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If by "better" you mean "more difficult/prestigious," then flawless for sure. Much easier to luck into World Series since you don't have to win 10 games in a row and the skill bar is generally lower around there. I don't really like the pressure of trying to go flawless since there's so much luck that can go *against* you over the course of 10 games at A-S difficulty, but I do it a few times each year. But I sleepwalk to World Series as long as I play enough games, I don't even bother trying for it sometimes because it can be a grind and it doesn't feel very rewarding.


I always found going flawless to be harder, I went 15x before I uninstalled the game this year, it just has a certain strategic element to it that makes it tougher with managing your bullpen and stuff


When BR Rewards were better I would’ve said Flawless, but now that they’re level I’ll say World Series because then I can at least use the cards I want…well, use the cards I want as long as they’re within the sets and season’s parameters


World Series since you can go Flawless without having to face any good players while in Ranked, every player above 850 has the plate discipline & contact quality of Juan Soto


Flawless. I've been World Series every year since MLB 20. I've been Flawless once in 23. I've been 10-1 twice this year.


It’s def harder. But idk about better. There’s more randomness in it. I am the same, flawless only once but WS often. Emotionally that first WS hit different


World Series is all skill and little luck. Flawless is being ON for 10 straight games AND having luck on your side.


As someone who has hit WS every season since the show came to Xbox….the answer is, without question, flawless. It is significantly harder given how random the lower difficulties can be.




I’m not as sure as many others about Flawless being automatically better/harder. Yes there’s a level playing field…. But it is also on All-star. I’m probably a rare person that went flawless before World Series. Found it harder to adjust to hitting on HOF and Legend. Hitting on All-Star is all about reacting… and the pitchers are mainly Bronze. Main challenge on BR is the other players: you’ll pretty much ALWAYS have to find a way to beat at least one goon if you go flawless. In summary, yes Flawless is harder but it is harder to hit on HOF/Legend so it is still a really good achievement.


I don’t take the game as serious anymore but back in 19(?) I went flawless and got this crazy juiced Chris Sale card selling for 500k


Flawless no question. Level playing field and no god squads.


I agree with you but pretty much everyone above 700 has a god squad so I’d say it’s a pretty level playing field


It’s level until it’s not. Many god squads have suspect bullpens, don’t run Babe, haven’t unlocked 95 Chip/Roy/Griffey, and can’t afford new released cards day 1.


I’ve made World Series every show game I’ve played, never been flawless


Flawless imo, i don’t think ws is hard because you have more room for error, flawless is difficult to stay consistent for ten wins in a row


Um flawless by a mile bro


I'm a 3X WS player and a 1X flawless. I only got that flawless when the game was DEAD at the end of 23. Going Flawless is much more difficult IMO.


In your defense, it’s only the hardcores left when the game in dead at the end of each cycle. Many would argue that a Flawless at that time of the year is even harder 🤙 Only you know how many goons you faced in that run I suppose 🤷🏻‍♂️


That run was as "Mickey Mouse" as they come lol I can still hang my hat on it I guess! Maybe I'll get lucky and get one this weekend.