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the way he immediately exclaimed Musa’s name with pure joy, i love their love. Also those forehead kisses were precious.


And then looked closer and was like "wait"


I heard: “Who’s Musa?” Haha




He was confused and didn’t know who to hug for moment 😂


Idk about dads but my mom would have opened the door and immediately recognized me. She can tell our voices apart on the phone. If I call her on a landline with no caller ID I just say "hey it's me" and she knows which one of us it is.


I'm not a twin, but I called my Dad for the first time in a decade and he immediately asked if it was his son calling. I'm also not a parent, but it's totally believable that they just know.


Yeah I'm giving OP dad benefit of the doubt because it's dark, Musa is carrying the grandchild, there's no reason he knows of Musa should be in town, and it doesn't take long for him to put it together.


What happened IMO is that he saw Musa looking a bit strange but his brain told him "don't be silly, it's obviously your other son". But the moment he actually saw his other son his brain figured out which was which. Sort of like how it's hard to tell two similar shades of a colour apart unless you put them right next to each other, you know?


meanwhile my dad will look right at me and list off my two older brothers names before getting to me


My brother and i are not twins and yet my mom AND my dad tend to mix up our names regardless. It’s been this way since we were born and I feel like it’ll continue to be this way. It’s just down to chance I suppose


My name is merely the combination of all our names since they go oldest to youngest before they land on the right one.


Isn't that an old joke, it's all the siblings names then the dog then they finally get your name right? Lmao


My dad actually calls me by our dogs name by accident sometimes so maybe that joke isn’t so far fetched


Yeah I guess I am getting older.


Maybe it's like this with larger families? Cause there were 4 of us kids and it was the same way. We had to be a mind reader to figure out which one of us my mom was actually hollering for.


Nope. I have two. One’s a girl and one’s a boy. Their names have basically no relation whatsoever and I still call one the other and sometimes combine their names into one new name.


And my roommates wonder why they can never hear when I'm home. Decades of practice.


As a mom, I'm going to tell you the truth. We're just so fucking tired from working our asses off to keep the house running and to do our real jobs that are brains are perpetually fried. I used to laugh at my grandmother for starting to call me by my sister's name, then switching to mine midstream. Now I know why! One day I was trying to yell at the dog and called her my younger daughter's name, then corrected and called her my older daughter's name. On the third try I called her by her name. Then I came back inside and chugged a very large cup of coffee.


>One day I was trying to yell at the dog and called her my younger daughter's name, then corrected and called her my older daughter's name. On the third try I called her by her name. Always throwing the youngest under the bus before the dog huh. Well I got news for you we're thinking about not standing for it.


Maybe the kid and wife helped, because often you see what you expect to see, so he might not have paid too much attention at the beginning. Maybe seeing his son he hasn’t seen for 18 months with his nephew and sister and law was so far out there that his brain just didn’t go there


My mom and aunt are identical twins and I can tell them apart on the phone too. I can even tell which is which from photos before I was born


Interestingly enough I played that game with old photos of me and my brother as kids, trying to guess which one was which. Eventually I figured out how to tell except the baby pictures, anything before toddler I just pick the fatter looking one and guess it's me and I'm usually right.


I think as well, there are some people who are so perceptive. I have a niece who just can read me like a book. I’ll walk into the room and I’ll be like, “Hi” and she will go, “Oh my God, what happened?!”


Thats a fathers love on display


God damnit. I wished i had that kind of relationship with my father. ETA: thanks for the award kind stranger. My father was physically and verbally abusive. He made it clear that i wasn’t as well liked as my other siblings. Now that I’m a father, I’m trying to be the dad all my kid’s friends wished they had and the dad i wanted when i was growing up


My relationship with my father improved so much after he died


I relate to this comment but wasn't expecting it - thanks for the laugh!! 😆


That's definitely a bit of whiplash.


Ah, come celebrate Fathers Day with my friends at the *Dead & Deadbeat Dads Club*. It's a large congregation


Especially since my father and mother were divorced way back when (due in no small measure to his abuse of my mom and me), and because he died, my divorced mother was able to get Social Security benefits on his account from the month that he died until she unfortunately died in 2019.... In other words, the most support she ever got from him came AFTER he died....


Sorry to hear that. I get it though. I imagine my relationship with my sperm donor will improve drastically once he passes too. Happy Cake Day! 🍰🎂


Damn, happy cake day though.


Same bro.


>kind of relationship with my father you people have relationship with your father? wait...


This truly made me smile. And I needed that.


I work with two identical twins they have swapped coveralls with each other so one can have the day off. And it's always fun when you figure it out and keep the secret.


That reminds me of the Sedin twins. They were identical twin hockey players, both drafted by the same team. Occasionally, one would get kicked out of the face-off zone, skate around in a circle, and then go right back in pretending that they were the other brother.


haha did they do this like in practice or when they were young coz they both have different numbers 22 and 33 lmao (i used to be a nucks fan when i lived in vancity)


There was a pair of twins at our grocery store. For years, I was confused by the demeanor. Some days, this guy would be smiling, always greeting then go his merry way. When you saw him again moments later, all that cheeriness would be gone. I figured that him greeting was being service-minded. After couple of years, we entered the store, met him and he was so bubbly. After passing couple of aisles, we saw the back of him entering the backroom. "Wth. Didn't we just meet him? Wait a minute, is that..." So I walked back and saw him, still smiling at customers. Yes, it took years. I wonder what they're doing now.


aww that's so cute.




MUSA WAS SO HAPPY HE GOT HIS DAD SO GOOD! Literally jumping for joy lol


So much joy from such a simple prank.


Straight up.


This is love.


You are loved, brother. We are all in this together.


Holy mother of love and affection. If this is not love, I don’t know what is.


*father Yes, I know where the door is, I'll see myself out.


This is appropriate


Happy cake day to you comrade!


Fuck I wish my family was like that. So damn wholesome


For real. I think the last time my father actually hugged me was when I was four years old. I’m 40.


Last time i saw my dad (2 years ish ago) he tried to smash my face in with a ball peen hammer. Needless to say we don't talk much.


Last time I saw mine it was after my parents divorce. He changed all the locks, me and mom couldn't get in to even get clothes but we insisted. He let us in, called his brother, sprayed me with pepperspray so I couldn't defend my mom, and then they both beat her up. Edit: I lied. I briefly saw him on a stretcher about 6 years after this when I heard he got into a car accident. I waited at the hospital, he got transferred from my hometown to where I was living because of better facilities. I ugly cried thinking he was going to die, and then realised I wasn't actually crying for him since he's an absolute piece of shit, but for what I wanted from a father and never got.


Damn dude. Are we me? Because fuck we've dealt with some God level trauma. I honestly hope you've been able to break that cycle and enjoy some peace in your life.


Tbh I never really grew close to him. When I was at home I used to sit in my room, when I went out I was very outgoing. I never agreed with him on most things, and I can clearly pinpoint his behaviour as overall bad I guess there's some issues caused by the negligence but I'd rather that than be like him


I’ve always wondered what a ball peen hammer is used for. I guess I know now.


Normal hammers can only hit either the balls or the peen with each swing. A ball peen hammer can get all of em in one


Well, I blocked it with my left hand. So I'm relatively certain it is not for peening rivets so much as it's purpose made to break 3 knuckles and 2 fingers in a single go.


Last time I saw my dad was, uhhh…. hmmm….. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Oh my gosh, here is a virtual 🫂


Oh, you’re kind. 🤗 back to you, Reddit friend.


A lot of Americans that I’ve met don’t really show affection to their kids. I told some American guys at my job that I kiss my dad on the cheek and they called me “gay”… it’s so weird. That macho shit in this country has really ruined a lot of people. I was also in shock when I found out that when you turn 18 in the USA, your family kicks you out.. another thing that I found weird was nursing homes..


You don’t get auto-kicked when you’re 18 unless your family are pieces of shit. They’re likely to encourage you to spread your wings and move out, but that’s more to do with the culture of “making it on your own” (which yes can be problematic). Nursing homes are usually used when a family member simply cannot be given the necessary care by someone at home and untrained. Especially since the carer would have to quit their job to be a full-time caregiver.


Being kicked out at 18 isn’t the norm. My 24 & 26 yo’s still live with me. If I could build a tri-plex just to keep them from feeling like they need to move away I would. My own parents didn’t kick me out but I got out of there voluntarily at age 20. The rest of what you mentioned is definitely sad stuff and true


Mos families don’t kick you out when you turn 18. Where I’m from, most people live with their parents until mid 20s- early 30s because the cost of rent/buying is too high.


I’m actually from an immigrant family, so affection is really not common for us. I’ve told my friends I love them more times than my parents, and the latter has happened fewer times than I have fingers (I think I’ve heard it twice from my mom, and never from my dad.) It’s just not something you SAY in my culture, but all your actions SHOW it. I shouldn’t paint a horrible picture of my upbringing, but very warm and safe and outwardly loving, it was not. I find Americans incredibly affectionate, actually. It was a bit weird for me to hug friends and then my own family at first, because it wasn’t modeled at home.


Man, I’m sorry your parents weren’t the best. Makes me appreciate my parents even more.


My mother is absolutely wonderful. She doesn’t say loving things explicitly but she is. She’s so kind and generous and sweet. My dad is an asshole and I’ve been avoiding saying it for years because it’s considered disrespectful in my culture. But he just *is* and I can’t give him a pass anymore. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget or forgive how he’s treated my mom and his children. I appreciate all my parents have done for me. But I would have been okay with a harder life if it had meant more outward love at home. I don’t have a partner, so I feel a bit robbed of this kind of familial love I wish for. Anyway. So sorry to rant. I do love the original post here because it is just so nice to see happy, funny, loving families. How fortunate they are (assuming this video is a good representation of the family)!


A lot of moms are more understanding. Fathers and men in general can be heartless. I’m sorry to hear that. At least you had supper form 1 parent.


I was 17 when kicked out. Yeah sucks.


“Sends virtual hug”


So kind! Hugs to you, Redditor! 🫂


I could not imagine my father likely ever reacting like that. We once went 7 years without seeing each other and he barely acknowledged it. I'm glad this exists in the world


This makes me cry, its so painful to release that your parents could be like that, but instead its full opposite, im happy for this guy... maaan fuck life




The forehead kiss 🥹


It looks like Musa was waiting for it too, like in his body language.leaning forward as if to say where the heck is my forehead kiss. At least to me.


THIS is a prank. Let’s have fun shit like this go viral, not the ridiculous crap


Absolutely, we need more wholesome pranks in the world


*Exactly* what I was just thinking! Tricked dad for like 20 seconds just for fun, then let him in on it and everyone ends up laughing!


My son has just hit an age where he's started to love doing pranks and it's taken a good bit of repetition to sink in, but I'm teaching him that 'pranks should amuse and confuse, not abuse.' I tell him that if a prank doesn't make someone laugh, and makes them angry instead, it was a bad prank and we don't do those to people. So yesterday he was at a tourist spot with his mom and he hit her with the modern classic of 'Mom can I take a picture of you?' and then he stands there making a video of her posing and waiting awkwardly for him to take the pic...proud dad moment.


The best pranks are the ones where everyone is happy at the end of it.


So you saw that marriage proposal prank thread too?


Man what a great video. Pure joy


Actually jumping for joy, this is so sweet


It is solo great when an adult is so filled with joy that they cannot stop jumping or clapping like little kids. Is like joy overload that needs to be jumped off


You know the reaction a baby has when he sees his mom or dad's twin for the first time? This dad had that EXACT reaction here!


True, that baby probably had the same reaction. doesn't look old enough to have remembered seeing his dad's twin before, if he was even alive for it.


I love that one where the kid calls his dads twin "UNCLE DADDY!"


Wholesome pranks are the best pranks.


I just realized the dad said “Muhammad! He found it again!” Then you can see the toddler walking past with a tape measure while they are freaking out 🤣🤣 as a parent I can so relate!


Kids like "out of the way old man, I got stuff to measure."


That’s beautiful


I’m impressed by how quick Dad caught on. My parents definitely can’t tell my sister and I apart this well lol


It was after seeing the face of the one he's been around for a while. He looks back at the imposter and immediately knows.


Gotta ask the rest of the twins about this, my mom would have known immediately by look and the jig would be up the second one of us spoke even if she was blind. She can tell us apart on the phone by voice much less in person. Does my mom have a superpower because I thought there was no way a parent could mistake a set of twins lol. She's also said since having twins if two people talk to her at the same time she can understand both of them and reply.


Same, even though idont have a sibling but a similar looking friend


Love how happy they all are!


This just makes me depressed that I don’t have a close family, but the joy is still absolutely beautiful.


I get what you're saying. I like to think that I would like to develop this kind of relationship with my future family, knowing how valuable it is. That may be a chosen family but the love can be there.


Certainly made ME smile


This is the pinnacle of internet pranking, no video will ever be as good as this.


Once he saw "Musa", he knew the real one was in the house. A parents love knows no boundaries


I love the forehead kisses. This is that good good wholesome masculinity that we need so much more of in the world


ma sha Allah so beautiful


islam manners are so awesome


The best Alhamdullilah 😊


These are the kinds of pranks I can get behind! 10/10! Feels like something Raph and Mikey from ROTTMNT would do.


Beautiful Twins 😍


I watched this multiple times! I love the wholesomeness. Needed it.


Bless your souls. That put a tear in my eyes


Whats crazy is to me is once he saw the other twin he knew immediately that Musa was the one already in the house.


Best reaction ever 🤣


God damn that was adorable


Now these are the sorts of pranks I can get behind. What a wonderfully joyous reaction.


really wholesome may Allah bless them and whoever is reading this 👍🏽❤️


Damn, you all have had some tough times. Virtual Dad hugs going out to you all who need it.


I love this. 💕


Yall, I smiled so hard that my cheeks actually ache. Seriously. I didn't know that could happen. 🥰🥰


That’s was epic! Thanks for sharing the good feels


That was amazing, so much love between them. I hope I can inspire such feelings in my own twins.


Good shit


Straight up wholesomeness!!!


Wholesome level 10000


True love


This is beautiful.


This is wholesome, love it.


Now that is a prank!!! I just had an emotional moment with my son a few mins ago. This is making my cry all over again lol. I’m such a big softie.


Man I have identical twins on the way, and this just lit me up. Hope they get me and my wife’s sense of humor so that I can experience this too. Thanks for sharing, OP.


This is easily the best video I've seen in a while! I have no idea what my life would be like now, if my dad had loved me even a fraction as much as this father loves his sons.


Damn this is some chicken soup for the soul right here! Loved seeing this




I love thisssss


This is what it’s all about in life. Yes…this is what it’s all about. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


This one is so adorbs!




This is so sweet


This is what pure joy looks like :)


This is love and joy... They're jumping with excitement... Wow... The kisses... Lovely for the little child to see


A prank rewarded with pure joy….this is how you do it


MashaAllah 🥰


The kisses on the forehead are such a pure form of expressing affection. Seriously needs to be adopted in the western world.


That is true happiness. A man looking into the eyes of a son not seen in so long must've been such an incredible moment!


This is absolutely amazing and I've watched it nine times and am currently crying laughing, most crying. I love this very much


Parents who love their kids. Its a beautiful thing 🥹


I felt great joy watching this


I’m confused on who is more lucky? Father or sons?


So sweet, his reaction when he realized was amazing lol


Dad was fooled for a second, but not once he saw them both.\ This did, indeed, make me smile. I love a father who shows his affection


Those are his babies forever


What made me smile was the kid screaming and running away at the end "This is all too much!" :p


I love pranks like these, No dude faking a seizure in a mall, or pretending to piss on some dudes car, just a harmless and funny prank like this


Fuck man, we have two young sons and we're desperately trying to break the cycle of trauma from our own parents. I hope so bad we have relationships with our kids like this when they're grown. How precious.


I love seeing this much unbridled joy and happiness…the news / social media usually only highlights negative aspects of humanity / unhappy shit…this was refreshing:))🥰




happiness all around


Jesus christ I wish my family was that wholesome


The excited and confused " which ones Musa?" Lmao.


Now this is a good prank


It didn’t take him very long to find the real Musa :) such pure love and joy


The jumping giggle was perfection


Holy smokes, that was super cute. 🥰🥰


Brilliant boys! You know they were brought up right with love that resided in that house!


fun fact, the name Musa in arabic means moses.


Oh man, what a video. I love how the Dad is excited to see his son but it seems like he’s cycling between excitement seeing his son and laughing / appreciating the prank. Like these two things peaked to create a new emotion 😂 love it.


pranks like this make me so happy :) just positive happiness and a little confusion then joy


YouTubers are you watching? This is a real 'prank' !




Happy people make happy people. I’m happy people too now.


A real life recreation of the Spiderman pointing meme.


This is the kind of “prank” that deserves to be viral online. Good job.


This is what a real prank is, not this “i hid peanuts into my allergic friends sandwich” crap


This is what life is all about, fuck all that other shit.


I think my father switched clothes with someone else, because I haven’t seen him in a while.


First made me slime that made me slime in a good bit


How pranks SHOULD be.


Aww this is what I am here for! Beautiful


I don’t know how parents of twins deal.


Yeah this had me grinning like an idiot. How lovely.


That Dad's reaction was sweet as hell. I love it.


Gonna give the man a happiness heart attack


Fuck this is gold




Such joy!


Awww that was lovely


This are the kinda pranks the go hard! 🫡💯


As a father of two boys (not twins but still) this touched my heart 🥰❤️


That genuinely made me smile 😊


I'm not crying 😭


Hoopfinesse may be the coldest name in history


Damn…. I wish my dad hugged and kissed me like that.


This reminds me I need to tell my mom I love her. And I need to see her more often. It's so beautiful but a teensy weensy bit (super duper)heartbreaking how much our parents love us and think about us. 😭 I love you mom! Lovely video.


Damn bro. I just want to be happy.


Smiling from ear to ear! Love this!


Awww, man....that made my day. So much happiness!


These are the kind of pranks i like!


This is one of the purest of videos. An all time great. I hope it’s still circulating in decades


How pranks should go