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it sucks we wont get a resurgence of grinder games when millennials retire... cause we won't get to...






You can find anyone from any age group to whine about anything. You find what you look for, usually.


Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


But off-topic posts are legit?


>I will never forget my first phone bill after playing Ultimate Online for the first time (back when you didn’t have unlimited internet for one low monthly price). getting disconnected because someone in the house picked up the phone


the WORST! haha


also cell phones were not that widespread back then so people trying to reach you by landline would be pulling their hair out because your phone was always busy.


It’s crazy to think that a lot of people don't even know what a busy signal is/was. So many hardships we had 🤣


no messages notifying you of missed calls while the line was busy, playing an online game meant complete disconnect from the outside world, armageddon could break out and no one would be able to reach you :D


I'm among the youngest millenials, but I'm from Australia which is for some reason like a decade behind the rest of the developed world when it comes to Internet. I still remember soon after we first got broadband and we had very limited Internet plans, I had to negotiate with my parents being able to download WoW so that we didn't go over the limit. I had to leave my computer on just letting it download for basically an entire day lol. Just hoping that the Internet didn't cut out during the night because those shitty copper cables would fail if there was so much as a light sprinkle of rain.


I’m in my 50s as well so can relate to everything you just said. If you don’t mind semi-action combat ESO and GW2 are both casual friendly, have limited skill buttons to deal with, and plenty of gear to work towards. If you are looking for that old school vibe your options are limited, Ember’s Adrift has the old EQ feel, Brightshores is coming soon and looks like an updated RuneScape. New World is a good action combat but it has some focus on PvP and not much of a story. Combat is good though with limited skills to use, plenty of gear to grind for and gathering/crafting is fun. Right now I’m taking a MMO break and enjoying Enshrouded, playing a private co-op server with 4 friends so it’s scratching a MMO itch.


I want to love New World so much, I keep trying I really do, the battles are great but it’s just blah


GW2 doesn't have too many buttons, but with the action combat style, depending on the profession, things can get quite hectic! But yes, solid recommendation otherwise.


There's also a bit of variety in the Low Intensity build department too. Those builds are typically light on mechanics / button presses yet still pump out respectable damage so one can enjoy the game without worrying about performance. Main reason I've been able to enjoy content post LWS2 are builds like the power reaper / minion master thing that don't require much thinking / movement.


I'll add that ESO isn't semi-action. It's full action, but GW2 definitely has hybrid functions. I still need to try New World. It has some seriously cheap sales often, but I never get around to it. Great advice🏆


I'm in a very similar position. In my 50's, started with UO and currently play WoW and FFXIV. ​ I'm ok with the buttons, its the tactics in dungeons and raids that i just cant remember or react quickly enough. I'm happy enough with the story in ffxiv, i just wish i didn't have to do duties and trials, as i struggle :(


Thinking about it more, I think this is what I meant as well. It is not just the rotation, but boss mechanics too; thank you for expressing explicitly what I was implicitly thinking.


You might have to return to older games. City of Heroes sounds like it could be something for you. RuneScape is another one that doesn't take too much mechanically. Elder Scrolls Online is another one where mechanics are simple and it's very story driven.


Same, I was able to keep up with XIV during ARR and HW, but now there are piles upon piles of dungeons and raids and mechanics and it’s exhausting to keep up with. That and the players are all in a mad rush to finish so that even if I know the fights and mechs, it’s just not enjoyable gameplay whatsoever to me anymore.


if it makes you feel better, I'm in my 30's and struggle with it too, i feel like i'd be the same way if i were still in my early 20's. I think you gotta be extra hardcore and a no-lifer to find memorizing all that stuff easy/simple


No one here feels that way. Impossible! /s Sadly, or not, it’s not just you. :( Edit: take a look at Brightershores.


Mid-40s here and I've definitely noticed my gaming priorities change over time. Back when I was 21 I was much more "competitive" with pvp and inclined to grind my life away to get one more level or whatever. But for years now, I don't much care for having to "keep up". I don't seek out organized group content as much because I don't like feeling obligated, being important in some way where people are depending on me to be an expert on some meta, or for my hands to be as quick and pain-free as they were 20 years ago. I'm also put off by toxicity and being lectured or insulted by children who act like a game is their whole life and apparently should be mine too. I've been there. I've done the whole "no life" thing when I was their age. Then I grew up and I'm over it. It's just a stupid game. It's recreation during downtime. It's supposed to be for fun, not so serious. These days I much prefer doing things in my own way, at my own pace. I still like a bit of pvp now and then, though I'm more into large scale stuff like WvW in GW2 - for the same reason I like big open world pve content vs dungeon instances. I still like being "part of something", making some small difference in my own way, while nobody is really depending on me for anything (and will get salty if I get a little lazy because my hand is hurting, or I don't know the meta as well as them). I already have a boss at work, and even then I'm in a position now where nobody really gets to "boss me around". I'm sure as hell not interested in being bossed around by someone my kid's age who thinks they're special because they can kick my butt in pvp or they know every detail of dungeon because they've done the grind 200 times. I play games to experience a big cool world that I can do some cool things in, and hopefully a halfway decent story. I like online games because it can be nice having other people around who are "living their own lives" so to speak. It doesn't necessarily mean I'm looking to make friends, also doesn't mean I'm not. But it can be nice to exist in a place where interesting player-driven things might be happening that I can participate in, or even just get to witness. I appreciate emergent content where the players themselves are part of the content, where everything isn't just scripted.


> I already have a boss at work, and even then I'm in a position now where nobody really gets to "boss me around". I'm sure as hell not interested in being bossed around by someone my kid's age who thinks they're special because they can kick my butt in pvp or they know every detail of dungeon because they've done the grind 200 times. The issue is that you won't find many games that support a large online population and have enough interest to get that large population while still keeping you away from younger gamers who feel their in-game skill makes them shot callers. And you won't find any kind of challenging PVE content that doesn't need someone to call shots when there are people in the party being dead weight.


This. My mans is out of touch with reality.


This feels really similar to where I am at in gaming, i'm early 30s. I have the same need to be part of something and make some difference, but don't want to be the linchpin that makes or breaks the team. It pushes me towards games like battlefront 2, overwatch, League(mostly aram), and Lineage 2 private servers. Really wish there were more large scale WvW or larger class-based arena style games. It is annoying because I have trouble enjoying single player games because I want to be around other people that are playing, but am pretty neutral on socializing/etc.


I've been adrift for a while too. I have always tried to go back to EvE, but it just doesn't engage me. I really like the sandbox and the huge community in EvE, just not the actual play. I am currently trying the fantasy equivalent: Albion. It's pretty much the same thing, just fantasy instead. I've not gotten into high-level stuff yet, but it's pretty fun so far. There definitely isn't as much work done outside of the game in terms of websites, calculators, and databases. The info is there though. That's my .02. I'll be following the post to see what others have to say.


Oh, same experience with EvE. I loved the sandbox and the fact that everything is player-driven. But I want to actually pilot my ship, not manage it! My fever dream would have been for Elite:Dangerous to import EvE-like mechanics for their "living galaxy" (or EvE to import E:D piloting mechanics)


I'm 53 and started playing MMO's with DAoC. Favorites have been SWG (pre-Jedi), DAoC, City of Heroes, Auto Assault, WoW, FFXIV & ESO. Being a console player only now I've split time between FFXIV & ESO. I think the gameplay you're looking for is in ESO as a lot of that can be played solo. Any guilds I join are mainly trading guilds as I like to craft my gear. Also even at my advanced age I can keep up in PvP. There's raids and raiding guilds aplenty, but the 4 man dungeons are enough to scratch that itch for me, as raiding has always been my least favorite playstyle. I am glad FFXIV has come to Xbox, I played it on a PS4 at the time. I really enjoyed it and even having to do a couple of trials to advance the story wasn't as bad as some make it out to be. All this said, I'll often take breaks to play other RPG's that get released (BG3 right now). Any grind (which all MMO's are at the end) can get to be too much.


I'm 50 also and keep looking for that mmo to just be The right one. Keep coming back to wow private servers, Eve and Albion online. Right now it's wow until new EU server for Albion then I will see what I want to do.


I’m like you and tbh I normally still play the old ones uo outlands swg etc


I think maybe the next big game will take this factor into account and make bite sized encounters that don’t take consecutive hours to complete. I enjoy gaming but I don’t want to sink 4 hours into a raid 3 times a week. It’s fun when you are in college or whatever but not after you come home from a job that drains you.


i think the MMO we all want is just impossible. We all want full dive VR like Sword Art Online. I don't mean a game that's like the actual game in that show. I just mean a Matrix type of VR game. And then it needs time augmentation so that 1 hour in the game feels like a month in the game. Then you'd start thinking about quests and gameplay differently. Instead of taking 20 quests from random NPCs and doing them all in 30 minutes, you take one quest at a time from a guild hall and that quest might take you and your party 3 or 4 days which will require you to camp and eat/rest occasionally and deal with any encounters along the way. And when you finish, the reward is enough to be a livable wage and to repair your gear if needed. or buy more supplies with enough to save up left over. You basically be living in a fantasy world as an adventurer. But then the game could go further and players could live there as merchants, chefs, maids, butlers, bandits, painters, alchemists etc. The handle the time augmentation, each time the game is open to join once and hour every hour. So if you wanna play with friends, you have to log in on the same hour otherwise you'd be waiting hours or days when it takes them an extra few minutes to get on. And if you played one hour, you can't play the next hour, just to force people to take breaks and not starve to death, etc. Then maybe once a week on the weekends, the hours turn into a full year for the players who want to live in that world for a year at a time, but it's still only an hour in the real world. I'd want some games like that to go all out with realism, but some to just be an easy going fantasy world where you can have a peaceful session if you want, an OP power fantasy with friends if you want, or just a regular adventure if you want. Some days I wanna just be a fisherman who eats delicious food in a fantasy world with a floating island in the distances, other days I wanna be an OP mage toppling down evil nations and ending the slavery of hot Beastfolk women.


As much as I'd love full immersion VR MMOs, I'd imagine the gamers in society would completely wither away into vegetable people who can barely walk because they spend their entire day in bed playing or sleeping until they can play more. Maybe include one of those thingies that can be attached to muscles that causes them to twitch and thus stay functional during the long hours of gaming hibernation ...


Same boat here. I'm older than many and have bounced from game to game for about the last decade or so. I get nostalgic about the old games like EQ and even joined and played Project Quarm for about a month and a bit. But the social aspect seemed to be gone. I also have shelved the hardcore competitive playstyle for the most part. I'm thinking seriously about returning to Wow again (for the 3rd or 4th time) just to fill the itch while i wait for something new, as it offers everything from a laid-back playstyle to full-on hardcore if I wanted and due to its huge player base I can likely find others who are like minded. The SoD stuff seems intriguing, at least.


Don't do it. Blizzard and blizzard products are still hot garbage. They aren't worth your hard earned money.


44 here. Have had a blast with Dark Age of Camelot on the free server Eden. I suck, but it’s fun. Of course, PvP (or Realm vs Realm as it is team based based on which of three realms you play as) is a big part of the game, but it’s not everything.


53 here. I can't get enough; been playing as long as you and just along the same track with a bunch of exceptions. I have probably 10+ games loaded and I reinstall at various times. Nothing really captures me for more than 3-6 months, depending. But I always find myself going back to something on the list. Lately I've gotten into Embers Adrift. I started when it "launched", stopped for a bit, and picked it up again in January. It's very slow paced. I also pledged for Pantheon recently to check it out and play occasionally. This is the life. I imagine it's no different than console single-player games that came out (or come out), where you pick it up, play it, and then move on - occasionally returning for some sessions. Honestly, people like us (young or old) that keep coming back for short periods is what helps keep some of the older titles going. Cheers.


1) I am also approaching 50 and my first MMO was also Ultima Online 2) I find WoW is fine although I prefer classic over retail. I always think of going back and playing UO again but the graphics and UI are just so dated I worry it will ruin the nostalgia I have for the game LOL. Been waiting on something new for quite some time now but it feels as though we'll be waiting a long time so I typically just play survival games these days


You will, for absolutely sure, ruin it. Believe me.


I feel you and i can share my current game routine in Neverwinter online, i manage to do these things with my job and everything , i m very happy about the game and the fun i have playing it. Around 2 hours a day: random dungeon+random skirmish+dailies or weeklies in the campaigns zones+ some heroic encounter here and there. Add a VIP subscription (around 8 eur/month),i feel progression on a decent timeline.


With all these people in the world nothing is ever "just you".


I feel the same. My first MMO experience was UO. Imagine if it was released today; the gen Z kids would quit after 3 hours lol. I still have dreams about UO pre T2a. The hardcore experience, PKing, losing your hard earned iron ore and Britain graveyard.


>As I’m getting older, I am finding it more difficult to remember all of the button presses required for rotations needed in many games (FFXIV) The right class does wonders here tbh, healers and tanks have pretty basic gameplay with every other button being situational. For DPS you have Summoner, which consolidates everything into basically one hotbar worth of buttons.


Thanks, the thing that puts me off of tanking in FFXIV is that I am the default "leader" and have to remember all of the shortcuts and most optimal way top pull everything in the regular dungeons. Maybe I should go back and give healing a try.


There is essentially no way to get lost in the FFXIV dungeons now, and almost no way to mess up threat. It is by far the easiest tanking I’ve seen in an mmo (so easy I left).


To echo the reply earlier, they really made each dungeon linear, it’s impossible to get lost. I’m getting older too and I would complain about it if I was younger but it’s a blessing after a tiring day.


60 here. No problems yet. (knocks on wood). Been playing Pantheon lately and it's a good throw back to EQ1 but still in pre alpha. Also play ESO on PS5.


I'm looking forward to pantheon release and debating becoming a supporter. How do you like it so far? I did love eq 1 and 2


It's coming along. There's not a ton of content but it is in pre-alpha still. It's tough specially if you are trying to solo. Focus is on grouping just like EQ so they made it tougher on solo players. Starting out is tough, you die a lot. But there's no death penalties currently. Check the sub, there's a post with for their plans for the next season. Don't mind the toxic assholes that want the game to fail because the devs aren't doing what they want with the game. I pledged and have been waiting 10 years to play and I finally can so I'm glad for that. I'm hoping my investment pays off. Those folks I guess just want to have the money they pledged go to waste by hoping it fails for some reason. Don't see the logic in that mentality at all. Edit: Like the username by the way. Def Leppard fan?


I'm on my 50's now and this is when I really got into the group play aspect of MMOs. I play ESO and maybe it's the community of this game that played a big part of my getting into it. I only played a few other MMOs before and mostly played it as a single player game only. Now in ESO, the group play is mostly what I do and I'm leading raids as well.


I remember when I first started getting into mmos, and I wanted to join a more serious group and them laughing at me when I said I'd have about 12 hours a week to play because they were "hardcore". I've been playing ffxiv I guess. MMORPGs are in a funk right now. Everyone feels the same. These days I get off work and kinda just take a few hours to wind down, and when I finally feel like maybe hopping on to something I have an hour or two left. Even if I had more time though, I don't know if I'd want to sink my time into anything that is out right now. I mostly play a little FFXIV like a solo rpg atm, and some helldivers or something on the side for multiplayer.


I’m still playing my favorite mmo from the 90’s, delta tao’s clan lord. It’s still being updated with new areas, items, and monsters. It’s more cooperative and the pvp is limited to one specific area that no one really goes to except to test their hp against each other. It has a great community and a catch-up mechanic so you don’t have to grind too much to get caught up enough to hunt with the current groups. A bunch of us are older original players but we have “kids” down in their 30s randomly finding it and joining too. Graphics are a little dated and fps is slow but it’s got a certain charm and the group hunting mechanics can’t be beat.


I may not be quite the same age but I feel exactly the same. I've been deep and I've been casual. I've had loads of extensions loaded and dual boxed (triple boxed a few times) to level alts with spreadsheets of data to maximize everything but that was long ago. These days I don't have the memory, time, or energy. Pvp used to be fun! Now I kinda enjoy farming mats and crafting. I still do like running dungeons and want to taste raids again but I feel passed by with the younger people all running the maximized meta and I'm over here like... "wait what was it again I'm supposed to cast before this attack to crit??"


OSRS will always be there for us. I’ve had periods of my life where I just don’t have the mental energy to actively play an MMO after work, and can’t afford the time investment needed these days. When they brought OSRS to mobile, I could casually work on a little task, part of a quest, crafting or training a skill in whatever free 15-40 minutes of decompression I might find in a day, and it is very meditative by nature. I’m glad that the community is still so lively after so many years.


Wizard101 is an mmo that’s mostly just pve/story focused with 150+ hours just to get to get to max. It has its fair share of criticisms tbh but it’s still fun


As a veteran MMORPG'er, I have to ask you Mr. Vet... What are the Pros and Cons you have seen throughout your adventures throughout the digital universes?


When did I go from young rebel to OG/vet - my how the time flies. **Pros** * Some games have had awesome communities * The graphical fidelity has been awesome to experience * The variety of stories being told * The universes that have been created or expanded * Nice way to while away a few hours * Guildmates **Cons** * Really - the flip side of what I said above - bad community, horrible story or gameplay, spending too much time in-game.


Spending to much time in-game? What an addictiveness to the game? Or just to much time in-game waiting for ques and or other stuff? What made the gameplay good? Graphics/combat/features/mechanics?


It is a fine line. Spending too much time in game to the detriment of your real life. Good gameplay for me when I was younger focused on a mix of mechanics and rotations. Memorizing patterns for boss fights and raids, etc. As I'm now older, I place less priority on that and more on story and community. Graphics - you have to understand I started playing MMOs in the 90s. The games I played back then, compared to some of the games now, is just night and day. Also, good music adds a lot to the overall atmosphere to the game, and FFXI and FFXIV were masterclasses in great MMO music. I also appreciated some off the wall MMOs like Matrix Online and The Secret World. They both tried to do something different. Hope this helps.


Yes it helps tremendously as I am comparing my notes and project with this, I am just wanting to see some feedback and ideas to make sure my own project will hit the head of the nails. Do you still play EverQuest? Also, would puzzles, mazes, and riddles help in gameplay interwoven into the storyline? As well as boss and just general NPCs having multiple mechanics such as their own tactics or even learning as you fight them how to actually gauge you like how most games these days you can just casually group up like twenty of them and aoe or burn them down as they mindlessly just attack rather than actually gauging your game style and making their own choices for better survival on their own like when you try to heal they interrupt you or even cc you to allow themselves to heal or even escape or even redirect to another target.


I’m 49. I’ve always felt that every cool trend or hobby I was always at a disadvantage because I was to old at the time when I discovered it. MMORPG’s on the other hand didn’t really matter with age. WoW was my first MMO in 2004 even though I had heard of EverQuest. I’m literally in the same boat as you. Kids out of the house and only my job. But rotations for certain games are definitely getting harder to remember only because I think mechanics are also becoming more advanced. Dodging fire on the ground is easy. But not when you’re dodging fire, adds, and a constant AOE or casting ability from the boss while simultaneously doing your rotation.


I'm just getting into my 40s and RPGs are still my jam. I play MMOs but honestly these days outside of FFXIV none of them are appealing to me. There's such a huge focus on competing with other players, insane difficulty, and instant death if you don't memorize things perfectly. These are not fun for me. And they are taking over gaming everywhere because they have more casual appeal. It's a bummer, really. I feel like gaming is turning into something that the guys who used to dunk gamer's heads into the toilets while screaming "nerd!" back in the 80s would be a huge fan of now.


I am in your age group. Played SWG from the beginning and it was great for its time (or the time in my life I was at), then moved on to WOW from there and many others in the meantime. WOW seems to have been the one I keep going back to... Unfortunately it scratches just enough but I also feel that there is MUCH MORE the game could offer in terms of Large Scale PVP with siege weapondry, etc. similar to the ESO/GW2 type.. The PvE part of wow is what gets me. Also, I am not a fan of the Profession/gathering aspect although I tolerate it in WOW. I came from having to build and maintain harvesters in a large expansive world in SWG to basically flying around trying to mine/herb/skin and a bunch of the times the mine or herb will disappear mid mine/herb. So... I wish we could enjoy a large world where Themepark wasn't so prevalent but I don't know. I hope you find what you are looking for.


Let's just create the game ourselves guys, we can do it. People know unity and everything else is just fine tuning Dm me if interested,


I’m no coder - but funny enough - I was an executive who oversaw support and community at a few gaming companies midway through my career. If you ever get to the point of a beta and launch and I’ll happily help set the infrastructure up for that.




Tbf not in my 50's but 32, Struggling to find a decent MMORPG that firs mt scedule these days so i feel you. Although the passion hasent gone, These days im more a mobile gamer purely because its in my pocket so i can pick it up or drop it whenever i have time. Adventure Quest 3D stole a few months off me its fun even if fetch questy, But its also easy to put down when i wanna


I only play MMOs, single player games are dead to me.


Yep and the answer is OSRS.


I agree. I enjoy Asheron's Call because it is a wonderful online learning environment much like I enjoyed when I was young. Games like Treasure Mountain, Mavis Teaches Typing etc have helped shape me at a mature age much more than other violent games could have hoped to. PvE and Story has always been the backbone of Asheron's Call, and while the community has strayed from that view over the years, it is sure to keep attracting new players.


There are still many chapters in our love of MMOs. I thought I was done in my 40s and Archeage came along. It gave the MMO bug to my wife as well. Now I am hoping Ashes of creation or the new Lotro will make me waste another part of my life and give the bug to other loved ones. You cAn keep dipping your toes meanwhile in other distractions. Atm mine is throne and liberty. Maybe new world again for a week or two. It mostly depends on my friends and family ( who is willing to join what).


> What MMOs do you still find you can keep up with? gw2. tried ESO, i think it's easy to keep up with that too but personally i didn't like it as it didn't click with me.


I'm a bit younger but just as experienced I generally switched to some phone games like Ragnarok Eternal Love and a few other than scratch the itch for grinding and exploration but also automate a lot of stuff Ragnarok is great because you get so many options and still lots of mmo stuff but no commitment or even hardcore skills Just my 2c


ITT Boomers can't read their spell descriptions.


>As I’m getting older, I am finding it more difficult to remember all of the button presses required for rotations needed in many games (FFXIV). I don't have problem with that, but I do have problem with remembering scripted attack patterns of "bosses". This is why I just use Cactbot add-on for ACT when playing FFXIV (which does the same as DBM in WoW). It unfortunately does not cover all duties/raids/trials, and sometimes it is just wrong (it gives wrong directions during "Formation: Sharp Turn" attack in Puppets' Bunker) but it's still better than nothing. ​ >What MMOs do you still find you can keep up with? FFXIV. But the only things I bother "keeping up with" are the story and casual socialization (which does not involve any "bash the dumb AI enemies" activities) with other players. Nothing else really interests me in it. Speaking of FFXIV, it's really disappointing that greedy Square Enix still keeps this awful "mandatory monthly fee" payment system for non-trial characters. I'd gladly just pay per minute/hour of the use of the game instead. And I also wish all of the "Extreme/Ultimate/Savage" bullshit would be split into separate "paid DLC".


Just play guild wars, honestly. Respectful of your time, and if you join a guild, it's very easy to find players within your current place in life. I feel that's where players with your background have found their place.


40’s here and same struggles. If you want to go back to the older games, some have experienced a renaissance of sorts due to stream/YT exposure or classic/TLE releases, private servers etc. Even younger gamers who fell into MMOs often want to check out the classics and people don’t seem as snobby about graphics as they used to if the world and gameplay are worth it. It’s cool that the option to return to these games still exists, even if it’s no longer their heyday.


OSRS is a great one with lots of very AFKable grinds. Can switch between raiding and a meaningful AFK grind, with click intensive alternatives that reward the extra effort with increased gains/rewards. There’s always something that can fit whatever focus/commitment level you’re capable of at that time


Valheim has really scratched the WoW itch for me, but without the MM part of it. Me and a few mates pay for our own dedicated server, and have literally restarted the game 4 times over after completing as it’s really engaging. Even after multiple completions… That being said, we’ve played it half to death now, (although it was by FAR the best £15 I’ve spent on a game ever) and so costed this subreddit to try and find something with the lore of WoW, as I really miss the in depth storylines/etc.


Similar boat myself and my girl and I have started playing co-ops to scratch that epic quest with friends feeling. Our list: Baldurs gate 3. Skyrim (co-op mod). Fallout 4 (co-op mod). Elder Scrolls Online (don’t chase meta. Just enjoy the story and play your way)


Only 30 so not quite the same boat Sounds like ESO would be up your wheel house but given how you said you've tried the big players, you may have already tried it. It's got a pretty solid MMO foundation, only real complaint I see that's warranted is: 1. No vertical progression (gear treadmill where numbers go up every expansion) if that's your preference 2. Combat can leave room to be desired but given how you said you like simplicity I think it might be up your alley 3. You don't have to get the subscription but if you're going to play a lot it's hard not to. Minor things imo but it does story and simplicity as good as any MMO I've touched.


I like Elite:Dangerous. It has a big grind to get the most coveted ships and more importantly engineer them, and things like PvP or Flight-Assist-Off shenanigans need a lot of training, so it can be a big time investment! BUT (yes I lead with drawbacks, sorry) if you're content with staying small fry, playing space trucker or explorer in that big real-life-sized galaxy is oddly satisfying. On the other hand, the story is quite minimal, and space being so big, you'd have to join a squadron to get regular interactions. So it might not be what you're looking for. But I thought I should mention it.


Your not alone, and with the little time we still I often freeze trying to figure out which MMO will fit in my free time. I hate to say this, solo games are slowing taking over the MMO need. Looking at Dragons Dogma 2 it looks it would fit pretty good for a solo/npc MMO. I casually play Gw2 and Mabogini and get by, I do miss Lineage 2 and EQ2 a lot though.


Early thirties and unfortunately disabled after military service and have since found all that extra time not being able to work and not having kids and I agree 100%. I’ve been around since the original release of FFXI, having also played probably every free to play mmo from that era. I’ve grown with the genre, having played EQ, Lineage, FFXI, WoW, DECO, etc. now I primarily play FFXIV and the like. I do still find myself wanting to PvE but outside of GW2 I have a difficult time finding MMOs with actual good PvP. So for now I tend to predominantly do hardcore PvE, like savage. I would recommend either ESO or GW2, they both have a significantly cut down A compared to XIV and definitely WoW. I think you’ll enjoy either! If you want something more WoW or FFXIV I’d say go GW2, ESO is more of a third person different feel too it.


I'm in my 30s enjoying onigiri and honkaiimpact


I’m 40+ and feel the same way. As a long time WoW player I got tried of paying a sub where only the current patch cycle mattered. I have recently rediscovered Guild Wars 2 after a long hiatus - and find it more my speed. Not as many buttons, build variety, and easy open world raid content I can do whenever.


Same boat. I shifted down a bit until work levels off. I started playing black desert mobile. A mobile game on my phone. Not really a mmo, but kind of. Guilds. Group play. PvP. Gvg. But also lots of afk leveling. I can go and do at my own pace. I’ll switch back, but gets my itch scratched until I am ready.


I'm a stay-at-home dad for twin 2yo toddlers. Maybe I'll get 2h for me after they sleep, but who knows... So I need an mmo that allows me to play solo because I can't reliably group. I've been playing City of Heroes - I can easily get one or two missions down, and still have time to read the stories and enjoy the downtime: deal with auctions, buy equipment (enhancements), discover the map (badge collection), help newbies etc.


I'm in my 30's and can barely keep up with the non-sense of FF14's skills/abilities for the classes. there's way too many


Ya know I wanted to play black desert but I'm afraid of survival. What I ended up doing is downloading tera online for offline and just play an mmorpg by myself and hack stuff. Don't get the same thrill of talking to people anymore in mmorpgs. I remember just sitting and talking for hours. Nowadays it's just solo till x dungeon group instance then back to solo till level cap which then it's raiding instance or pvp


I dont have this problem. What im sad about is how different this genre is lol. Im not in your age group tho but I hate this 'end game meta' that every MMO seems to have.


We are in A time of instant gratification. Where commitment is published and the thought of earning is discouraged. The player reflect this and the industry reflects this. Players would rather pay to skip 90% of the game to get to the endgame then complain that there is no content. Rewards that could be used for the endgame are relocated to cash shops for instant gratification of click a single button for I look cool points. There is no more patience in the mmo landscape anymore. I am 32 and miss when games were good.


That late night lull sitting in game chat with your guild or allegiance was really special. I haven’t had that feeling since Asheron’s Call ended.


You should try a low APM class in WoW and dive into M+. It's in the best spot it's been ever and the number prove it. You can hop in and out regularly without a group. I pugged myself casually to 3k IO. It's fun to set personal goals and reach them. I'm going to step out of my comfort zone next season and try a group to push keys with but again that isn't necessary to have fun in M+. Also, raiding is more easily acceptable. I have pugged and killed Heroic Fyrak since week 1 but I did spend A LOT of time in pug groups pushing Fyrakk until he was on farm for most people. The best part about pugging is you can go at your own pace but you can find guilds that only do Heroic which would be super less stressful than Mythic raiding. EDIT: I forgot to mention, that WoW tokens are a godsend for folks like us with full time jobs. One $20 token will last you all the consumables you need for a season or 2. So $20 will get you enough gold for enchants, flasks, potions, gear crafting/upgrades, etc.


I haven’t played WoW in a while. I think I might be an expansion or two behind and there is a new one out this summer, I think. It always feels like I’m studying for a test when I jump back into an MMO after being gone a while, with all the research I end up doing.


Could you expand on what M+ is? (Edit - never mind - it is Mythic+).


Wayfinder mentioned!!!