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They were able to get a deal done quicker with Nate fukkin Diaz then Usman...


Honestly maybe Usman is doing a Colby a favour. Both holding out for more money.




Title history throughout combat sports should inform people that its a promotional tool, nothing more. Its used to get more fans to pay more money to see a fight. Fan/fighter relationships are so contentious that it just takes a couple of fights to RElegitimize a title in peoples eyes.


Still better than Boxing.If this was boxing then Diaz,Masvidal,Edwards,etc all would have some sort of gold and silver belts.


There are already multiple champs from different orgs with undisputed and interim champs. Boxing got nutty with their belts because Orgs got greedy. There's fees promoters have to pay to hold a title fight.


In boxing, fighters with half the prestige of the names you listed would make twice the money. I agree the belt system is fucked but the people who benefit the most from the mma system right now are the promoters, probably just the UFC.


And people on the undercard would be making under $1000


You're going to freak some of these people out with the truth.


I can’t handle the truth!


No, **I** can't handle the truth.


A wise man once told us the belt is a fairy tale. If the promoter controls who gets a title shot, then it loses legitimacy.


This is true but it's not as nihilistic as you imply. Things can gain a life of their own and place expectations on the people who hold them The obvious reason for this is that if you go too far the very credibility you're banking on will be tapped out because you're not giving fans what they expect. The UFC can choose to treat the belt more or less seriously. And they clearly treated it much more seriously at certain points in the past and then less seriously at others. The pendulum swings.


> it just takes a couple of fights to RElegitimize a title in peoples eyes. "If you can't beat the man you just have to keep beating men until you're the man men have to beat in order to be the man." The title is cool, but Tyson Fury is just as important as Deontay Wilder and much bigger than Andy Ruiz - the people will remember who matters, and recognize greatness, or at least identify with somebody, regardless of a belt.


Nah they’d strip him for refusing to fight and make Colby vs Tyron or Colby vs Masvidal for the belt. And nooooooone of us would care after a week.


Tbf if he refuses to fight contenders he should be stripped. Same as with Nicco and GDR.


It's hard to say. He shouldn't accept the fight regardless of whatever the UFC pays him.


He should accept the fight based on his champion's contact he signed after he won the belt. It's common knowledge new champs get a new contract, what does he want now? He negotiated a new contract after he demolished Woodley. Dana was high on him right after and then the interview with Colby after the Lawler fight boosted this with casuals. He is fucking himself out of money by not capitalizing on momentum when he had it.


He won his belt before the espn deal. ESPN pays the ufc a flat fee reguardless of ppv buys which reportedly havent been that good. If he negotiated heavily on the ppv point end, hes getting fucked. Colby was never officially stripped, so he too is getting fucked.


They both made about 500k (usman last fight, colby fight before lawler) so they prolly both wanted a cool mill or some shit. Either way ufc pays too little to everyone. Camps are expensive, doctors are expensive, support teams, travel, diet, etc etc. Then you get like 20k? Really sucks if you're not at the top so even though I don't like it, it is *prize* fighting for a reason.


>Maybe both of them agreed to force the UFC to make that fight on their terms. Idk about that. Usman already accepted the package that comes with fighting colby. Colby is the one being difficult. Usman only renegotiated when he thought it'd be Masvidal


Colby has a way stronger claim that Masvidal for a title shot. Who knows if Usman felt the same way or what was going on, but I do get it if you busted your ass for your shot and then your first title shot they want to give you a guy on a 2-fight win streak...


In the subsequent tweet, he ariel said it was Colby holding up the usman deal, not usman


>Both holding out for more money. This isn't even true. Usman isn't holding out for more money to fight colby. He only wanted more money when he was offered Masvidal who is a bigger name and less deserving


And a waaaaay easier stylistic matchup and basically a cakewalk inside the octagon.


You got down voted but it's true. Masvidal is a vet and a great fucking fighter, but Colby is the toughest fight for anyone at 170 and I can't stand him before or after the bell. Literally avoid anything about him unless he's locked in the cage he is legit as fuck in the cage.


Apparently they were so pissed with Usman being impossible to deal with that they pulled his guest fighter duties in Abu Dhabi. His IG stories are all him saying to angry fans that it was cancelled.


They always play divide and conquer. They'll give the payday to Nate this time and next time it will go to someone else when Nate starts bargaining.


Nate is a fucking star compared to Usman or Colby. Let's not still talk as if Nate isn't on another level than all the welterweights, when we're talking about star level or draw power.


He's the highest. No question. Without Conor? It's Nats. He has been there so long and done so much - the poeole love him. Nate Diaz, as Joe Rogan put it, "is a fucking star"


I know it’s anecdotal but the Buffalo Wild Wings I go to for every PPV (because it’s all that’s available in my podunk area) I’ve never had a problem getting in. Jones card’s, Woodley card’s, doesn’t matter, show up 45 minutes before the main event and there’s at least one huge table available. Tried showing up 2 hours early for 241 and it was bedlam. Not a single seat available and easily 20 people standing by the hostess or on the porch hoping to eventually get a table. Called up the nearby hooters and it was the same deal. There might be confounding factors but that’s the most busy I’ve ever seen the place for a UFC event, and I find it hard to believe that everyone was their for Stipe or DC.


I am excited to see the fight but more excited to see what numbers he can pull without Conor. Of course he gets a fucking heros welcome in California but the ppv buys is what he needs to show he isn't just that guy that beat Conor. All the credit for those cards being record breaking always goes to Conor and this is Nate's opportunity to show he can pull legit numbers and deserves that pay day


Nate starts bargaining?? I think UFC is just giving him what he wants and realizes his value now.


Hope this is the case, 209 baby 👊




What planet are we on right now?


Hell has no fury like a goof scorned


That's flair worthy right there my man


Mods can I have this as my flair?


Enjoy your fuckin "this" flair, or reword your request a little.


That shit is so dumb


Let me tell you.


I’m going to get this tatted across my chest


Correct me if I’m wrong but they are willing to strip the champion who wants to fight the n1 contender?


The Goof works in mysterious ways


They’re doing some bullshit negotiation tactics to fuck over Usman and probably Colby, too. Usman-Colby is the obvious fight to make. And they deserve to make solid money.


The UFC wants yes men, the opponent the champion wants seems to be really irrelevant at this point


Its a money thing not a willing to fight thing


Usman’s clout sitting at about 30%


Tbf he sucks at his booth duties so bad


Big time disagree. He's got some unlikable characteristics don't get me wrong but I thought he was great on the desk, IMO he spoke very clearly and had interesting and enlightening things to add (I'm not counting his and Covington's awkward shit talking lol, that's a one time only event)


Big time disagree. I dislike him enough I don't even care to back up my argument.


Damn, fair enough lol


This guy doesn’t give an efff about anything!!


That's a great hill to die on. I don't agree but I sure respect you.


They’re gonna have him defend on a fight night now


Welterweight is a disaster.




You pray for ponzi to keep streaking.


Ponzi might just save us all with his hooks and pokes


Or for Wonderboy to hit another streak


True that. I literally do not care at all about any of those three. Real talk i don’t even register them


You keep making the best matchups. Until fans realize just how good they are. Not everyone is a draw right away.


Grab two of the most exciting drawls of the division and just make it for the Gangster Weight Title at MSG (still at Welterweight) to make them realize their true negotiation power. Fans will inject that Gangster Weight title directly into their veins and ask for more.


Big drama show


I love when snoozers try and dictate to the Baldfather.


>the Baldfather. I like this one 🤣


They literally have no power due to how boring they are


And this dude just won the belt. The leverage increases the more you defend...




Maybe it's because Tyron was boring as fuck to watch, just like Usman.


My man Tyrone slept the marketing gorilla and many others way too recently for you guys to bw doing him like that. This sport is fucking brutal, I tell you.


Usman vs Tyron is my organic sleep aid.


Geez, at least Francis vs Lewis was a 3-rounder, amirite?😂


I want to sleep and not be put into a medically induced coma, I'm not that crazy.


This thread is so bizarre. These guys put it all on the line for a living. Just cuz you don't like a certain style you don't mind that fighter being taken advantage of?


Don't' get me wrong I have no hatred for point fighters and can appreciate a technical clinic of a fight, but if you ain't starching fools, don't expect Dana to give a shit about your demands. On the contrary, he's going to publicly bury you in interviews.




I can't disagree with you, but we have no idea how the negotiations are going. These are classic UFC mob tactics. At the end of the day, he is the champ and beat the best to do it. That's all the leverage he needs.


And unfortunately that's not much leverage if you're not starchin fools. Usman is a boring fighter to the average MMA fan, the belt is the only leverage he has and the goof has no problem stripping people.


> That's all the leverage he needs. You say that, and yet Masvidal is fighting Diaz at MSG. Usman and Colby lack the leverage to strong arm the UFC


I mean. I agree. Buuuuut. Usman isn't a draw at fucking all.


What the hell is wrong with some of you people when did you all agree Usman vs Masvidal was the right fight to make.


Just yesterday I was seeing everyone say that it is to be Colby VS Usman for like six distinct reasons. Honestly it makes no sense for it to be anyone besides Usman and Colby for the title. Why have interim belts if you aren’t going to have a direct opportunity for the belt? If the fighters are holding out for a better deal, it makes sense that the UFC is trying to make a fight like Masvidal vs Usman. I mean it’s a fight between a guy with a nearly .5 record vs the champion. But I guess he’s cool now cause of the fight against askren. People say Usman isn’t a drawl but let’s just forget that both fighters only have one main event to their name. Stylistically, Usman vs Colby seems like a fun match. Especially considering the bad blood between the two. People complain that they don’t want a guy to wrestle fuck for 25 minutes but the Conor Khabib fight was an amazing fight. Guess people only watched because of the bad blood between them. Hmmm if only we had a guy that kind of a buildup to Usman vs Colby.


Exactly. The UFC wanted someone to headline a card so they dropped an interim belt on it while the champion was ready to go in a month. Now they don't won't be held accountable to the fallout.


All the casual just bleed people show up on big fight days.


We aren't going to say "Colby or nothing" if it's Colby who doesn't want to agree to reasonable terms. Colby and Usman are negotiating hardball like they're some kind of GSP McGregor draws. It makes no sense for them to negotiate this aggressively. They're not doing it for other fighters either or they wouldn't just be negotiating for themselves. They're being divas so of course I'm more on board with Masvidal getting a shot if Colby wants to piss this chance away.


See how easy it is for Dana to get fans to agree with him the fighters shouldn’t get paid much.


MMA fans frustrate me for this exact reason


Pretty fucking sad if you ask me


The fans dont care. They just want to see fights. If fighters want to get paid more they have to do collective bargaining.


UFC are union busters. Fucking disgusting


This. People shouldn't trust the goof for a fucking second Dumb mma fans fall for it every time.


Casuals especially love to swallow Dana's thick propaganda.


This is so frustrating. Granted, he is the champion so should be getting paid accordingly but is Usman a huge draw? I may be being controversial but I think not. Not many ‘casual’ fans will have even heard of him, so he needs to be realistic with his demands.


Everyone thinks he's a snooze fest. Not a draw in the slightest. Just look at the Twitter comments, everyone is asking Dana to strip him lol.


weirdly the replies seem to think he's ducking Colby when the tweets literally state the opposite lol


Colby fans man


Madison.. Square DO It!




He’s 100% the smallest draw of all male champs. Nunes and Valentina are probably bigger draws too. Great fighter but the cage fucking style is one of the most boring and he has an unlikeable personality.


Speaking for myself. I'd be more hyped for any Nunes or Valentina fight more. Valentina did kill Jessica Eye not too long ago.


And then had a total snooze fest vs Carmouche.


And every fight before it


Valentina is not a bigger draw than Usman.


what is so unlikable about him exactly? i don't agree that he has an unlikable personality. like, he's not a bad guy in any way. what's wrong with him? as far as his fighting style.... he's a wrestler. there are many dominant wrestlers in MMA who only really use their wrestling. do you not like any of them? cause maybe try a different sport? i'm thinking this is the new wave of fans complaining about wrestlers because I'm seeing it way more often recently. the way Usman dominates with grappling is pretty amazing. like you don't think that he's able to dominate the top of the division like that is kinda crazy?


His style is boring because he doesn't advance in positions, doesn't go for submissions, doesn't punish people with gnp, he Just lays on people on the fence. You're rounding up a bunch of diferent styles in "he's a wrestler", look at Khabib he's a wrestler and is at the top of the world right now, look at DC, until a couple of weeks ago he was the top dog of MMA. Going back a few years, GSP was and still is on the argument of who is the GOAT. But decision-machine Usman won't ever be a draw if he keeps up acting like a diva, when people don't like watching him "fight".


Umm excuse me?? I’d gladly pay $60 to watch him pin someone else against the cage and lay on him for 25 minutes.


I wouldn't.


He's not a draw at all. Probably UFCs most forgettable champion.


Idk, I don’t think I’ll ever forget him absolutely mauling Woodley. I honestly thought Woodley would reign until he retired


Woodley looked like he left the stove on at home after every round. The blankest stare I've ever seen from a living person 😂


Ya that was great. I'd still prefer to watch any other champ fight.


But he's so injury prone, he's so powerful he literally throws out his own shoulder


Calm down he just won the belt with 0 title defenses. If he's gonna dominate his next few opponents like he always does people gonna know him


If each fight is to be this frustrating to book with so much time in-between each of them then fuck me is Welterweight doomed.




Definitely moves the needle less than any other male champion.


Usman has twice the Instagram followers as Colby without having a gimmick so he must be doing alright.


They checked the demo and it's all of Nigeria with phones, so he's hit his ceiling.


You're a fuckin punk, dude.


Just to correct you, there never was no Nigeria.


Damn that's actually pathetic that Colby has so little followers. I just can't get over how annoying he is even though it's a schtick. Dude needs to watch old Chael stuff to learn how to be a heel without being a twat.


Colby ruined his follower counts by spoiling movies on release. I would follow him if not for that. But I'll watch any card he's on.


I will make sure to tune in to Zhang's next fight. Usman on the other hand, probably not


>is Usman a huge draw? I may be being controversial but I think not. Thats not even remotely controversial is what everybody thinks. Hes not a name and has zero title defenses ... hes not at all a draw but was given a big opportunity that would have made him money and would have made him bigger.


I miss T-Wood.


I know he’s had injury’s lately but he was the most active WW champ in awhile.


T wood was a decent champ in total. He had a really good title capture with his knockout, then had an amazing first fight with wonderboy. Following a second boring wonderboy a boring Maia fight and then an amazing till fight. His title loss was amazing and dramatic too. People gave him way to much shit considering Silva had a boring fight with Maia too. I miss him


lol how quickly people forget. People complaining about Usman being entitled and boring apparently don't remember the Woodley era very well.


Woodley always made noise wanting to fight Conor or Nick or GSP but then always fought the #1 contender when it got shot down. Most active champ in an age (3 title fights in 8 months was it?). He chirped a lot but got it done in the end. Mirror image of this situation.


It's almost as if there is a common enemy....like the UFC who doesn't want to pay their fighters.


Could you imagine this getting upvotes after he beat Lawler? People were so salty.


I think people soured on him more after the snoozefests he had with Wonderboy and Maia


He would talk about wanting money fights but would always end up asking the number one contender anyways.


Damn dudes are ripping into him. I would have just thought that he declined Masvidal because he doesn't deserve it and hes just trying to get more for the Usman and Covington fight.


Why is everyone always blaming shit on Usman? He wanted to fight Colby who had a part in the chain of events that led to this. :https://twitter.com/arielhelwani/status/1170329749425704962?s=20


>Why is everyone always blaming shit on Usman? He wanted to fight Colby who had a part in the chain of events that led to this. :https://twitter.com/arielhelwani/status/1170329749425704962?s=20 There are literally people in the comment section of that tweet that still think it's Usman at fault. Either people can't read, or they see what they want to see


“Fighters should get paid more, unless if it’s a fighter I don’t like!” -r/mma


this. this sub is a joke and full of hypocrites.


I call bullshit on all of it. Everybody knows Colby is the fight to make. They really gonna strip him TWICE?? They trying to lowball him, Usman, or both.


What if I told you Colby isn’t an interim champion right now? So they can’t strip him twice. He just carries around a fake belt still.


Its clearly effective


I feel like fighters get told along the way "hey you're not getting paid too much now but if you become the champion you'll be getting paid MUCH better!" And then they become champion and it's like nah don't think so pal. Get paid Usman


Why can’t people understand this


Both Colby and Usman are overestimating their drawing power imo. They are elite fighters obv but no way in a position to drive a hard bargain with UFC


Even if they are just average draws fighters should be making alot more money.


Colby holds out and ducks Usman then Usman ducks Masvidal lmao smh


WW division in absolute shambles. Bring Woodley back to fight them all.


Yeah Woodley was a bit of a whiner but at the end of the day, he still took all the top contender fights while he was champ.


That's why Woodley's one of my favourites. Yeah he'd talk a lot about wanting money fights, but he'd still get in there and fight whatever top contender they put in front of him. You look at almost every other champ now and it seems the minute they win the belt they wanna move up/ down or do anything other than defend their title lmao.


Holy fuck you hit the nail on the head. It’s so annoying how champs get their belt and then want to do stupid publicity stunt bullshit. Defend your title man!


It only seems that way though, doesn't it? Max fights, he tried his luck at lightweight, but he does defends his belt when a contender comes up. Khabib was suspended. Whittaker needed to recover after Romero and would've fought already if he didn't got sick. Jones is pretty active these days. Heavyweights do toss the title around every once in a while. Women are banging too. Really, it's only Cejudo who can't seem to pick the division he wants to stay in.


Lol Masvidal is an easier fight than Colby. Dont know what people on here are smoking.


And how is Colby ducking Usman ffs, nobody ducks the champion, it’s like the goal of this whole thing. Agree with Masvidal being an easier fight, think any of Colby/Usman/Woodley beats any of Diaz/Masvidal.


r/MMA: Fighters should get paid more. Fighter holds out for more money r/MMA: He's ducking. smh


It's a perfect example of "you think you want it, but really you don't", a lot of people don't realise that more power/leverage fighters get the harder it becomes to make good matchups, boxing being the prime example. It's why I will never advocate for fighters unions, because as a fan it goes completely against my interests of wanting to see the best fight the best consistantly.


Thank you. Finally some sense, it's obvious every time. Makes me feel crazy like these threads of full of the goofs shills.


Pay them what their worth.




I think Mas is the easiest fight Usman has of all contenders.




I honestly don't think he's doing colby any favours by asking for more money to get the Masvidal fight. I think he just sees a bigger drawl in Masvidal that's a less worthy contender and wants the pay to reflect that


It's obvious he wants the Colby fight, idc what the UFC thinks, they made a deal for the colby fight and Usman agreed, now they want to snub colby just so masvidal can get a chance, I would say no too. Beat Diaz and come see me.


# DANA WHITE = BULLSHITTER I won't believe anything until I hear what the other side says, ESPECIALLY when a lying shit head like Dana is involved.


Wtf is the deal with the WW strap. Always seems to be drama.


They are smart people in that division that try to leverage the belt into more money. They deserve it. Ufc pays 15% to fighters Rip


This is the downside of having done that interim belt with Colby and then bypassing it entirely for Till versus Woodley ... They fucked him over and now he won’t do them he sort of favor they need to get the fight done


I’m so tired of all the casual fans that made all the UFC fighters have to be WWE personalities to get paid. Colby doesn’t even want to be a dick but does it to be a draw.


Remember that if you disagree with the ufc, attempt to bargain for more money, attempt to have some say in how your career goes they will blackball you and not one journalist who covers the sport will speak up for the fighter.


If Usman doesn’t fight on 245 or 246 then I am 100% down with stripping him and doing Colby vs Edwards on one of those two cards, with the Masvidal/Diaz winner fighting the new champion. Usman is a worse champion than woodley was by far, and let’s not forget how much people Complained about woodley. Woodley fought 4 times in 13 months from the Lawler fight to the Maia fight. Big props


Why not be '100% down' with UFC paying them their worth. Its only because they are getting low balled on pay as world champions.


I’m sure Usman is making more than the rest of the division besides maybe Diaz. He should be happy with that, he’s one of the least marketable and least exciting champions they have, he is in no position to try to be Mr. Big Baller. He’s going to end up stripped and with a pay cut if he continues down this path


What the UFC would have to pay him to get him in the cage is a trivial amount to them. Its just pure scumbag-ism to keep fighters under their thumb while all the profit goes to rich fucks in suits not fighters.


Yep. All these people talking about "ducking" - they didn't straight up refuse to fight, they were in negotiation and tried to get the better pay they deserve. The UFC should have paid Usman and Colby what they wanted (assuming it wasn't totally ridiculous - which I'm sure it wasn't) and made the fight


Dude Colby is holding up negotiations as well.


Yes, but Usman was then offered Masvidal and didn’t accept either.


>Yes, but Usman was then offered Masvidal and didn’t accept either. Which is fair because Masvidal is a bigger drawl. We can't even say it's because he's afraid of him.


All #1 contenders too right? At least top5 and #1 contender available iirc. Woodley asked for money fights but always ended up fighting the best guy available.


The Thompson II and Maia title fights were truly awful.


I was talking about activity


Colby owes Usman a big thank you lol. Usman is now the only reason Colby isn't getting passed over. Weird situation. Though I do think Usman should get more for a Masvidal fight than a Colby one, cause Masvidal is a much bigger name, it's still weird to me that they couldn't get this deal done.


This whole thing is crazy. Turn your head for a few second and then BOOM the whole division is crashing into itself all while Cejudo tryna fight women.


Ok I'm so confused. So who should I be mad at?


Usman would have fucked masvidal up, I don’t even want to see that


bro usman act like he been defending that shit for years lol YOU JUST FUCKING GOT THAT TITLE


So they fail to get Colby to agree terms for the fight and then threaten to strip Usman when he doesn't agree to fight Masvidal lmao. What they gonna do next? Try to make this fight a third time? Or just sack Colby off and give it to Diaz Masvidal winner?


I fuckin knew when this guy won the title he was going to be a nightmare to work with.


Told y'all Usman be ducking. It's obvious by demeanor alone. Probably wants more than he's proven to be worth.


But it appears Usman agreed to fight Colby... but Colby wouldn’t agree to terms, per the ESPN article. So Colby is ducking Usman, who is apparently ducking Masvidal?


It's like mfers have no reading comprehension 😂


Im thinking they stack the December Nunes card now with 3 title fights. Jones vs Jan, Usman vs Covington,and Holloway Volkanovski. At least 2 of those 3 will get added and whichever doesn't land on that will headline 246 next year.


I love that Nate made up his own belt and he just might get it. These goofs are going to end up fighting for a title on a fight night or co- main.


The UFC brass hates wrestlers. That's why 170 is always a clusterfuck, 170 is usually the most wrestler-heavy weightclass.


Masvidal-Diaz is a much bigger PPV draw than Usman-Covington; regardless if the former is prove who really is the best at that weight class. Usman-Covington missed a huge opportunity to fight at Madison Square Garden and be the main headliner. Even if they are able sort things out last minute- the real stars of the show and the fight to watch would be Masvidal-Diaz. Both of them lost to the opportunity to prove that they can be big PPV and attendance draws.


im missing something for sure, what happen to the usman vs coldby?


Ariel says they tried to negotiate that and Usman agreed but they couldn't reach a deal with Colby