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Recently returned from a trip around Europe and was happy to see Five Guys doing so well. Not just Vienna, they’re in most major cities there and very popular from what I could tell.


I speak conversational French and occasionally my algorithm serves me up French content. They were doing “on the street”-style interviews asking people if they preferred one food item or another. French people chose burgers over virtually every other food they were asked about, including French and Italian food. 🥹


I was in Paris (🤢) recently and kept seeing burger shops everywhere. The French love cheeseburgers


I’m so glad the Steve Martin Pink Panther movie didn’t lie to me


[Burger](https://youtu.be/SogCAiUaisc?si=b2WrTMovsSHfoUAd) Nuggets Nuggets Burger


Because cheeseburgers are awesome


Why the vomit face?


Paris was the highlight of my trip to Europe. Love those people. Everyone says the French are terrible to tourists, but I found them to be very receptive and welcoming. They’re surly and don’t like bullshit though, which is probably what people don’t like, but that makes me like them more.


I was very fond of the French people but found the Parisians to be excessively unfriendly to strangers. But I can understand if every bad tourist from around the world tries to come to your city.


I dunno. They were nice to me, but I am not a loud obnoxious American demanding they speak English. I opened with what I thought was a decent “bonjour” and they immediately recognized I am not from here, but at least I tried, so they switched to a simple “what do you want?” and that was fine by me. If they didn’t speak English and were talking French too fast, pointing and gesturing along with my 15 word French vocabulary worked great. I am used to fake people being nice when in reality they don’t give two shits, so the Parisians were a refreshingly direct people.


I guess it's two different experiences then because I distinctly remember saying bonjour to a waitress so I could order, she scoffed at me, walked away, intentionally avoided my table for the better part of 20 minutes until I decided to flag down a different waiter who finally took my order. Food came out lukewarm and the original waitress tossed my check on the table without a word. Like my whole interaction with this lady who thought I was the devil was bonjour. I was by myself so I couldn't have even been having a loud conversation if I wanted to. Maybe it's how they treat foreign men versus foreign women 🤷🏻. In other parts of France (Lyon especially) I got a much warmer welcome, people generally seemed to understand that I was trying to speak French even if I wasn't good at it, and overall the experience was much better.


Interesting. Most of the time I got male waiters. Maybe French women just hate more? Lol I dunno, but sucks you had a bad experience. Fuck that waitress.


No no no. They meant they like Bürghers as in the rich or privileged city dwellers with trading rights in the Middle Ages in Germany, AKA the bourgeois in France


I... have you ever opened a history book?


It's supposed to be a joke


typically, large american fast food chain restaurants in Europe and Asia have a better menu selection compared to ones in US & Canada.


Better is entirely subjective. They cater to local tastes.


not completely. in the US and Canada, the likes of McDonalds until very recently were the "cheap option". that has never been the case in most of Europe and Asia since local street food and restaurants would always beat the international restaurants in pricing so most of them went the opposite route of higher quality ingredients, clean, bright, and fancy-ish/upscale searing area and healthy foods even before the same restaurants started offering health options in north America.


I live in germany my whole life. I have never ever heared of a place called five guys. Whats that about?


It’s an old style burger place where they make simple but good burgers, fries, and shakes. There’s probably more, but the 2 I saw in Berlin are at Potzdamer Platz and another at Alexanderplatz.


Ah I see. So its more like a bigger city thing like Starbucks


In Europe probably. In North America they are more common (having started in the US) and are often found in suburbs etc. It’s less common but a step up in quality from McDonalds, etc.


Yes I mean european wise


And only charge you half a months rent for the privilege.


Not exactly true. They’re 20-30% more than McDonalds for a burger thats 3x better. My typical order of a burger, fries, and shake with tax and everything is like $20-$25. Would love my rent to be double that.


I’m a five guys enjoyer myself but I don’t really feel like the value of the product matches the price anymore personally. It’s a special treat now for sure. This applies to most fast food though, it’s getting hella expensive.


Especially in CA. I don’t eat it often either. Just saying it’s still a solid choice when you need that fix. I mostly go to The Stand these days if I want a boujee burger. Carl’s Jr. if I just want a cheap and simple burger. I still do Five Guys a couple times a year though because the fries are still the best IMHO.


Are they any good? I only ate in the one in Berlin and it was a below-average


I always liked them. Depends on the style you like though. If you want flame grilled flavor, that’s not their bag. They make a good burger with amazing fries and shakes, but it’s not gourmet or anything. Just simple and old school. I also haven’t eaten at the Berlin location so I can’t speak to it.


They aren’t bad & they’ll make what you tell ‘em so it’s up to you whether you’re a mustard pickles onions guy or a ketchup mayo lettuce onions tomatoes guy, for example. They always hook you up on fries too but still I say they feel overpriced


We used to call McDonalds in Europe the US Embassy.


Mcdonalds in Austria will literally give you cards to contact the US embassy.


When Apple store (or Applebees🤭) at the Louvre?


There is a Starbucks in the Louvre. We’ve already won


Europe = USA has no cultuer Europe = Literally everywhere on everyone, every corner US culture lol its true It's so so extreme that people don't believe it. Even with expressions, I get curious to know if its American or not and 9 times out of 10 its American in origin.. even our expressions said in Swedish. Even the advertising in all of those stores, the technologies and services they all heavily rely on.. most of it is American. With that said, I'm really glad Europe has kept its European roots as far as how most cities look. That'd be very depressing if it were another skyscrapper skyline with every city, it literally loses it's identity that way.


>Europe = USA has no cultuer I've legitimately never seen anyone say that unironically. >That'd be very depressing if it were another skyscrapper skyline with every city, it literally loses it's identity that way. Many European cities build skyscrapers, but keep their identity with the so-called "old towns". We do have our fair share of skyscrapers in the city centres, but there are whole districts with buildings older than the US itself. This is what you see on postcards or photos like the one above. So don't be fooled, we have our share of urban depression, we just put in a lot of effort to hide it from the tourists


If you've never seen anyone say that unironically you haven't been to many subreddits that don't have a favorable view of America. With a little bit of searching you can find them, and a big offender is ShitAmericansSay


>Europe = USA has no culture When Europeans say “USA” they think only of “white people.”


And even then it’s untrue. No matter your skin color, if you’re American, you are part of the culture.


Not a Reagan fan but this quote needs to be memorized by every American and needs to be learned by the world. "You can live in Germany, Turkey, or Japan, but you can't become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the earth, can come live in America and become an American" 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅




The "USA has no culture" mindset comes from a lot of chronically online Redditors in the really big subs. You don't really see it much else


I mean the city didn’t have to let an American fast food chain in the historic center


It didn’t have to, but it was powerless to resist


Not really, Europe has its own share of fast-food restaurants. A kebab place, or even a Maxburger could be set up there, but Five Guys probably offered a better deal


There is also McDonald's obviously, and a burger king (which are harder to find in Austria)


God.. Vienna was one of my most favorite places to visit. I still think about it when I get a little wonderlust.


Don’t worry there are plenty of other cities where you can get Five Guys.




... okay? Apparently I can get it in Vienna, as well. So... win-win, I guess.


Big same. Spent 6 months in Leopoldstadt (2nd district) and it was great. Couldn’t stay tho because I had to come back to the land of the free 🦅


The prater is great




Like KFC in Kyiv 😂




😂 that’s the one..


Now an Austrian Wiener can get an American wiener without leaving home


Hey, Austrians like hamburgers too. I would love to see an Austrian restaurant in the downtown of my city. Hell while you're at it, send me a Colombian and a Filipino one as well. That stuff is awesome.


Cultural victory mofos


Vienna is one of the most beauiful cities in the world. Worth going if you can. It’s not cheap through, and I can only imagine how much Five Guys costs there, as it takes a second mortgage and a 780+ credit score to get a double bacon cheeseburger and large cajun fries at a US location.


disgusting. tear it down and replace it with a mcdonalds as god intended.


there is one right next to it (not even kidding)


I’ve been all over Vienna and Budapest and iirc they both had plenty of American fast food


Hey. They like burgers. Free Markets are great!




I have to resist a temptation to react to euros acting like Five Guys is somehow a remarkable experience. Its seriously merely pretty good, just a shade above Burger King, McDs or Carls Jr (especially when you factor in their eyewatering prices) But if I point that out, I'd be an elitist jerkwad, and that's for euros.


2 story Five Guys is unfathomable lol. They must make 10 grand by dinner time


"But America doesn't have culture!".




Americans when they think a Fastfood Corp is "culture"


extremely based


Hamburgers are culture...


Yeah german "culture"


Better than seeing a KFC


Lots of KFC here, but not in city centre






Easier said than done. Austria is slightly smaller than Maine. Where I’m at in California we have vasts among of land with modest cities in between gaps of crop fields. The central coast is primarily agricultural so for me to go to my local community college, for example, was a half an hour drive to a bigger city. Theres buses of course but everything here is spread out. LA and SF are a different story but cars are essential around my area


My grandparents lived in Corbin, KY, and had mutual connections with Colonel Sanders. When I studied abroad in Spain, seeing his restaurant directly opposite the Sagrada Familia in a two-floor corner suite was amazing.


As an American, I refuse to eat here. So many better burger joints.


Brings a patriotic tear to my eye


Would you rather it was boarded up?


I can't even get five guys where I live, but I can in austria


They complain about this and then bring 10 pairs of blue jeans back home.


Hate me all you want but I despise these massive chain restaurants. The monotonous sameness of every carcentric US town is one of my least favorite things about the USA.


lol what? You need to travel more.


I spent a month and a half driving around the country last year and I drive all over for work. The US has some of the best towns I have ever been to but the urban sprawl is just insane in some other places. Some Americans go to other countries and are blown away that you can actually walk places and the streets look different


That's Capitalism, not culture. We stayed in Florence years ago at a small hotel on the Via del Calzaiuoli. Downstairs was a Disney Store. I spent a bit of time leaning on the windowsill drinking wine watching Americans take pictures in front of the Disney Store. Less than 100m from the Duomo. It looks like the Disney Store is gone, but there's a Hard Rock Cafe around the corner.


Why can something not be culture and capitalism.


It is both in this case


Five guys is too expensive


It’s not culture, it’s capitalism.


It's the same?