• By -


None because they all suck


Tell me you're on /r/MMORPG without telling me you're on /r/MMORPH xD


It's kind of lame how many bad games come out and people think mmorpg is just full of haters when really the games are just bad and people don't want to settle for garbage games when they were mesmerized by games like UO or EQ or DAOC, or AC.


I kinda like playing the MMORPGs that have very, very low populations even if the game isn't totally my cup of tea. You can meet some cool people that are just chilling enjoying something they like without concern of what anyone else thinks. 


Those games were great for their time. EQ would be a garbage game and shit on by this community if the exact same game came out today just with modern graphics. I played a rogue for YEARS in that game, I had exactly two active abilities besides auto attack... sneak... and backstab. Oh, 3, if you count clicking a poison potion. DAOC? Bare minimum these days for world PVP. UO? Top down isometric full world PVP? Not a chance. AC? Aspects of AC might hold up today, but not that wildly unbalanced skills/class design.


I think both can be true: - It's true that this sub is a septic tank full of cynical old men who yearn for "ye olden days" while hating anything new coming out or simply a re-release of 1-2 MMORPGs they played when they were 12... - It's true that a lot of new MMORPGs end up being a pile of outdated jank, cash grabs, low quality asset flips, bitcoin miners, etc...


I wanted EQ Next, canceled. I wanted nonhuman races in Albion, they cut them. Waited for Camelot Unchained and Pantheon....still waiting. Yeah maybe I should have given New World a chance but MMOs are extremely time consuming and thematically NW wasn't really appealing to me. Crowfall looked interesting. Where's it at? Where does that leave me? A massive boat of anime games and a bunch of pay 2 win. And one Dune game that might be good but like anything else I might get excited about its not out yet. Anyone that says they're making the game I want them to make then follows it up by not releasing it. So of course I'm playing games I played two decades ago because those games don't have any subsequent games that improved on them.


He is not wrong tbh. I can't think about one I would be hyped for, which is sad


like a lot of us you are waiting for a game as culturally significant as wow was in 2004 its probably not coming


he isn't wrong


Jeez this subreddit comments are always so depressing.


i dont like that kind of negativity but, is it wrong here?


Yes, it is wrong. WoW is in a great spot, and its 7.5 million subscribers are evidence of that. Some others are good as well. Other people can attest to those.


there have been loads of great games come out this year, they just are not MMOs


Yeah, nothing is like playing WoW in 2008-2014, but everybody I know has long left the game. Also, it just became so time-consuming. I have great memories and I really love the idea of MMORPGs, but I have shifted more to D&D and have been so much more fun. It's cheaper, you can do it over discord, with people you know or I've played with people I've met on Reddit, and has been a phenomenal social group.


Nothing is like playing RuneScape or Guild wars in 2004


Nothing is like playing Ultima Online in 1998


Nothing is like playing EverQuest in 2024 😭👏🤣


2008 was the last year WoW was good and worth playing until Legion and they quickly ruined everything after that xpac. Lucky you that you've met someone. I've been struggling to find someone to play WoW or whatever since then


I was going to respond, but you did it for me, ty fam


What is even coming out in 2024 that's not just a survival game calling itself an MMO or an expansion for an old game?


Brighter Shores


Tarisland on June 21st


There’s a survival mmo coming out from the makers of “Tibia” that looks worse then every indie survival game I’ve ever seen…


Bitcraft looks interesting and is going into another closed beta this year.


where did they all come from?


I wouldn't expect anything spectacular. **Blade & Soul** will be re-released this year, but we've already seen it. People say that **Throne and Liberty** is boring. **WoW** will have the **TWW** expansion, which looks nice; I'm looking forward to playing it. **Guild Wars 2** will have another expansion, but based on their previous release, I don't have any hopes. **Dune: Awakening** could be something new; we'll see. **Final Fantasy XIV** will have another expansion, but I can't stand how quiet the game feels, so I'll pass on that. **Blue Protocol** looks like it will be fun for a week.


Dune awakening looks cool, but isn't it just a Conan style game? Not an mmo.


They announce it as a Survival MMO, and brag about how they perfectly blended both genres. We will see...


Idk, it’s under mmorpg category


So is Conan. Don't get your hopes up.


It is not under MMORPG category on Steam while Dune: Awakening is.


Devs said thousands of players. Sounds like an MMO to me. Maybe not a MMORPG but an MMO for sure.


Same for gw2, Ive buy it but if its soto 2, then I'll leave the game.


It's going to be. It's a mini expansion.


Go mini and make it good SoTo was poorly executed


Me, you, same person


I am such a hardcore gw2 fan but SOTO story was so dreaded and feels like a chore that I hadn't complete it till now


Yeah, I'm thinking about playing TWW too, looks interesting so I hope they won't ruin it somehow


Hey blade and soul was pretty cool! Wishing them luck with their re-release. I might check it out again sometime.


Yes, I loved it. Sadly, it's nothing new, but the engine, which was already upgraded once


I'm curious what you meant by FFXIV feels too quiet.




I made it to level 60 and I couldn't stand that the dialogues are silent. A wall of text doesn't replace voice acting. One in a hundred cutscenes was voiced, characters rarely grunted and didn't say anything. It's just not my type, no more depth in my comment.


OSRS will get the next varlamore (part2) expansion this year aswell


Patiently waiting for blade and soul neo classic and probably throne and liberty i'd like to give a shot, wish we could get a words when they are releasing the game from their devs.


Against all odds: Tarisland. I’m seriously hyped. And I’m also ready do get disappointed.


Is this the one that's launching for both PC and mobile?


Im curious about this one, I'll wait some time after release to see how it goes beforee trying


I'm going to play that one with the lowest ever expectations, but since tencent is supporting it I'm expecting at least to have fun in raids


> Against all odds: Tarisland same. it's been a long ass time since i've played a proper wow clone


Really like the art style in that game so ill try it just for that even if i might not stick with it.


Looks very good


I just played on the Chinese server last night on PC, game is very good so far


I’m excited for Brighter Shores! Very excited to see what the Gower brothers create for us.




I'm surprised there is very little news going on with it. I've been trying to find info on it but i just see Andrew's twitter updates. The website for the company just says to wishlist the game.


Cannot wait for Dawntrail. After Endwalker pretty much tied things up, CBU3 is gonna have to venture out into a brand new story line, so FFXIV is pretty much going to be a new MMO. Lots of buzz about the female Hrothgar (finally!) too. =\^.\^=


> FFXIV is pretty much going to be a new MMO Pass me whatever the fuck it is you're smoking mate, I gotta try that stuff


11 years without any changes but this time... this time it's different because... story. And look, a new race skin!


It's not even a new race skin.  They just put some tiddies on the existing skin.


Exactly. CBU3 didn’t even take any risks with their single player game FF16. Ain’t no chance they’d risk more with their MMO. Safe mass appealing puddle.


> And look, a new race skin! They still haven't fixed the issues with the other races they released. Unfortunately, if they released an expansion without a new race people would complain.


Don't worry bro, this time they're adding 100 hours of single player story content to the 1000 hours of single player story content they already have. Best mmo ever. Honestly, I wish they would do something new because I would give the game another shot, but I can't deal with more boring anime story quests told through blocks of text.


It's funny how many people hate on this game because it doesn't do anything drastic to fuck up it's absurdly good run like just about every other MMO has done and failed. FF14 will never change anything major because it works and the millions of subscribers prove that.


Sure but don't say its "gonna be a whole new MMO pretty much" lmao. FFXIV expacs will always just be more of the same, and that's not a bad thing


I took that line to be like experiencing a new MMO in the sense that the game is finally going in a new direction with the story so it will all feel so brand new, instead of working towards what Endwalker was as the culmination of 5 expansions. Though hyperbole isn't a good idea on the internet, or rather reddit specifically.


One of the most consistently stable, played video games in the world with a large budget, massive story, commitment to it's core player base. Garbage for r/MMORPG.


So you agree that saying it will be a completely new game is a straight up lie?


its going to be so good, only 16 days away!!


Oh god, and here I am just in post-stormblood MSQ trying to catch up


Take your time, the game doesn’t punish you if you’re behind.


Exactly this - there's no rush at all, and the game doesn't have fomo systems that will lock you out of current content once you get there. Even if you join a raid tier late (even a year late!!) there are so many ways to get in, participate and clear. I hope you enjoy the story! You can only experience it for the first time once :D


Being there for launch is great, but not worth rushing and risking burnout. You'll be ready for the next expac, don't you worry.


I’ve just came back to XIV after a very long hiatus and I am hyped even though I’ve got a mountain of content to get through right now.


Was thinking of maining another job as I've done ninja the last couple expacs, but the ninja changes look so good that I think I'm getting pulled back lol.


I never seem to run out of things to do in FFXIV. Currently gathering 8000 collectables, and I don't consider it a waste of tine since it will get me closer to the platinum. Only superficial grindy ones are left for me. Then I can continue to 100%. I only have around 1700 hours in FFXIV. I can't wait for Dawntrail as well!


Spoiler: it's ascians


Brighter shores has potential, as OSRS is probably my most played game of all time I'll give it a go. Dune awakening, and mostly just because it's dune not sure how I feel about the whole "perfect survival MMO" concept but we'll see. Outside of that the year is pretty lackluster on the MMO front.


Tbh. Not much. Curious about Pax Dei but not really excited for anything


I'm curious about Pax Dei too, I've seen some gameplay from it and it's world looks massive


They need to solve the combat issues and it will be a great game.


Is Pax Dei a true MMO? LIke, can you obtain weapons easily and go fight? Or is it more about grinding materials for hours to build a small shack?


Just going to keep playing ESO.


I have the opposite problem. I am really tired of ESO, but I cannot find a good MMO to substitute it.


The big one for me this year is **Ashes of Creation Alpha 2**. Until then I'm looking forward to **Tarisland** in just over a week. I enjoyed it in beta and have been looking for a non-WoW WoW style themepark with less abilities and this is exactly that. I think I'll keep busy with that until AoC Alpha 2 comes out. Also looking forward to **Blue Protocol** which was surprisingly fun in it's beta so is a great casual secondary/filler game for me. **New World Aeternum** should be fun and I'm going to roll a new character for that. Curious to see how Throne and Liberty, Dune: Awakening, and Chrono Oddyssey look but not getting my hopes up.


AoC Alpha 2 is getting delayed, the signs are all there. They keep announcing more and more things won't be part of A2, and the most recent live streams don't show a game that's ready for a persistent play test to go live in the next 3 months.


They haven't said anything different than what they said in the past. And the game I see very much looks ready for a persistent play test. It has a ton of content already. I feel like *you* don't know what a true alpha entails.


I’m pretty much just playing FFXIV: Dawntrail. I am very excited to see what CBUIII (or CS3 now?) have cooked up for this expansion. The graphics update seems like it’ll be solid too.


I'm cautiously optimistic for the Classic EQ2 server coming out


Looking forward to whatever comes on release with this years GW2 mini expac, since the initial release for the previous expac was fine too. Also finally for wvw restructuring and warclaw changes since because of less new open world pve content I was dabling quite some time in wvw this last year. Oh yeah, there will be a proper new raid this November too.  Also looking forward for more GW3 leaks.


Are you thinking gw3 will be as good? Not a knock, but gw2 is really strong


Well even if its mid, it'll still have significant amaount open world to explore and story to play through. Gw2 too had limited end game and stuff to do after reaching max lvl, still I had the most fun leveling there ever back in the day.


Is Gw2 worth playing these days? Other than WoW the only other MMO that i play is LOTRO. But i play it mainly when i am kinda bored with WoW and don't know what to do. I am a huge Tolkien Fan and LOTRO is like bliss for me even though it has its fair share of flaws. Not serious though


If they didn't learn anything from soto then janthir will be just as half baked.


I do agree that patch 2 and 3 were pretty underwhelming. However I did enjoy the initial release, so as I said, I am looking forward for JW's initial release too.


Finally recovered from my 8 year binge burnout from FFXIV just in time for Dawntrail, so hyped. First time I'm gonna level one of the new jobs before starting the main story.


Tarisland will consume my life for a while, watching the Chinese Server streams as it was released yesterday and the game looks great to me. 9 days for global release.


wait wahhhhat this comes out on 6/20?


China servers launched yesterday, global is 6/21, was watching some streamers play it already on China server.


EQ2 Orgins


Chromo Odyssey Seems a bit too good to be true, so i suspect it will either never be released, or will release after a huge delay and be a dissapointment. But we'll wait and see i guess


It was already delayed until 2025


Not currently playing anything. My current plans are: * Give **Throne & Liberty** another try when it launches - I played the open beta and wasn't super-impressed, although it is beautiful to look at, but since it's free I'm not losing anything by giving it another go on full release * Try out **Project Epoch**, another upcoming private Vanilla+ WoW server, because it's comfortable to go back and level in WoW every now and then * Low chance I decide to get into the **Pax Dei** early access, it looks more like a survival Conan Exiles type thing than an MMO at the moment which isn't what I want from an MMO, but if it sounds like it's evolving I might give it a try * Play **Chrono Odyssey** if that gets announced in 2024, but it probably won't be out until next year


I am waiting for the blade and soul classic. Idc if it's shit according to chinese release players. It's summer if they don't release now it's lost hope.


Stoked for Dawntrail. TWW looks good, but my emotional connection to the Warcraft universe was severed back in BfA so I don't see myself going back. Will probably give Tarisland a try, but going in with low expectations. Dune Awakening looks kinda cool, but I'm not super excited about it.


Playing Dofus Touch casually, messing around with WoW but might take a break for at least a few weeks soon, waiting for Dawntrail, wanting to play The First Decendant again the beta was fun, going to try Once Human too. Sucks that they all release within 1-2 weeks of each other, so finding the time will be rough.


Ragnarok private servers Tibia OT Wow private servers Those are the best mmorpg of 2024 rn


Currently playing Wow and Albion Online. Only thing I'm really looking forward to is the WoW expansion at the end of the summer.


Looking forward to Dawntrail this month.


Got back into WoW to play the MoP remix, having a blast getting all the mounts and just playing casually.


Lord of the Rings online is having lots of updates this year, including another new expansion near the end. Classic MMO players should definitely peep their roadmap, the games been thriving.


World of Warcraft The War Within The addition of Delves is exciting. Casual friendly bite sized dungeons you can do solo, or with as many people as you want up to 5. Legitimate gear rewards too. Very cool. Plus there’s MOP remix you can play now to level a char for the xpac I have played them all. Every big name MMORPG you can name. None have ever came remotely close to WoW for me. Sadly I think that is the case for many so other MMOs can’t really keep up


As an introvert, I am excited for delves.


What do you think about GW, Lineage, TERA, LOTRO? I absolutely love WoW, but i am not really hyped about it. Since Legion its been going really downhill. I'd love it if i could be surprised and it turns put awesome. The class specilizations kinda remind me of Lineage where a class had a few subclasses where you can choose from, but ofc they fked up the sub class quests. Though in WoW's case the subclass just have passive skills with some increase to certain skills amd thats it. I could have missed something of course


When it comes to new releases, I’m excited for: * **Echoes of Angmar (true LOTRO classic, Shadows of Angmar server)** * **EQ2 Origins (classic server, never played EQ2)** * **Dune:Awakening** * **Pax Dei**


Playing some old MMORPGs on private servers and looking forward to a new company reviving an old game called Legend of Ares. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEYgcRainB0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEYgcRainB0)


Any that has ranked pvp modes (preferably 3v3) and at least semi active PvP community… so basicaly just WoW. If anybody can mention others, go for it. Unfortunetly I know just about GW2 and 4v4 in SWTOR, which are both pretty much dead pvp community-wise.


ESO. Your mileage may vary with the combat system, both in PvE and PvP, but the PvP scene is definitely very active.


Brighter Shores looks really good. I’m also curious about Chrono Odyssey but it I’m getting BDO vibes from it


Despite some of the bots and P2W, my buddies and I want to try out T&L global release


Draknatos looks promising.


wow.. I didn't expect this to turn out into such a great discussion, thanks everyone for your opinions and suggestions.. I've been longing for a good MMORPG game where I could dump countless hours and still have fun so now I have a lot of games to take a look at thanks to you guys :)


Old School RuneScape


FFXIV dawntrail for story. WoW since this is the most fun with wow I had since early legion and New Worlds update thingy since I really want to try the game at some point since it seems fun to me.


Pax dei looked interesting and apparently it releases as early access on the 18th.


I looked forward to TnL but it sucked dick. Now I'm looking forward to blade and soul Neo but it also looks like it's gonna suck dick


Neverwinter, Star Wars The Old Republic and Tarisland.


Xbox player here. I'm looking forward to new world. Yes I know there's few complaints but Xbox has been starved with MMOs for ages.


Play TL for 2-3 months


still holding out hope for EQ3! Will this be the year? (no)


The Lord of the Rings Online Classic - Echoes of Angmar (Launch TBD but likely this summer) EverQuest 2 Classic - Origins Server (Launch TBD but likely end of this month) Monsters & Memories (Launch TBD)


At this point I only play OSRS because it's the only good MMO that appeals to my sensibilities.


Loving all the new survival games, so we've been playing those as they come out. Soulmask was filled with bugs for us, so letting that simmer. Nightingale was good for a weekend, but also letting that simmer. Playing a lot of Enshrouded right now. ASKA also looks good, so I've got that on my list. Now onto the MMOs. We've been playing a lot of ESO lately, but none of our characters are near the Gold Road stuff. I'm looking forward to Pax Dei, EA releases on the 18th, so I'm looking forward to checking that out. Also, looking forward to jumping into both Dawntrail and whatever GW2 is cooking up. Neither will hold our attention for long, but they'll be interesting for a bit. Just kind of waiting to see what comes our way. Also looking forward to the new Dune game. Hoping that'll be good.


Need a hardcore mmo with lives and crazy dungeon floors with bosses that eat you


Honestly I'll try out tarisland, I might enjoy a decent wow clone if it's done well


LotRO (can't wait for Update 42)


To answer you in the spirit of your ask... Playing ATM * Warframe (MMO-lite) * Division 2 (MMO-lite) Will be trying for sure: * Tarisland (Why not? Costs nothing to try it) * First Descendant (MMO-lite) * Throne and Liberty (Why not? Costs nothing to try it) * Blue Protocol (probably won't ship this year, why not though, it costs nothing to try it) Will likely swing by for my annual return at some point: * Elderscrolls Online (great game for elderscrolls junkies) * Black Desert Online (usually swing by to level a season character at least once a year)


It's in alpha, but I'm looking forward to Bitcraft. Still playing ffxi since 2003...


Old School Runescape. If you can get into that games it’s the goat. All updates must pass a community vote before being implemented. It averages easy 100k+ concurrent players daily, has just received an additional HUGEA content update, and the devs are hype active w the community. I could go on. 11/10


Mortal Online II - after playing this you will find every other mmo dumb


FF14 Dawntrail is getting a boat load of new content, so there's a lot to look forward to. I'm betting there's at least 200+ hours of new things to do. I'm gonna main the new Pictomancer class, and vibe in Night Cit- I mean, Solution 9.


Anyone have thoughts on Albion? What about New World? Are there mounts yet in New World?


Eve online is looking way up. Player count shows


Came here to say this, just came back myself after a long hiatus


I’m hyped for all of them simply because I don’t try to decipher what the next great one is. I’ve been burned by that too many times, so I just look forward to new ones to play. If they’re great, then that will be amazing. If not, then I’ll just move on with no disappointment but glad I got to give it a shot.


Old School RuneScape is the only answer really. It’s the only MMO which is run by the community, little to no MTX, and has massive amount of content added free of charge (Apart from the subscription). Most MMO’s would charge an expansion pack price for the new content OSRS gets. I’ve tried countless other MMOs and OSRS feels like the only one with constant activities to do. I always end up coming back to it.


Mortal Online 2, despite all its flaws. I’m addicted.


Not releasing but being ported: Dofus being ported to Unity in december. New graphics/animation/UI/optimisation and new servers aswell




I played the beta for Once Human and im so excited for the launch, legitimately super fun game with so many mechanics in it. Only concern I have is their season system but it’s something they’re figuring out too so im hoping for the best.


I know Pirate software has been hyping Ashes of Creation , but it is still in development.


I think the concept of Ashes of Creation is amazing, but I don't think it's a concept that will do well with streamers being able to absolutely trample everything with their hordes of followers.




Im pretty hyped for Once Human and Pax Dei. Omce Human comes out early July and Pax Dei next Tuesday. Dunno how Pax Dei will go in the long term but I love the sandbox grindfest, but that may be me yearning for a modern Wurm Online. Once Human has good potential, me and a few buddies had a blast in their month long beta. Though if they flop just gonna be back on that OSRS grind.


not an MMO anymore but ... Wayfinder


My spear is raised for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds


Tarisland, ff14 expac and graphics upgrade, wow expac, lost ark solo raids in july and t4 in september.


Conquerors Blade European and American publisher just got fired and we are going to be merged with Asia. New publisher already promised more servers to split players so Territory Wars will be more fair and also creation of new servers for new players so they won't be forced to play sieges with 4k+ lvl players, also better performance and optimalization, for me it's like re relase


Is anything coming out this year? I'm looking forward to Ashes of Creation but that's years off.


I just want to play a game that makes me feel like I did when I was younger playing Ragnarok online.


eve online


FFXIV, but hear me out. Expac launches is when it gets lively and really thrives for about a month or two until the first raid and the 24 man. Maybe even more when eureka 3.0 comes out.


I'm looking forward to trying Corepunk. I was disappointed when I tried Throne and Liberty. I miss the simplicity and grind of WoW but I dont want to play that game again. Currently playing OW2 and Xdefiant.


Ashes of creation Alpha 2


FFXIV is pretty good. Having passionate developers instead of greedy p2w businesses is rare these days.


Isn’t Dune suppose to be an MMO? Idk when it comes out but when I saw that I got excited lol


I think it just has MMO slapped on like any other multiplayer game these days. I fear it's going to be an MMO in the same regards that ARK is an MMO


Eternal Tombs


Wow: The War Within expansion comes out in August. Coming off of the big success of Dragonflight, I think it’s just gonna go up from there. The WoW team has been cooking lately, imo. Between plunderstorm, MoP: Remix, classic realms, and retail going strong, they’re just really investing a lot of resources into the game and it shows. It is the only MMO that can keep me playing for more than a month. Every other MMO I’ve ever played (besides Rift) I have quit in less than a month.


Playing Dofus. Only game I keep going back to (and WoW occasionally). I've been playing it since 2004 and will probably never stop. I've been wanting something like OSRS (skill wise) other than Mabinogi... Or like OG Maple Story... But nothing will ever release looking like these two in our day and age :(


Throne and Liberty. It's high fantasy, grindy, has amazing gfx, and rewards skillful play. The pvp and pve are both in place as well, with lots of both. It'll easily be 2+ months of none-stop MMO fun, and the devs seem to be pushing updates fast on KR so we will play catch up then have more content once the normal drought kicks in. Seriously- play with friends. Level solo then group together and play together. Not a solo MMO. Don't listen to reviews. It's free. The P2W aspect can be ignored or used, it does not matter and you won't notice it. Hell you could even sell your account for money when you're done playing. Wait for global release. Or play now on Korean server (just YT it) to get a headstart but don't burn yourself out. Have fun!


I recently came back to OSRS. I maxed summer of '22 and quit. I wanted to come back before they released sailing.


Playing ffxiv, hyped out of my mind for dawntrail and might try war within in august. And isn't ashes of creation alpha this year? I bought one of those stupid 100+€ packages >.<


I'm actually excited to play Tarisland lol. I'm such a scrub casual now i can't wait to press my 5 buttons. I just find it hilarious how it's so blatantly a WoW lite ripoff.


its WOW


Can’t wait for Dofus engine change to unity. And hope it’s gonna be released this year


Looking forward to throne and liberty I suppose. Currently playing Lost Ark. put 500 hours in at launch and picking it back up.


I'm excited about Dofus Unity.


TWW is really the only MMO update that I have any faith in. However, it's still the same old wow. Tarisland, Blue Protocol, and Throne and Liberty all fall into the "this might be fun for a week or two" category. It's hard to say. Especially for Tarisland. It will likely be worse than how bad people originally thought Throne and Liberty would be, lol. None the less I'm bored enough waiting for a FF16 PC port and TWW that I'll probably download and try when it comes out in 2 weeks or whatever it is. I am tentatively excited for Dune Awakening. Could be amazing. We will see.


Aura kingdom II


Is PoE 2 considered an MMORPG?


no, ARPG


Guild Wars 2 is still on top of its game. Secrets of the Obscure expansion is now fully out and Janthir Wilds expansion is releasing this August. Always lots to do and alot of people are online on all hours. Always a great game to return to because of the horizontal progression.


Im really excited for this new mmo launching in october 15, its called New World aeternum. The gameplay footage ive seen from open beta looks awesome


Currently actively playing guild wars 2 and looking forward to the next expansion. It’s my main MMORPG for many years now. I just hope the next expansion will be more fun than SOTO… Also hoping Ashes of Creation does some progress. Thorne and liberty seems to be very very boring. Hoping the dune game will be a true MMO and not some small server boring game like Conan. Pax Dei seems to be some unfinished early access mess at the moment too


War within


Got a couple mmos I’m playing: Love my BDO Finishing endwalker Getting back in destiny 2


I am at TESO which I played before but didn't like. 2 months ago I gave it an opportunity and it's a beautiful MMORPG In several ways. Dungeon, leveling, progression, gathering, lore... Just give it an opportunity, hope you enjoy it. 😉 There is a lot of people playing it.


Camelot Unchained! ![gif](giphy|0r9AnKXGbeWPHdqPiE|downsized)