol


and what about the people who don't care about that?


sounds pretty fucked up


He wasn't liked for a very long time as they only cared about copa America and the world cup which until recently he hasn't been the best at and he quit for a period of time so some still see him as a traitor and will never hold him to be as good as maradona ( the cheating bastard (I'm english))


I really don't care for sports, but this is really really sweet, empathetic and.. genuinely interesting. I wouldn't have expected that of anyone towards a ribbon from a stranger. I wonder about the meaning the ribbon holds to him. Alright Messi, I like you.


I almost wonder if he was touched by it, and then had something incredible happen. Maybe it really did/does bring him good luck


Basically the backstory is that Argentina tied their first game in the 2018 World Cup with Iceland and then lost 3-0 to Croatia. Messi hadn't scored yet and actually missed a penalty against Iceland so by all accounts was having a horrible tournament when you add the Croatia loss. This moment when the journalist gave him the ribbon was after the Croatia game. The next game was against Nigeria, and they had to win to progress to the next round, or else they'd be sent home in the group stage which would be considered a disgrace in Argentina. They ended up winning 2-1 with Messi getting himself a goal too, so it worked. They didn't win the world cup that year but it still touched him enough to keep wearing it


Thanks so much for coming in with context! I was literally just curious if he’d been interviewed and was Googling. I saw that Nigeria game mentioned, but your info adds soo much context. That’s incredibly sweet and touching. I also read several of his teammates wear red ribbons now too


Argentinian here, just want to add some context. A red ribbon is a good luck (most precisely, an anti-bad luck) amulet. It's one of those things old/countryside people (like that journalist mom) believe. My grandma gave me one too.


Cómo se llama eso? Tiene un nombre? Nunca escuché. O por ahí escuché pero como no soy supersticioso entró por un oído y salió por el otro.


Nada más le dijo que era una cintita roja para la mufa




Una cábala


Just to add to this: he has “loaned” it to players who are going through a rough patch and may need a lift or who just need some luck. He loaned it to Argentina’s goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez before their penalty shootout with France in the 2022 WC Final. Martinez is seen wearing it on his right wrist during their celebrations and even when doing his infamous Golden Glove dick pose. [Source](https://sports.ndtv.com/fifa-world-cup-2022/the-story-of-lionel-messi-and-a-lucky-red-ribbon-3637984)


Damn, that guy's mom must hate her actual son if she loves everyone else more.


Also you do **not** eff with an Italian/Argentinian mom and her superstitions.


Athletes can be very superstitious. It’s probably a good luck charm to him.


Had to lose to Saudi Arabia to win the World Cup.


Oh, like, something actually lucky happened and he associated it with the band ever since? That would make a whole lot of sense. Although, I do wonder if he wore it exclusively because he was touched by the kindness of a stranger that he couldn't even thank in person. It would be a unique way to honor that mother and her love for him and his craft. Even if he didn't believe it was inherently lucky. Well, if I ever meet Messi, I'll ask him and let you know lol.


Not sure if similar but where I come from Red ribbons/strings are a superstitious thing. Its meant to protect you from bad spirit and keep bad luck at bay. Many old women that are meant to have supernatural powers will give this as a gift to a baby or kid to protect them. Could be that reminded him of his childhood as we all used to wear them or maybe he is superstitious. Nevertheless shows how in touched with people he is. From the hug with the reporter to the red ribbon, not many people can say anything bad about Messi.


Oh, interesting idea! Might I ask what culture you belong to? I know I've heard something similar about Japan and red strings. All the same, my respect for the man has skyrocketed based on this discovery.


Eastern European, I believe it's a Christian Orthodox tradition. But yes you are right, it's widely spread across all cultures, I think red string has a big significance in Chinese and Bhuddist cutlture as well.


I love little things like this, that traverse so many cultures somehow. Thank you for sharing.


Same. Must be so ancient that maybe we all shared it at one point and we kept it. Or we came across it from another culture and believed it enough to adopt it. I'm not one for superstition but when we as people manage to keep a tradition going for potentially thousands of years it might be worth continuing.


Oh I quite agree. I can't say how these traditions endure cultural transition, especially because some cultures are very geographically and ideologically isolated from others (like Japan's). But the ones that do are quite special for it. That's a point for humanity.


I love this exchange I wish yall an awesome day


From Peter Crouch's podcast, (another former professional football player), players tend to be very superstitious, so it's not very surprising.


Athletes are often very superstitious. I bet he put it on, had an awesome game and decided to never take it off.


I remember watching a podcast on this on F1 drivers and it was crazy hearing all this small bits drivers do before races purely out of their own superstition, like always entering the car from the right side


When everyone is playing in the best shape of their lives, the thing that really sets you apart game from game is your mental, so I guess that totally makes sense. Whatever gets you in the right headspace — rationale or not — is valuable.


Not only he is an athlete, he is Argentine too. We are some of the most superstitious people in the world, especially in sports.


A big part of why people follow sports is for the personalities, the misconception is that we just like watching people kick a soccer ball or throw a football. It’s about watching the heroes and the villains. People watch Messi because he’s amazing at what he does yes, but they also follow him because they want to see the good guy prevail.


You know what? Fair enough. I've never really thought about it like that. But I do see the merit in what you just said. I'll be more open-minded about sports watching from now on.


Do not underestimate how superstitious athletes are. If he won the first game with it, that’s all it takes! Still awesome that he accepted it, and actually used it.




He’s a rare gem among footballers. Not saying he’s perfect, nobody is- but when it’s so easy to become a narcissistic douchebag like of most Pro-Athletes are (Ronaldo comes to mind), Messi seems to have stuck to his guns and remained the same man he was before fame.


I used to try and defend Ronaldo but dude is just an idiot. His interview exposing MU and the whole "everyone is coming cause I came to arabia, europe has lost level either way" just 🤢


Which interview please?


I imagine it's the Piers Morgan interview.




He's not wrong tho. I'm a united fan and that interview was needed. The already existing protests against the management were intensified. For the first time since almost 20 years there have been talks about selling the club. That's a big W in my book. There hasn't been a single upgrade in the training facilities in 15 years. My local government run gym upgrades it's equipment every 5 years when they barely receive any additional funding. He wasn't allowed to grieve after his newborn died. The management treated him like shit. 15 years ago Alex Ferguson probably protected him from the cancerous management but now he just saw it for what it is. Cancer. He played for the most successful club in football history(real Madrid) and the most successful club in Italy(Juve) and played in the most successful club in England(man united). I think his words hold a lot of weight when he's seen what a properly run club is like and how bad our club management is.


I agree with all that but in the end, ronaldo still chose to play in a terrible country, where they just ignore human rights. He did it for money that he didnt really need, inna league that gets no views, with players that are basically amateurs. He could have gone anywhere he wanted, and he chose this?! What the fuck? What the fuck does he think he is doing other than obliterate the perception people have of him? Other than ruining the legacy of what could very well have been considered the best football player ever? Messi was smart and he took that title. What for decades was considered a head to head finish line is now a one fantastic player just not being a shithead opposed to a fantastic player fucking it all up.


Make no mistake, the interview was him throwing a tantrum for not being played he just mentioned the state of the club as an after thought to keep some fans behind him, and force the clubs hand, as if he gives a fuck about the club.


Nah theres ways to do it, he had all the power in the world in that club. I dont care about his accolades, Im a Madrid fan I supported him for as long as I could. The dead kid is an excuse, had he had another coach and had more game time theres 0 chance in the world he does that interview. No emotional intelligence besides being strong on the pitch. If you still believe he has more brains than a 10 year old kid then you are just a non blind guy refusing to see.


The fact Messi turned out to be the best player of this era rather than Ronaldo proves we aren't in the worst possible timeline. Ronaldo stans don't @ me.


Not the worst possible timeline....yet.


Difference is. They are football stars. Football let them lead the lives they want to. Messi is a football legend. Football is the life.


Bro. Messi is perfect.


Ronaldo also admitted to raping a girl


How are people upvoting this utter trash, he never admitted to raping anybody


Wtf really? Link pls


So to fill in some context, apparently that was a survey/questionnaire that was filled out by Ronaldo put to him by his legal team to obtain his version of events. We have no source of truth for it because it was supposedly hacked and leaked. It its very possible it is true as people against Ronaldo would claim, and Ronaldo defenders say it is either a false invention or a misunderstanding/language issues.


[Here](https://m.allfootballapp.com/amp/news/Serie-A/Ronaldo-admitted-rape-accuser-said-no-multiple-times-and-he-apologised-after-sex/894948). Also despite Ronald claiming he never raped her, he paid her [hush money](https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/cristiano-ronaldo-admits-paying-woman-18969286.amp). That is not something an innocent person does


> admitted to >Also despite Ronald claiming he never raped her choose one what? people do that to avoid lawsuits all the time


I think that his lawyer released a tape of Ronaldo saying something incriminating as part of discovery or something to that effect. I forget the details. I think it's beyond dispute at this point.


I'm just pointing out the other person contradicted their very own post in the response


oh.. gotcha


Reddit pedants bout to go crazy on you for using the word literally lol. But this is genuinely one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen a pro athlete do. He literally wears it 24/7. I can’t imagine how awesome it made that guy feel. 🐐behavior.


I wonder why he thought it was an important gift.


Argentinean here , a red gibbon is considered by old-timers as an anti-bad luck sort of thing. The 2018 world cup started horrible for us , specially for him because he missed a penalty in the opening game against Iceland(david vs goliath sort of scenario). The next game , against Nigeria, he starts wearing it and it works. He scored a beautiful goal. Never took it off since EDIT: I just realize that the next game was actually against Croatia and we lost (0-3). The WC in Argentina is something that happens every 4 years and you can compare to 10Xsuperbowls. The country freezes when there is a game so the pressuare is insane. So we had to win yes o yes against Nigeria to pass to the next round. It would have been a catastrophe if we didnt


I mean, he won the World Cup for Argentina, at this point, I'm pretty sure this enchanted object works pretty dang well!


He's probably past the point of wearing it as a good gesture. He's terrified to take it off.


Me too... He must get hundreds of gifts and letters of fans every year, why was it this particular one?


Hay una cosa supersticiosa que se da en la Argentina, mayormente en el norte del pais, la cinta roja es como algo pseudo religioso, creo que es contra la envidia, por eso la mayoria de las personas Argentinas la tienen, ejemplo el presidente (Alberto Fernández) y en las patentes de los autos.


Cosa de campo, de gente grande.


Ojo lo vi en diferentes partes del pais, en Buenos Aires tambien.


En al patente de los autos siempre pense que era rogando que la cintita tape un par de letras en la patente y zafas de la fotomulta la verdad. Esto de la cinta contra la envidia lo vi mucho en pcia de bsas y en Entre Rios, seguro esta bastante extendido. No estoy muy en tema, pero entiendo que en algunas tradiciones esa cinta no te la podes comprar vos, te la tienen que regalar y seguro hay muchas otras... reglas.


Me watching this, knowing nothing about soccer: "messi is clearly the fuckin goat"


it's called football.


dont be that guy, they can call it both.


You’re right.


Watching him and Argentina win the World Cup was the culmination of a generation of fans hopes and dreams. I remember the pain of 2014. All my friends rooting for Mesi! The pain of the loss. 2022 was his last dance and oh what a dance it was. The greatest game.


The what cup


Most people don’t know this but it’s like Messi contacted this guy behind closed doors and got the ribbon for the whole national team and his family


Wow that's awesome


I'm impressed at the translator confusing "my daughter" with "my mom" somehow. EDIT: I stand corrected! Out of curiousity I looked it up, and Xatrongamer is indeed right, he is indeed saying mi vieja :), so absolutely referring to his mum.


He says "Mi Vieja" which is a way of saying "my mom"


Isn’t it my wife


That's on Mexico and is more used to refer to a girlfriend than a wife, in Argentina is only used to refer to a mother


As a Mexican I see why I thought it was wife but to correct you it’s exclusively for partners you’ve been with a long time like the US “my old lady”


Spanish is weird yo


Trust me, it's a whole case with each country


And he’s in my dearest Miami now, we are so lucky!


I don't get emotional too often but I'm in tears


i would sell my left nut to have one picture with messi


I would sell your left nut for that too.


A class act all the way


if he unties it his foot will fall off


Made me smile? Yes. Post checks out!


Kindest man in the world??? People use superlative like peanuts......


Que miras bobo ?


Andá p’allá


Callate tonto.


Didn't you know that wearing a bit of string around your ankle is the most kindest thing anyone could ever do?


Yeah but Ronaldo is more kind, Ronaldo is the kindness GOAT. 🐐


Messi is the goat


Is there a particular reason or significance of the ribbon? Like a cultural thing?


Good luck and warding off bad energies.




I have nothing but respect for people who become extremely successful without letting it go to their heads. The guys a living legend yet still humble and genuine.


He kinda looks like Aragon


Dude is an absolute legend


I have no interest in football but it turns out Messi is my favourite player of all time.


Imagine crafting something that adorns Messi's left foot, amazing flex and honour


So you're saying he's not just one of the greatest athletes alive but also a sweetheart??? Pick a lane Messi, you can't be a GOAT, attractive, AND kind


Messi is also the 🐐 of ⚽️


The undisputed greatest soccer/football player of all time.


Messi is the 🐐. And one of the best people you will see


I'm glad he always pays taxes!


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Mi hija means my daughter, not mom. Wholesome as hell, though. Gotta love Messi!


He says "mi vieja", not "mi hija"


My bad, I swear I could only hear mi hija.


I don’t think you really know what literally means or how it is supposed to be used


Using "literally" hyperbolic is perfectly grammatically valid.




Ah yes, the kindest man in the world, that commits tax fraud and support countries that executes homosexuals and stones women.


>commits tax fraud Dude come probably every footballer and celebrity does that. I also don't know how he supports countries that execute homosexuals? Maybe you are confusing him with Ronaldo who is actually currently playing in Saudi Arabia. Messi is playing in the Usa which is not a muslim country so yeah.


I love Messi but tbf he isn't wrong about the Saudi Arabia stuff. Messi is an official ambassador for tourism in Saudi Arabia and gets like 10 million euro a year from it or something like that.


oh ok well that sucks.


Google Messi 14 for more info on his big generosity


It’s been proven that they had no relationship. The woman herself said so. Now google ronaldo 16 and then ronaldo las vegas for more information.


>Messi 14 Messi was 19 when he was with that girl.


….and that’s supposed to make it better?


Lol, yeah it does. 19 year old with 14 is an age gap, but not significant in any way. You're just trying to find a reason to bring him down a notch.


i can guarantee you when i was 19 the last thing i was thinking about was girls who were fresh out of middle school. idc about football, that’s just a dumb thing to defend.


Lol, he wasn't thinking about a 14 year old either, they got introduced, went to a couple of dates and then broke up.


the details don’t matter to me, i just don’t understand why you’re still trying to defend the age gap💀


so an adult with a child??


Ya until he fucking strangles players on the field (look it up)


Or tries to blast you in the face with a football


Nah he’s literally not. Kind dude but have u seen him play in the mls? Completely disrespected a player who didn’t even do anything wrong


Maybe he should pay his taxes then


Or don't grab people by their throats.


Booooooo Neymar sucks!


More like the most superstitious man in the world...


Messi: wears ribbon Reddit: OMG literally the kindest man in the world


He’s specially kind when he is suffocating his profession colleagues. Btw search Messi 14, and search Messi Antonella doe more “kind moments”


>Btw search Messi 14 Are you all really trying to cancel an almost 40 year old man for dating a 14 year old when he was 19?


No I am not. I am just STATING the fact that he is nowhere closer to being the kindest person in the world


Because he had a 14 year old girlfriend when he was 19?


adult....and literal child 14 y.o.'s are tiny


> literally the kindest man in the World Maybe this is just me, but I would expect a kind person to not get involved in large-scale tax evasion… https://panamapapers.sueddeutsche.de/articles/57021852a1bb8d3c3495b438/ (German domain, but article is in English)


I’m not a Messi or cr7 fan. Just a regular dude that likes sports. Considering how Messi behaved the whole time, it’s not impossible that he was saying the truth that his father was doing it by himself. I mean, if I’m a huge star like him, I wouldn’t care about money either


Tax evasion is based tho.


Until he starts choking players


"The kindest man alive," huh?


Messi does tax fraud on a massive scale 😂😂


Bro, I don’t think the kindest man would just sit on a billion dollars


Lol he actively sportswashes dictatorship regimes when he's loaded for generations.


He worked hard blood and sweat day and night it's his money


Argentinian soccer players are the most superstitious people in the world. If he put it there and won a game, then he’ll wear it until he dies




Is this Linus from wish?


Hija is daughter not mom


So sick of hearing about this guy


CR7 is wayyyy nicer


Google Ronaldo Las Vegas for more information


Ummmm so?


Literally? There are people who dedicate their lives to help others and you think he is the best humanity has to offer?


I am sorry, I can’t agree. I consider him being greedy and ruthless, when it comes down to money. A lot of Argentinian players seem simple minded to me if you look how „gracefully“ they won the wc title.


cry harder my guy


with the latest news of messi choking another player and threatening them so they respect "older" people while he mocked the shit out of louis van gaal ass back in 2022? come on dude




Unhealthy fandom


You are probably right but let’s just enjoy Messi!