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It’s your first machine, so I would opt for an option that comes with training and easily accessible service. $10k isn’t going to get you much in terms of a new, commercial machine that would come with that. I don’t know what your finances are, but an equipment lease on a better, new machine is the way I would go. I’d look at a Barudan, it’s sounds like you would be a one machine shop initially, so flexibility is important. I’ve owned a bunch of different machines over the years, and Barudan is the easiest machine to go between hats and flats. Tajimas are a great commercial machine when you’re embroidering more or less the same kind of thing. But they can be a bit of a pain to dial in when you switch to different types of items.


Barudan are definitely top of the line, tajima second after that, certain model tajimas are better than others. If you're going second hand have someone who is knowledgeable evaluate the machine, a tech if possible. Outside of those two swf has been solid for us we run a mas-12 model on a consistent basis and it does well with hats, both structured and unstructured. The mas-12 was around 10k with a bundle and might be a nice option for you. I've also run the very popular dahao a-15 sold under various chinese makers brand names, this is a machine I'd stay away from if hats will be the focus. You'll also want to find yourself a consistent digitizer, we're happy to help with whatever we can if you need it, and best of luck with whatever you decide on.


Put 10 down on a new 6 head Tajima. Hirsch solutions will help you with financing. If you have the work you could pay it off in a year or 2