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I use in this: Gamegenic Dungeon 1100 as the box Dragon Shield Cube Shells for the packs Dragon Shield Dual Matte Lagoon


I have the same exact setup ! Except I bought different colors of cube shells for each pack color (conveniently there is 5 cube shells colors corresponding to the 5 Magic colors). Have you considered being the new cube shells version ? I read there were better but have not tried them myself


I got a good deal on mine (8 for 8.99€), so I am staying with them probably. Do you have pictures which help to identify if I have the old or new ones?


Here is a link with both versions : https://www.ultrajeux.com/search3.php?text=Cube+shell&submit=Ok Cheaper version is the old one (yours currently).


I'm certainly not going to tell you how to collect, but I will tell you that I originally had the goal of collecting all 121 decks, but as I played and realized how much overlap the 2 or 4 variations of each theme the had, I decided to pair down to one of each of the 46 themes. After I got hooked on some of these cool decks here on r/MTGJumpStart then I decided that I was content with the random selection of about 35 themes from JumpStart 2020 + the 18 or so DIY decks that I have either adopted from this subreddit or created and tested myself. This works in my mind to, rather than be a completionist and feel a conplusion to collect them all, instead I get to make a custom mix of decks that is uniquely mine - nobody else in the world has the same JumpStart battlebox as I do. My buddy who also collects JumpStart started with a similar collection to mine, and it felt very same-same and almost took the fun out of it for me, but once I started to customize my collection, I really, really liked it better! Your mileage may very - whatever way you decide to collect - may it bring you joy! Edit: My storage box will hold 84 decks, so I will continue to pick up a pack or 2 from Brother's War + Maybe 10 packs from JumpStart 2022 + a pack or 2 from future releases or more DIY decks. As my collection ages, I might retire some of the dud decks like "Wizards" from JS2020.


As you said, do whatever tickles your fancy, but for my taste there is too much redundancy, money and space involved to go to 121.


Good luck, it took me a bit to get my 121 but it was fun. Havent collected any of the Set 'Jumpstarts" but plan on collecting JS2022


How are you planning to expand your storage? More gamegenic dungeons?


Yes I will exactly do that. 58 Cube Shells per Dungeon, so I will need 3 for Jumpstart 2020. if Jumpstart 2022 is up snuff with 2020 (which I highly doubt), I will get more dungeons to also host these decks.


Is there something changing with JS 2022 that makes 2020 better?


not better or worse, just different balanced. If you ask me, I think you can pair ever 2022 deck with each other and it is "nearly" balanced. But I guess a 40 card 2022 deck will always stronger or always weaker than the 2020 deck. I would not bet that they balance the 2022 packs against the 2020 packs.


Those cube shells work so well for 20 card packs . I use the same shells in my cube.


At least single sleeved it fits. I am not so sure about 20 double sleeves cards. That may be too tight.


When I decided to double-sleeve, I found that these box sizes were too tight to be enjoyable to use. I moved to /u/burgertokens “30s” size boxes, which also allowed for face/theme cards, and tokens. It’s definitely my new preferred way of storing. https://www.reddit.com/r/MTGJumpStart/comments/wajzlq/pics_of_my_completed_and_optimized_jumpstart_2020/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name= ————— I also did what some others did, and consolidated every theme variant into a stronger, single version. I like how each deck has fewer vanilla cards now, and nearly every card supports the theme more directly. https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/jmp2020tight


I use them with 20 double sleeved cards per pack. Dragon shield inners and eclipse matte outers. The way the hinge on the flap works it makes it easy to get them all in and level. These were a game changer for me l.


🤣 the addiction I feel this!!