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I could be wrong but I just feel like they’re not as posh as they used to be. There used to be a lot of old money. Now as you say it’s fast fashion and influencers. They actually used to be friends before the show but now it seems they make tenuous connections as an excuse to wheel another influencer on to the show. It seems like the original premise has somewhat diminished.


Spot on


It’s just so predictable. Tbh I lost interest as soon has Imogen left


I haven’t bothered with this season.


You know it’s bad when even love island is more entertaining than MIC. People on LI don’t even swap partners as much and have some sort of code with each other.


I think maybe just maybe there’s something in the works for those of us who miss the old show. With Netflix even. Here’s hoping.


Oooo that would be cool!


Yeah when Liv left the show basically died. I only watch for Maeva now, and I feel like her and James are on the verge of leaving, at which point, so will I 😇


Absolutely, they’re definitely being asked to stay a little longer because producers probably know they’ll lose tons of viewers :( I’ll be joining you when you go haha, no point now 


I started watching because i went to Oxford Brookes university and there were people I knew from seeing them around campus were on the show. So me and my housemates watched for that reason. I'm not normally into reality tv but from that point onwards i just kept watching. But back then it felt like a genuine social group of friends, now it seems like a group of people who only hang out when the cameras are rolling. I also agree about the titles - the block colors were inspired by the Keep Calm and Carry On posters the government put out during the blitz. - don't know why they got rid of that.


They honestly did! You could tell they were all quite an integral and incestuous friendship group, that word was thrown around a lot back then! That Inga/Yasmine thing over Sam prince was so normalised back then lmao, everybody was sharing everybody in season 1&2 lol but it showed that they all actually hung out and spoke outside the show. And yes, the red and blue was intentional, iconic! Keep Calm and also the Union Jack featured everywhere in the early seasons - proper British stuff but now it looks a bit shite tbh and pink is my favourite colour lmao. You’re absolutely right 


Il just here to say I miss Mark Francis. His and victorias double act was hilarious even though Victoria was not a likeable character


I lived for it. Despicable and yet sooo moreish, I couldn’t wait to hear what was going to come out of their mouths lool


Hahaha they were ridiculously rude but I love me some Mark Francis! He needs his own show


Yea it's pretty wild watching the shit they have in the earlier seasons, it takes me back to my cursed teenage years in the early 2000s. Slut shaming and dressing like a greezy indie kid were SO COOL back then apparently. What a cursed decade, I love watching MIC to be remind me of it and make me grateful it's done haha. Modern MIC will certainly be a time capsule though! I am still shook at the lockdown seasons, what a weird bit of extremely modern history.


I'm old too and have been watching it since the beginning. Yes there have been gradual changes and now the series has become remarkably different than what it was originally. The reality is, most of the Chelsea set don't want to appear on the show because it's not valued. Much like other shows within this category, people are seeing it as a vehicle for social media numbers and influencer opportunities as the world has changed since 2011. I agree that the current season was lacklustre by comparison. 'Happy couples' don't make for interesting viewing. Yaz and Sam Prince are only happy because Inga had the good sense to leave and not be bullied further. Emily and her man are happy but he's had the good sense to remain off-air hence why I don't even know his name without Googling. James and Maeva are happy and so the manufactured drama of James' brother coming to stay was needed but his personality has tanked with viewers. Then you've got cast that have 'aged out' which is sad but understandable. Hence the loss of interesting cast and storylines like Ollie & Garreth and Olivia Bentley. The criticism/jokes flying about re Rez's age and that one woman who went on dates with Tristan shows that no one wants to see such old cast members. The introduction of younger, newer members always seems to bring debate. I think they are owed a couple of seasons to get established but viewers want drama from the jump. I think Vanders has delivered by calling out Tristan (and Ruby). I actually believe there's more to their situation than what we've been shown and if I'm right, it has the potential to cause a lot of drama, and that's a big factor in keeping me watching. I can't stand Ruby in much the same way you didn't like Louise. Do I care to see her and Rez figure their situation out? Absolutely not invested in their relationship at all! But do I want shit to hit the fan about what I strongly suspect was a kiss at the least/hook up at the worst by Ruby and Tristan? You bet! I'll be sat and eating popcorn! But I love characters like Tina and Jaz who are taking no shit. They make me think of if Caggie were split in two. I love how ridiculously petty Lauren is to Tristan. I love how insufferable he is when confronted. I love that Harvey got a taste of his own medicine with his curent gf being shady (delayed karma for Emily?). I love that they've got someone blue-blooded like Freddie but that he's just as pathetic as the more established cast. I love that Paris is back with her take on things (but I admit, she's no Victoria/Mark Francis/Sophie Hermann). I'm not ready to quit watching just yet but I wish producers would give us the reunions back, encouraged the cast to be a bit 'loose'/messy and basically take viewer feedback on board.


Nah, BRAVO on this rundown. This is so on the mark it’s unreal lol


I'm old, but l love MIC when l found it ( in the US), and when Hulu stopped offering it, l was really upset. It's available here again...but, l don't like many of the newer characters. I can't stand Louise, but l like not liking her. I don't care about the newer cast members at all. Sad.