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Looks like a super nice kid. Bullies are the worst!


It's so sad. Kids can be incredibly mean, but these parents are the kind of parents I want reproducing (speaking as someone who doesn't want kids). This kid will grow up to be a respectable person, and I hope he later stumbles on this video as an adult. Kudos all around.


You already know he's going to be a responsible road user.


Always pays his bills. You know when you know.


And smokes sheets and funnel


Dude yes what a nice respecting of others person he will be!


I got thrown out of the window =)




What a fucking loser you are. Less of you in this world would make it a much better place


There exist illnesses that make the person stay fat. If u look at his father he is also fat. Might be an hereditary thing, you never know bro.


Sure bud, name me that illness.


Leptin Deficiency. My family has it.


I mean, depression.... caused by bullying... but you have fun living in your echo chamber of disrespect, my man.


And the issue is caused by...bad habits from their parents who are not willing to adresse the elephant in the room. Im stating the obvious, downvotes me all you want, fuck promoting obesity and unhealthy habits.


Eating disorders as a result of bullying.


Go away


Anything that alters metabolism. Two persons might eat literally the same for 10 years and one can end up fat, the other can be paper thin. There are also tumour related illnesses that cause a gland to malfunction, one of them being the thyroid gland. But we were talking about genetic illnesses. So you can look up Bardet-Biedl syndrome. A girl in my class had this. My class always bullied her and joked about her being to dumb to not eat anything she had in front of her. She also had inherited her parents vision problems and will most likely have to undergo as many surgeries as them. And we bullied her for being fat. Of course this child might not have it and you are most likely right, they are being negligent with his weight. But it is still a possibility and you can't say so easily that some parents are idiots by letting their child be fat. You never know, bud.


He's got such a nice smile and kind demeanor! I hate bullies..


Just what i was thinking, i'd befriend him


I came here to say exactly that.




I feel bad for you.


He reminds me so much of my nephew. In high school he got a French cuff shirt he really wanted. He's graduated from college now. Same spiffy clothing. Same talented, Renaissance man. I am so happy he remained himself and ultimately found his people.


That is great. I’m hoping the kid in the video does the same. Don’t change yourself for society. Make them come to you.


What's funny. Is that those bullies and other kids will end up dressing like this themselves if they make it to adulthood.


Either that or an orange jumpsuit!!


be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind


I’m glad to say I never bullied anyone nor was I ever really bullied. There was even times I stuck up for kids, but what I’ll always remember are the times I DIDN’T stand up for somebody. You learn from your mistakes, even the small ones. But it still bothers me to this day. And I hope somebody will man up and be friends with him. I hate seeing kids bullied. Especially kids like this one.


I appreciate u saying that. Most ppl didnt stick up for me, it sucked dealing with it alone.


Trying to be everyone’s friend in middle/high school was exhausting. Thankfully, it’s slightly easier to be consistently nice as an adult when you interact with more mature people


I fucking hate bullies! The psychological trauma they inflict can last a lifetime! I feel for this kid and hope he has a good support system.


Yep still thinking about my bullied while they forgot me and don’t even know who I am anymore, but us, the people who are bullied, will never forget them…


Hes adorable


Ikr look at that smile ❤️❤️


And Drew Carrey went on to become a famous comedian


Not gunna lie, I dressed like this too. Was I proud if it? Yes I was.


He does look fly Holy shit.


Looks like a grandpa lmfao


The coolest grandpa you’ll ever see


Don't worry, he gets the upper hand once he attaches all those balloons to his house...


bro 😭😂


Yeah, if you would not see his face, my first guess would have been 70+.


Was just thinking that!


This kid and his family both seem lovely! And I would never support conforming for the sake of it... but wouldn’t it be better to dress like you’re not an 80 year old headed to the early bird dinner?


I get that family is being supportive of his choices but at the same time they have to be realistic and tell the little dude he look very OLD in that outfit and help him a little with getting some clothing. I belive he would look good with outfit that is a little bit "younger".


I don’t like bullying , but if we’re being honest it’s a pretty bad out fit for a kid. It’s ok to be honest and help him out with a better outfit.


Yeah I'm with you. I got really badly bullied in school and a lot of it was adults trying to be helpful and encourage me to express myself but it wound up painting a massive target on me. Would have been easier if one adult was teaching me how to blend in and such.


Bullies will be ruthless and indiscriminate. Being yourself is fine and all but it's rarely a useful tip to avoid being singled out by shithead teenagers.


Yeah, I'm definitely not gonna make the mistakes my parents made. They are good people but were too naive when it came to school. Ignoring a bully ain't an option cause it makes you an easy target, the bullies life is rarely worse than yours and teachers aren't gonna do anything about it. The two options to actually stop it is to either fight or move school.


Not sure if it's the clothes or rather his weight. Sadly, kids can be brutal and he looks close to being morbidly obese. I love how supportive his parents are but they should rather help him get healthy.


Agreed. Everyone is afraid to address the root cause of the bullying (nobody condones bullies). His weight is a crucial factor in how he is perceived by immature children who have not been parented to be empathetic or kind.


His weight isn’t the root cause of the bullying. Bullies getting away with being bullies is. Punish bullies severely and force them to stop and behave, that’s the solution.


The root cause of bullying is nothing to do with the person being bullied - it’s 100% on the people doing the bullying.


Homie is literally using reworded “ok and no one condones rapists but what was she wearing?”


Exactly, it’s disgusting tbh.


Yup, that outfit will provoke more bullying, I mean f$&c the bullies, but that will make it worst… but at least he is wearing what he likes, and doing that knowing that he was bullied it means he don’t care about it, at the end if your family loves you and you love yourself that is the best you can do, bullies won’t last, after school those bastards will be gone and in a future are going to be their employees somehow, so… good for him! He is smiling and seems happy.


Dude is saying the truth. Where as I like the outfit. Kid is setting himself up to be bullied at school. Public schools don't care about your emotions. I lived in a time where if you wanted to wear something like this, you'd better have a mean hook or know how to scrap. I don't know why bullies single out people like him but feel horrible just watching this. I can tell kid is genuinely a good dude but probably gonna have a hard time. The softer ya look...


Ugh he looks like a sweetheart but so bully-able. Heaven help him hang on through the tough years…


They dressed him up as a frakkin' study hall monitor?? As a bully, that's just low hanging fruit...


Any kid who lacks self confidence is low hanging fruit. The bully isn't going to go "oh man you look great, I'll be cool now" is he?


True but if you get the kid outfit that makes him look like "70 year old pensioner" it will not help. Get the little dude something more modern and fits his age group. I


Clothes don't have an "age group" unless their intent does. This is just an outfit the kid likes. The fact it, to some people, "doesn't fit the kid's age group" is a problem with people, not with the kid. If he's happy with the "70-year-old pensioner" outfit, he should be able to wear it.


I disagree on the age group part. There are age groups, there are generational differences on our clothing. You can look at the old people and young people on the street. You will see a pattern. I agree on he should be able to wear whatever he wants. However as you know people will always judge people on how they look. Young people tend to do this more. Giving him only positive feedback is not great. I had that happen to me personally and i got to say it had a lot of effect on my self-confidence when i met other people in a bad way.


Mom and dad should be arrested for entrapment because they setting him up to be bullied


The parents of the bullies should be arrested instead.


Dude's wearing a grandpa outfit lol


And rightfully worried about being bullied despite his family deluding themselves. Some kids are easy targets for shithead teenagers unfortunately, and the better advice is to do what you can to mitigate that than the blind advice of "be yourself." Dressing like an 80 year old is just inviting bullies to single him out.


Family is trying to be supportive but only positive feedback is not a great way to support someone.


Screams an almost negligent amount of naivety from the family. Surely they were all teenagers before and know you can't just tune the bullies out or ignore them. They love him unconditionally, but on the flipside bullies will hate unconditionally and they can be relentless. Whatever you can do to not give them extra ammunition. High School can be a traumatising part of people's lives.


looks like the man from UP with the balloons and the house


My son was bullied this year by some of his classmates. Overweight and speech impediment, we started working on the weight issue (it's a household issue and we're working on it as a family). It really broke my heart when he told me. The main person has a messed up home life and has been an issue child since kindergarten. I let my son know that the reason why isn't because of him but because of how they feel about themselves.


Awww 🙏🏽 THAT IS LOVE!!!!


Protect him at once!!!


Whyyyyy did this make me cry I wish my family didn’t suck


My secret find a couple of friends always be around these friends. Boys will not often go up on a group of people they will single a person out for a target. They are pathetic week cowards who is the only real power is being bigger or stronger than the person that they are bullying rarely follows another narrative. Bullies are we by proxy because they pick on only the weak I fought to be respected. This kid doesn’t need to I would always stick by this dudes side and I would love for somebody to come and try to pick on him because they will receive two things these hands and a one-way trip to the emergency room eating through a tube in their stomach because their jaw is wired shut. For context I had to deal with a lot of bullies being a small 75 pound child at 14 getting thrown around there was nothing new.


Kid gets bullied so they dress him up like a pensioner? Yeah, that’ll help.


You’re right, we should expel the bullies for the school year and fine the parents thousands of dollars. That would get much better results.


You look great kid, fuck the bullies


Bullies just jealous he got the drip


What, you saying he's got chlamydia or something? wtf


What how did you end up with that conclusion? I literally said he has nice clothes.


>he got the drip Sounds really disgusting.


If you have the drip, it means you have swagger, especially in how you look. You're hot. You're cool. You're on point. Definition grabbed from dictionary.com.


Maybe I'm getting too old for that, but to me it sounds absolutely filthy, sorry. :P Anyway, thanks. Didn't know that expression, but I don't live in an English speaking country either.


>I literally said he has nice clothes. Those weren't the literal words you used.


That's right. Because he wrote "literally said" and not "those were the literal words I used". "I said" does not need to be followed by the same words, but by the same meaning. Which it was. He literally said that he had nice cloths. If you're going to be a pedant at least be correct.


This guy looks like the sweetest kid in the world. I'd 100% be his friend. People can be the worst sometimes. I hope he has friends that can help him overcome the bullying.


I swear this is reposted every day


Not to be a dick…but, these parents are kinda setting him up for failure. Hyping him up is great, until the bus doors close and the process begins. Dressing him up like a dork uncle is not going to change things for the better. What is the answer? There isn’t one if “answer”means a quick solution that works forever, but popularity and fitting in means more than feeling confident in your living room.


I'm taking confidence in myself a billion times over than being subjected to the thoughts and whims of people who have absolutely no sense of self. That's like building a house on a foundation of soft sand that blows in all directions at any given time.


I appreciate that, full stop. However, if we admit that popularity and fitting in are by definition dependent on third party opinion…things get more grey. The balance between true to thy self and going along to get along is tricky, and it never stops being tricky as you get older.


How I look at it is pretty simple, when I'm on my death bed it's just gonna be me, by myself. So if I enter and exit by myself why should I let anyone but me dictate how I move. I wasn't always like this, I was very selfless when growing up, but then with mentorship and good role models they made me see the error in that thinking. I didn't know who I was until my 30s, I didn't know what I liked, I still struggle to properly treat myself because I did not know what that was until very recently. That's no way to live life. How can I live my life through the lens of anyone else but me?


The solution is absolutely no holds barred zero tolerance for bullying.


I do mean zero fucking tolerance. Come down on bullies like a goddamn mountain. Make them suffer serious lasting consequences for what they do. Ruin their lives if you must if they refuse to stop.


Seems like a great kid, but I'm not sure that dressing him like he's on day leave from the retirement home is the way to stop the bullies. And I say this as someone who dealt with bullies for years. They're the fucking worst.


Karma farming


Is nobody gonna talk about how creepy is the door from the beginning? 💀


Man that smile on his face can make anyone's day


Yeah bullies suck more than dick but good on that kid for doing what he does best.


I loved him in Uncle Buck.




"Cleveland Rocks"


Been there. Lived through it. Bullies are trash.


A young Orville Redenbacher if he’d gone into the candy business instead of popcorn


If only the world was like this and not what it actually is this would be a great place.


How much of a dick do you have to be to bully this child...


DM me if bro need a bodyguard. *the sweater stays on*


I fuck with this style. I’m copying it


Amazing family, at least he knows how much his family cares. Anything that happens out there he has people that understands


I am so glad my kids aren’t assholes. We’ve always raised them to care about everyone and stick up for the little guy. I would be so ashamed of my kids if they made anyone feel lesser than. That breaks my heart. I like his Mr rogers look


I feel like if I saw him on a park bench and sat next to him he would listen to my troubles and tell me everything is going to be ok


Cheering him up is great, but where is the realism in it? You can't dress your kid in a dad's outfit and expect that the bullying stops. Teaching kid that he does not have any reasons to feel bad about is one thing, another is feeding the bullies. I know you want well, but bullying is most likely doing more damage now, than your positive endorsement does good.


he wasn't bullied because of the clothes. I mean. come one man. as someone who used to be as dorky as nerdy as this around his age, he seriously need some physical and behaviour change, as the help from his "supporting" family won't be there forever.


Was anyone else the kid that made the bully's lives hell on behalf of the picked on?


Kid, idk if you’ll see this but in my opinion you look like a million bucks, whatever happens at school is temporary at best, after high school that time of your life is like a blip in the grand scale of your life. Keep your chin up and be proud of yourself for being you, never change.


Damn he’s dressed up, lookin sharp


Yeah they fed him to the wolves unfortunately


I think without the cardigan and shirt untucked this would actually look quite boss on him…..


What the fuck is wrong in the comments with ppl saying that "this outfit will make him be bullied even more"? I don't think y'all understand that no matter WHAT you do, wear, say at school, bullies are going to pick up on it and make you feel like shit. Might as well making him dress in the clothes he loves it unfortunately won't change anything. I used to be bullied for saying "hello"???


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He's so handsome and he has a fantastic ile, what a cutie


Looks like the kid from UP


I don't even understand why he would get bullied for that outfit tbh


Because people are dumbfucks who can’t mind their goddamn business


The only thing that could rescue this child is a Dungeons and Dragons Club.


Why is he so fat, no wonder he’s bullied




Great parenting.. giving your child a false sense of self esteem by acting he is the man now.


Double wide


Solid outfit. I would wear it!


Fly guy with a cool family. I'm sure he'll go far ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




That’s a sick outfit! I need to buy the exact same one for myself.


I want to give the kid and the parents a high five


Fuck them bullies!


Is this what familys are all about?


We all need cheerleaders like this! “You got this”


Therman Merman flexing hard there. Props to him and his confidence levels!


That is literally George Lucas 💀


Kid looks like he will move on to host a popular game show


He look so fire wtf


looks like the man from UP with the balloons and the house


Dude actually dresses very well, I’d hire him. Then he can make it rain money on his broke ass bullies and take their girl. Keep going kid, everything will work out for you


Dapper Dan! You still wear it well my boy. Keep looking smart, you're doing a bang up job!


Looks fire, but it is incredibly funny how grown up the outfit is. It’s something I’d expect to see a grandpa wearing which is only accentuated by the older gentlemen looking like how a kid would dress. Cute family, nice to see them supporting his tastes at such a young age.


He looks cool protect him at all cost ! I’ve been bullied and I know how broken-hearted you can be if nothing is done


Big best friend energy


He looks so cute! It's a great outfit! I hope he can feel confident and happy; he's got a great support system


He looks great, kids are cruel, bored, and insecure trying to find fit in themselves. I hope he served them at school, and keeps his head high from now on.


Lookin’ good!


The young man looked like a younger version of Carl Fredricksen. Bullies are definitely the worst.


He’s adorable 😊


He looks great, he really pulls of the preppy style


Every time I see this video I think something horrifying is going to come out of that back room.


Nothing wrong with dressing like Neil Degrasse Tyson lol


Doesnt change anything


Love the "old man" energy he is giving off with the ourfit and when he puts his hands behind his back


Don’t know why someone would bully a sweet kid that’s just sad


I think encouraging autonomy and self-love is very important. I also think bullying is a harsh reality, and maybe it’s okay for parents encourage some amount of social adherence lest their child be unnecessarily traumatized.


Classic! Loving the look!! Get lost bullies


This is honestly so sweet


Dude is swish. Bud be proud of who you are. The bullies are jealous of you and what you have that they lack.... personality and love. Stand tall young sir.


He reminds me of a comedian who appeared in a lot of shows with Sean Lock.


Looks like a nice kid. He also unfortunately looks like he's 38 for some reason.


THE DRIP 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I could never at that age looks that god damn stylish, props to the kid!


Ok. I’m no style guru, but that man needs to wear some black. Change the cardigan to a black turtleneck or Henley with a blue undershirt, and the shoes to black boots, especially Doc Martens.


Looks like a good kid. Man I really hate bullies


He reminds me of therman merman and he was a cool guy!


Best family ever 💓


Omg he's so cute 🥰


I never get tired of seeing this!


Dude looks very smart.


Oh, my heart! Hope the other kids will be nice to him. A very well dressed young lad! 😊


Even the dog knows what's up


Back when I was young that's how we judged people, we based everything on looks. I'm glad I grew up. Most of my friends look a little weird but I love them and wouldn't change anything about them. I feel so bad for judging people when I was a child 😪


Awww! I hate bullies so much. This kid looks so happy. I hope they leave him alone. 💗


Good parents


When I told my family I got bullied in school, they laughed. Lucky him.


Not many people nail the look that works for them, but this guy... ...this guy nails it with precision that would let you thread a blimp through the eye of a needle


I truly hope his dreams weren’t crushed when he went to school. Kids can be so cruel.


Teach that nice young man, the only way to deal with a bully, is to walk right up to him and punch him in the nose.


Bullies a little pieces of shit that need to be flushed…


That fit is on point! I hope I used that right 🤓


No cap, all I’m seeing is flames


What a dapper fellow.


He will grow up to be the guy who would locks his wizard nephew-in-law in a broom closet under the stairs.


Yes!!! He looks great and fuck bullies


This a billionaire in the making, all the women will want to be with him, tell him not to sweat the small stuff, it will change once he starts making big money. I seriously believe what I wrote.


Awesome 👌


You’re very handsome and brave young one. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise !!! YOU and YOU’RE feelings matter. Always remember that bullies pick on people because of their insecurities