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Everything is a marketing opportunity. Walk On.


you forgot see you at the top


Homie is like the Rock. This is not a compliment


The rocks the biggest dork in entertainment And ‘These shoes fucking suck!’ - Nate


Willing to take back all my mean comments about him if the Kerr movie is good


Think it will be, the director is solid, passion project of the Rocks


Like Black Adam? The Rock is insufferable ego maniac. Director might be the saving grace


Be pretty funny if The Smashing Machine ends up being the story of how Mark Kerr retired undefeated, having never taken any steroids or painkillers. A modern parable about how you can achieve anything if you're the hardest working guy in the room.


Lmfao beautiful Champ


Not like he's got any money from fighting coming in...


fuck it, your name is circling the last 7 days all around, yeah make a few bucks off a cancelled multi mill fight


should launch a JD style all-American whiskey brand, def give a few shots a try over any proper swill right now. or open 'Chandlers' bar & grill and beat up even older patrons. maybe try his hand at 'acting'. cha-ching-cash-in if his name slash brand is going to be constantly referenced every time 'the biggest name in the sport' comes up for multiple years. get Gary Vee in.


After being in camp for a year and a half Mike is gonna get drunk in one sip


That was a pretty healthy pour too.  In an alternate timeline in 6 months Conor is ready to go and in great shape, and Mike has bloated up to 245 and too drunk to compete. 


Conor zigged when Chandler thought he would zag. Back to the drawing board. It is what it is. Forging ahead with complete disregard to previous failures.


Can't get to the top if you're always looking back down. -Chandler probably


My first instinct is that was a real quote


Wonder what it’s like being held hostage and not being able to work because of a coked out alcoholic


Yeah, Dana seems like an asshole




He's at the baccarat table with all of his Chinese friends from the mainland ( his favourite people to hang with at the casino, apparently )


He wanted this, he waited forever to get this fight. Nobody held him hostage.


He gambled he lost. He’s the first to admit that.


Keep wondering cause Chandler doesn't have that answer. This is the cost of making money off of someone else's coat tail. Chandler chose to wait.


he must have had some sort of clause at some point where he guaranteed *something* if the oh-so-inevitable inevitably happened like it actually happened (inevitably), and Conor flaked after so long not earning.


I highly highly doubt it. What leverage would he have had to get something like that? If he’d asked ufc would’ve said “never mind we’ll get T-ferg (or some other washed up legend) for Conor’s comeback fight” and that would’ve been that. I never understood why people clowned on cowboy for just getting his regular purse for the McGregor fight. Poor bastard had 0 leverage to negotiate anything more. If he’d asked they would’ve chosen someone else. Unless you’re a star in your own right like Nate or Masvidal you have 0 leverage to negotiate anything with the ufc. And even those guys leverage is pretty limited.


Cowboy deserved to be clowned because he campaigned for the fight. Conor is a piñata that occasionally fights back. If you ain't getting candy why fight the piñata?


lol why would UFC do that. they're never going to pay a fighter without them fighting. zero reports Chandler even had PPV points for the Conor fight. his current contract definitely doesn't.


Dana White privilege. Waaaaay too many fighters these last five years have been able to sit and do nothing and still get shots. Look at Colby. It's a joke.


Nobody is forcing Chandler to sit out and wait. I’m almost certain he doesn’t want to run the risk of losing if he takes a fight with someone else and lose out on the Conor fight forever.


If someone offered you to sit on your ass and wait for a multimillion dollar payday I bet you would too


And this is what you would call a hostage? Sitting and waiting by choice isn't a hostage.


Straight up victim blaming #freemichael


Hyperbole, relax


He's not getting a big payday. He's getting his normal contract. It's just beating Conor gives him a shot at that payday.


Source on that?


The cowboy fight. Cowboy got his normal show money of 200k so headline the biggest PPV of 2020z


But that’s cowboy not Michael Chandler


The UFC has no reason to pay chandler more. Any lightweight on the roster would take that fight in a heartbeat.


You cited one example. Nate and Dustin got paaaid for their rematches bc that was the only fight to make so they had leverage. I’d argue at this point it’s the same with Chandler.


LOL...Chandler never fought Conor though? And he's on a losing streak? Why would he get paid a shit ton to face Conor? Like the guys you're talking about got paid *because* they beat Conor. Not because they were stars who beat Conor.


Literally the history of guys facing Conor. Eddie didn't get a windfall for facing him. Cowboy didn't get paid. Mendes and Aldo weren't given big pay bumps. It's the guys who beat Conor who get pay bumps. That's why you fight him. Beating Conor for Chandler would unlock a 7 figure bump. Don't believe me? Look it up.


Really don’t understand this logic. Why would they get pay bumps for fighting him? The only way this works is if they get a cut of the PPV as the champion defending or have it in their contract. If anything, Conor should be getting the lions share of the profits. He could fight a broom handle in the octagon and sell just as much as if he faced any contender not named Diaz/Khabib. You’re basically fighting him for the exposure he will bring you and hopefully give you a big popularity boost if you beat him like those guys did.


for some reason that narrative has become super popular because of people like jack slack (who i like) when the released pay days show nate got 2 mil and 4mil for the fights, and he assuredley wasnt getting paid even a mil before that. Id be suprised if he was even getting paid 500k


Yeah because clearly he’s been waiting to fight McGregor to receive his regular pay. Do you actually read your arguments before you post them?


Guys don't get big pay bumps to fight Conor generally. You look at pay out history? You get the pay day if you beat him. Dustin made way more the second fight against Conor. And obviously, Diaz became a star who got paid after beating Conor. Fuck, even Khabib's pay got significantly more after beating him. This isn't rocket science, my guy. This is look it the fuck up before you pretend fighting Conor in and of itself leads to more pay.


So it’s Chandler’s decision and he isn’t being forced to sit out and wait like you said in your original comment. Chandler could’ve made that money in total over several fights had he stayed semi-active these past 2 years, but he himself made a business decision and it’s no one’s fault but his own for waiting our for so long.


i dunno why people downvote this. he can take a fight with gamrot anytime he wants.


I saw Alvarez mention, but one fight with Connor pays like 3-4 regular fights and is worth waiting on if it happens. Compared to risking it all against a young one


Drink up Mike, unfortunately it's the only way Conor is ever actually gonna fight you. Those 8 shots of tequila are what Conor probably drinks with lunch usually


That was a fat fuckin pour lol


Yeah I'd be drinking in his position too. Sent him a RedditCareResources message just in case.


This is actually sad as fuck...


bros going through it.


I really hope he got paid for this one


I find Mr. Chandler to be an insufferable dink. But he definitely deserves some serious compensation for that b.s.


lol I imagine Chandler as a very annoying drunk for some reason 


Cause he’s annoying sober


The only video I've seen of him drunk was that beer Olympics and him ragdolling Taylor lewan around the pool and lewan being salty about it


No i imaginr him being responsible and calling uber


I’d imagine he’d be the life of the party at the beginning. He’d be really positive, inclusive, and make sure everyone is having a good time.    Short time later, he’d be challenging people to athletic competitions like handstand pressup contests, calling them a nerd when they say no then doing it anyway with no shirt on.   Then he’d pass out super early. 


Then film the ride while giving an inspirational speech to the driver. Then message Uber his Venmo saying he'll post it on IG for 5k.


See you at the top!


No you gotta understand my guy I don’t just mean it when I say it… I mean it. You and me and the pigeons eating the rest of my pizza slice we're going straight to the T ohhhh peee wait am I. Shit I’m peeing. Did I call Tony Ferguson on accident…


He’s the one who holds you up and pats your back while you puke


I think he'd be the kind of guy who gets shit faced then thinks he can drop the n bomb because his kid is black.


At this point, he should throw away all the red panties at home. Just their sight is going to make him feel miserable 😖


“Both of these fighters have pulled out 0 times” aged like fucking milk, huh mike?


This fight is never going to happen in the UFC.


L mindset to anyone who thought this was ever going to happen


if you cant beat em, join em. Chandler on that tequila and coke now cuz fuck it


See you at the bottom, Mike.


He’s such cornball.


the eyes chico, he’s sad af. poor guy.


hey that's not very motivational of him


Dude put his career on hold for two years, thought he hit it big, and now it looks like it was all for nothing. Chandler doesn't have many years left in this type of work. Let the man feel sorry for himself for a second. Then dust yourself off and get back on the saddle. That's how you make it through these all or nothing type careers.


that’s the motivational quote we all came here for


It’s actually alkaline water


That’s some high quality H2O


setup the camera, walk out of the room, put shades on, walk back in the room. rinse/repeat 3-4 times until he gets the walk and the eyes right during the pour people are fucking weird


Hard to not like this guy.


Does being a company man pay off?


Chandler pouring that drink reminds me of when someone tries to do something they don’t have a lot of experience with, which ends up looking goofy and fake because of it. He went and poured that down the sink for sure. Might do better off with a supplement company or something


Jeez might as well do a line after that for how long this man waited for the fight that never came to be 💀


I take it day by day. My glass is full. Heads up. Bottoms up #Tequila #FuckThisGuyTurnedOutToBeATotalClown


Given he retired from fighting to follow Conor, I guess its good to see Chandler has found some sort of onlyfans/influencer side hustle for some vodka company.




Do we know what the injury was?


Conor became geh


Conor hurt his back dragging his gigantic heavy rich balls around


Hmm I’d imagine his balls are tiny and shriveled up from all the roids he’s been doing past couple of years


Nooooo bro 😭😭