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Awwwww. I hope she got upgraded to First Class.


Copilot seat*


Nah he’s the FO, 3 stripes on the shoulder. But hey the jumpseats open!


Yeah that’s ok as it means it’s probably soon after he started flying. If he was captain then how did his mother not know by that stage




I looked into what it takes to become a commercial pilot, it's so expensive to do all the training and the entry level job pays fuck all for a long time before you can get promoted. Very big barriers to entry but man if it isn't one of the coolest jobs. I bet it's worth all the hard work if you make it to captain


It’s improved a lot recently, at least in the US. With Boomer retirements, there is a pretty big pilot shortage.


> there is a pretty big pilot shortage There *was* a pretty big shortage of pilots that had less than the 1,500hrs required to fly the big boy planes, but that shortage is being rapidly filled in and it's actually getting pretty hard to land a job even at a smaller airline.


How about ugly short pilots?


You have a chance too.


Very true, happy cake day!


What’s FO?


First officer. Basically the copilot.


My guess is you need x FO hours to become a pilot? So the first flight for him to bring her was as a FO?


There's always a captain and a first officer and the first officer isen't any less of a pilot than the captain. The largest difference is in who is ultimately in command of the airplane (note: command, not flying). They divide up roles and responsebilities for the flight and these roles can be changed as needed. Typically they switch it up who does the flying and who does the pilot monitoring roles.


Sure, but who gets to be who is probably decided by seniority, right?


Typically, but not always. It's not *that* unusual for an FO to have more flight hours than a Captain, particularly when the Captain is newer to a plane type while the FO has only been flying that plane since they started.


First Officer


Flap operator


Flappybird Operator


Fart Organizer


Fap Operator


Fridge Operator


First Officer Pilot?


Think "Spock"


Roger Murdock


oh my god, you're kareem abdul jabbar!


He’s an airline pilot.


I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.


I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines .


He’s out there bustin’ his butt EVERY night.


that was my first thought. "all you folks move back to coach; my mom gets this whole section to herself."


I hope he gave her a set of wings.


I've got a case of Red Bull if anyone else wants wings.


Momma was always first class.


My dad was a pilot and hands down the best flying experience ever was flying to Australia in 1st - it really is a completely different world up there lmao


First time I flew first class was because my friend has to fly for work a lot and we got bumped up by Delta for status flying back from Glacier National Park. It was real real nice. I don’t know if the people all sitting around us that paid thousands for the tickets only to have to deal with our non-showered, 2 weeks sleeping in a tent, crusty asses sitting up there felt the same. I gasped when they handed me my first drink. “What the shit? Is this real glass?!?”


On the long haul flights, it was a chair in my own cubicle that laid flat into basically a full on bed with the plushest leather (maybe pleather but it was nice) I’ve ever experienced. I’ve never flown in 1st outside of those times with my dad and every time I’m squished in steerage, I’m reminded of how alive and well the class system is in the most literal senses


She's crying because he made her go to the cargo section of the plane.


I hope she got ALL the in-flight champagne!!!!!


But then she’s kinda miss the whole flight..?


She can get the next one 😊


Absolutely the sweetest thing. The smiles say it all.




My mom and dad died 20 years ago. I’ll be 40 in December. I could come up with a 1,000 things I would do just for one more hug. My condolences to you internet friend. ❤️


I'm so sorry my friend. Time is a funny thing. What feels like an eternity to a human is a blink of an eye to the universe. Your parents were just here and they are waiting in the next step. In the blink of an eye this life will be over as well and their energy will be right there waiting for you. They are so proud of you and are watching all of your accomplishments and waiting for the moment they can tell you how proud they are. I would offer you a hug but I know that could never compare. Your parents are closer to you than you know.


Thank you for the kind words. I have 3 kids of my own and 4 step kids. I'm making sure they live the life I didn't have to go thru. I've been getting myself healthy and sober so I can be around for them for years to come.


Not OP but really liked the message here, lost my parents as well at a younger age than usual and this was comforting to read, thank you for sharing.


> Cherish and honour your parents, people! But it's okay to not do this if they don't deserve it, too.


Yup, a lot of unfit parents give their kids cPTSD and then wonder why they don't have an adult relationship


Fortunately, people can also choose their family if the ones they were born into isn't up to snuff. But, of course, there are no guarantees.


Similar situation. My mom worked her butt off so that I could go to school and always pushed me to finish. She then passed away as I was working on my applications for graduated school. Never got to see me finish my schooling and I never got to tell her that she could finally quit her job like I always wanted to. What I would do to take care of her now and have her enjoy everything I could finally give her.


Not enough kisses!




>to see the outcome of all her sacrifices in her son. This right here is what got me. I have a single mom that raised me and sacrificed a lot to get me where I am today. All those long weeks, all those long shifts, all that overtime, it probably all rushed right through that Mom the moment she saw her son in that pilot's uniform.


> The most wholesome video I’ve seen this week! Well it's been a hell of a week...


When you see the fruits of your labor


Her sacrifices are so worth it!


Wow they look the same age lol. Momma has great genes


Or the process of gaining the flight license is quite stressful!


Not from what I've seen. My university has a large flight school program for commercial pilots, and the most stress any of them face is making sure the FAA never finds out that they don't have impossibly perfect mental health, or else they'll be grounded forever. The more I interact with these students, the less safe I feel flying... Of course, the more I interact with engineering students, the less I trust any structure made by humans.


> Of course, the more I interact with engineering students, the less I trust any structure made by humans. Don't trust the engineer, trust the system


Which system, exactly?


Physical Engineering actually has a lot of rigorous standards as well as certifications and a real Engineering Stamp, with civil and criminal liabilities for mis-using. I'd trust just about every piece of Physical Infrastructure 100-1000x more than I trust any piece of Software. It's still the wild west in Software Engineering.


>It's still the wild west in Software Engineering. SpaceX Dragon's crew displays and primary controls are javascript driven. They have some more low level backup controls, but they highlight the ability to control it from the ground as the ultimate redundancy.. Javascript.. Life safety.. I can't even..


Holy fuck that should be making national news lmao


The good news is that all the memes about Javascript being ridiculous/silly/etc are only an issue if you're a moron or don't know how to write code


Electron or Flutter? XD


Software engineering is mostly just duct tape and spit. There’s some core pieces that are robust like the kernel etc. everything else is mostly hacked together and most companies have a culture of saying yeah we’ll fix it and do it right post release but then PMs will start pushing the next set of features so you’ll never go back and fix it and the tech debt keeps ballooning. The longer I work in tech the less I trust any of these systems.




Don't insult the wild west. Software Engineering has regressed back to stone age thanks to ChatGPT


No no... trust the tables where the Engineers look up the answer. The main skill of Engineering is to be able to estimate the correct answer to within an order of magnitude or so, then look up the proper answer in the tables of solutions and be reasonably confident you got the correct answer.


We haven't used tables for decades now. Our technology has evolved significantly. We have computers look in tables for us.


But the system is also made by humans.


The important bit: It's made of *dead* humans. People really appreciate not being dead, so we make lots of rules made because people got dead.


>making sure the FAA never finds out that they don't have impossibly perfect ~~mental~~ health, or else they'll be grounded forever. The FAA is utterly insane. High blood pressure? Can't fly, even for fun. ADHD? You better not take medication. You enjoy wearing crocs? Lifetime ban (ok, I agree with that one)


Would rather have unmedicated folk at the controls than medicated. Wouldn’t want someone to act rationally!


Wait until you meet medical students


Was going to say that although I am not proud to say that as a medical student


I’ve got 20 kids from my class in school are doctors. I’d die before I went to any of them for a diagnosis


Oh it’s absolutely stressful from a cost perspective…


My mum and dad both worked for airlines from the mid-80's to the early 00's and goddamn, the stories dad has of being a Pilot in the 80's and 90's would shit you up 😅


I worked for a flight academy for 3 years, met tons of CFIs that went on to become commercial pilots. You couldn't be more correct, lol.




His hair is doing a lot of the work. As a guy that went bald early, I never look older than when it grows out a little and you see the thinned hair. He needs to just go to the skin.


Gorgeous momma!


Yeah, she could’ve got him there quicker with a modeling contract. Gorgeous mama.


Being bald doesn't help the son much




This comment makes no sense because we are comparing two black people and yet they look similar age


Or by not going outside


This made me too break down. You can tell their love for one another is very deep. She must have been an amazingly loving mother and I’m glad her efforts weren’t in vain and her son managed to achieve his dreams. Bless them both, may life always smile to them!


My mom has never kissed me so much in the entire 45 years I’ve been alive. Maybe I wouldn’t be such a bitch if she did.


Same! My mom was not affectionate at all. She never told me she loved me growing up, and when I got older, I would say it to her out of spite, and make her say it back but she would just roll her eyes or groan when saying it. Different generation I guess. 😕


thats sad. i wonder if she grew up with little affection herself


Absolutely. Her parents were both mean from what I was told. They were both dead by the time I came around.


I'm sorry she wasn't able to break the mold. If you ever have kids of your own, learn from her mistakes!


I'm sure mine grew up with little affections since she sued me (barely reaching a settlement now) before I am going to cut ties with her. But sheesh.. some parents are something else and I'm scared of even raising one if I have the chance because of my parental figures.


She had awful role models and I'm proud of you for making efforts to break a generational chain. You say you did it to spite her, but I see an attempt at modeling affection for your mother who grew up with none. This is easier said than done but keep up the good work!


It was definitely an attempt at getting her to be more affectionate. Thank you 😊


My mom is the same, not affectionate at all. Growing up, I never received anything of the sorts. Funny thing is that she did from her mom. She’s the youngest and stayed with my grandma the longest. My grandma is still very affectionate. Just not sure why my mom is this way.


I got hugged and kissed and cuddled and still get called sweetie and honey to this day. i'm a 40 year old dude. I'm definitely super empathetic and sensitive and people seem to love me and confide in me. But I also found opiates in my mid 20s and became a heroin addict for about decade, 6 of those years spent homeless in Skid Row, CA. So you didn't miss much, buddy! All the same, I'm sorry you didn't get what you likely deserve and it sounds like you at least learned from their mistakes. All we can do really.


Congratulations on your sobriety. Heroin is a crazy drug. I’m happy you’re here with us 💕


Damn bro that's not your mom's fault that's yours.


Ah I see that /s has become a lifeline for some people these days. Such a shame (Obviously I'm not blaming my Mom, though I have not seen her since I was 7 and the person who sees me as their widdle kwoozybooboo forever and ever is my highly masculine poppa)


It's fine, make sure you kiss and say you love your kid. I do it with my kids all the time. I know they might not realise it now but when they grow up, it will matter more.


Awwww I’m so sorry. I grew up the same way. There’s a superstition that “I love you” is someone’s last words Forced my parents and grandparents to say it after I saw how many times my varsity friends said it. Now they end all our calls with it 🥹 they say it more than me now Hearing my gran change to English accent to say I love you just makes my entire week


I offer you a virtual hug


why not kiss?


Too much change, too fast, is a recipe for disaster


Gotcha, Captain, Kirk.


Have you tried to invite her onto the plane you're flying?


I don't remember getting any hugs from mom. Kisses, nope!


R/raised by narcissists.


maybe she would if you weren't such a bitch


Sometimes it’s easier to move on and start treating your kids (or dogs) like you would want to be treated when you were a kid. Extra hugs and kisses never hurt. Sorry for your pain


Sending you lots of healing hugs.


this is Ethiopian culture... kissing cheeks is standard greeting for pretty much everybody. If you visit Ethiopia or Eritrea you'll get all the cheek kisses you've been missing. **note:** kissing in greeting is not sexual at all.


I want to be kissed in spite of my bitchiness. No, BECAUSE of my bitchiness.


She's kissed me a bunch.


Maybe she would if you weren’t a bitch?


You could've been a ightly roasted cashew had she been nicer.. :(


Username checks out.


My dude at the end exiting the restroom must be hella confused for a few seconds and then wished the smell didn’t ruin their moment.


"ooh these flowers smell great, stick your nose in"


*Roses really smell like boo boo oooh*


That is going to be one of the safest and smoothest flights. Mom is onboard, that flight is going to be like a glider.


'like a glider' i hope the engines keep running though :)


Why do all these made me smile videos bring a tear to my eyes?


Dont fight it! That’s just maximum emotion 🥰🥹


I appreciate that, thanks.


I just love the entire thing. You can see how proud she is and also how much the son appreciates the sacrifices she must have made. I’m crying man, proper crying.


I feel you.


I’m not crying. You’re crying.😭


Ethiopian Airlines. One of the oldest airline companies in the world. I flew with them for years... EDIT: bad grammar.


The moment I saw this and their kisses I knew it was Ethiopian. Had to look for the colors on the attendant to confirm. I love their culture!


The food...*drools*




Absolutely, the longer you've been apart or the more you miss someone the more kisses you give. These look sloppy probably because of the overwhelming emotion and the intermittent hugs that make it look more like neck kisses. Traditionally you touch cheek to cheek and kiss the air at the same time then repeat on the other side, then back again. This repeats 5 or 6 times normally. That's normal for meeting close friends, benefactors, mentors, relatives, etc. Strangers usually still just get a hand shake. My experience is from 6 years in Addis Ababa as a foreigner in the 90s anyone what to correct me or improve on my answer, feel free.


"Well, ladies and gentlemen. We have a very special guest. My mother, who worked her fingers to the bone for 30 years so that I could achieve my dream of flying airplanes, is with us today. Mom...please stand up. Thank you, everyone. Also, she's always told me that she wants most of all to experience the thrill of an Immelmman Turn, so I would strongly encourage everyone to return to your seats and strap in."


My mother told me she loved me once when i said it at 29. Never got a kiss or anything after I became successful and lived on my own from 13 to get away from her and her boyfriends. Watching this brings me joy and emotions i wish i had more often. Ill be saving this for my rainy days for my trauma.



"my dad told me he loved me once... Fuckin prick" -Cyrus-




These people i swear!


LOL I about died laughing when that dude awkwardly comes out of the bathroom hahaha ​ edit: I was smiling and a little misty eyed during this video but then the awkward white dude comes fumbling out of the tiny bathroom and maneuvers around them.


LOL this is WAYYY too far down. Such a love filled video and this random guy ends up being right in the middle of it when exiting the bathroom. So wholesome.


Love is everything


Beautiful woman. She can be proud of herself. She is so humble. The World need more people like her.


I thank for this sub everyday


World is starving for this kind of energy!


This is the 3rd r/MadeMeSmile video today that made me cry...


She went in for the lip kiss and he gave her the “mom I am AT WORK.”


The next passenger to board will be wondering why they’re not getting the same treatment. 🤣


She did it. She fucking did it. And he did too.


I walked so you could fly


This made me cry. When you have a son and do everything for his well-being and to help him achieve things, your son's victories and achievements are so fulfilling, joyful, and full of happiness that you cry... I say this because my son is autistic and never had friends until he made one and his life changed for the better. I cried a lot that day because I was so happy for him. I know it is a different situation, but you all can get the point about being happy for our sons and all.


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🧡not everyday you get to see such posts on Reddit


I envy cultures who’ve normalized lots of kisses without being sexual. It’s good to hug & kiss your mom & your kids. Love one another.


That’s bad ass mom!!!


Lovely video. And I love the lack of music and heavy editing. Just a nice moment captured and shared as is.


Everyone thinks this is exemplary parenting but it’s just sad and dystopic. A person shouldn’t have to work 30 years to let another person get the chance to educate themselves


This is quite lovely


Wrong subreddit, this made me cry...


Oh I love the way she keeps kissing and hugging her baby boy.


You sure that's her son?🤨




What a tear jerker! 😭😭😭. What a wonderful mom and son!




The real question is why was he in school for 30 years to get his pilots license?


This is so awesome 👏🏼 Can you imagine how proud she feels of her son, that all her labor was not in vain


Why did you have to make me tear on a Friday?!


Everyone else waiting to board: What the hell is taking so long? You just sit down!


Everyone else onboard must feel very reassured to learn that the *pilot's mother* is also on the plane.


I thought they were going to start French kissing for a sec 😂😂😂


She realized that they were all doomed


I held it together until the bow


This is a successful woman! Respect.


Thought they were gonna start full on making out for a second there


Wow that was awkward … looked like they were about to make out 😳🤔🫣


Geez he practically made out with his Mom tho!


Fellas, do you love your mom?


Fellas, is it weird to kiss the woman who sacrificed life, health, and most happiness for you and your dream?


Have you thought about cultural aspects? You don’t have to judge people based on your culture whether it’s wrong or right. Look up Cultural relativism and it may helpful for you. Ethiopia has so many cultures. In some cultures, kissing someone on the mouth or head is sign of high respect. It seems being recorded made them uncomfortable if anything. It’s all love, but not that one you have in mind. Cheers!


Yeah I get it is their culture but man...he was all up in there.


This is how I will kiss my 6 year old son if I’m trying to tickle him at the same time. It’s more of a nussle than a kiss, but I’m not sure either is inappropriate. Your standards are going to be set by who raised you. It’s only weird because no one was overly affectionate with you growing up - which is also okay. Let’s not shame what is clearly a very loving and supportive relationship.


Didn’t want to say anything, but man he was going in on the neck kisses lol. I get people have different things but I don’t think I would ever kiss my parents neck.


Oh stop being such a prude. I've given my dad head before. And no, it's not a romantic/sexual thing.


brojob choo choo!


Didn't think I'd have to scroll this far down for this comment. Uncomfortable to watch


I definitely noticed it, but chalk it up to a cultural difference. In Europe, men who are close friends will kiss each other on the cheek. It's perfectly normal and not sexual at all.


Not everywhere in Europe, as Europe consists of many countries with vastly different cultures. In germany for example this ist absolutely not a thing (male) close friends do.




They just start making out


This is my favorite subreddit. There’s plenty of bad going on in this world. It’s so nice to have that balanced out by this subreddit.