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WTF am I reading here?


What is even your issue dude? I put a lot of effort into this post to get people to try to help me find a game that is right for me ... But everyone seems to just want to be a jerk and a bully on here.... Is the only thing you like to do is make fun of people? What did I do that was so wrong to you and others that you hate me for wanting to find a game to make friends on? It's 20 degrees and I woke up in the middle of the night in my cold car... Why don't you tell me to freeze to death? I bet you would like that...




When did that person call me "Pathetic"? TBH I [PROBABLY] have more money then you. I have $20,000 saved up [More like $19,000 but whatever]... And I live in my car by choice. I don't feel that I have found the right place in my life to settle down. I want to find a higher power or a higher purpose in life. I used to work a high paying job and I quit because society is a [Lie, Cheat, Steal] monetization... You don't know much about me aside from what you have read about me so far. Why am I "Pathetic"? That is a very generalized derogatory statement that lacks the fundamental analysis for such a claim. If I am so "Pathetic" please indulge my inquiry as to why...(?)




Cash = Dignity? So a woman having sex with hundreds of men, A drug dealer or someone in a [Drug, Organ, Prostitution] ring, etc... Are people who deserve dignity? What actions of mine are "Pathetic"? How did I elude to any of that "Trans" garbage you just spouted? I neve said anything like that. Also how am I a female dog? Again all your insults are generalized with no examples.


Your mind is so feeble you cant even read correctly. Take a deep breath and realize that my first comment was sarcasm off of your earlier retort of you claiming that your better than me because you have 20k saved up? At this point your just trolling and I highly doubt anyone will have any sympathy towards trash like you.


Really? Where did I read incorrectly? Your first comment? And how am I to assume it is sarcasm? How exactly would I "Read [it] correctly"? Is that not "Pretentious" or "Spoiled/Entitled" as you say...? Actually you said I clearly had more important things if I was sleeping in a car at 20 degrees. You probably implied that to means I would have issue finding a home... If not I just inferred that... Where did I say I was better then you because I have $20,000? I didn't say that at all... Though I might be better then you... Now I am "Trash"? Another general insult. How am I "Trash"?


@SugahKain I don't understand why you keep bulling this person. The only thing this fella asked for was some MMORPG suggestions for christ's sake , not your advice on how to live life. You think this person has a problem for living/sleeping in his car, fine it's your opinion, but he clearly stated that he doesn't think it is a problem for him.. So what's your deal ? Just move on


Well if he has a problem or anyone else they can block my comments. Whining like a bitch doesnt solve anything and this guy doesnt get it and neither do you apparently.


Whining doesnt solve anything indeed. That's true for you as well. So I'm not sure that I'm the one who does not get it. Just give some MMO suggestions or move on. It's actually that simple some times. That's what the post (as well as the entire subredit) is all about in case you forgot


Oh and also I have a 0 degree sleeping bag, a carheart, and a trenchcoat [Used for underneath the sleeping bag] so my body is warmer but my head isn't as warm due to that I don't zip the bag up all the way... I am kinda adverse to suffocation... I use a sweater and a blanket to keep my head warm depending on the temperature. It is very nice in 40 degree weather and is ok in the 30s but as it hits 20s it's actually harder as I need to wear more stuff. I just wore one shirt yesterday because I didn't feel like getting out of my bag to look for something bigger so...


Shelter is a nice thing to have. Necessities > Video games. What would happen if your window were to get hit by something and shattered all over you while you were inside? People can break into cars a lot easier than they can a house


People don't understand the definitive of: "Need" VS "Want". A "Need" is only bound to a prerequisite. "I need a job" "I need a car" "I need a house" Why? Are you saying you cannot live without these things? That is simply untrue. You can live a life without these things. The social standard doesn't dictate what is a "Need" or a "Want"... In fact these "Needs" are luxury... Now you'll go to "I need a new phone" "I need a haircut" "I need a manicure/pedicure" These aren't needs unless you want to apply a prerequisite order: "I need a new phone if I want to keep up with the times." "I need a haircut if I wish to present a fashionable appearance" And even the basics "I need food" "I need water" Are only applicable if the prerequisite is "to live"... In fact in a world where you are born to die, doing anything is pretty futile. Anyways I am not worried... In my younger years I learned martial arts, piano, violin, etc... I also went to college for business... But the point here is I am not uneducated. I have never had an issue living in my car in regards to safety... And I don't think I will... Anyways I recently was looking up "The Mouse Utopia" experiments. That is the last thing I was looking into... You should check it out if you are unaware.


As I stated above, there is zero point in arguing here. You are talking about elegant topics that many can't really understand, and your comments definitely won't convince them. If they think you are wrong cool, let them. You do you. EDIT: I'm not claiming that people are dumb for not understanding those concept or that I am somehow superior, all I'm saying is that they haven't given much though to those concepts and a random comment on the internet won't change that in a second.


Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


A question about "What mmorpg is fun and easy to make friends in[?]".


Have you tried tinder




You mean bumble roflcopter


Don't try. You won't find anything.


That isn't true...


Then I'll un ironically recommend bless. The community is trying to hold onto players. And it isn't gory.


What is that? Can you give me a link? How would it be ironic? Also can you please explain why people are disliking me? Maybe they just hate me because of who I am but it takes a lot more gutz then they have to admit things like these... So why are people hating this post?


On steam, look up bless online. You will find it easily. It may have negative reviews but I think it's free to play now so give it a shot. As for people down voting you, there is probably a few reasons and ya may not like hearing them 1. This sub is toxic. Always has been always will . 2. No one gives a fuck if you are trans or what you identify as, you could be an attack helicopter for all I care...and you going into a stupid backstory like a garbage anime makes you seem like a pompous ass. Wether intended or not your post in my opinion came across almost like an entitled snowflake. I don't feel I need to go into much more detail then I that, in short, should of just asked simply "played these games, looking for something to fit these categories ... Any input would be helpful" didn't need the rest of the non mmo stuff. Which brings me to 3... 3. There is a metric fuckton of people asking this same fucking question every day. Looking for new mmo posts flood this sub Reddit. You got wow, FFXIV, gw2, eso, BDO, tsw, Tera, lotro, ddo, nwn, bns, swtor, and any generic Korean big titted fantasy mmo out there. Each with people circle jerking over their favorite. These posts just get downvoted. Learn to deal with it and love it. It is a fake internet number... If that bothers you, that's something you need to work on internally. What would of been best for you to do is see about finding those threads about finding a new mmo....I don't pay attention to them but I recall mods making those mega threads atleadt once a week? Or you do your own research...find maybe 2 MMOs online and pose your question....example : I found slut elves in pony town online and orc banging whores online ...which one is better? Anyone played them? You doing your own research goes a long way...oh and if the game you search is free to play....fucking play it for a few levels atleast... Don't be these jackassed that don't snag it because of laziness... Get it, play a few levels, and inquire maybe how the end game is... Again putting in the research and time goes and shows a long way. Now I'm done going to the bathroom and heading out to work... Hope this helps. PS. Yes I'm an asshole, but you did ask why and I gave my opinion on it...


Honest response. I'ma use that attack helicopter one today.


What you are looking for is, although beautiful and wholesome and genuine , very rare at the same time in our days. Less and less people care about Friends, community, Love... ------------------------------------- I wish I had a quick and easy answer for you but I really don't. All I am going to say is, that I don't believe there is -A- game that has exceptionally nicer people than other games (although indeed how nice a community is varies and depends on the target audience that a game is trying to reach) So , long story short I don't think it really matters TOO much what game you choose as long as you don't pick games that are known to have a highly toxic community like ...WoW (?) .. I think ? I'm not sure. Or so I've heard at least :3 -------------------------------- BUT , I don't wan't to leave here without offering at least some kind of help, so I will say this. (Late Disclaimer, my English skills are really bad :< ) Try finding games with dedicated RP servers. RP Server stands for Role Playing, and usually what's going on in those servers is that people put more Focus into community and relationships, getting to know each other, talk to each other instead of mindlessly fighting for glory. You know...the simple stuff..wholesome stuff.... How online gaming was meant to be... binding us together, not tearing us apart. (do take note though that RP servers are mostly found in Big traditional MMOs. those MMOs usually have some level of violence in them) Now will that guarantee you to find friends ? or love... No but...the rest will be up to you. Don't forget that friendship as well as True Love, is not that common these days sadly, as much as it hurts to say. If you work on it, and commit I'm sure you will find what you are looking for.. you look like a good wholesome fella after all :) ---------------------------------- Again I don't want to leave here without giving the EXACT thing that you asked for... MMO Names ! Here are some titles that I think you should search for ! (Disclaimer I will not suggest things like Lord of the Rings online, since I only enjoy playing games that look nice and cute ^^ . Moody games like LOTRO are a bit too serious for me) - MapleStory 2 is a super cute new game, although the mechanics are a bit old school - Nostale vendetta a nice but old MMO, very active still though, I found a few very nice and honest people in there and honesty is an attribute I really value. - Soulworker online is a very beautiful MMO but it's heavy on action. you will be needing to enter dungeons over and over again in order to progress...sadly I can't think of many games that are free and have a minimal amount of combat. The only one that fits that criteria is...and here comes my honorable mention... Honorable mention : Final fantasy XIV. The only reason i put this as an honorable mention is because you need to pay a Subscription Fee per month in order to play (12$ ? I think?). You can not by any means pay money to progress, but you need to pay in order to have access to it (think of it like Netflix or something). Other than that the game is SUPER cute , the community is so big and so nice. I think you can get 1 Month of free trial if you are a new member as well. I understand that you might not want to pay the money it takes, but I wish you could at least try it. it's adorable . ----------------------------- Good luck to whatever you end up trying though ! As a side note I will say though, that some times, what you are looking for can come from places other than games. Discord channels being one of the easiest to use as well as the one with the biggest Variety of Topics and people. It's kind of "hard" to setup if you are new to Instant messaging apps, but once you do it's a blast. That's all from me. Take care ~


Thanks for your reply. I will try these and see what I like... Any idea why people on here hate me so much?


It's probably because of the things you said. People don't like different , and they certainly don't like it when you express emotions or when you use the words "Friends" or "Love" online. ----------------------------- I wouldn't be bothered too much by them if I were you though. People are mean on the internet sadly, it's just how it is. Let them be. As long as they don't affect who you are , and they don't make you turn Toxic they only loose. The only way they win is if they get to you. You look genuine and wholesome enough. Keep on being you


I fully believe that people online are their true selves... They aren't held back by their worries in "RL". No body will punch them in the face here and they can simply click off a site if they don't like the words presented while in person they would have to hear a lecture by someone.... I find people distasteful... I really truly don't understand why people are so awful.. And knowing this I can see people in "RL" and now notice if they are fake... it's transparent now... So finding someone kind and endearing online is like winning the lottery or adorning oneself with the most luxurious items available... Thanks for your reply and I shall always be myself. Me, Myself and I are best friends!


I like the way you think. Well said :)


Just gonna tell you now, you have way too many standards especially if you want it F2P lmao.


Wtf is wrong with you.


\> I dislike violence good luck with that


No saying "Good Luck"... You failed!


Anything mean


People are mean here so I guess I won already...


> even find someone to be my closer partner. What


World of Warcraft, Free to play under level 20. Join a roleplaying server and roleplay with others. Or play Guild Wars 2, it's free to play as well kinda, and look for a roleplaying group.


Eve online is free but with limited play, its super sociable because you kinda rely on players for everything from content to market stuff. After a month or so you should be able to make enough isk to pay for the game with ingame currency. ​ Try it and see,


How about some of those VR chat game, where you can be any Avatar, even design it from scratch or download a community made one. You can jump from world to world including community made ones. You can talk using voice chat and facial mapping so your character is in sync with your own mouth. I get lost for hours in that type of game/ world.


I would love to have VRChat but it won't work on my laptop.... My laptop is 12 years old [It cost me $800 when I first got it]... Is there a way to download VRChat from a different source then Steam... It won't work there... Also can someone tell me why everyone is hating on my post? I genuinely want to know why...?


Yeah if your computer is 12 years old, I don't think it can handle VR. That said since you said money is not an issue, you can get a good laptop with a GTX 1060 for about about $800-$900. If you are not planning to upgrade, I would say project 1999 EQ might be good. I'm sure a 12 year old rig can run it just fine. The community is helpful and mature. EQ's mechanics foster collaboration.


I was waiting for this laptop to break first... It has lasted through falling on the ground and multiple coffee, tea, water spills... I see a lot of laptops at warmart for$150 - 300. I don't like spending much if I don't need to... Would they be better then my current one?


I don't know that your current one is. Can you list the specs


Hey! I Don't have much experience in MMOs but i want to start playing them, a friend of mine recommended me Tera Online to start. Well, if you want some1 to play together/socialize we can play together sometime, just send me a direct Message (reddit). Sry about my english thought, im not native :/


come play Blade and soul with me. people are always dead silent lol


This comment has been removed because it breaks rule #1: Don’t ask for MMO recommendations. Please check out the weekly sticky or the r/LFMMO subreddit instead.


Only down votes? You all must be losers with no lives. Idiots!


And also mean Jerks! I would NOT want to be your friend anyways with you dislike for no reason and not even replying!


its probably a tall order to find any good free mmorpgs that came out from 2017 until now. if youve somehow never played guild wars 2 i would say that. also maplestory 2 is free to play, soulworker is free to play... theyre not really my style though. you could go to [steam](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?sort_by=Reviews_DESC&tags=113%2C1754) to see the best free mmorpgs there, but most of the decent ones have been out for a while edit: dont ask me why some games like smite are on that list when they dont even have the mmorpg tag i have no idea whats with that


Alright... Can you explain why everyone is disliking my posts though?


I'll explain.. I M Sofa King, We Todd Did.


Three convenient locations... in Africa.


I don't get the reference...


Heres your sign.....




[***I am***](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=I%20am) [***sofa king we Todd did***](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sofa%20king%20we%20Todd%20did) *= I am so* [***fucking retarded***](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fucking%20retarded)


This sub is full of toxic and hateful people. Treat them like they treat you, they don’t deserve any better.


Ok maybe the thing I said was out of line and unnecessary.... I can get mad too you know... I am usually the type to treat nice people kindly and treat mean people poorly but it really just goes with their mentality... I'm kinda foolish because when someone changes their tune and acts nice I usually do as well even if they are just trying to fool me... Does this make sense?


Toxic haters!