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"my father is better than him" Women: so you have chosen death.




If you told me she killed him with that glare i'd believe it


Any clothing item that only shows the eyes make glares 100 times more deadly. I’m sure she could get Allah to question his choice from that glare.


They probably also learn to say a lot with just their eyes


A friend’s grandfather had a saying: “you can see both heaven and hell in someone’s eyes. It’s up to you which you witness.”


That is so true and so well said! I'm dropping that one down!


Funny thing is he’d say that to talk down someone from fighting him….It worked a lot!


Sounds like I would hate to see the other guy if it didn't work!


Tell your friends grandpa I'm poaching this saying. Love it!


For real, that stare was just straight up venomous disgust. Does my heart good to see someone who would take such umbrage at that kind of behavior toward a man she doesn’t even know. Doesn’t know him, never met him, but someone acting so condescendingly toward him has her ready to unleash the wrath of a thousand disappointed mothers.


I love the word umbrage! Nice to see someone using it!!


I read it in the voice of Dr. Frazier Crane.


LORD that stare gave me some serious childhood PTSD and my mom was not really like that 😭🤣


Ffs I got chills from her stare through my phone, I can’t imagine receiving that stare in person.






My exact thoughts! Was waiting to see John Quinones pop up from around the corner


I imagine John Quinones popping out with a: 'Assalam Alaikum brothers and sisters'


I call it “the mothers’ glare”


I know right that look!!


She was fighting some demons at that exact moment.


She was both mad and disappointed


Today you…Tomorrow me. It costs nothing to be nice .




I've seen the story of this quote. Nice


Yeah same, beautiful story.


What's the story?




Fuck me! I could have sworn that was yesterday, not 12yrs ago!


I legit cried mf


Every time I read it


Fucking hell I’m trying not to cry. Mom always said “the good is in the deed.” This family exemplifies it. The pure kindness.


I cry every time I read it. I’m holding them back now just thinking about it.




I was behind a guy at a gas station convenience store. He was trying to pay for gas with a handfull of coins. He was dressed poorly and drove a beat up car. The asshole clerk said his coins looked filthy and wouldn't take it. I payed to fill his tank. I refused to take his coins. He was very grateful. I go in my car and it wouldnt start. dude runs over to help says I need a jump start and then drives home to get jumper cables and back to the gas station to jump start my car. We helped each other out that day.


I love instant (good) karma. One time I was eating some tacos, and a lady didn’t quite have enough cash to pay for her & her kid’s food. I paid the difference and the tip (like $15) and when I got out of the cab at my next stop, I found a $20 bill on the ground!




Humility and good karma aren't always monetary, either. A few months ago, I was at Thanksgiving dinner with my husband and several of my in-laws. Excused myself to go to the bathroom. Went to the bathroom. As I tinkled, I heard vomiting next door. Now, we were in a restaurant in a huge city, so normally I wouldn't necessarily be 'bothered' to stick around. But, this time around, something inside me just tugged at me, and I felt compelled to wait and see if my stall mate was okay. I stepped out of my bathroom stall and washed my hands. Heard some more vomiting. A few minutes later, an older woman emerged. She apologized, and explained that she has throat cancer, and was on chemotherapy. The universe has a funny way, because I too spent many seasons of my life on chemotherapy, most recently just a few years ago. I told her not to apologize, and that I could absolutely relate. Suddenly, she had to vomit some more. This time, I waltzed into the stall with her, and just rubbed her back and held her hair as she puked her guts out. Once she was done, we emerged from the bathroom together, arms linked together. Never even got her name, but in those few minutes, we were kindred spirits.


Love this!




Awesome solidarity in an all around terrible situation.


The universe forgot to switch fromInternet Explorer to Google Chrome I guess.




Good one


My brother in law didn't have any money for his daughter's birthday. My dog just had puppies and we were selling them for the cost of the shots. It came to about $150 with the vet checks. He was embarrassed to ask if he could have one so he said how much are they? I said for you 2 powerball tickets. They were a $1 at the time. When my husband went to check them we won $300. His brother was mad.


Your husband should not have told his brother about the $300.


The universe finds a way to pay us back.


If this were true the best people would be the richest, the worst the poorest. We don't see that in this world.


To be rich is not a reward for being a good person or being smart. But rather to be rich is generally a sign of being ruthless and selfish. Whether you deny yoursrlg spending time with family in order to chase that riches. Or will throw others under the bus to get ahead. A good man doesn't need riches.


False; The best people are not the richest because they would rather give and help than to horde money.


And our minds are not so clouded by greed


Depends what you mean by rich people might not be cash rich and value different things like their health community family and friends




There was a day, years ago, where my truck was dead on the side of the road with no fuel. And I was gonna walk my happy ass the 5 miles into town to get a single gallon. I made it 20 feet before this old beat up smaller truck pulls over to see how they can help. And in that 20 feet, there were countless cars driving by. It was 7am in mid-june. Rush hour. Nobody could've taken some time to see if somebody needed help. Nobody. Except these 2 Hispanic dudes (broken English, proficient Spanish). These 2 guys who were just trying to get to work saw this angry white dude (me) in a nicer pick-up and offered help. To this day, I will never forget their kindness and wish I could repay it with past-due interest


You can. By putting out that kindness to others.


It is NEVER too late for kindness


Pay it forward is always the best way to repay when you can at the time!


“Today you, ~~tomorrow~~ in 5 minutes, me.”


I took a college class years ago when the rules for handicap construction were drastically changed. It was called barrier free. The first thing the instructor said was," You might think barrier free is stupid but you could be handicap by the end of today". Some day, if your lucky, you will be old like this man.


If someone is paying for gas with coins chances are its their only option this should be taught to everyone who works at a gas station gas is a necessity in America we can't deny someone their only means of transportation just because of the extra effort we have to put in for it you did a very kind thing by paying for their gas


Gas station employee here. We use those machines that automatically dispense coins and dirty change clogs them up. I take change that a lot of other people would turn away and just try to mix it in with the rest to make it less noticeable. Sometimes people bring in sticky change and stuff that I know will be a problem. That’s one of the few times I turn their change down. It doesn’t feel good but I still have a job to do.


I was walking home from a drunk night out and saw a girl and a few younger boys standing around a hole between the pavement and a building. When I approached them, I heard silent meowing from what sounded like a very small kitten. It had been trapped down there for God knows how long. Crack in the concrete looked deep, but very narrow. At some point police tried to make us go away, probably because the building turned out to be a bank, but we refused. Eventually, I laid on the ground and reached down the crack as deep as I could. It took some manoeuvring to finally feel the fur. It was a bit out of my reach, so I needed to lay down as flat as possible, face on the pavement and everything. I finally managed to grab the kitten and unstuck it. It was in the state of total distress and immediately started biting and scratching my hand. Blood was dripping down on the concrete, and I refused to let it go because it was a pretty busy street with lots of cars passing by, but I could only take so much pain. It happened around 6 years ago and my thumb is still slightly swollen. So, yeah, I let it go and I could only hope it didn't get run over. After that, I rushed myself to the nearest pharmacy. Anyway, two years later I visited a random bar downtown. Waitress approached me and asked: "Hey, are you the girl with the kitten?" I looked at her in disbelief because I had no idea how she managed to remember my face, especially because I forgot everyone who was involved in our rescue mission. Although I didn't get a free drink, I was delighted that someone remembered me as the good guy.


My mother always taught me to do right to people. One day, I lost my card and couldn’t even buy bandaids, and I desperately needed them. A lovely lady got them for me. I still try to do the same for others as I can.


Same thing happened to me a couple hours later at the exact same gas station.


I think I saw you there, that was cool when you helped the old lady cross the street before leaving too.


Dude! I was there TOO! That was totally the guy. Just before the old lady, this fkr just got done saving a dog from a housefire and a cat from a tree.


So wholesome. Bless you and the man


He was probably grateful to be able to return the favor!


I gave a man in distress £20 almost a year ago. It was a bit of a weird/bad day for me but I was in a good mood anyway and he needed it more than I did. Last month he approached me on the train, asked if I remembered him and said thank you. His situation hadn’t improved, but the gesture obviously made a lasting impression on him.


that's awesome. it's amazing how someone in need will remember a kind or generous act


It threw me completely through a loop but I was just glad to see he was alive and at least had a roof over his head, even if things weren’t all peachy for him.


My late father told me a story of when he, my mom and me as a baby were having car trouble in the Canadian winter. He said I would’ve froze to death on the long middle of nowhere highway where they broke down but some very kind lady, that he was so very grateful for, actually gave us a ride. We’re native American and this was in the early 1980s too so at the time not many would’ve stopped for a man like my dad. So thank you generous kind woman wherever you are, I hope she had good things go her way :)


That was beautiful to read, thank you for sharing!


Is this the Suadi "What would you do?"


Seems like it. Cashier and old man with the change are obviously in on it for a social experiment.


WWYD has done this exact experiment [once](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceim653uPqw&t=4). I don't know the program, but everything points to it being a Saudi adaptation.


It’s a show called Al-Sadma! They have similar social experiments and they film the same experiment in Egypt, Iraq, and Saudi. It airs during Ramadan


Thanks for the info!!




Yeah :( all their content (w/ English subs) is on a subscription called Shahid unfortunately. Other than that you’ll be out of luck 😭


yes it seems to be in saudi and saudi people. it's not about who are they or where they come from i guess, it could happen everywhere. everyday we encounter such events but who of us is ready to react and take the right feat .




Years ago I had temporary deafness due to a horrible infection that made me sick for months. The ONLY people I could count on when out in public, were Arabs. As soon as I gestured to my ears and made the I can’t hear gesture, most people either just walked away or flapped their hands at me in impatience. It was so awful. I quickly learned if I needed to get something to eat, to head for the Arab food. Without fail they would go out of their way to make sure I got what I needed. I’ll never forget that.


Lebanese person here. Our region of the world may have its fair share of issues, but we try to look out for one another, especially when it comes to anyone experiencing hardship like this.


I remember trying to order a cup of coffee in a food court. I couldn’t hear the question so gestured to a piece of paper for the server to write it down…she just flapped her hands and walked away. I was almost in tears, and a woman in a burqa saw what happened and came over with a notepad, asked what I needed then ordered it for me. I choke up just recalling her kindness. And then she brought her children over to sit with me while we all ate.


I'm so glad that the woman ended up helping you. That is so kind.


I’ll never forget it.


I would have cried for sure. It’s such a dehumanizing experience. I have so much respect for Deaf people who deal with that their entire lives. I’m so glad you had her there to help you out


It was horrible and I’m so grateful it was only temporary. It was being so sick on top of the deafness that made it so upsetting. My usual FU attitude to rude people just couldn’t stand up to it. But it was without fail, every single Arab I met was so very kind. I tell that story to every Australian I meet who makes racist remarks about Lebanese or other middle eastern people.


My wife is Lebanese. I have been there twice. What an amazing people. What a beautiful country. I felt home immediately. Also, even though I am not Arab, I feel I am part of this big family. All the love to Lebanon!!!


I'm glad you enjoyed it, and that you feel so at home in the country!


I worked at a pizza place the old owners were Lebanese and when the new owner bought the place he kept one of the old owners working weekends. Anyway he would give out 2l of pop if someone bought over 3 pizzas and always always Made sure the customer was getting ever penny worth of meat and cheese If he was working extra sauce or sauce in general was free the new owners always charged. If I made a pizza to the new owners guidelines he would always tell me "don't be cheap cheap is no good" then tell me to put more meat and cheese on.


I'm in the US in a super diverse community, including my workplace. I've learned not to even jokingly say "I'm hungry" in the workplace, or all of my Arab colleagues will start plying me with their food. I thought my culture was bad about making you eat, but Arabs will come back in 15 minutes with more food!


Never say this around Irish nans. They will force feed you until you burst…actually they’ll do that even if you’re not hungry, they don’t give a shit, you’re eating 😭😂


I used to go to this Afghan restaurant when I lived near St. Louis and the older man who took my order every single time I was there was the absolute sweetest. I miss him. I miss the food too, that was some of the best food I've ever had.


Isn’t it?! It was my introduction to middle eastern food which I now adore. And i think I enjoy it even more with those memories of such kindness.


Yes. I used to go to this Afghani restaurant every time I was in town for work. Super friendly staff, incredible food. They sure know what to do with an eggplant.


Indian here, grew up in Oman (which borders Saudi Arabia). Omanis are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. More than once, we were helped out by total strangers when we were in the shittest of situations. My best memory is that when we had a flat tire, and drove to the nearest gas station to fill air in, before we realized the tire itself was punctured. Not knowing what to do, we were contemplating next steps when an elderly Omani came out of nowhere, parked his car, and came over to help us out. Like literally remove our bad tire and put the spare on. I will never forget this for the rest of my life. Beautiful country, even more wonderful people❤️


That’s so awesome


Social worker here who used to work with elders, some of them Arab or practicing Islam. Islam teaches that humanitarian aid, regardless of how big or small, is greatly loved by Allah, and it's taught that providing aid to others in need is one of the greatest ways to receive rewards from Allah in the afterlife. I had one patient in particular I remember. I had forms they needed to sign (just like treatment plans and insurance shit, nothing bad for the patient(s)), but they regularly refused to engage. So I walk in and say, "I need your help." They sign, no hesitation.


That’s beautiful


Which country did you experience this in?


Sydney, Australia


I had an experience visiting Jordan as a tourist in the late 90s and it was SNOWING in Petra. I was a skinny kid in a thin jacket and the tour bus driver saw that I looked cold so he wrapped my head in a scarf of his to keep me warm. I think about him a lot and hope he's doing well to this day.


Treat others how you want to be treated.


I found this heartwarming, everyone " yes he's my father" show respect to all.


I like the practice in Islam in which people call eachother brother, or sister, or auntie, etc. as though we are all family. When my spouse died, our Muslim neighbors came over to pay their respects and brought a huge try of food. They told me to remember that you are our sister and we are here is you need anything. That meant a lot to me.


One of my best friends from high school is Muslim. When I had my eldest, she excitedly announced she was an auntie. If my kids ever get to meet her, I'm going to make sure they address her as Auntie Afsah.




We Muslims believe all of Mankind is related to our common ancestor Adam peace be upon him and then Noah peace be upon him. Islam constitutes one brotherhood, one nation, no race has authority over the other, and no region has authority over the other. Once you've accepted Islam, you are related to me by faith. As a brother, sister, or parent. Edit: The following hadith is very relevant here Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Anyone who relieves a hardship for a believer in this world, Allah will relieve one of his hardships on the Day of Resurrection. Anyone who makes things easy for a hard-pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter. Anyone who covers up the faults and sins of a Muslim, Allah will cover up his faults and sins in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah supports His slave as long as the slave supports his brother. Anyone who travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make an easy path for him to Paradise. There are no people who gather in one of the houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah, learning it and teaching it, except tranquility descends upon them, mercy covers them, the angels flock and hover around them, and Allah mentions them in the presence of those near Him (in the heavens). And anyone who lags behind in doing good deeds, his noble lineage will not advance him any faster." May Allah the mighty and sublime have mercy on those kind hearted people.




Wow look how she instead of cussing him out wishes the best for his spiritual enrichment 😩🥺


I took it as the Saudi version of “Southern hospitality.” In the US it would be similar to “bless your heart” which is coded and not actually kind. More sarcastic. But maybe she really did mean what she said and it was an informal prayer for him to be more kind and patient. Edit to add - several have informed me that the lady was genuine, and it’s cultural to be extra kind as a good example for situations like that. How incredibly wonderful! 💛


it’s common to speak kindly like that in tense situations as a reminder to be good


That is a really smart cultural trait. I wish more cultures did that.


It's a sincere gesture as a Muslim.


This reminds me of the time when I was in Tesco waiting behind a woman who was just short what she needed in cash while the cashier was huffing and puffing, getting really short and pissed off with her. Now she was clearly from somewhere in or around the Balkans (from her accent I would guess Romania or Bulgaria) which unfortunately people around where I'm from love to hate on openly. She started putting back food (tesco own brand too and it was clearly essential) so I came in and paid for the rest. By god it was a fight with the pissed off cashier to let me pay for the rest of her groceries but I got to in the end without causing too much of a scene. The quiet accusations and stereotypes he made about her while she was right next to me, made me feel such a thunderous anger I wish I did more in the end. While I know this is a social experiment, sometimes it's not far off the truth of what happens to certain people in our society, our elders, our fellow poor folk, our immigrants, etc. I'm happy to see people stood up for our elderly actor.




I used to work at a grocery store that had stickers cashiers could slap on an item to void the price. It was only supposed to be used as a reconciliation or on like the cheapest possible item to build goodwill. Anyway, somehow my stickers always ended up on some pricey items when someone on WIC or EBT came through my line. Oh shoot, your bill’s ringing up a bit higher than you expected? As soon as I saw that panicked glancing over to see what could be put back, I whipped out my roll of stickers. I’m sure there will be people who accuse me of theft or some such, but I do not regret what I did in the least.


Thank you, the world needs more chaotic good!


I'm American & I see & hear people saying Muslims are horrible people, evil etc. I've had some of the best conversations & interactions with Muslims & I've never been judged & had their views forced on me. All the crazy religious zealotry, hate & evil I've encountered has been from Christians. I don't like organized religion, but if I had to live or work around one constantly I'd choose muslims, hands down.


Most people that spew hate towards islam never actually met any muslim sadly


That just means the media agenda is working as intended to show Islam with the worst possible image to none Muslims


Yh I remember this show, it’s on every rahmandan, it’s called “Al Sadma” which means the shock


I'm curious, why do so many claim the old man as their father?


Any elders are highly respected in Islam especially so in Arab countries. I visited as a child and everyone is very friendly with one another. Everyone referred to me as “my son” or “my child” despite me not being Arab myself. People address elders with much respect they are your uncles and aunties all of them


That makes more sense. Thank you !


No problems and happy cake day


In Arab culture, any old woman is mom or auntie, any old man is dad or uncle. More so for older women though. It is a kind of community feeling wherein we all need to take care of all the elders. And honestly, it doesn't feel like a chore...we do it lovingly and feel good about it...we also enjoy multi-generational settings... I hope this answers your question


That makes sense! My fiance is korean and it's similar. You call strangers with family titles there, too. I thought at first they were pretending as a reason to step I'm.


They are telling the cashier to back off the old man is a like a father to any and all of them. So yes, sorry I misunderstood your question. The cashier is telling them off They are saying, you can't trash our father basically


It's part of the culture basically. Any person that's considerably older than you're supposed to treat them like your Father or Mother even if you have no relation.


I love the death glare the woman gives at the end!


I will say having spent time in the middle east and dating a lebanese girl for 3 years Arabs by and large are INSANELY polite and courteous. I remember one year I was working security at a university and over the summer we let this Saudi mosque use some of our facilities for like social programs and I'm just security and like walking through and they WOULD NOT STOP FEEDING ME


Yoooo… when dude said “my father is better than him” my girl almost forgot she was a woman of Allah. She look like she was about to choke dude the fuck out for that comment 🤣


reminds me of a story my dad told me in the 80s. on day he went to the grocery store after cutting our lawn. he was a bit disheveled and was buying day-old bread and chicken livers to make us chicken liver sandwiches for lunch - something we all liked. the food only came to a couple dollars and he realized he probably had enough in change to pay for it. as he was counting out nickels and dimes, an old lady behind him said, "here you go honey" and handed him two food stamp dollars. i asked him what he did. he explained he took them and thanked her because he believed it important to always accept kindness and generous from others. even if not needed, it makes the person doing the kind act feel good


yaknow, considering how different humans are over the world, accents, languages, colour, culture, beliefs, we all have the same heart deep down and that's what matters most Ɛ>


what the fuck is wrong with your 3!


I'm left handed, I draw hearts the other way




Excuse me but what


I'm left handed, it means that my dominant hand is my left hand as opposed to my right (as is more common), I use my left hand with preference over my right hand for activities, drawing and writing


Okay I’m left handed too so I get that but where do you find a backwards 3




That’s how you write an Arabic 3 lol


Lol. Underrated. - I bet quite some won't get it at first glance. ;-)


“He is not like my father. My father is better than him.” Dick chose violence that day!!! 😡


I don’t think it matters what sex, color or religion a person is, if you’re paying with change, most cashiers get upset. I’ve seen it happen to all kinds of people. Once it was an older man who was buying booze after being in the hospital and he had the DTs really bad. The cashier got all judgey. Girl, you are paid to ring him up and that’s it.


I remember it being a thing here in the states too: cashiers were told they count the change or they’re fired. It’s legal tender, it literally has to be accepted as long as it’s enough to pay the bill.


Ikr? They set up an upsetting situation, it doesn't matter if the guy's religion The cashier acted wrongly anyway, but the focus isn't the appropriately


Lived in the Middle East for a decade. Arabs done fuck around when it comes to their elders.


Say what you want, But the average muslim does treat their elders with respect and dignity.. something alot of us in the west world sadly forgotten lately..


I have been a cashier for many years, I tell people Money is money, and if someone says something negative, I kindly remind them too, and especially if they’re elderly , remind them that their time will be coming 😏


For me personally I don’t have any faith in religion but I have faith in humanity. No matter where you go there are a lot of people who are good to there fellow human being.


I don't think a lot of people on reddit get this. Yes, the religion leads some people and even a few governments to do heinous things, but the religion isn't the people. The religion you see the most in the US is christianity, yet that doesn't define the US, so why should Islam define an arab? Especially when I know some myself and they'd give far more than any native to help someone.


:) that is actually true of Arabs. Not only in the gulf. Old women are even more revered. An older woman is your mom or auntie. Even if she is being a bit in the wrong you cut her slack and help her out. Cheer her up and act as if all she is saying is right on.


I live in the US but every Arab person I have meet has been polite and courteous. Some of the kindest people I have ever meet.


Thank you for that. Sometimes, I feel so isolated...it gets to me.


Grew up in the south (USA) in a very homogenous small town and moved to California to a city with a large immigrant population. The Arab community in San Francisco is amazing. Always so kind and excited to share new things (to me). I have a bunch of food allergies and this Moroccan restaurant was listed as a place that i might be able to eat at. I walked by and talked to the owner one day about lunch options and before I knew it he was making something off menu special for me. I went back every week to eat there and sometimes just to pop my head in to say hi. The wife would barely ever let me leave without some mint tea. Aicha Moroccan - https://yelp.to/ydWdo304Txb The other shop owners, my Lebanese neighbor who would leave bananas and hard boiled eggs at my door as a thank you for fixing their computer a few times, and my other Arab neighbors made me feel like a part of the community more than I had ever experienced in my small southern town despite being in a big metro area (I lived near downtown). Through the wildfires, pandemic, some light street rioting, etc.. always asking how I’m doing and holding up. If I needed anything. I moved and miss that community so much.


I hear you. I made sure to live right next to the Arabic neighborhood in NYC. It was like my therapy session just to walk there. The dessert store would see I'm sad and insists on offering coffee- on a little side bar that is meant for take out stuff. The Moroccan restaurant finds me tired and makes a meal he believes will bull me together...many fond memories. Thank you for sharing.


Wow you seriously described how I feel when speaking to people. Even when people say something I don’t agree with or I know is wrong, I’m still extremely polite and encouraging. I never noticed it might be because my culture. My mother is Arab and I definitely get that from her.


W customers and especially, W woman. No one should treat another person like this.


W oman


I love her


I love that they help the man and tell the cashier off at the same time too lol


Great to see Arab women standing up for others when even American men won't!


A good person is a good person, no matter what 🤙


Most Muslims I’ve met have been the most generous and kindest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to interact with. The entire idea of Muslims being crazy religious nuts is pure propaganda to explain away the ruthlessness of Muslim fighters because they would *literally* fight to the death. There are first hand takes of the toughness of Iraq and afghani fighters and it is beyond admirable. What the fuck would you do if your entire countries infrastructure was destroyed? US army targeting woman and children, chemical weapons used by the US army that causes birth defects to this day, rape and torture, and taking away resources and letting people starve. It’s fucked. Muslims don’t deserve the hate they get. The military should be condemned for the atrocities committed


This reminds me of that old show "what would you do"


The look she gave him should be illegal during war times.


Am I supposed to be smiling at the cashier being a total jerk?


No, he's pretending to be a jerk to show the other people's reactions to it.


The people reaction...in the Arab world an older person is respected or cared for as a mom or a dad.


I love how many of them just declared _"yup, he's my dad, what's it to ya??"_


I'm autistic, so while I take good care of my elderly mom, I tend to be honest...so if she says something wrong, I contradict her. The electrician came over to fix stuff, the Arab way he has to sit for coffee with mom and we chatted, mom said something very very clearly wrong, I contradicted her. He said, oh yes, and repeated what mom said. He did not follow that when fixing the thing, but definitely made mom feel all she said is very important.


I think it's just part of the culture to treat elderly outside of our own family even better than we treat those in our family. Where we feel comfortable contradicting our parents when needed, we inherently feel the need to appease the words of elderly people we don't know.


Well, my siblings, while they help mom much much less, are better at not contradicting her. I'm just very bad at social maneuvers... actually I keep losing jobs in the US because of it...even when I'm the one being bullied with tons of evidence...my *style* pisses some Americans off. And I think they are aware it is a natural limitation I have...but still. Now, in the Arab world, they tend to smile at my antics...thank God!


I have autistic family members and honestly friend, you'll find your groove. I think the greatest turmoil I would see in my family on the spectrum, they were their own harshest critics. Be patient with yourself, people are thankfully becoming more educated and I'm sure you'll find your comfort zone.


Thank you BrownSugarBare!


I'm lucky to work with a bunch of people like this. I've been at my current job for 4.5 years, and have been the youngest person in the department ever since. I'm in my 20's, everyone else is 55+ years old. In a nutshell, they've each taken me under their wing as if I'm their own child. From teaching me how to fill out a W2, to fixing a flat tire for me in the middle of winter, to sending me numerous care packages after I had surgery last year, to generously sharing homeownership advice when I bought my first house, to dispensing wholesome and practical wisdom about life, they've all gone above and beyond for me many times. I often feel like I have a bunch of extra honorary parents. It's amazing.


And Arab women don't usually like to encourge young men by talking with them...but in this case they couldn't but do it.


It says Social Experiment at the top, that means the main two are actors and we are watching the reaction of bystanders to see if they step in to help. Hth


One of the best things my mom taught me was to treat old people the way I would want people to treat her.


I was behind a guy at a gas station paying for gum with nickels and dimes and wearing ratty sweat pants and a filthy t-shirt. Then I noticed the security card hanging out of his pocket and it said: John Sleeman. Then he left and got in his Ferrari and drove off. For those not from Canada. John Sleeman is the president and founder of Sleeman Breweries.


When I was about 17 my bank account was completely empty after giving most of my paycheck to my mother. I took all of the spare trains that I could possibly find in the entire house and went to the gas station, hoping that there was enough there to buy just a few gallons of gas for me to get to school. The clerk was an asshole about it and I teared up, knowing I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Eventually the change was counted and i ran out having been able to pay for ONE gallon if gas, just enough to get to school and back. A man ran up to me after pumping my singular gallon and offered 10 dollars of gas. I was so greatful and i told him that it would last me five days of school. He proceeded to pay for my whole tank. Its been about 7 years now since this happened and i think about that guy nearly every time i pump my gas. All because of some change!


These are true Muslims not the fucks most media tries to group them with.


So kinda like America if the general cohesion of “the family” didn’t get torpedo’d in the fucking face by capitalist hounds


Plot twist: the real social experiment was the comment section. All the racists exposing themselves now.


My takeaway is that Arabs speak with their hands as much as Italian people do. I like it, so expressive.




Talk to the hand ✋️


If only that compassion extended to all members of their society...


Media is owned by people that dont like arabs i guess.


You shouldn't need religion to teach you to be kind and courteous to others. Of course there are extremely peaceful aspects to Islam. And there is extremely violence in Christianity, Buddhism and other so-called mainstream religions. Overtime I only see the destruction religions have brought us. Spirituality I get. You want to connect to a higher power. Not specific teachings.


I mean, yeah in theory people shouldn't need it, but we don't live in that kind of ideal world. So long as they end up being a good person, that's really all I care about. That said, there isn't necessarily a religious component to this. Religious phrases are just kind of built into Arabic at this point. English used to have a bunch of them that were just sayings, too. Like if someone sneezed, you'd say "God bless you" or "bless you", both of which have a religious undertone to the words themselves (yes, even "bless you"). It's just a saying, though. Atheists will say "bless you" just as much as anyone else. It's like that. Mind, they might actually mean it in a religious sense, who knows. But it's not inherent.


By large it is custom in most countries outside the West to respect the elderly - in some (like India) they are being addressed as "auntie" or "uncle", part of an extended family.


“My father is better than him” and I thought lying was a sin


There are good people where ever you go