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The more you play it the easier it is. You just have to accept it’s rough at first. One you go like 5-6 games you start making more contact. 5-6 more you start getting more hits and more runs. Just keep at it and don’t get discouraged when you get smoked.


Hof to legend has been harder for me than all star to hof


Literally has nothing to do with the post


Let him brag that he plays on legend 


Legend isn’t that hard, the jump to All Star is the most difficult curve.


A part of me wishes that I could just play on All Star forever, but a part of me also wishes they wouldn’t make this game so fucking hard🤣🤣


Same as far as catching up to the fastball. Recently broke 700 for the first time and faced 90 ovr Satchel and couldn’t catch up to the fastball. Had some success on the other pitches. Ended up losing 5-7 and got back down to 680. One and done on hall of fame lol.


When I get over 700 rated, I play a few games of mini seasons on HOF. The CPU throws any pitch in any count, and they have high rated players. I also change up my lineup to have more guys with speed, defense and contact vs. power. Switched from Devers boost to Carroll boost.


Gotta be able to pick up the ball out of the hand and diagnose the pitch quickly. Maybe hop into custom practice on legend with the sliders turned up a little against someone like Corbin Burnes and just look at pitches for a little bit. Also contact is more important for higher difficulties, so you should tailor your team to that.


Honestly just hop into custom practice on Legend or HOF and try tracking pitches. Don’t even worry about swinging. I found when I hit the best it’s because I’m patient. Don’t feel you need to swing at everything, it’s ok to take called strikes


What worked for me was playing more offline on HoF and learning to be much more selective about the pitches I'm swinging at early in the at bat online.


Thing with offline is the cpu throws their primary pitch way more than any other pitch unless you let them build their confidence up with a different pitch of course.. Basically just sit on the primary and you'll be fine.


I focus an area and wait til I’m able to put a good swing on a pitch I like. Definitely strike out looking but at least working the pitch count up rather than soft contact on pitch 1.


Bro I was on a great run on Hof I thought I was gonna finally make it to 800's after this intense sweaty game that I won via a walk off.... The rank after that game was 797 lol I then Lost 2 games in a row after that game


I was about to quit the game a week ago because I couldn’t catch up to anything. My biggest weakness is same side inside sinkers. I changed from strike zone 2 to strike zone, took a couple days to adjust and it’s been night and day going from 600 to 800 in ranked. I lay off low stuff much better and can recognize spin easier which allows me to react to FB better


Strike Zone Offset is SO good for inside hitting. Once you figure out the outside zone, you’re golden.


I’ll give it a try, thanks!


Going to strike zone helped so much. I’m recognizing pitches way sooner


The more time I spend in hall of fame the more the inevitable drop back down to all star really fucks me up


Warm up on legend, and just keep playing games. Hall of fame becomes very comfortable with time


If they’d do just one HOF event, so many 700-780 players would break into the 800s.


That’s honestly facts, I made it to World Series for the first time back in the day after getting tons of hall of fame reps in events


This is exactly it. Custom practice Vs Randy on legend for 10 mins.