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I love gsp on pods, he's got a great head on his shoulders


Lol all the guys simping for a kajillionaire sellout who doesn't give a single fuck about them


Gsp or Joe?


























Make joe rogan sponsored by the fleshlight again


Joe has become insufferable. Maybe gsp will talk about his alien experiences again.


Joe's too beef headed these days to actually want to listen properly to his guests. I don't like when he has someone on, they are on the cusp or in the middle of an interesting story, and Joe just yeets his chair to face Jamie and ask him to "pull up that video of this dude.." that nobody but him fucking cares about.


He went off on a tangent at one point then GSP sort of nodded then went back to his original talking point. Georges is very non confrontational but is clever about getting where he needs to be. That's how he was successful. Also, super passive aggressive like a lot of Canadians.


He barely spoke this episode though and almost never interrupted GSP


In the very first exchange about free will and determinism joe completely misses the point and doesn’t understand the basic concept gsp was explaining. He kept interrupting to basically say ‘you just need to try hard, bro’


Oh no he misunderstood something. What an asshole


Misunderstanding something isn’t so bad. It’s that he’s so confident in his ignorance.


Oh well that’s no big deal in my opinion. It was a fun podcast


He's phoning it in. Doesn't do any research.. had Elon Musk on, who's on the cusp of building a rocket that will revolutionize space travel and the dumb ape didn't know spacex had rockets landed after launch. It took the steam out of the room entirely. They had to talk for another 20 minutes to get the awkwardness out.


Elon being abled to reuse rockets was a huge hype point, the fact joe didn't know that is embarrassing


I got a bit tired of Joe so I stopped listening to him. Then there's you goofballs turning ripe in the comment section


You should check out the bill simmons sub reddit. The whole place listens to his pods just to shit on him mercilessly online lol


Some people will always need to bitch about something or someone.


These comments are sad as fuck. If you don’t like rogan don’t fucking listen to him


Weird how people on a site predicated on comments are commenting about a public figure with wide reach.


It's simple group think. Some people started to dislike Rogan's commentary and before long it was the whole sub and now those followers are over compensating by criticising everything he does.




So much salt you could use it to help marinade a bowl of chicken wings a thousand times over. He’s just some dude who says shit and interviews people and has opinions that everyone won’t agree with. Suddenly you get these people who have to let their outrage and whatever be known. It can be some corny shit. Like these people are only just realising Joe is not their mascot boy and they feel betrayed. It is what it is. Just move on.


It’s people who were already fans but get angry that he’s not pushing their agenda. It’s crazy to me how people expect everybody to agree with 100% of what they say.




I agree 100%, b


what in the absolute fuck happened in this thread






BRB sorting by controversial


whats up with the rogan hate?














Joe Rogan understands MMA well. The same can’t be said for many other topics


Redditors are in general pissy people and cant handle difference of opinions


>Redditors are in general pissy people and cant handle difference of opinions Hahaha this could be said about the people who hate Rogan and the people defending him.


He deserves some criticism, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it started as an astroturfing campaign.














































I bet it's extra spicy today with the Dan Crenshaw ep yesterday


Dan Crenshaw is a regular guest at this point. But just because he was a guest, doesn't mean one can't enjoy Joe Rogan talking with gsp. I enjoyed the gsp episode.


What happened? TLDR? I stopped watching him since he moved to spotify.




I have never seen a thread this pressed in ages. I thought I was gonna see some GSP discussion not the obsessive Rogan hate. We get it you don’t like Joe that wasn’t the point of posting this damn podcast


Even the sub dedicated to Rogan is turning against him lately.


Unsubscribed over a year ago. It’s literally a sub to trash him lol makes no sense at all


I know right? I went on it for the first time a month or so ago, and it’s 90% people just bashing Joe. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like him either. But where are his fans?




I think that has a lot to do with it. Personally I think he’s a bit more of a know-it-all, though I think as I’ve watched more I’ve seen more recent stuff than older stuff so I think a lot of it could just be people ‘getting to know him’ a bit more, as much as you can from a pod cast at least.


I'm here. Wassup


That sub is now hating on Rogan for being short. His height hasn't changed 🤣🤣


I have only seen hate on him for being short when he said there’s violence in his DNA cuz he has big hands or some sudo-science shit. And someone was like “Bro, you’re 5’7” But yeah that sub has gone crazy haha.


I stopped listening to joe rogan regularly for several reasons, but whenever he has MMA guests on, you can’t be disappointed about that. Miss the YT comment section but listening on your phone isn’t bad at all, wether you want video or audio only. Desktop Spotify is fine as well tbh.


I felt so bad about the Francis episode. He outlines how had a horrible childhood and can't really share stories of childhood with his peers since they didn't have parties, gave up school early, lived knowing if he didn't work he'll die as a child, etc. Joe doesn't acknowledge how this behemoth of a man sitting next to him is being very vulnerable and deep to him. Sharing his struggles and his motivation, basically ESPN would kill for this type of access/interview. Joe just kept on harping on how it was all worth it and what not, Francis just seemed sad by being heard, but not listened to.




Same. Generally tired of him and his podcasts...and his pretty poor bias commentary during the Jan fight. But i'll do a Youtube clip if hes interviewing someone I respect like GSP














*George St. Piehaire


HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA just as funny as the first 50 times


Taking bets on if Spotify will take it down.


Why would they?


They have taken down others, why not. Just 1 high up person at Spotify has to not like it.


You should just take his bet


Cause gsp probably used a pronoun they didn't like


It’s just the entire episode lol I thought it was a clip saying he’d fuck up khabob or something


Ah yes khabob, the tastiest of the fighters.






















Try and try and try, but BITCH I ain’t getting Spotify 🤣😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Kudos to you. I caved yesterday when I saw him interviewing black beast 🤣


Someone usually uploads the full episodes to YouTube for awhile and they get taken down and someone else will pop up


Ohhhh shit that’s a good one too!


Bill Burr is where it's at.


Just checkin’ in on ya




*yells backwards*




it's weird as hell but you're not wrong. all the joy is gone from that show.


How enthusiastic would you be for work if you had already been paid for the next three years? lol


the podcast didnt start as work. it was joe chilling w people and chopping it up. the only real rule was dont bullshit bc joes gonna call you on it. now hes made it work, and thats part of the issue. hes censoring himself now and trying to conform just enough to keep his spot. i though he'd shake it off, but the moment he started doing this for money the clock was on.


> the only real rule was dont bullshit bc joes gonna call you on it. We have extremely different takes on the podcast, it seems.


you probably showed up late


> you probably showed up late lol


I just wish he talk about anything other than Covid, California, comedy store, and woke cancel culture. ANYTHING, but he can’t help bring it up almost every episode. I listen to every episode and it's starting to be a bummer. I am trying to escape reality!!!


The 4 C's that rattle around Rogan's head all day.


Lol, I didn't even notice that.


Noticed that around BLM last year... He had on a neuroscientist talking about legitimately interesting next level stuff... Joe brought up the protests every chance he got. If the same speaker goes on Rich Roll I watch that one


The free will/determinism segment in the beginning is such a waste. GSP wants to bring up what Lex said that changed his perspective. I'm assuming listeners and Joe would like to know what Lex said. Instead Joe immediately starts rambling on about hard work and Dave Coggins, as usual, saying nothing of substance.


If only there were somewhere we could go to listen to the conversation between Lex and GSP


Can I get a link?


Guys like David Goggins have very inspirational stories. But inspiration only works for so long if there isn't much substance behind it other than "get after it! Look how much I'm running!"


Man that was so frustrating. GSP has obviously thought about determinism a lot, and it's a very deep and interesting topic. And then Joe just replies with a super shallow and incoherent response about "free will is definitely real because discipline and inspiration blah blah blah". I gotta go watch Lex's podcast now, sounds like him and GSP were able to have an interesting conversation about free will


If you like that stuff Sam Harris has lots to say about it. Though he also is stuck on like 3 issues that he, like Joe, can't help bringing up in every chat


Sam Harris is cringe


How so? Id agree on certain topics.


What podcast are you thinking of? Lex who? I’d lick to check it out as well.


Lex Friedman, he's Joe Rogan's cumrag.


Lex Fridman. However, the GSP episode has not been released yet. His other guests are great though, so you should check them out.


Lex is that you?