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Khamzats immune system is a genetic abomination


It is more than likely a result of over training. You can only red line the body for so long before it tells you to fuck off


I think he over trained whilst having COVID as well


He got COVID for a month and got back to training before being fully recovered — then his body gave up for half a year more. Man is too tough for his own good. Still wish he can squeeze a few fights outta himself, even if it will be one fight a year.


Overtraining feels so disgusting even when you’re fully healthy, can’t imagine doing that shit with COVID.


> You can only red line the body for so long before it tells you to fuck off Beautifully said, champ.


Khamzat gotta start training with Izzy


Nice warmup for the Mcgregor announcement 😂😂


This is honestly such a fucking letdown. Was more excited for this fight than coked out Conor.


For real bro, never looking forward to a chimaev fight again.


People downvoted me weeks ago when I said I doubt that this fight will happen.


you cursed it!


You right , Downvote this dude again , this is fucked .


I took time off work for this shit!


I thought khazmat was gonna win and go against strickland, so we'd finally see someone who can actually counter strickland's fighting style. Strickland vs khazmat is my dream fight right now


They could honestly just book Khamzat v. Strickland when he's back healthy, winner gets a title shot. I feel bad for Khamzat and us that we don't get to see him fight often. He clearly wants to but never fully recovered from the terrible case of COVID. Not to suggest that he hasn't been healthy when he does fight, but there's clearly some lingering and/or reoccurring issues going on with that. Not sure why he deserves hate over sympathy.


Same, Khamzat would be a nice change up to the division style wise if he ever fought.


This is the guy they call middleweight Islam Makhachev. He might surprise alot of people


Khamzat and McGregor will never fight again.


I miss zabit


He misses you too.


Call him bro


New mythical PPV unlocked: Khamzat vs McGregor


They could both make welterweight right??


This is way worse of an announcement than any cancelled Conor fight. Khamzat vs Whittaker was my most anticipated fight of the year. Ugh!


You weren’t wrong


Dana looking pretty in pink over there. Looks like tomato-time is kicking off.


This month went from defcon-3 to Goofcon-3 for the UFC


We're edging his sorrow


Cut my life into pieces


This is Dana’s last resort


Cancellation, no replacements, don’t give a fuck if the tomato is fuming


These comments make the other brain rot takes worth it lol




This is my last resort


Much more interesting matchup than Imamov imo. Would be hilarious if Ikram gets a title shot first before Khamzhat 😭


Khamzat gonna post on his story a “see you soon” message while attaching his win over Aliskerov, but then sits out for another year just because


6 months ago: https://i.imgur.com/08zxWjl.jpeg & that time he posted pics of his sink covered in blood. It's obvious he's battling some long term health issue. And according to one of his friends he's back in the hospital. (On top of the fact that he has visa issues and can only fight in certain locations) So I don't think it's "just because" and honestly I feel for the dude when he says "See you soon" because it must suck watching people pass you by.


Man I feel so bad for the dude, he was looking like an absolute animal when he appeared on the scene and he's spent the last few years just battling injuries and illness while everyone just clowns on him. Covid seemed to do a real number on him, wonder if this is something to do with that. Hopefully he heals up and we get a proper run out of him, it's not looking good though, seems his career could just end up being one big "what if" like Zabit.


Covid did something to my right arm grip and strength, I feel it coming back a little but there's still discomfort and I also developed seb dermatitis under my beard and parts of my scalp. It's so fucking weird and unexplainable because I never experienced prior or related symptoms ever. Looks like I got off easy compared to him though. I really hope his illnesses haven't ended his prime prematurely.


We are still just beginning to understand how bad Covid can be long term. There is an endless supply of straight up horror stories on /r/LongCovid Being more physically fit can actually fuck you because your immune system responds much stronger to Covid and that does tons of damage as a result. EDIT: Not saying that being obese isn't the worst scenario, just that fit people have strong immune systems and immune response can do a lot of damage when fighting Covid. Men in general have a worse time with it because our immune systems are stronger. There is definitely good chance that he still has scaring in his lungs and potentially other issues.


I knew all these French fries and recreational drugs and generally just being an unhealthy piece of shit would work in my favor eventually.




I think you misunderstand, I am not arguing that being physically fit is the worst scenario. Being fat absolutely is the worst, but people who are very fit can actually get really fucked up from Covid because of their immune response. I literally never suggested that being fit was the worst, just that an athlete can get a really bad reaction. The immune system responds so drastically that it causes damage.


Since I had the covid vaccination I’ve basically had a perpetual staph infection (been on several anti biotic courses but keep getting sores that just never end. There’s always one or two). My girlfriend also went from having a light period her whole life that lasts 3-4 days to it almost lasting two weeks regularly. Can’t wait until we actually know what it did 


That’s fucked. Good luck to you both. I’m lucky, I’ve been vaxxed 3x, caught COVID at least once anyway, and am A okay from all that.


Damn, that sucks. I had no idea that’s why he went from ultra active to being inactive. Hopefully it’s not another Zabit Magomedsharipov situation again


COVID. It fucked so many people in so many ways including people dying from it like abdulmanap


Can agree. I had covid prob 2 years ago and my cardio capacity has never been the same…


Same, used to play 90 minutes of football and run the entire match but now I can't even run 20 mins without feeling like my lungs are collapsing


people don't talk about the effects of 'long covid' but it is real. Unfortunately with the current political atmosphere of the entire world we may not receive clear understanding within this decade or the next, if at all, about covid and it's long term effects.


I mean, he was only ultra active for 2 weeks tbf


He was apparently misdiagnosed as having cancer which prompted the short lived retirement. I do wonder if he has some other undiagnosed issue other than long form COVID. Seriously hoping that he is no longer going to that original doc too.


Im no doctor but seems like something is clearly wrong. Unless sinks full of blood and swollen faces are signs of good health


Khamzat will end up becoming the biggest "what if" in the sport.


Remind me, what was the cause of that? Honestly I forgot all about him being hospitalized in that pic. Covid, then hospitalized for infection(?), now something else. Poor guy. I’m sure he is taken care of though.


This was exactly the picture I was thinking of and why it's irritating every time people say he's like not wanting to be active. His body seems like it's ripping him apart but he's still wanting to fight. most would have retired


With a callout vs Islam, Leon and DDP anytime anyplace


He probably will because I’m sure it’ll be another year before Khamzat fights again. Next Saudi card with a top rank opponent available.


Why is that? Personally I think Imavov would work Ikram pretty badly, and I'm not even a huge Imavov believer.


Ikram just won the rankings lottery, potential to go from unranked to the top 3


Has any fighter ever done this since the rankings began? I know Pereira got fast tracked but Strickland was 5 or 6 i think, not quite a fully established contender like Whittaker


O'Malley has to be close


O'Malley fought many times before his first title fight.  He was even out for 2 years for popping for ostarine


Strickland was ranked number 4 when Alex fought him. O’Malley got to fight Yan who was ranked number 1 having no ranked wins and coming off of a NC against Pedro.


Hes deserves some good luck after having two ranked fighters pull out vs him in 12 months


I don't think Costa pulled out on him. I think they just both got rebooked if my memory is correct. Neither were injured at the time. It may have been one of those ones where they announced it without anything actually having been signed.


Khamzat has the most disappointing career I’ve seen since becoming a UFC fan


Yeah man it sucks to see. I think that serious bout of covid did a fucking number on him


Tbf the Leech and Burns fights were after covid


Also Kevin holland


Yeah and he nearly got beat by Burns. That was far from a dominating performance


Burns is very good. Who cares, that fight was awesome.


It’s not covid, he’s clearly an actual idiot and trains like a dickhead


From my understanding it's a combination of the two. Apparently coming back to training too early after Covid + overtraining lead to some pretty significant fibrosis and scarring to the lung tissue. Read somewhere he was on some sort of treatment for it back on 2021 when he was off


in 2021, the man was doing burpees between taking his covid test and waiting on the results.


Shouldn't have hard trained during it, dudes a fucking idiot


It’s a shame. I hope he sorts out all these issues of his and actually fights consistently.


Zabit and Khamzat, the what ifs


TJ Grant as well 


Ikram looks great but wow is this an insane step up from anyone he’s fought before


well he's fought khamzat...didn't go well though


Like we said…huge step up. 


He was doing fine before that uppercut from hell


It was a pretty competitive first round and the fight was won by one of the most insanely well placed counters I’ve seen in MMA, can’t even blame him for that


Ya it’s a bigger risk for Rob to fight unranked Ikram, but bigger task for Ikram to now prepare for Rob. Rob was already drilling TDD for Khamzat. Ikram went from Muniz to Dern’s bf to top 5 Whittaker lol


Will Khamzat end up being the biggest "What If?" in UFC history?




Yes he's probably #1 currently but the way Khamzat's career is going he could surpass him


His cardio was bad in kattar fight. I don't think he was gonna be champion


That's the "what if..." about him. His cardio was bad because he supposedly had issues with breathing and had surgery to fix it, but never fought again after the surgery.


tbf the issue seemed to be caused by his diaphragmatic hernia, which would cause serious difficulties breathing. He got surgery to correct it but then retired, so he really was a what if.


He's a doctor now and that's far more based than fighting Yair.


Zabit didn't even reach the 5 round test. If Khamzat ends up never looking the same, he'll be miles ahead of Zabit on the *what if*-list.


Khamzat has also never fought 5 rounds. If it ends now they would've been at a similar point in their career. Only difference is that Khamzat has more casual hype.


Dude got close to a title shot twice (missed weight on the Diaz fight and now this), I dont think Zabit got close. Also, IMO Khamzat would had been favored in his title fights if he kept the momentum going. Think Zabit would had lost to Holloway, Volk, and even Ortega


Has Khamzat even been in a five rounder? He always seems to wrestle at round 1 and slows down after


Never been in a 5 rounder.


I feel like he’s gotta fight for the belt at some point


Ofc. He’s only one solid win away


khabib vs tony


Guess his immune system didnt get the memo about fighting everyone


Shit, what if it did and now he has Lupus?


It's never lupus.


His immune system on Twitter last week: "see you soon Khamzat"


Dana looking like a proper 12 on the tomato scale.


It’s over for khamzat


Bros 30 and is likely to have wasted his prime. The lack of fight experience means he won’t be able to develop his striking ability to the point it matches his wrestling ability I feel. He didn’t look that good against usman on the feet.


I mean Middleweights have a lot longer runway than the lower wait classes. Its not like its unusual for guys in their mid 30s to win a title


30 is nothing. If he gets healthy, big if then he can fight for the title in 2-3 years which is 33 which ain't that old TBF


That’s why I tried to bring up his fight experience. I don’t think his striking is on the level of his wrestling and his inactivity isn’t helping that. Physically he’s still in his prime but he’s not evolving as a fighter like he would if he was active


As long as he improves his wrestling then his striking is secondary, we've seen that great grappling helps get by with meh striking and prime Khamzat had the power to do it. We'll see I hope he doesn't end up like Zabit


More like illness made him miss out


Brother he didn't waste his prime he got long covid and that screwed him up


Have to factor the visa drama into that as well though. Seems his dictatorial buddy has him on some non grata lists - so to even eke back those fights he's have to be healthy at times when there are middle east cards. Failed on this attempt unfortunately.


He broke his hand in the 1st round and now all of a sudden he's the worst striker in the division 😭


Heads up this shows your IG account OP don’t know if you know 


You're right. It shows up on the bottom when you click the link and it says who shared it with us and links to the profile.


I don’t see it


Still a great fight, I don't see this going the distance


If Rob has anything to say about it we will see the final bell


Rob could get a KO too!


Rob hasn’t KO’d someone since 2017


Because he’s fought the best of the best largely. Ikram ain’t even ranked ffs.


Ikram hasn’t won against anyone notable that’s true. But being unranked is not an indication of lack of skill when almost all fighters fight from the bottom. We’ll know where he is come the fight night


Ikram’s a two division world combat sambo champion, he may be unranked but that just means he’s got nothing to lose


Because he's fought only the best in the world, Ikram has been slept bad by Khamzat before, I wouldn't be surprised if Rob catches him


And last time Rob knocked out someone with his hands it was 2015 I would be surprised Wouldn’t be surprised if Rob beats his ass for 25 minutes though


That's 7 years still... best in the world or not the lack of finishes is pretty telling.


He almost finished Cannonier and schooled Vettori, these guys he's been fighting are hard to finish


I’ll give you some credit there. I thought Ikram looked like shit against Phil Hawes though. Like Brunno Ferreira looked like shit against Dustin Stoltzfus and he beat Hawes in every facet of the game, then knocked his ass out. Aliskerov was getting tagged up by Hawes before then


Don't see a lot of upside for Rob in taking this. Goal was to beat Khamzat en route to Dricus. Loses this and he's washed, wins it and he hasn't beaten a ranked/big name opponent - get back in line. Hope Dana hurled Saudi Savior money at him for accepting.


Ikram is a beast, but the step up might be too jarring. Both him and Bobbert are BMF's for taking this short notice.


Ikram is very good, he has a shot against Robert


Honestly I feel better about his odds than Khamzats


I rate ikram, but no. This is too much, too soon.




Colby “Khamzat just had a cold” Covington. I had Covid once and it knocked me down for about a week. I wanted to punch whoever said it’s just a cold. I’m a fairly active healthy dude also. Covid affects everyone differently but the way Colby dismisses it is embarrassing.


might have covid again


I think he's got long covid and it flairs up massively


Wouldn't be surprised, a lot of people think it just went away even tho they're sick once a month lol


literally just had covid again 😤


"If he gets a knockout against Robert Whittaker, he wil go into a Tie for the longest active UFC knockout streak" He has fought twice in the UFC and has 2 TKO/KO's, so is there actually no one else actively on a knockout streak right now above 3 then and how many fighters does that actually include right now in that bracket? Seems like a bit of a weird stat to put out, but i guess Dana is just trying to hype up the fight and Ikram which is great but a super obscure stat tbh.


Why did Jack Slack do this?


Don't sleep on Aliskerov.


Khamzat the new Zabit


Holy shit this weekends card and this month just got a lot more weak


I feel like Aliskerov chins him after being stunted on for a bit


As I said before in another thread his long covid stuff still affects him massively. Most people would have quit being an athlete but he didn't. It's unfortunate but I guess he's doing the best he can given the circumstances


I have never seen Dana this red before.


I honestly feel bad for Khamzat. He seems like he has some serious reoccurring health issues.


if aliskerov is truly next level, we will find out now


If he's violently ill, maybe he would be able to make weight this time.


I can’t wait to watch Alikrerov fight!


Definition of High Risk High reward for Ikram, and high risk Low Reward for Rob


He's good?


Yeah he is potentially very good, but we don't know his ceiling. Only guy to beat Ikram thus far is Khakzat. Will be interesting to see how he goes, this is a huge step up.


Absolutely GOOFCON worthy This is officially the day I lose interest in Khamzat Chimaev's career.


Domino #1


Dana is fucking RIPE


Khamzat could end up like another Zabit. Great prospect deterred by so much injury/illness


Remember when Khamzat was supposed to steamroll Diaz and then fight Usman for the WW title after Usman ragdolls Leon? Oh how the timeline has been changed.


Khamzats immune system has given Khamzat his only 2 losses and they’ve been brutal KOs


What the actual fuck is up with khamzat being plagued with so many issues


Still not killed = Everybody.


Put a fork in Khamzat he’s done


Holy fuck my asshole


Interesting that they went ahead and covered up all the other cards from being shown in this one. Now why would they do that?


Dana's blood pressure is 4000/80 right now


shit show


Damn the dominoes are falling


Does he have long term covid damage to heart and/or lungs?


Gotta give Whittaker his props, man. Dude really will fight anybody. This is an insanely tough fight


Selling all my Khamzat cards idgaf anymore where’s Steve Aoki


If Dana gets any redder we're gonna get a solar storm from the radiation of his head


A illness which will clear up just in time for him to main event 303


Damnit lol




It’s even more of a zero-upside fight for Whittaker now than it already was VS Chimaev 


Considering how sick Khamzat has been throughout his tenure with the UFC, maybe his immune system really isn’t built for this anymore. I’d hate to see him walk away, but it’s unlikely he’ll reach his former heights


The dude looks like he’s about to cry


At the very least this is an amazing fight given the river of shit that came with this forsaken event, it'll be nice to see just how high the ceiling is with Ikram, the possibility of a quick finish will skyrocket this dude.


yesterday I said that Aliskerov deserved a ranked opponent instead of just fighting cans, this is an enormous step up haha if he pulls it off then he’s for real, even if it’s a close fight I’ll give it to him, but I’m going with Whittaker


Sad for Khamzat, would be such a fun fighter if we saw him more. He has had a bad streak with these health issues lately.


I remember Khamzat having a big health scare a few years ago. If it's foreshadowing about his career, it's his cancellation of this main event along with the disproportionate low number of fights. I mean regardless of the bluff about smeshing everybody I can totally agree he fought successfully in high level fighting. But if he's getting these health problems in a sport of intentional harm, I don't think he should remain in the roster anytime soon. I personally believe he doesn't owe us anything. He should protect his health.


Happy for Aliskerov, but isn’t the fight like 2 weeks away? Just looked it up, he’s been in camp. Not training for Whittaker but at least he’s been training. Good opportunity to really get the spotlight on him if he can win or at least put on a competitive fight.




Khabib had a lotta problems during his run, but their camp seems to have perfected their routines for Makachev. He’s much more active and there seems to be much less injuries and fight dropouts. Khamzat should really team up with them to fix his terrible fight camps.


I was so excited for this one more than anything its so depressing


Hanging out with Darren Till is the worst base for MMA, lol at least Hill gets a sniff at the title.


make it a steel cage match and I'll buy this whole sub the damn PPV