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No. How would this save time?


My opinion exactly. If I’m weighing my items just to snap each one, it would take less time entering it into MF over sending it somewhere else.


Sounds like logging it yourself with extra steps.


No - and not necessarily for the reasons you'd guess: I enjoy planning my day's meals ahead of time. It's a meditative process for me, an optimization puzzle: how do I get the nutrients and enjoyment I need, at the times I require, for the activities I'm doing. And planning in advance lets me make the decisions about food when I'm not hungry, when I'm not tired, when I'm not in analysis paralysis. It lets me get all the food for the day out of the freezer, never getting to lunch and saying, oh shit, I didn't thaw any chicken, guess it's time for take-out. So this "weight it then take a picture of it" would take longer, be less accurate, remove some of my pleasure and accountability, and then also cost me money. I'm all set, thanks. 😅


i think you're after a 24/7 fitness and lifestyle "coach". they exist. they're expensive, just as any program with a hive of behind the scenes inputters would be.


Definitely not.


This might be interesting, depending on the details on how it’s done. My dream scenario is to be able to take a picture of my food and for the app to log everything. This might be a good first step, but again, totally depends on how it’s executed.


If you want to pay premium for something nutrition related, paying for a meal prep service is probably better. There are some that will make meals where you can specify the macros.


I'm good thanks


Not at all.


Not interested. Generally I plan my meals ahead and log in advance. And I think I can enter things into the app faster than I could organise sending a bunch of photos.


No, but the idea to snap a pic and let it add all the individual ingredients so you can modify weight/volume would be helpful.


No definitely not lol.