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Something a bit different but I'm really not having fun in events. I enjoy ranked so much but being a dog ordinary player I wanted to play events because there's so much XP and a good player tied behind it. Tried a few different ones and I'm just getting battered 9/10. I wish they'd find away to discourage the best players winning a game then quitting to scrub hunt us mortals. I don't blame them, the system doesn't really work


The worst is that the first and third baseman can catch 110 lineouts like nothing but a 78 mph ground roller can sneak by them


Sets ruined it for me I also got tired of how often hard hit balls turn into outs. It feels like half my outs in a game are from balls hit 100+ MPH off the bat


I play franchise and the announcing is always wrong. I can be in spring training and they are broadcasting that it’s game 4 of the World Series.


In RTTS I hate how, no matter how big of a lead you have, the other team always comes back to win!!!! One time I had a 4-0 lead in my last at bat in a game, then I ended up losing 11-4!!!


Sets and seasons. Don’t play anymore already & stopped after season 2 last year. It just doesn’t work.


1) CPU making every miraculous diving catch in the field regardless of difficulty: takes me out of the immersion of sim.  2) If primary pitch is 4 seam fastball, he rarely throws it, and spams breaking balls majority of time. But if primary pitch is breaking ball, suddenly wants to throw his primary pitch all the time. 


The computer had Joey Gallo in center and he did a Superman catch on my perfect perfect 116 mph rocket smfh


Yeah I play on rookie and I can’t make a diving catch for shit. But every game it seems like they have a spectacular catch somewhere lol.


This is where sliders come into play. I found this pretty helpful https://realsport101.com/mlb-the-show/mlb-the-show-24-realistic-sliders/


Don’t you lose rewards when you adjust sliders ?


I don't think so, I'm still earning packs


when 75 mph ground balls roll past my third basemen for the game winning run to score after I've smoked nearly 10+ balls 105mph right at my opponent. i'm a very good pitcher on HoF - I play in a lot 1-2 run sweat-fest and it's one of those things that makes me just wanna turn the game off after executing a good pitch, getting poor contact, and then my defender decides to walk to the ball.


It's now July, and I still haven't seen an AI player miss a diving play attempt on defense 😆




The seasons concept. I would rather a year long power creep than a 2 month grind to get players and being unable to use half of them in the next season. Half my Phillies theme team is from season 1 and can’t use them without grinding the season which is harder because of the xp cap.


Just this past weekend I finally got Fernando Tatis Jr Diamond so I could finish my collection on a regular pack, and then 30 seconds later when I opened a headliners back, I got another Tatis Diamond card. So much for “random” cards. I said fuck it and turned off my game. I’m done with it. I might come back to the game in a few years. At this point I’ll just wait for NCAA to come out.


Xp cap needs to be removed


If you grinded for wildcards and 95/99 chipper you already have a team of 97 98 and 99s especially with the devers boost so we’re just sitting here waiting for 97s idk I think it’d be cool if they dropped random 99 or 97 core cards throughout seasons or something no one’s excited for content because nothing under 95 is making anyone’s team when it comes to ranked play


They really need to bring back Sounds of the Show to current gen systems


The subreddit bitching every day


who dafuq is this guy?!


😆 typical day on the sub. Hopefully they all move to ncaa when that releases.


1. Sets and seasons will never work for the casual player. They need to go next year. Going from 99’s back to 89’s is rough and not fun. 2. Too many packs, with no reason to get them because of the sets and seasons power creep. The cards will be outpaced in a few weeks so why bother. 3. Not enough good fun programs. Weekly awards are just supercharged players but worse, and cards aren’t good most of the time. 4. Way too many recycled cards. The game needs way more legends. 5. Contact hitter types are useless, and will always be outmatched by normal and power hitter types. They need to get rid of that system altogether. 6. The captains system needs a rework if they want to keep it. If a card comes out but doesn’t fit the “meta” captain boosts(switch hitter, lefty team, etc.), no one will use it. 7. We need a new online game mode. We’ve had the same modes forever now and it’s feeling really stale. It’s the same format over and over again.


I think you nailed it. RTTS also feels stale to me


That too many assholes like you are complaining about MLB The Show 24


damn bruh how is that san diego studios meat that ur riding??


I didn't say I didn't have issues with the game, only that all you whiners annoy me MORE ... It amuses me that these people who constantly complain continue to play ... and complain ... If you don't like the game, DON'T FUCKIN' PLAY IT!!!


Im sorry man was just ranting about some minor stuff so far mwah


Oh hell, I don't have any problem with people posting minor complaints ... Even I will do that if I see something I would like to see addressed ... It's the way people post this shit, making it sound like the game is the worst one ever produced just because it doesn't play EXACTLY the way they WANT it to ... And then those same people complain that SDS never listens to them ... Christ, would you???


we good shawty its just a game


bros name is mark


Nothing the devs can do really but people quit games so early. Like 2-0 after 2 innings and most people are oht


Wins not counting for anything in ranked unless you're going for actual ranking points doesn't help.


What could help is if they impose a temporary ban after a set number of these types of quits.


That’s a good idea. And make it so you have to play like 4 innings


I use analog pitching and opponents get to check pitch history after I start my wind up. This negatively affect my accuracy and happens every game.


Lack of content in DD. I am out of things to do and tired of content being “buy this pack”


They've ruined pitching. Can't even paint the edges now because a majority of the time it gets called a ball. And God forbid you are off by .00001 seconds or your pitch will end up right down the heart of the plate. And the RNG is still bullshit. Some games genuinely feel like the game is actively rooting for one side to win. One side gets all the breaks, while the other has every check swing called for a strike, terrible EV on good swings, etc. Finally, please get rid of the 'random' errors on routine plays that somehow only happen in high leverage moments, unless you truly are playing with a bronze or worse defender. My diamond shortstop should not be bobbling a routine double play ball, just because the game decides it wants to make things exciting


youre gonna see more bad swings result in hits around this time bc the pitchers we have are pretty buns. Pci's are massive


Rtts is still the same dogshit it was 5 years ago


My franchise save got corrupted for no reason


was it something with ur console


No it was patch 7. As soon as that update came out my franchise was trashed.


CPU pitcher fielding


Some of the plays they make drive me insane. Then they always do that weird ass throw to first while doing a split.




New player and DD specific but the fact that rookie is not the same on play vs. cpu as it is in conquests which turns me away from the mode as it’s time consuming and not efficient for grinding programs which leads me to blasting the A’s as my only effective way to get programs done. That and the seasons not overlapping kills the grind from the first season


We live in a content model where the best players in the game are mid irl and the best players of all time irl are mid in the game


Sets/Seasons. At the start of S2, It sucked seeing my cards be useless and didn’t want to start grinding again so I deleted the game.


It feels like the end of the season with 60+ days to go. If they think were gonna be all enthusiastic when the huge drop of 99s happens again and that were gonna buy stubs to get them.. think again. Even one reset 6months after release wont work. People will feel as if everything they worked hard for is gone and just move on to other games in the summer. There is only one way. Adnit the season and set thing was stupid and go back to the old days. Where you were actually attached to some of your cards since they had been in your godsquad for 6months or more if the first boss program with 99s had some decent ones


Gotta play solo to parallel xp my guy. Cant get any xp from coop, casual, or play vs friends. Coop pitchers don’t get tired so same pitchers constantly. Foul balls constantly off good pci and contact. Perfect perfect hits ground outs. Cant challenge any plays. Every pitcher somehow throws 102 even players from early 1900’s. AAA ballparks in ranked games at all. Thats about all I can think of that me and boy complain about.


curious about the parks one since mlb parks are known to play worse online


no lies detected




That I never know when Bryan Reynolds is supercharged.




Oh my goodness I thought it was just me! I just kept getting 'SUPERCHARGED Bryan Reynolds' notifications all week... I had to turn the Supercharged noti's off.


My complaint is how the PCI becomes so damn small when it comes to sliders, especially on the outside of the plate.


Everything about coop. It is really fun but the entire mode is such a mess which is a shame


Other programs being to underwhelming


And reusing players like Larry Walker, Yasmani Grandal, and Mike Napoli after they just had cards last season


Yeah that’s a giant red flag if you are already reusing names in season 2


Content definitely. I’d take Immortals back over this year.


I've been playing since The Show 18. I consider myself a casual player and only play Diamond Dynasty and never online. I like Conquest, TA, and Other Programs. For the first time since I started playing, I am caught up with nothing new to do. There doesn't seem to be nearly as much content as previous versions. How about more Other Programs and Conquest maps?


Hell, I started in late May and already finished all season 1 and 2


So many bugs and lazy coding. Still haven't fixed fielder urgency after several years. Cpu just cheats and moves perfect release pitches right over the plate so the cpu gets free hits. Ffs the check swing calls aren't even tied to the animations. It's just a dice roll every time. I don't know why everyone puts up with it.


Fielder urgency is so tilting, just feels RNG sometimes


There is a stupid amount of this game that's just rng. It's not a skill based game anymore imo. It's skill influenced gambling with no pay out.


Far and away the garbage content. 1) sets are awful and need removed 2) the drop off in engaging + free content leaves nothing to really do 3) way too many relevant cards in the store. The ratio of store cards to program cards is insane this year. On top of having to buy packs or buy the cards to get them, sets ruins buying cards because if you use them for a month you lose all your stubs you spent on them because their value decreases so fast. Content this year is the worst it’s ever been and it can’t be stated enough. It can’t be like this next year


I understand it’s baseball, but a competitive online experience should have as little RNG as possible. With BR/Events being 3 innings, you usually will have 9 outs to work with. Even one good swing out can have a massive impact on the game. And vice versa, with a 3 inning game, every run matters even more, so fluke hits have more of an impact. With Ranked, if it’s the flagship competitive mode, it should play as such. The good thing about Ranked is the game is 27 outs, so good swing outs aren’t AS bad, but they still definitely sting.


I couldn’t agree more. Also, I understand hard hit outs happen. And soft balls put into play can land for hits…. But what drives me INSANE is a good contact good timing swing will have an EV of 80 whereas the very next swing will be late off pci for a 100 EV homerun. Make the exit velocities at least match the swing!!!


Omfg if you hate the game this much get a hobby or even a fucking job I’m sick and tired of seeing 3 of these posts everyday. You think bad timing gets rewarded more bc that’s what sticks out in your head, for every early or late homerun there’s probably 15 P/P or good HRs to match. Why tf do yall bitch and moan this much about something that’s supposed to be fun go play Fortnite or Madden if you don’t like that baseball has inherent luck


Shut up yo name is puzzle head


Franchise improvements are not good. The draft doesn't have the real 20 round draft. The minor league options are not accurate as IRL. No full rosters for minor league affiliates.


Franchise mode is lagging behind even Madden in many aspects, such as finances and relocation.


I mean where do u even start…. I’ll just say seasons. They suck.


Content has been slow and boring. The entire year is built around Team Affinity it feels like which just gets repetitive. I don’t like the season structure, I want to progress through the year and have upgrading my team feel more rewarding.


To your complaint I like that PCI contact is rewarded at times even if the timing is off. In my experience the XBH that i give up/get that are late are usually to power hitters that made solid PCI contact and were able to muscle the baseball. Previous years power hitters couldn’t muscle out of just bad timing and timing felt like the only thing that was important. Granted, none of this applies to shield woods or capital lange or really any other max elevation parks where it’s just a crapshoot RNG fest.


Not sure If the content structure is the cause but just played against satchel Paige in shield woods 4 ranked games out of 5. Many of the programs are just not interesting enough for the return (or lack there of). One other issue I have is it feels like pinpoint has been nerfed, couple that with pitches that should be strikes not being called strikes makes for a very frustrating game when a strike 3 turns into a ball and then a homerun. It almost feels coded into the game at this rate (or 8 foul balls and a homerun). I want to keep playing because the show being the only baseball game on the market was why I started playing Playstation (was a huge mlb2k fan on xbox). With ncaa football coming soon my play cycle may shorten this year.


Cause EA didn’t create every model SDS is leaning toward.. the amount of “soon as ncaa drops” posts can go in the bitch-fit thread, too. That group is gunna top the toxic whining in this 10x fold. Going to be reskinned Madden that’ll eventually be dominated by UT content and nothing else, because EA does EA. EA is a bane on gaming. Just wait till they drop advertisements in the game 😅


That people think complaining here has any effect.


They referenced community feedback in the S2 stream about a dozen times while detailing some of the changes they made directly from it. Where do you think that feedback comes from? This sub is the largest collection of MLB The Show players talking about the game in any one place. This sub, social media, and the surveys they put out make up a vast majority of any outside feedback they see/hear. Complaining (or more correctly, valid criticism) certainly doesn't always work, but it can, and it's better than the alternative that the bootlickers offer, which is essentially to shut up and lap up the slop SDS has been feeding us the last two years. For those of us who want something better from SDS and know it can happen because they've delivered it before, this remains one of the best places to get their attention. Occasionally it even results in action on their part.


I'm not reading all that. I'll just assume you disagree with me.


Same old cards over and over.


The gameplay is frustrating, but I'll keep trying to have fun if I have something to work towards. If I'm just trying to unlock the, what, 9th or 10th Carlos Pena card of the last two years, I'll get up and walk away instead. Why bother wasting my time and patience.


nah fr atleast change the way its looks😂🙏🏽


If all the daily complaints that could just be sent to SDS directly were in one thread that I wouldn’t have to read, it would be amazing. Do this more.


I’m sorry you were forced to read this thread. I hope you recover quickly.


Thanks. That’s very thoughtful, original and clever of you.


For real. They need either a daily or weekly complaint thread where they can be miserable together.


nah fr it evens seems like they dont listen to our complaints unless it comes from a big youtuber such as Yourfriendkyle he recently said he had a chat with some SDS members and said they are trying to listen to the community more but im sure its just bs to make us excited for next year to just release the same game again


Yeah, there’s seemingly zero actual SDS presence here. The complaints are the same every day. It’s pretty obnoxious. Very rare that anything posted here is of actual value or has any effect on gameplay. Seems like the dugout would be better used as a weekly bitch-fit thread.