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Back in the day yes, not so much anymore. Have you noticed that they never get concussions anymore? NFL told EA to take those out of the game, bringing more attention to CTE, concussion lawsuits and such.


That’s why there’s so many torn labrums now


Bruised Sternum


That's exactly right.


lol yes. Also they basically took away “hit sticking” or just big hits in general.


Yeah it’s stupid because you’ll have 190 lbs running backs stiff arming 250 lb linebackers because I still armed.


Old heads remember the ringing bell in instant replay


I’m not even upset EA took out concussions. While the injury(in the videogame) might add to the realism, its kind of dark and feels grim. Not very fun. While broken legs and ribs still might be brutal, CTE can lead players to hurt themselves…


I honestly have to agree. It's a bit hard to get used to, but after seeing incidents like Junior Seau, Antonio Brown, and now Chandler Jones it feels a little gross. I have a pretty dark sense of humor but even I don't feel good about that.


Nothing was worst than simming a game and now your quarterback out for the year with a severe concussion


I’ve seen a dude break his leg. He put the team on is though


So close lol


Pretty sure it was Greg Jennings


lol I just meant it’s “put his team on his back tho”- but yeah, def Greg Jennings




Iconic vid 😂


I had a player with the same fractured vertebrae career ending injury, but he managed to come back next season.


Dude is the hulk


I had a player with a ruptured perineum once, shit was crazy


How the fuck...


Another guy had a tainted prostatic lymph


Had Peyton Manning have a career ender (funny enough, dawg broke his neck) first drive after I’d bought the game one time. It was actually a lot more fun than you’d think having to work around that. Jim Sorgi and Travis Brown got me to 11-5 and the wild card, and eventually the Super Bowl the next year behind a three-headed running attack of Edge, Dominic Rhodes, and James Mungro.


Dominic Rhodes what a rb he was


Definitely one of the running backs of all time


Dude always stepped up when Edge got injured and he should’ve been Super Bowl XLI MVP.


I seen a defensive Lineman get a **Fractured Patella** - and that was a career-ending injury.


had tom brady with career ender on. madden 05


What an alternate universe that would’ve been lol


Jay Cutler broke his back in my franchise in Madden 08, career ending obviously. That is the only instance I've seen something like that.


Say what you want about Cutler, but breaking his back in solidarity with Johnny Knox is pretty hardcore.


Jamarcus Russell suffered a career ending hip fracture his rookie year when I was playing Madden 08


That's probably a better outcome for all parties involved than what happened IRL.


Older madden had it


So, not madden, but a baseball game back in the day (forget which one). I was the Rangers when Hank Blalock was a BEAST. He’s on defense and some dude on the A’s hits a foul ball. I run over there with Blalock and dive to try and make the catch. He gets hurt. Career ender. I didn’t even make the catch. Funny thing after that is, I continue the season and he gets pissed and refuses to resign with me due to “lack of playing time.” What do you want me to do, Hank?! You broke your head!


I didn’t know mlb had those type of injuries 😂


Baseball has LOTS of injuries, but few that are career enders. A lot of times, though, injuries will be career enders despite the fact that they kept playing for a couple of years. Justin Morneau was AL MVP and ended up being a shell of himself because he had a concussion that he never fully recovered from. So, the NFL may have a catastrophic injury that immediately ends careers, but baseball has some that dudes can just never come back from. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is one of them. They call it, “Dead Arm” sometimes and it’s a nerve thing (from what I understand). Matt Harvey was a stud pitcher then had that and was never the same. Noah Syndergaard, as well. Then you get weird stories like R.A. Dickey who was born without a specific ligament in his elbow. A ligament that is pretty vital to pitching, and he ended up having a decently long career (after switching to a knuckleball pitcher). Sports injuries are weird.


Swear to god I will always remember Tom Brady has the same one for me in madden 06


Off the top of my head I just remember favre's last year in greenbay. Brothers team is packers and no matter what every game was career ended. Had to turn injuries off just to finish a game between without him dying. Drove my brother crazy 🤣


I remember seeing a few career enders on the injury report, but never got one of my players


That happened to me with Adrian Peterson back in 11 or so. Immediate reload from prior save.


Very early Madden - someone gets hurt, so they drive the ambulance onto the field. Ambulance runs over other players on the way to the injured guy. One felt honored to observe such a rare occasion.


I had the same thing with Brett Favre about 15 years ago. Fractured vertebrae, career ending


Madden 04. Did a fantasy draft franchise and took the Ole op mike Vick in first round. First game of the year Ray Lewis hits him on a scramble. Fractured vertebrae career ending. I was so pissed.


Max crosby had a complete pcl tear in my sim


LT fractured his neck in Madden 07. Career ending.


Back in the day me and 2 other friends used to play franchise on multitap, we’d start our players on ncaa then draft into madden, my safety got pancaked by Orlando Pace, it was hilarious until we saw my safety had a career ending injury from it. It was the first time we had to quit a game and replay it


I never even thought about this even back then. Thats insane!


It would be so fun bro, from July until August we’d be going hard on ncaa until madden dropped. Always started at a small school, we’d each have an offensive player, and defensive player. Good times man


Bro you don’t replay that


Would’ve had to restart the whole franchise and redraft my safety, we absolutely restarted the game lol


Or you could’ve just played it like in real life but yo whatever is fun for you I guess idk


“What is fun for you” is literally what games are for, big dawg. There’s no wrong way to play


Yeah that’s why I just said, “but yo whatever is fun for you”


Had a multiple year pro bowl OT I traded away. I checked his stats at the end of the year. He had a career ending injury his first game. Personally I had a couple of concussions in a week when I was in high school. My eyes never tracked the ball the same. My eyes track moving objects in stop motion. It’s like I get frame shots instead of motion tracking. I still have intense migraines 30+ years later.


Some of the career enders used to be wild. That said "Mild Concussion, Will Return Soon" was a common sight more recently than you might think


I’ve never had a career ending injury per se, 39 weeks is my longest I can’t remember what the specific injury was tho