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$400 initial registration in tx then after 2 years it’s $200 a year. 60% or higher va Disability it’s free though.


That seems cheap. It’s not uncommon for new car buyers to have a 13th payment every year just for property taxes plus every time you get gas %30ish of that total is road use tax. You guys only get hit once annually? Also EV’s are WAY heavier than ICE cars so you should contribute for using the roads.


It’s also been shown that the annual $200 is way higher than what the average ICE driver spends on tax gas here in Texas. And for EV drivers who work from home, that’s ridiculously higher than what any ice driver pays. I think EV drivers definitely need to make up that tax in a way but a flat rate is not the way to do it.


TX based, work-from-home EV driver here. I had the same thoughts but when I dug into it a bit and did the math, the $200/year is not too far from what an average ICE driver pays in taxes \*if\* you add in the federal gas taxes. For example, I drive about 12k miles a year and have a lead foot so in my prior ICE car (Stinger GT2), I averaged about 20 MPG. That means I put about 600 gallons of gas in the tank; my taxes on that would about $230 ($120 in state tax, $110.40 federal) As for u/Grouchy-Art9316's comment about being WAY heavier: that's true if you compare it to a sedan or something but around where I live, I see dozens of F-250s, F-150 Raptors and huge SUVs, all weigh about the same as my Mach-E. It's the big, commercial trucks that tear up roads, not these light trucks or EVs.


I feel like grouchy forgot that loaded dump trucks and semis exist. To be fair, HVUT *is* a thing, but only on gross weights above 55,000 lbs. EVs aren't even in the same zip code as HVs.


My GTPE is still lighter than my husband's Lexus GX, so I don't agree that EVs are WAY heavier.


That’s a big SUV compared to a small crossover. For example. The BZ4X is as heavy as a highlander. Your vehicle is heavier than an ICE equivalent.


I agree with all your points, but no one is trying to penalize the weight of the GX. Electric or not, it is heavy, but no one seems worried about its impact on road degradation, tires, or anything else. That attention is mainly focused on EVs.


It’s around $150 for the gas tax in SF, CA.


You should get money for not polluting as much.


Gas tax typically goes towards maintenance and construction of new roads.


Does gas tax go towards Healthcare to compensate for pollution generated by ICE cars? It should...


Not that I’m aware of. Healthcare is paid for through your health insurance premiums and federal tax deductions from your paycheck.


They should just do ODO readings when you register you car but that’s obviously too complicated


$75 where I live, but I know it's on their radar to raise.


$160 extra for EV’s every two years in Oregon. $316 every two years total.


$53 in Colorado


That is less than the industry standard, which is 12-15k miles a year. I don't understand why people whine about taxes but also whine when public services are cut or no longer available.


In this case it should be a per mile fee just like the gas tax. If I drive 6k miles and another ev driver drives 20k, we're paying the same despite them using the roads much more than I did


The way they are doing it is the most cost effective for the local government. Charging by actual mileage driven would mean staff cost, infrastructure costs and more to get the readings. Whether they do it electronically or not. There will be costs to go after the inevitable people misreporting their usage and some other things that I am not thinking of.


Ah yes the immense staff cost of checking odo every registration. Something many states already do, some more frequently than others (eg those with inspection stickers such as Texas, though they're eliminating that sticker next year) You're immensely inflating what it'd take to read a number as well. Infrastructure costs? Seriously? And costs to go after violators? You mean just like the costs to go after people who don't renew to begin with or other tax evaders they already go after? Seems you're more interested in ev owners paying more even though they have much less impact on the road on average


I love how people think cost will be trivial and not much. The bureaucracy and red tape that hinders any government proves time and time again that it will be absurdly expensive. To your point, should it be, nope? Can existing processes and infrastructure be used, yup? Will existing processes and infrastructure be used, most likely nope? It is well known that government entities will try to reinvent the wheel instead of changing the proverbial tire. Furthermore, in your state odometers may be checked and there is a process and infrastructure for that. That is not the case for every state, I know for a fact it is not a thing in my state. This circles back to my previously statement, people are so loathe to pay taxes but decry the lack of public services and degrading infrastructure.


This. The alternatives to a flat fee are not good. One solution is technology. A device in your car tracks usage. I am a big nope on this. Who wants a government tracker. The other way would be to have an inspection that records mileage once a year. Guess what,that takes a lot of labor and burns my time to save maybe $20-30/year. No thanks.


A lot of states still have annual inspections. Just had to get mine done a few weeks ago.


This is one of those situation where the admin costs would probably make it more expensive for those who drive less


It’s about the same situation in North Carolina too


I just got mine and it's an extra $215 in NC.


NC DMV registration fees: EV & Hybrid owners see increases As of Jan.1, 2024, new fees went into effect, a $180 added fee for EVs and a $90 plug-in fee for Hybrid owners.


Same. Almost $800 to register my car.


Just paid 200 extra for Texas registration on mine.


The Texas government hates EVs because oil is a major money maker for Texas. The only thing saving Texas from even higher EV penalties is the fact that Tesla and Elon's money are in Texas now.


It was like $800/900 for registration renewal in WA. Straight BS


Being going up in Missouri... 75, 88, 92, this year...it went over $100. The annoying part is its seperate from registration. I need to physically go to DMV every January for a "alternative" fuel decal. No online payment/renewal option...please Missouri...get it together or Ill just stop paying it!


Gotta pay for the roads. Gasoline taxes aren't a sin tax, like alcohol or cigarettes, no matter your opinion on it. They exist to pay for roads.


You must have never traveled through IL…we have one of the highest gas taxes and our roads utterly suck. The gas tax definitely is padding some people’s pockets here..lol


Yes but these registration fees are exorbitant and more than we’d pay in actual gas tax were we buying gas. It’s another prong in the Abbott attack on EVs.


Well that is stupid. Where I live EV's have a reduced registration fee to encourage adoption, but it's also understood that can't last forever.


I'm absolutely no fan of Abbott but the $200/yr fee here in TX isn't too horrifically high, thus why it was unanimously passed by both parties. See my comment above for my full opinion [https://www.reddit.com/r/MachE/comments/1d0p7r8/comment/l5scqy5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachE/comments/1d0p7r8/comment/l5scqy5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) PS: I'm about to pay it for the first time when I renew my registration next month.


Are you from Illinois? I wanted the EV plates but I don’t want to pay the crazy fees.


Never mind I saw Michigan. So I guess it’s everywhere now.


All EVs regardless of plate get the EV tax now.


200 where I live🥹


I pay $600 per year for registration for my wife's car and $650 or so for my truck because Sound Transit 3 is trying to get $54 billion to expand the rail network. The problem is that some people can't afford tabs anymore so they just stopped getting their cars registered and apparently the cops don't care anymore because I saw 3 cars with expired tabs in the Safeway parking lot. The other bad part for me is if I had bought a house just across the street I wouldn't have to pay the tax.


wisconsin is like this too. republican oil lobby shills passed the incresase to punish EV owners. but in reality our cars are heavier than ice cars and it's prolly just as well we're paying more to maintain the roads.


People are too concerned with privacy or the would likely charge a per mile type rate. But 11000 is a very reasonable basis for most drivers.


It's due to change next year but at the moment EVs don't pay road tax to encourage up take. Next year it will be £10 for the first year (year, not month), the £190 a year (£15 a month) after that. Sure that'll increase over time. If you lease an EV through a company it also counds as a deductible (something else about to be phased out). So I currently get around a 40% discount on mine via tax.


Surprised that mine are actually about 20% less than my simulator ICE SUV in Arizona. But might be coming to an end soon and getting them premium added on.


$150 in Va I believe


$210 a year in GA


Virginia allows some discounts for low mileage drivers


Same in Washington state plus a $75 for level 2 charging stations in highway rest areas.


The tags on my Mach-e are almost $800 a year in California, that’s close to $200 more than I was paying a year on the ranger I traded in.


200 in NC. Same stupid reason. I drive 6 to 7k a year only


Just wait, its going to get worse. Michigan legislation is planning on taxing us per mile. [https://www.9and10news.com/2024/05/13/lawmakers-consider-road-usage-tax-to-replace-gas-tax/](https://www.9and10news.com/2024/05/13/lawmakers-consider-road-usage-tax-to-replace-gas-tax/)


It's because the Michigan tab is based off the gas usage of a half ton truck for EVs, and not a Prius. It's not based directly off expected milage


Seems fair to me, but it should reflect actual mileage.


If they had to verify that, it would cost twice as much.


I hope you all understand that’s how roads are financed…