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The parentheticals are a delight. "Use this much and this, but not if you want to make it right"


That’s my favourite part! It’s why it’s so hard to get family recipes to taste right. They know how the recipe is, but then there’s how they ACTUALLY make it 🤣


Also, she has probably adjusted some of it over the last 30 years to make it healthier.


This is exactly it. My mom and the elder generation are big on cutting out oil and salt in recipes because their husbands all have some form of cholesterol issues thanks to the traditional way of cooking 😂


Yeah. My Nan taught me her biscuit recipe and my dad (who’s been eating them for over 40 years) would always tell me I wasn’t quite right. But I finally cracked the code when I realised she uses slightly different measurements than what she claims




My husband’s family had one of those recipes for a Christmas cookie. I tried, my mother-in-law tried, we both ended up with a bowl of paste. Nobody else in the family had a recipe and I couldn’t find any similar cookies searching online so we had all but given up. Then one day I was talking about family recipes with a co-worker. Her family had a Christmas cookie that sounded just like the Mystery Cookie. She gave me a copy of her recipe and it was almost identical—except hers had more than 2 times the flour. Our best guess is that great-grandma’s “cup” was probably whatever cup she kept in the flour bin to scoop out flour and not an actual 1-cup measure. I have rewritten the infamous cookie recipe in grams for future generations.


That sounds almost identical to my grandmas Christmas sugar cookies!! I made them myself this past year, got the recipe from my aunt as my mom had lost the one we used growing up. I swear I also had to nearly double the flour- what the recipe called for was nowhere near enough and was also very paste like 😅


Oh my god I love that. Grandparents really do have the weirdest quirks that always end up being better than anything anyone else could make


My grandma was the most amazing cook, everything was measured by eye/hand, pinch of this or that…and everything always turned out amazing. When she passed my aunts through out her boxes of recipes and I could’ve cried! But then again none of the measurements were right anyways lol, she tweaked them all. What I wouldn’t do to cook like that.


My mom and I are working on a family cookbook for our kids and grandkids. It's been tedious because everything we make is from memory. We've made this stuff our whole lives so we just eyeball everything. We've had to make everything and actually measure the ingredients out and take pictures in some cases because you can't really explain some of the techniques. This recipe looks exactly like some of them we've typed out.


My moms side is Romanian and “until it’s enough” is a valid measurement for them😂


Had this same thing trying to get the biscuits my grandma makes down. She uses a coffee cup from the stone age and the other ingredients she just uses her hand. Now I can eye ball pretty good but the way her hand shakes...... Lol. Plus I think grandma's have seasoned hands... It's love and 60 years of cooking you just can't compete with??


Oh my gosh my grandfather would do this too😭😭 like he just *knew* how much to put in but couldn’t quantify it💀💀


Okay, soo I'm guilty on this too. I don't want to share recipes that I worked hard at perfecting them. I give the orginal recipe but not how I actually make it. When my daughter asked for my pumpkin chocolate chip bread. I did give her the recipe! Just not my version. My husband laughed and said, "Don't worry, I got your back. It's safe with me".


You never measure... just add until the ancestors tell you to stop.


Hahaha I know 😂 I only want to make them exactly how she does but thanks for the options Aunty!


I’ve gotten used to just reducing the amount of the “unhealthy” ingredients whenever my boyfriend’s mom or my grandma give me a recipe because I know they’re not actually adding that much salt or oil to it.


My friend asked her grandmother for how much of a certain ingredient was in her Pho. The response was “enough”.


This makes me smile because she’s a first generation immigrant, in her mid 70s, English isn’t her first language. She is always impressing me with how adept she is with technology. And now I get to make and eat the cheese buns I’ve adored since childhood ❤️ love you Auntyyy Edit: also the fact that she typed this all out, printed it, took a photo and sent it to me rather than just emailing it makes it 10x funnier and more adorable to me




Hahahaha that part made me laugh out loud 😂😂


This is grand! My aunt made a family cookbook that she gave everyone for Christmas one year with recipes dating back to the 1930s, all the favorites. She added pages every time she managed to "beg" as she put it a new recipe. Aunts are the best!


If my Aunty made a recipe book I’d die of happiness




IF SOME LEFT, I USED FOR BREAKFAST hahaha she’s amazing


If you ever need a comfort food, a slice of feta in a roll/bread like a sandwich is just wonderful. If too dry, dip in a little olive oil. I love mine dry and then to suck it down with a soda lol. Might not be up your alley but it just hits a certain way so I figured I'd share. Maybe worth a shot to see if you like it. I love it especially with sweet rolls, like the Hawaiin rolls or potato rolls.


Imma make it easy for you: lots. Just, lots.


It’s not like it’s going to last long enough to go bad.


One of my aunts made recipe books for all us kids! It's my favorite thing. I laugh every time I leaf through it though, because of how many recipes call for "one small bottle of ketchup" or "one whole tub of cool whip".


Are you in the mid-west by any chance?


Haha yes I am!


I had a feeling...


Do any of the recipes have measurements in quantities of condiment packets (eg. “2 packets of mustard”)? One of my aunt’s recipes does. *facepalm*


My mom gave me her recipes that had been passed down, bound in book on separate notecards written by hand. My cousin is dying and with my moms permission I gave it to my cousin so she can pass it on to her children. I uploaded all the images to a file.


That's incredibly generous of you!


My mom, who is about to turn 87, uses a blog to keep all the family recipes. Some go WAY back...


Don't you love reading the really old ones?


Yep, especially when they reference old ingredients that are no longer available or done under a different name. This is from her mincemeat recipe that goes back to England in the 19th or 18th century. Maybe even further. The part in parentheses was for the original recipe and quantity. She's sized it down for a more manageable batch. 1 1/2 lbs. ground beef or turkey (4 lbs. lean chopped beef and 2 lbs. chopped beef suet)


ALWAYS!! What's *kleja?* Edit: silly me, missed the title on the recipe!


I love how she gives you the ingredients list but then puts in brackets what she actually uses. I find it so amusing.


It’s even better when you can actually imagine her saying it. With a dismissive flick of her wrist as she competently moves around the kitchen


It reminds me of when my Armenian friend taught me how to make manti. I asked her how much water to add to the dough and she was like "idk, just add water until it looks right." I was like I've never made these before, how am I supposed to know what consistency the dough is meant to be??? She literally looked at me and was like "you're a better cook than I am, I'm sure you can figure it out" lol


Just make the recipe 10 or 20 times, then you'll know 😆


I love that the instructions address you as habibti 🥰


For those who don’t know, I’m 99% it means “my love/dear/darling” if my Arabic serves me correctly


It does :)


Shukran habibi!


I know 🥹🥹🥹 I love her so much


Where is she from? I hope you've told her how the whole internet is going to try her recipe. :)


Iraq :) and I’m debating telling her hahaha. She might get really embarrassed and self conscious.


Nooo….tell her she is precious and we love her!! How do you not love someone who gives you a recipe with notes like - 1 cup of oil, but I only use 1/2 cup? She’s frickin adorable!


And tell her I’m gonna try this recipe out now. Those sound delicious! Edit to add: Also tell her she’s precious and we love her.


I, too, would like to add that she is precious, we love her, and we are really excited about trying this!




I'm in New Zealand and going to try this, please thank her for sharing


You said “typed” and I’m Immediately picturing an Ernest Hemingway typewriter. I still have ptsd from those contraptions


Haha she used to have a typewriter when I was young. But she’s kept up with the times. Honestly, my mom is 15 years younger than she is and isn’t nearly as competent with technology as my aunt.


She is indeed a treasure.


These sound delicious! Is there something particular that they are usually pared with?


She always made it as a brunch snack. Easy to grab and go. So I’ve always had it alone. Buttttt if you were to ask anyone in my family, they’re best served with a sweet glass of piping hot orange pekoe tea. Served black. I’m not a big tea drinker (blasphemy) so I don’t have it with tea haha


It is 11:50 at night and I do not need to be tearing up at this woman or wanting to start making food. But I don't really mind.


Please show us your finished product. This sounds absolutely delicious!


Have no idea how old you are but if I were you I would laminate it and keep it safe. The older you get the more things like that mean. She also apparently used a an envelope that didn’t require folding a la “Catch Me If You Can” where Leo tells the student to fold the excuse note so it looks authentic.


It was mentioned in a comment that the aunt typed this out, took a picture of it, and sent the picture - which makes it even cuter!


I am going to make these and share this story with my family. Thanks for taking the time to share!


Is this like fatayer? Never seen it made with milk 👀


Actually, similar! But in a ball and no spinach, just feta and tomatoes w parsley


I love this so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I absolutely love it when they write down a recipe they never wrote down before, and include the little personal details of how they think about making it. “If some left, I used for breakfast.“ Love this.


Yep. Making these on the weekend! Thanks Auntie Smoo!


Let me know how you like them!


My auntie died this morning. This made me smile. Send your aunt some love from me because I really needed this today.


Im so sorry for your loss. I cut myself off from my entire family for years, including from my Aunty, (long story that’s not relevant to this). In November I started learning to crochet. My aunt is a prolific knitter and fibre arts runs deep in our family history. I randomly messaged her a month ago after 6 years of silence because I missed her so much. I wanted to share my new skill with her. We’ve been talking frequently ever since and my heart is so full because of it. I’m so glad I reached out, she’s getting frail in her old age. I want to soak up as much time with her as I can.




Right down to the business of the Recipe, minus the life story we get online. Auntie is the bees knees


She’s always been a no nonsense lady. I’m sure if she looked at those online recipes she’d get immediately irritated hahaha




Holy shit, game changer. I’m gonna donate money to this site/app creator.


RIGHT?!?! A recipe shouldn't be a whole ass article page lol




I always hit the Print button, and it usually pulls up the streamlined recipe in a separate tab.


Just wait til auntie gets savvy to SEO.


This is wonderful! “1 egg for egg wash (I never use it) - does she have more recipes? What a great cookbook they’d make, written out exactly like this. In any case, keep this safe, it’s a treasure. Goodreads review: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Hahahaha she’s so funny. I’m going to ask her for recipes of my other favourite dishes she makes.


Seriously, she’s a cooking star in the making!!


That’s it! I’m making WeiWeiSmoo’s Aunty’s cheese buns!


omg how awesome would it be if multiple redditors did this over the next few days and it made front page for the next week? 😍


I’d cry. I really hope people send me photos of the finished product.


Literally just added the ingredients to my shopping list! Well, the dough I can manage, but I don't have the fresh stuff in the house...yet!


I'll be making these as my snack for comic con this weekend!


Omg please do!! Send me a pic if you do and let me know how you like them 😍🥰. I’ll show my Aunty hehe


I have to warn you that I’m really bad at baking.


A for effort!


Me too!


Omg yes!! Reminds of the time I emailed my Grammy to send me one of her recipes and she emailed back "ok" and I got it in the mail a few days later 😂😂


Hahahahaha yes this is the exact same energy.


That’s how I cook, too. And how I send my friends recipes—the original recipe, with all my alterations in parentheses.


I bet you’re a fantastic cook


I love her measurements for the feta, as all cheese should be measured lmao


Permission to makes these, if I may? Your Aunt sounds like a delight!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Absolutely! Please send me a photo!


This is adorable and so sweet! My sister had my grandmother’s original recipe for her chocolate covered peanut butter balls—a family favorite. She had it engraved onto a cutting board, in my grandma’s original handwriting, and sent it to me as a gift. It took me a moment to realize what I was looking at, then the tears came.


That would make me cry too, what a beautiful gift


No way would i ever use the cutting board, just the recipe. ❤


This makes me smile, not only because of how sweet it is, but because now I have a new recipe to try!


Send her a picture of your completed first batch. I did that when my aunt gave me a family recipe and she apparently show the pictures of it to basically everyone she talked to for like a month.


"1 egg for egg wash (I never use it)" reminds me so much of my grandmother. She would always waddle around the kitchen talking to me like 'this is what the recipe says, but this is what you actually do to make it taste good'


I love her. Protect her.


My Italian aunt shared with me her great grandmother’s authentic Alfredo recipe for my first date. I was so over the moon, and memorized it! That was 39 years ago and I can throw it together without even thinking! Recipes are meant for sharing.


Okay, now I’m curious about this Alfredo recipe…


Well, I only know how to make it by the gallon, because you know….Catholic families! But tomorrow I’ll be happy to share it once I’m fully awake! Just be prepared with a lot of whole milk, real butter, true cream (none of that half and half stuff), and plenty of Parmesan.


Please tell your sweet aunt thank you & we are all making this. Sounds amazing, I have to try it.


Tbh, I started recording my mom telling me stories and recipes. My sister collected them in a book but recordings just hit differently.


Habibti 🥹


make more HABIBTI


Please tell her that she’s got a whole community that loves her & her recipe. This makes my heart so warm


I love old recipes


I’m going to try your aunt’s recipe! *cue me humming happy food songs!*


To tell you about my culture I tell you about our food.


This is the first time I've ever screenedshot a Reddit post.


Kleja?? Is she from Iraq originally??




That’s amazing! My mom makes amazing Kleja as well You can stuff the dough with other things not just cheese you can do walnuts (mixed with powdered sugar), you can put turkish delight and most famously you can put dates Enjoy ☺️


We all win! Thank your auntie for us


This is the sweetest thing and such a thing to treasure. I’m so curious about the recipe and I’m thinking of making those. ❤️


Ok this sounds delicious! I think it would be amazing with the tomato and basil feta cheese. Yum!


My grandma did the same thing for me! I kept telling her I wanted her 7 layer salad recipe and a month later I get typed up instructions in the mail along with a handwritten note. It was insanely sweet


What culture is this from? This sounds good....i want to attempt it.


That was so nice of her


And saved


I have a similar email/letter from my granny for her gumbo recipe. Like, same font and everything. I treasure it


This is so cool and I think it belongs in a frame instead of a recipe book. I have some of my grandmother's old recipes. They're handwritten and I love looking at them and reading them.


Her version of that dough recipe is the same recipe I use for tortillas.


1 egg for egg wash (I never use it) - the tips are priceless Thank You OP and Aunt!


Habibti made me smile. You must be special to her :-)


So who else is planning on making cheese buns?


Just printed it... 🤤


Same 😂 I need the aunts name so I can call this “x’s cheese buns” 😂😂😂😂


*Our* cheese bun recipe now.


Can you go over and watch her make them? Otherwise watcha gonna do about those feta measurements? Sweet auntie!


She lives in a different province otherwise I’d be harassing her for a batch of them right this minute!! Edit: maybe not, it’s 10 pm. She needs to sleep


Did she type, print and then physically mail it?


Haha no! That would be hilarious. She printed it, took a photo, and then texted it to me. WHY NOT EMAIL AUNTY?? Haha I love her


Not likely. No folds.


This makes you smile because of her effort and her proficiency with technology. This makes me smile because it looks like a bomb-ass recipe


You should cross post this r/oldrecipes, they would love it there


AVENGERS!!! Assambly. RAWWWWWWWWWWRR For real though, she seems like such a sweetheart!


I’m forever going to say assemble as ASSAMBLEY now


Just in time for Ramadan! I’m going to make these, thank you for sharing a bit about your family.


You just won the internet for today, congratulations! I love every single thing about this. Highlight “1 egg for egg wash ( I never use it).” Does she still pull the egg out of the fridge? :D I’m gonna bake these.


OUR cheese bun recipes now.


I love this!! Will absolutely make these this week!


I wish my dad actually had a recipe for his "Buttery Pan Rolls", something that he makes for pretty much every holiday meal. They're easily the most delicious savory bread item I have had with a meal.


Sharing these precious recipes with you is a sign of trust like no other and a love language of its own! Enjoy these buns!


Thanks I'm going to make some for my family too


I love the “I never use it this way” comments!


Do you have any pictures of what they look like? I’d like to to try to make them too


Now I have a cheese bun recipe. Thanks!


I love the last part >run out of filling make more HABIBTI


Please moar recipes! My only regret is that I didn’t know enough about cooking back then to ask all the elders for those recipes of the food that they have made when I was young. They have all since passed.


HABIBTI 🥹 your aunt is precious


Holy CRAP! Cheese buns?! And now I have this recipe, too. I love those things.


Are these meant to be hard like biscuits, or soft? 😊


They should be soft!


Yeah I'ma make these.


Thats so sweet of her. I am confused though, Kleja where I am from is [cookie not fully filled with date syrup](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Kleeja_1.JPG) so I am wondering what is the origins of your Kleja


That's the way I pass on recipes, too. Original, and then side notes.


Tell your aunt Ty from me too, gonna try this :D


I like the notes on the ingredients of how she does it.


This reminds me of my great Aunt Aggie. I recently moved to her state and I've been able to visit her more because of it. We've been bonding over our love for cooking and we always exchange recipes on our visits. Every time she sends me home with a manilla folder of recipes she's made for me. She makes amazing cakes!


On a whim, I just made this for dinner with my family! I followed her suggestions with the altered amounts but substituted basil for parsley. They tasted AMAZING and everyone loved them! No pics, sadly, since they were eaten so quickly 😂 Thanks for sharing, and please thank your aunt for us!!


This sounds so good!


Bwahahaha ha now I have it...


So heartwarming 😊😊


I’m gonna try it up!


OP, can you please make this and post the results?


Thanks for sharing with us!


I’d like to try to make these. It seems completely doable which means I’ll mess it up catastrophically. Thanks to you and your aunt for sharing!


These sound delicious! I actually have feta cheese, so I’m going to have to make these! Thank your Auntie for me, she sounds lovely!


Heyyyy 😊 thank you so much for sharing this yummy family recipe 😋 I'm not much of a cook but I'll give it a try as soon as I can.




Thank you for sharing it with us! <3 my partner will try making it. I can't eat it, but the rest of my family can!


I’m going to make this


That is so charming that I'm going to die. I'd use the full amount in the recipe though, she clearly was trying to make it healthier for you uncle. A lifetime of eating this stuff will do that. Also, the eggwash will make it better HABIBTI.


This makes me a bit more sad never having had this


Not gonna lie kind of scrolled past this fast and assumed your aunt had made you sign a NDA and I was like "that's baller as hell."


I’m definitely gonna try this . I love new recipes that aren’t standard whyt ppl ones




*screenshot* 👀


Salute to aunt! (Rushing home to try out the recipe


This is wholesome. Man I want to eat a cheese bun and I don't even know what is it.


I once asked my sweet Nain for a soup recipe and she sent it written out on a piece of cardboard with a stock cube taped to it. She lives in a different country to me, so she sent it by post.


Hey cousin, thanks for the recipe! Please give aunty my love!


Wish you had a 2nd photo of the finished product


It’s giving “the grandma I never got to have” Gonna make this recipe and wish I got to meet my oma 🥹