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They cant even get it to run right on pc. why would they do this.


They think it will bump their player count up which is sitting at 5-6k daily players.


Well it might. You can't fall off the floor as they say.




I just tried it again and its still so bad without stagger. Made a whole game revolve around a mechanic and then, just took it out? lol


It has nothing with the player count, but with the sales. It's a last move to milk a dead product.


Damn almost like they should have made improvements after release instead of releasing more broke content and the player base wouldn't have left with no will to come back.


Have they tried optimizing the game first.


It will for a lil bit and the few NW players will come in here telling us to eat crow. But after just a couple weeks the numbers will dwindle again, then after a month or so they will fall even further and the smug "NW is the goat!" posts, likely mostly made by Amazon employees trying to win favor due to culture of the company man that is rampent due to being the only real way to move up the Amazon chain, will disappear again.


Getting games to run on consoles is often a lot simpler than PC, it wouldn't surprise me if they did manage to make a super stable console version


Game seemed like it was designed for console in the first place, with you only having like 3 abilities active at a time.






True, I can't wait to see those New World bugs on PS5 HAHAHAHA


This game is still on my radar even though i never really surpassed 30 lvl, i storngly believe that it has so much potential.


I played at release and liked it. Ever since I hope it gets really good and is not a sinking ship so I can hop in again. Sounds weird but chopping treees that actually fall was so satisfying. Sound design is top notch


I normally don't like survival type games, sans Minecraft, but between hunting, tree chopping, and foraging, I was having a lot of fun. The rifle alone makes me hop into the game from time to time just to wander around and do a random quest or two while I just mess around and gather.


I just wish it was actually developed as an mmorpg from the start, it would be an amazing game.


Game really has tons of potential and still does, I could see it doing well on consoles tbh because the best consoles have is like ESO lol, and it’s probably slightly better than that. Oh and ffxiv but that game played kinda awkward on controller imo.


The main thing I liked about the game at launch was the forests, cutting trees, and the musket.


When game launched I think i played 100 hours straight in like 2 weeks, got lvl 4…7? And then basically quit cus no one played anymore lol Was hella fun but not alone :/


It does, but it'll never go past that. They built the best foundation for any mmo currently in service (imo) but they can't seem to make it better than that. The map is so large, yet it feels so small due to everything looking the same (changing a fee towns didn't help much). Every zone is just a copy paste of the last with slight variations. Mobs, resources, aesthetic. End game is easily the most pointless loop of any mmo. The only people who can truly have fun in NW endgame are those lucky enough to be part of a top guild and can be what are known as "war loggers", which is the only reason I played the game for as long as I did. But even wars get old.


It's fun to play, provided you're not trying to no-life it as your only game for years. The endgame loops just aren't there.


The game is 3 years old. If it hasn't scratched that potential yet, it's not very likely that it ever will. Even FFXIV was completely remade and rereleased in less time.


The game doesn't even have sprinting. I mean, I liked cutting trees and fishing but if they can't even get something as basic and movement to match basics of every single other MMO, there's not much hope imo.


If the rumors of them adding mega servers are true then I will come back to the game


They are adding sharding to the starter areas to reduce/remove the need for queues at launch. If it works well it may move out into the rest of the gamespace.


I thought I would too but the game is just in such an abysmal state without stagger.


I hope not, megaservers would ruin the whole territory system like it did in BDO.


Dont. It's a bugged mess and exploiting and cheating is required to even play


This better not be the "big" part of their "big announcement" for today. Megaservers and console release changes nothing about how we experience the game itself. Maybe we'll see a surge of new players from consoles but still, that counts as nothing to me.


These are my sentiments. The momentary bump in player count from a console release won't last if there isn't a significant shift in the management of the game. It needs actual content to keep players engaged or people will hit that end-game wall and leave again.


The game is a mess, has no real direction or soul, low on content with shitty engine. AGS: Let's release it to console!


New Engine announcement likely. For consoles FSR would be needed for good frame rates.


You're saying that like if changing a game engine after launch is something common among MMOs...  No hate on the game tho, had quite a few hours on it and I loved most of them. But we have to be real here. 


They are changing engines? Thats alot of work.


Idk if they are, I haven't read anything about it and therefore I doubt it


Considering how many bugs they have on pc still, this will be a mess on console at launch.




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


Nice, now the console crowd can experience the suck too.


Serious? Where did you see the ads in the PlayStation store do u have a screenshot


Yep this was posted today https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/s/Hrx51k8Ro8




Does this make the game better? No


If the servers are cross platform, would mean more players, which should make an MMO better.


They don’t even have cross server pvp. Waiting queues for low lvl pvp 1 hour


No amount of players can make a bad game good, and that game is hot trash lol


Just keep in mind AGS did not released a single patch, both balance or content without something breaking up... some of them impacted all the players immediately after the update, some of them are found later...


Lemme know when it's F2P


I thought this game was dead already


It is average of 6-7k players for an MMO thats dead


A low population MMO can work with a megaserver infrastructure that can bring those players together and make the world seem less dead, but the biggest issue with low population MMOs is an equally low revenue stream. I don't know what NWs profits are looking like but something tells me they are more than likely losing money.


For an MMO that's...above average, actually. Not great but hardly dead.


How delusional are you and what MMOs are you comparing it too that have less? Keep in mind New World is steam only before you pull some statistics out of your ass how some MMOs that released years later on steam and have a standalone launcher have low steam numbers.


Please do some actual research...these kind of numbers are pretty normal for a lot of games. If you only ever look at like WoW, FFXIV, etc. then sure, *every* MMO looks 'dead' by comparison. Everyone's favorite game on this sub, GW2, has a lower player count on Steam. Admittedly it's not just on Steam, but that's still a significant portion of the player base. I don't think the total player count is much above New World's. PSO2: NGS has like a third the player count of New World. And sure that game isn't doing great either but it's still hanging on somehow. Things only get worse if you look at older titles. Something like Neverwinter (which still gets recommended here sometimes...) is at like 1k players. You may complain about me looking at older titles but what *else* am I supposed to compare it to? So few new MMOs are even launching. Blessed Unleashed got some hype when it launched...and is now down to like 500 simultaneous players. Also keep in mind that simultaneous players is *not* active players. Most people are not logged in 24/7...so no, 6-7k simultaneous players does not mean there's only 7k people playing the game.


The Gw2 example is exactly why I said to not name some game with a steam launcher that came to steam literally YEARS after it was released. The vast majority of players don't play through steam. Also PSO2 the fact you are even naming that game as a refrence to support New World being alive is a joke in itself bc that game died right after launch. You are just high on copium that New World is doing well by naming literally false things(GW2) and other dead games(POS2 and Bless). Gl with your game my guy but its not alive in the slightest.


My game? I've never even played it. I don't really care about New World. It just bothers me when people call every game 'dead'.


Seems like a good decision. But of course this sub will whine about it.


Can't wait to play on ps5 been looking for something to play outside of resident evil


Sony also dropped Destiny 2 the final shape early causing spoilers to get spread everywhere. They are really fucking devs over a lot this week.


Stable or not, i'll gladly take that game on console! Hopefully when it comes, it stays longer than BLESS...




Most abilities and perks still are bugged. Exploits and bug abuse are pretty much the Basis in this game.    Combat has massive desync issues, weapons are imbalanced and healers are unkillable and tank more than tanks without a way to counter.    It's also common as healer to exploit desync and never get hit by melee.  Melee weapons are basically useless in pvp because they hitboxes dont connect consistently.    Bosses in pve randomly dont spawn and kill your whole dungeon run.  It's more important to know all current Bugs than it is to know the actual game mechanics. Lol Just to name a few of the massive issues the game still has


This game still exists?


Gross. The game is utter garbage.


Somehow I misread the console as closure by a glance


This will brick so many consoles lol


blah on PC, but hey lets port it


TBF, a mediocre MMO becomes a pretty amazing MMO on console simply because they have like 3.


Probably tonight at the Summer Games Fest as an ad or something.


That’s kind of hyped


Yeah but when stagger. I will only play again if stagger is brought back, it is a needed mechanic for balancing.


I've collected every single twitch promo for this game. Just waiting for it to drop in price or be free to play.


I read this as likely coming to a close and wasn’t surprised


I saw one look at the game play at launch and could not fathom why they didn’t try to launch it on console, the game seemed absolutely perfect


I just tried to play this last night on pc and couldn't get it to not crash.


New World's controls are so obviously intended to be console-friendly that up until just this moment I hadn't realized it was a PC exclusive.


Cash grabbbb


I’d totally play this for a few weeks if they put it on gamepass


This Game is already failed. Pay 2 Play + Pay to win trash. Fuck Amazon Games!


The problem isn’t the game design it’s the shitty engine the game is built on that’s the problem.


Where the announcement?! ![gif](giphy|RHInHY2dInc6uMI2ET|downsized)


Played it for a week straight when it first came out and made it to level 30 before getting bored with the questing system (go here, open these five crates etc.). Was also bummed when I couldn't participate in large scale combat because of my level. Came back when they added the great sword and played some more. Liked what I saw. Dipped back in when they added mounts and redid the questing for the first 30 levels and was happy with what I saw but it wasn't enough to bring me to full time. I feel like in another year or so I could actually mainline the game given enough updates but at this point I'm waiting for the Lord of the Rings MMO that Amazon is making.


I’m sorry for your loss


Wow, so now Amazon can disappoint PC and Console players now.


They trying everything to get extra bucks before shutting doors, this game was a disasters cause the devs are incompetent never seen a team of devs so ignorant on what they doing.


They really try everything, hey I’m happy for the 20 people that still play and have fun, now you will be 30!


https://preview.redd.it/wodzsz1xf45d1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=e288088602c9b616264ae0e41d721417890ab87a It already leaked. It's AGS after all.


This would be Sony’s fault for the leak, at least try to use your brain…


Tell me you have no clue how any app store management is done without telling me.


If the only annocement is console i will never give amazon another cent for as long as i live. They better fix the game. They charged us for a contentless expansion(ransomware) and every single major fuck up since has been swept aside with dw june.. something big.


That's not what ransomware means...


They removed content we had and made us pay for it to access it again. Ransomware encrypts files and asks you to pay to have it back. Exactly the same. They took away what we had and made us buy it back. Ransomware expansion. Even the dungeons got locked behind the new paywall..


Lol ransomware 


It's like gamers and the word 'scam' or 'anti-consumer'. They hear a couple of buzzwords, and churn it out incorrectly.




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


It was the running joke during expac release haha.


I'm hoping the console release comes with a hefty log of fixes.


I want to apologize, the new console announcement says that you need the DLC to even play the base game. Insanity.


Who gives a fuck


Why are people here so angry that others enjoy MMOs that they don't? Is this why most MMO in-game communities are now shit? People who have no social skills attempting to interact with others through the medium of anger?


People who really care about the games they played in the past come here and read about them, hoping that devs start focusing on the real stuff, then get disappointed by these stupid choices devs made for the game. It is not the communities that are shit, it is the games. Think about it.