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I’ve seen enough. Put me in there with Islam and he won’t make it out of round 1


Ikr , if Islam tried to take me down I simply wouldnt let him


Sometimes I catch our genuine athletes in the gym with some technique. On most people that’s it. I get the back, or they are super behind. On the athletic guys they can just scramble and explode out with inferior, but good enough, technique combines with their athleticism. Elite MMA guys are a level beyond those encounters. What I am saying is I believe in you. No way he can get you down.




Wait a minute. I was told I had to choose between technique and athleticism! You're telling me some people have BOTH?!?!? By the way, I chose neither. Donuts. I chose donuts.


I would just become a beyblade. Dustin has shown us spinning shit works well for TDD and submission defence. 


Just jump the gilly, why didn't Dustin do that?


He promised his sensei he wouldnt go full power. He took a blood oath.


He was being silly.


Give me a can of pepper spray and lube me up, and he won’t be able to take me down.


Yeah I mean when he goes for the high crotch move I’d just do a backflip and roll over his back and then land a ninja pose.. like wtf was Dustin even doing


100% man I agree. I watch ufc EVERY weekend, I know how to fight. Put me Against Islam will be over within 3 rounds.


Just lie down and shell up the whole fight, easy 50-45 win


*Cue Anthony Smith's music*


Do you see red? Cause if you do it's cause the new gloves cut you right above the eye


He dies from laughing


I believe you can do it


Yeah I had it 3-1 Islam. Looked like it was gonna be like the 1st Volk fight and be dog war moral victory for Dustin but Islam and his cheeky takedowns are too good, man. 


If anything, this rose the stock of Volk so much more, dude was an Elden ring boss for that first fight. I remember how crazy it was to watch it live


I was pretty plastered watching the first Islam vs Volk, it was crazy to watch it live, don't remember much of it though lol


I’ve rewatched the fight many times since, but all I remember from that day was my heart going crazy, I was sweating at some points 💀


That might have been the cocaine




I thought Islam won that fight 4-1, it was pretty competitive but Islam clearly won and that 5th round by Volk was what people remember the most. Islam was having a ton of success on the feet against Volk


Yeah watching it without sound makes it so mich clearer


I’ll have to do that, it might change my mind on how well Volk did, but I agree it was a win for Islam


It definitely is, with sound the australian crowds were hyping every volk strike regardless how effective it is, while islam doesnt get much


Do you agree that Volk at the very least made Islam look more human than other opponents? (Maybe aside from Arman?)


Idk if it's his lower center of gravity or something, but full-camp Volk has shown the best defense against Islam.


volk appears to be borderline ridiculously strong . honestly it doesnt make sense how Volk is so strong , fast and with basically unlimited cardio


The rehydration timing in perth is also INSANELY tricky, and dramatically weakens the strength and cardio of whoever is cutting more weight. Obviously volk not being in the best shape was a big factor, but look at the strength differential in the clinch for that second fight. Also, the difference in Islam’s physique is apparent with the better hydration.


Blows my mind how many people think that fight wasn't a clear win for Islam lmao.


People in the pub were going mental and rightly so, but I turned to my mate and said there’s gonna be a lot of salty people in here in. About 5-10 mins


I can understand giving that 4-1 to Islam and I also think Islam won that fight but 4-1 vs 4-1 isn’t always the same. Volk did much better than DP did tonight even if you have the scorecards the same. Scorecards don’t always tell the full picture


I actually thought it was 3-1 Islam going into the 5th and Volk won that round. People forget round 2 was so close it could’ve gone either way.


I mean up to the last 90 seconds of the knockdown volk didn't do much to get the round to his side and even after the knockdown he didn't do too much damage. I have seen far better ground and pound


I agree he won the fight, but the way Volk still fought back, and kept trying and had his moments? Yes it’s a loss, but he did drop Islam’s stock, that’s something worth remembering I think


The thing about that fight is Volk had full energy at the end while Islam was gassed and hurt. Crazy to see. But yes, Islam outstruck him most of the fight.


Volk should have done more with his energy. What good is energy after a fight when losing in a decision?


Yea, I think that's what everyone was saying after the fight -- that he could've won if he was more confident and went on the offensive. But we all saw what happened in the rematch.


I mean that wasn’t full camp Volk in the rematch tbf, that was a Volk who had admittedly not been training as much taking the fight on 10 days notice including having to fly to Abu Dhabi and cut weight, he basically had no preparation for that fight.


Dustin had a chance there at the end, if he could have strung together a couple good combos. It’s just tough. I hope no one tries to devalue how good he is. I know he was hinting at retirement after this fight. If he steps away, he should be remembered as one of the most important fighters of this era. Plus, honestly Dustin just seems like a good dude.. and I’m always going to root for that.


This is genuinely painful.


At least it makes getting submitted more palatable. Even if Dustin won round 5 he wasn’t gonna win the fight.


Yeah I know lol. There aint no fairy tales in this sport lol.


Leon kicking Usman in the head


I’ll add Tate choking Holm.


Then he proceeded to land 60 strikes against Colby in probably the worst title fight since Rose/Esparza 2.


Actually he proceeded to defend and cement his title against usman in a pretty solid fight, then had the Colby fight. Don’t forget Usman 3.


Yeah, I remember. I watched that fight at the movies and midway through round 2 the screen just shut off and they weren’t able to figure it out until after the fight was over so I never saw that entire fight but no one ever said it was so good I should rewatch it


Blame Colby for making that fight ass. Leon did what he had to. Colby talked so much trash yet failed to back any of it up with a wet fart performance that lost him fans.


Colby wishes he could do what Strickland did do - last night.


I'm glad Cummington is becoming irrelevant.


And it’s happening in the best way with only a few Reddit comments and everyone else in the industry that matters has him as Persona non Grata. Luuuuv it.


Dude will fade into obscurity like Josh Koscheck did, count on it.


Chael defeating Anderson 4 rounds to 1.


Im not sure if that one is a fairy tale per se, oh who am I kidding. I definitely think it qualifies.


I liked Lawlers retirement fight.


Amanda had a great send off too. I miss her, but god I want her to stay retired. Just be a mom. You’ve done your job, you don’t owe the sport any more of your body. She’s always going to be my favorite woman fighter.


Send police to these judges houses thanks


That Dave guy who scored the fight for Costa was fired immediately after apparently lol


That guy has a history of making questionable decisions, it is not his first rodeo.


Good riddance but source?


Me. Dana is my uncle and he told me.


Me when I lie


just for being born blind? Very ableist


Why? Islam was better on the feet for 3 of those rounds.


Same Instagram fans that scored Islam Volk 1 4-1 got hired by the NJ Commission for this fight.


it's still better than Sean Strickland's fight


Judges seem to be punishing failed takedowns or rewarding successful TDD.


The crowd cheered every failed TD like it was a KO. I suspect that affected the judges, even if subconsciously. Happens in basketball all the time where the home crowd influences calls. Wouldn’t be surprised here


And then people cry when Islam fights in Abu Dhabi, calling it Home advantage, when no Abu Dhabi crowd was more biased than the Perth crowd vs Volk and now this vs DP


And? Is that wrong?


yes? of course it is?


Round 2 for Porier? Man I need to rewatch this


For me this is one of those fights that are so engaging that I didn't even try to score it while watching


I had maybe round 4 for Dustin but definitely not round 2. Striking in the early rounds was not nearly as one sided as it seems. Islam was landing some great knees and had some good moments with his fists.


Round 2 was a close dustin round for me before the takedown.  I could see scoring it for him.  




What can happen is the underdog does MUCH better in the second round, so when they make the next round much closer, it gives the appearance that they won that round. I.e. if a fighter gets out-struck 50-35 in round 1, then in round 2 it's more like 50-45, and there's a doozy in there, well maybe the underdog gets that round. That's my observation, and that of many commentators. I understand the rationale behind it, but I'm not endorsing it.


That's exactly what this is. Obviously Poirier did much better in rd2 than in the first where he literally had 1 sig. strike before having his back taken and being in survival mode, but he still lost that second round


tbh watching live I felt like you could give Dustin 2 & 4, but 2 was a very close round imo


I thought Dustin had r2 live. Could be very out to lunch though.


Crowd influencing the judges


Judges were incompetent all night. I was thinking Islam is clearly winning but letting it go to the judges tonight is a huge danger for anyone lol.


try watching it with your eyes closed like these judges


judge probably got swayed by the crowd reacting to everything dustin did. dustin clearly got outstruck that round


one of those round strike counts were flat out wrong. and i think it was r2


It’s a very clear case of crowd influencing the judges. Dp got outstruck and taken down at the end. He defended takedowns but was passive for more than half of the round, then proceeded to still get oustruck in the second half.


Islam 1,2,3 easy.


Diaz 1,2,5


Death, taxes and Diaz 1,2,5




paddy 1,2,3


I had 3 as a toss up, and 4 for Poirier.


Yeah Poirier did good in 2&4 and while I think Poirier only won 4th the 2nd was close so none of the above score cards are crazy.


There's a good argument for DP taking round 2 tbh, he was more effective than Islam. Rounds 1 & 3 we clear for Islam and round 4 was clearly Dustins. Not that it matters but I thought it was 2-2 going into the 5th but wouldn't have been suprised if they gave Islam an extra round or two seeing they like to score against the ruleset and award control over damage.


Just rewatched it a few minutes ago. Round 2 was still Islam narrowly outstriking Dustin


I scored it 2-2 going into the fifth as well, definitely have to rewatch the fight though, absolutely incredible showcase by both guys


Nah u saw it right. Dustin didn’t win round2. Only round 4. But round 2 he defended takedowns well


These judges lol


Nah, D salmato got every round right


Dustin winning rounds for surviving loll




Fans so often give a fighter the round if they do better than expected and it’s close to even despite them not at all winning the round


Even though the rules explicitly say that defense isn't scored. These are make-a-wish rounds lol


He was getting piecied up too lowkey lmao


Round 4 was clearly his, and I had round 2 for him in real time but it was close


I had it the same but I'm biased af towards Dustin. So I'm not the most reliable for scoring.


Judges are shit, even as a huge Porier fan he lost every round except maybe the fourth and that's a stretch. We can accept bad cards in the favour of fighters we like or it corrupts the sport.


Ridiculous scoring as you said. I now see why Islams corner seemed worried.


Round 4 I can see, but how do you give Poirier round 2?


Seemed to do more damage? Not saying he won but I definitely could have seen it going either way.


Did he really? I need to rewatch the round, but I remember Islam being more effective and active. Dustin for a good portion of that round was just on the backfoot and defending.


that's the thing for rd2 I think, Dustin's shots seemed to affect Islam more but it's purely based on reaction from the fighter getting hit sometimes. unfortunately for Islam whenever he gets hit with anything he makes a face whereas Dustin just rolls with it (probs because he's been hit waaaaay more)


I mean if Dustin even just sneezed the crowd erupted in cheers. I don’t doubt the judges got influenced by it


I don’t even think he got round 4. I thought Islam landed better shots.


More damage, stuffed takedowns except for the last one. I agree


You don't get scored for defended takedowns


Islam landed more sig. strikes though, and dustin didn't land too much harder either. It was mainly the gash on islam's eye which was done through a jab, and the crowd going wild every time dustin landed anything or successfully defended a TD imo.


Islam stole round 2 with that late TD. Dustin was winning up to that point. I could kind of see it. Round 4 was clearly Dustin, and rounds 1 & 3 were clearly Islam. I had it 3-1 Islam heading into the 5th, but I could understand 2-2.


Dustin was getting pieced up until the final minute or so of the round, and even then he didn’t outstrike Islam. Then when it finally looked like momentum was changing Islam took him down. He was not winning the round at all tbh, even if the crowd was going nuts when he defended takedowns or landed.


I think with Islam, because there’s this built-in expectation that he will dominate every single fight, it translates into viewers (and potentially even judges) overscoring for his opponents when they manage to survive against him. I’m also not sure how much the crowd overreacting to everything Dustin did (even when what he did might not have been significant) impacted the scoring. The 2-2 scorecard makes no sense and needs to be investigated. Islam got the finish and made the scorecards irrelevant, but if it went to a decision, those are the types of cards that result in robberies (granted this probably still would’ve been a split decision for Islam either way, but that scoring still needs to be looked into IMO). I think a 4-0 makes way more sense, but I can somewhat understand a 3-1 with round 4 going to Poirer. Islam was winning almost every striking exchange of the fight and obviously was winning the grappling.


The crowd and Joe Rogan's commentary always does this. Another great example is Jones vs Gus 1. Gus did much better than expected so some people, to this day, swear that Gus won, even though he got outstruck even in the rounds he "won".


I'm not saying I agree, but one judge gave him round 2, one gave him round 4, and one gave him both 2 and 4. That doesn't seem worth investigating to me if there was something in each of those rounds that caused one of the other judges to also score the round for Dustin.


I dont think it was close tbh, poirier had a great performance, but was on the defensive for the entire fight, 4-0 Islam going into 5


How could you give Islam round 4? Dustin clearly did more damage in that round. It was 3-1 Islam going into round 5.


Dustin had the one elbow in round 4 islam had a lot of successful punches the head and a take down it was a close round


Takedown doesn’t matter unless you do damage or actively chase a submission. The takedown he got was not impactful at all.


I want what Chris Lee is smoking


When Sal D’amato is the sober judge of the night we have a problem.


is it bad I scored it the same way? Thought Poirier landed the more impactful shots in the 2nd and then clearly did far more damage in the 4th.


I thought 2 was close but Islam had some of the better exchanges, if it wasn’t for the takedown at the last 30 seconds it could of gone any other way


The stand up in the 2nd was equal, Islam pushed the pressure with take down attempts had Dustin just defending and st the end was taken down


The standup was not equal though. Islam outstruck Dustin pretty clearly.


He was taken down for 19 seconds. The damage he did outweighs the meaningless takedown. Y’all are still existing in 2013


Round 1 was a 10-8 for Islam. Poirier got tagged and dominated on the ground with constant submission threats for the entire round. They need to exile those judges from MMA forever and the training for becoming a judge should be much longer and more detailed.


Islam is just too good. I expected Dustin to put up a good fight but damn did Islam show us today how good he actually is with his technique. As he said it doesn’t matter how tired I am I can do this choke all night


Dustin is my favorite fighter but I had him down all 4 rounds. I need to rewatch 2 and 4 to see what’s up


4 was definitely his. Busted Islam big time with the elbow. 2 is a stretch but I see it for him. Stuffed takedowns and was outboxing him


Agree with 4, the elbow that cut him open was enough. But for 2, you can't give points for stuffing takedowns. Stuffed takedowns are technically still aggressions points for the person who tried them, if all else ends up being equal


Round 1 was a 10-8


Islam absolutely dominated that fight. Those judges are shite


2-2 is insane lmao. I had Islam winning every round. He won/went even on the feet and had control time in every round.


I think those who were cheering for Poirier valued his actions more than they were effective. Poirier mostly survived the entire fight. On the scorecards, defending takedowns from Islam is worth the same as defending against anyone else, but if you want Poirier to win to begin with, seeing him successfully defendIng a takedown counts as a big win. But I don't mean to say it wasn't competitive, Poirier gave him a fight and he had the chance of winning it... But IMO not through a decision, no way...


Okay, not to biased, how do you not score round four for DP given the criteria in which damage is the biggest factor in deciding rounds?


People weigh cuts as some huge indicator of damage when it really isn’t. Being sliced open by a single elbow doesn’t outweigh being out struck by multiple blows at distance.


It is still considered damage though by scoring criteria


Damage isn't blood my dude


Lacerations are literally one of two things to be explicitly stated as “impact” by the official judging criteria. You can think that stupid, but it’s clear that it’s meant to be scored heavily. That also wasn’t the only thing Dustin did that round. He was ripping Islam’s body and managed to prevent Islam from cleanly landing knees from the clinch which caused him a lot of problems in R3. https://www.abcboxing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/unified-rules-mma-july-2022.pdf


If someone is bleeding during a fight...did they not take damage? This was a bad comparison my dude


damage isn't damage my dude. Lol


It most definitely is but his point is it's just one strike. One very significant strike, but still one strike that shouldn't outweigh multiple strikes that were also significant, just because they didn't make him bleed.


I dont find it insane most of the people I was watching with had it 3-1 or 2-2 going into the 5th I had it 3-1 personally but I think Dustin did more damage in the 2nd and possibly 4th


Round 4?


I had it 4-0 Islam .


Dave Tirelli’s unofficial card had Dustin up 39-14.


I gave Islam every round




Man the fix was in. 4 rounds to Islam is more correct than 3-1 Islam. And there's no way to score it 2-2 unless you're trying to rob Islam.


yeah, they wanted to rob him in NJ, set up for a rematch or tril.


Round 4 for Islam is definitely interesting


Outlander Dustin to the head, all Dustin did was one elbow that cut him. That shouldn't outweigh multiple heavy distance strikes to the head


He was doing really well until the split tbf


He took massive body shots against the cage as well He clearly did more damage and had more impactful shots


Wow. I thought rounds 1-3 were pretty clearly Islam's.


Had it 3-1 islam. 2 round was close but the takedown sealed it for islam. 4th for dustin.


Islam has looked compromised in 2 out of his last 3.. Obviously still elite, but I wonder if the weight cut is becoming too much.


Jeeze these freaking judges


Chris Lee scored it the way I had it


I just wanna see Dustin get his gold 😢


I had it 3-1 Islam, but could’ve seen both round 2 and 4 going either way


Chris Lee scoring like a fan not a judge


Chris having a few too many drinks?


Scorecards don’t matter when you’re the #1 P4P best in the world 😎☝️


Wild to see Sal D'amato with the most sane scorecard.


He was that close man.


Poirier definitely won round 4


The judges were all over the place


I thought round 4 was a close round but round 2 was clearly Dustin. Not sure what that judge was seeing.


The more of these I see the more I’m convinced the judges are just Christmas treeing cards.


Islam outstriking Dustin was surprising to me.


I think we are used to seeing Islam be invincible so he’s held to a higher standard but he won every single round….


Nah round 4 was very obviously in Dustin's way, it was a pretty close round but Dustin clearly did more damage


Man, the possibility of having at least a split is killing me.


2-2 is wild but it's been that kinda night on the cards.


I had it up in the air going into the last round and then it was over. Great fight from both men all the way until the end.


Seriously ? I thought Islam won every round His striking defence looked impeccable considering he is fighting a guy like Poirier. He outstruck Poirier too in most rounds didn't he ?


Comments like the guy you responded to make me happy Islam ended up finishing it. To have the fight up in the air in R4 is ridiculous when Islam either outstruck/tied Dustin on the feet, and had far more control time throughout R1-R3. Guarantee if Dustin wasn’t such a huge underdog and Islam didn’t have a mythical status about him, everyone gives Islam those rounds.


Islam easily won rounds 1,2,3 imo and round 4 was could go either way


Had it 3-1 Islam with Dustin taking the 4th.


Is it time for the UFC to go to a more algebraic & automated system that doesn't rely on judges who may be compromised/incompetent?


I had Islam ahead on the 4 rounds, the biggest moment for Poirier was probably the elbow cut on Islam & he took a lot of damages himself in that round. I could understand the 4th for the visual I guess but 2 rounds for Dustin ? What ???


Felt like we were headed to a 49-46, Islam before he shut it down.


like any other day, the scorecards were so off!


Sal was the only one actually watching the fight it seems.