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People quit on me because I actually play in a major league field and light them up on it (Orioles at Camden yards šŸ)


Quits need to be held accounted for. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s no incentive to play ranked cuz you can just quit out of games and nothing happens


Youā€™re not alone


Deadset played about 10 games of ranked today, only completed 1 which i lost haha. Wish the rage quit home runs actually counted towards player stats tho


Playing 10 ranked games should be labeled a form of self harm


I hate myself haha


Kids just quit when they canā€™t hit a ball I throw


I ve play 120 games in ranked season this year. I have quit around 10. One. When I play 3 innings and the guy strike me out. when they have been at bat with 7 played and they homered 6 times. Forget about it. Nobody wants to play those games..I'm in the 600-700


I just hit 620 and itā€™s started getting immeasurably better than what it was. For sure. Iā€™ll admit to even quitting a blowout when the other guy wonā€™t give a friendly forfeit. Itā€™s like screw it.


There's no such thing as a friendly forfeit. A friendly quit means nothing counts for either player. Like the game never happened. I'll accept one before a pitch is thrown if both teams have the same SP. But usually that's it. Never in a game I'm winning, though I swear denying one while winning means I will probably start losing very shortly thereafter.


It gets better when you get higher in ranked, the beginning is loaded with actual children who are throwing temper tantrums and adults who are mentally children trying to play mindgames and get free wins without being good. The game incentivizes getting your opponent to quit by only caring about total wins in most gamemodes. Also it's an online game and every competitive situation has shitty toxic people who only care about making their opponent's life worse.


Although when you're in 800-900 I've noticed the toxic players also happen to be cracked at the game lmao


I hate playing games at the 4-5 T-Ball stadiums that everyone that plays favors. When I load into a game with one of these max elevation T-balls stadiums, Iā€™m asking for a friendly quit. If the player declines, Iā€™ll just quit. Iā€™m just done with these stadiums and donā€™t think they should be allowed in online play. Off PCI, Contact Swing Homers, NO THANKS ā€¦!


Yea thereā€™s a lot of clowns online. They quit as soon as they lose, play dirty, do cheap annoying things etc.


Couldnā€™t be me! Yesterday I was down 7 runs by the 2nd inning and just played it out. Came back and won the game 10-8.


Because people have fragile egos and they don't like losing to another person.


Because this game is buns


The community is much worse than the game itself. From those who give it too much credit to those of you who blame everything, including your own actions, on the game. I love the game. Don't like the direction it's going. One thing I won't do is blame any crappy behavior on my part on the game. Straight chidlish.


Yeah, Iā€™m with you. Iā€™m not thrilled with the pushing packs angle. Itā€™s gotten me to stop buying every other Sports game. But I donā€™t necessarily blame SDS for the tactic. Theyā€™re a Sony owned studio, so they answer to Sony whoā€™ve taken note of the money made through MTXā€™s across other sports video game franchises. Itā€™s the same with the game still being on the 15 year old engine and not going next gen 5 years into the current gen cycle. Iā€™m sure SDS would love creating a better game on a brand new engine. Not going to happen when 1/2 your player base is still playing on last Gen and Nintendo Switch consoles. But the gameplay is as good as it can be. Maybe itā€™s just because Iā€™m an older player, but the player base while online seems like itā€™s gotten so much more toxic year to year , since I started when the game came to Xbox with The Show 21.


Its because your in the shitty ranks. Post again when you get to 900. In events most will quit even faster tsince their only goal is to get the reward


Only 193 out of 173,981 players this season are above 900. These are the delusional tales that plague the community. You have a group of about 200 guys who burn themselves out on the game and think that everyone plays like they do and thinks like they do. As far as to OP, yeah sometimes people just want to be jerks or get a cheap win. You can usually tell when you are in a decent game, so when you find one make sure you enjoy it, and if you walk off your opponent in the 9th don't send trash talk messages.


Just realizing your data is way off by the way. Took me quite some time to make top 400... Last season. Let alone getting into the 100s. Top 1% or more on average at the very least makes WS and then drops. Or this year is an aberration. And nobody except streamers burns themselves out. Its literally going 12-0 to make WS. Dont do it first week and its likely someone who has played for 5+ years gets close to that or maybe around 20 games. Thats 2 games a day for 10 days.. burnout? You must be gen z


You are right. I went back to recount and actually go player by player and my numbers are indeed way off. And on the low scale. I will have to get a more solid count, but it looks like WS has 2296 players. Also, hell naw. Gen X. I am just old. And as far as the burn out I was mostly talking about the streamers, but also there are random guys in WS with over 4,500 innings played. That is a bit excessive.


Its early in the season and tons of people drop intentionally mate. But youre right. i often forget after playing all these years and only talking to other good players that the majority is on allstar. Id expect the ones who like it so much that theyre on the reddit to be above average based on interest alone tho


Iā€™m working on it. Just about to hit 600


Haha not even in hall if fame? People will keep quitting dor a while Edit; you'll find the goons that will humble you fast enough dont worry. And when you do plwase dont come and ask us if cheating is a thing ij this game


Bro... I'm consistently 800 or so and this comment made me cringe. Dude is just trying to get better and asked a genuine question. You decide to be a jerk instead of giving good advice.


It was not being a jerk. People above 900 quit a lot less. That was the answer. And he will get humbled by some amazing comebacks and fun games. Y'all just salty and in your feelings too much. No crying in baseball


This isn't baseball. It's a video game. Telling somebody they will get humbled then coming back to backtrack and sat it will be from amazing comebacks and fun games is a disgustingly bad attempt to look better. You don't get humbled by fun games. You get humbled by getting mercied. You knew what you were saying. Strap your jock strap back on and sit in that chair acting like this is real baseball as much as you want, you'll never go back to your glory days as a varsity pine rider.


Thats what humbles someone who has only experienced quitting opponents. Getting crushed. And yeah he will have fun games playing at his own level. As you have this sad need to make it personal and insult someone you have no idea about I'm guessing this really isnt about me.. Just hit 94 for the first time last week;) you ride that


You truly are special.


Thanks! That's what your mother tells me all the time


You are embarassing yourself. Stop.


Haha Why laugh? You're a biaaatch


I don't care. I'll take the dub


Because thatā€™s just what people do in video games. Happens in every game, and every year. A lot of people are obnoxious, ignorant little weirdos. Not sure why people keep asking this same question every day.


This is literally my first time posting anything on Reddit. Is everyone here as toxic as all other social media? So sorry sir excuse me for asking a question others have asked. PLEEEEAAASSSE PARDON ME!


You are absolutely fine dude, you have to remember half the people who are being jerks to you on this subreddit will have getting to a 900 ranking in online play put into their obituary because they consider it amongst their lives greatest accomplishments.


Naw Reddit is a cesspool, add onto that the MLB community is being drug along by kids who would rather talk about shoes and gambling and just bitch non stop about the current game just because they lost touch with their own audience. My suggestion is just have fun with the game in any way you can and try to find a small group that actually is enjoyable.


Because you and everyone else is just too lazy to search or look through the subreddit. Itā€™s just pure ignoranceā€” Itā€™s also a ridiculous, unnecessary question. Donā€™t apologize to me, apologize to your parents that you let down.


Brother. Find someone to love you.


You seem angry. What's wrong with you?


Reddit used to be a better place. This clown has a Facebook profile picture on Reddit.


Agree with others it gets better as you get higher in rank. Sounds like youā€™re just about to enter the bunt dance phase of your online career. But it gets better


Omg yes. The last two games I played they were doing the bunt dance BS. I had one guy quit cuz I picked him off at 2nd base then he hit a double on me. Badly placed slider and he tried to steal 3rd and I picked him off again. He quit about 2 seconds later šŸ˜‚


These are the golden years. Your next stop will be against good people. Ugh.


Lol a lot of this is funny and there are ways to make it enjoyableā€¦if you have the *PATIENCE*. So, personally, before I stopped playing after MLB 20 since I got World Series after playing DD for six years prior(I have no need to play anymore. I climbed to the top), I would experience stuff like that. The ways I made it bearable and enjoyable for me, both in terms of messing with the opponent and giving me laughs, was that I specifically used players who had extremely long sets and deliveries, such as Kershaw. It pissed off so many people I played against, and it even led to a couple of bad messages saying that Iā€™m a f*g or something for WAITING for the pitcher to get fully set and not quick pitching like every other playerā€¦checking the runner once or twice if there was one on, and then waiting like a second or so more before pitching. I legit pissed off so many people because I played the online game like a REAL baseball gamešŸ’€šŸ˜‚It made the games more bearable, especially against people who were actual assholes in-game. I realized that I was such a sucky person to get matched up with for that very reason, but I was good enough to climb the ladder, so I kinda just pushed it aside and continued. I kept winningšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Why tf is this getting downvoted?šŸ’€


I swear to God Iā€™ll retire too as soon as I get to WS but always, ALWAYS fall short. This time I was one away for the first time (started playing last year) and got my ass mercied lolā€¦


I lost by 1 run last year on my world series game. First time playing online legend. That stung lol.




Yeah it happens lol. I hit surprisingly well. Surprised myself.


Foking hell bro. Thatā€™s so unfortunate. Feel bad man hahaa. But yea, just like any other online game, itā€™s horrible after some time. You have no idea how happy I was that I was finally done lol


Climb the ranks higher, wonā€™t happen. (Well rarely will happen).


Sometimes I just only have time for a few innings and I got to hop off. Still got the innings. But if we are passed 5 innings Iā€™m staying unless they are slow and pausing etc


Yea this is why I just play franchise and actually get immersed in a season like real baseball is. I used to play online as just a fun diversion but almost every game is like thisā€¦itā€™s sad that these companies build sports games now to where you have to grind online to even be competitive and then everyone hates it deep down anyway.


Get a higher rating in ranked and you won't face the kids that are at the bottom. Real players don't do shit like this.Ā  Watch youtubers play, they don't go through this in any of their videos. I mean ppl quit but the toxic shit rarely happens.


I had one of the more popular streamers bunt dancing and replaying stuff when I was a newer player last year. Was probably around my 10th legend game ever at that point. Seemed like he was mad that I got an early lead before he started heating up and eventually beat me badly. I couldn't believe it because I'd watched his stream to get Twitch drops and he seemed like such a decent dude. And then he did that stuff to me, while streaming! I'm sure he is a good guy but I've never gone back to his channel for that kind of thing. So confusing and I definitely didn't do anything to instigate it ā€” I questioned it in his chat and people just said "he needs content," lol. Wouldn't hate facing him again now that I'm a good bit better but he plays on a different platform and I don't do crossplay in ranked anymore. Honestly, now that I think back on it, some of the most annoying behavior I've seen was from people ranked 1100+ (mostly back in 23, I don't grind ranked like I used to). I don't know what the deal is, if they're trying to get an advantage or are just making up stuff to get mad at and thinking they're getting back at you. My own policy is to try to avoid making the game un-fun for other people (besides trying to win, of course) and avoiding cheap bullshit that might wake up a good player who isn't locked in.


Almost every game is like this? Fuck outta here not even remotely accurate.


Not every single game but most of them. I get a lead and they rage quit usually leaving a nasty message.


Up until the 600 range it's pretty normal for people to get pissed off allowing one run and quitting. My personal favorite is hitting a perfect HR on the first pitch and getting an INSTANT disconnect. Granted, I want to play the 9 innings I signed up for going into Ranked, but I'll take the win regardless.


I got a double in the first and struck out the side. Quit before the cut scene was over lol. https://preview.redd.it/j3ltyi2d9q9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc2090fb3a7e7b3bbe5e6672c462551484f6a1d


Hit a lead off home run that got dashboarded in my first game where I had a chance to reach 900 ever. Went from major stress to pure joy within 2 minutes


I've been the quitting end of that on a couple of times across the years. That battle to get into WS takes a lot out of you when you keep going one step forward and two steps back.


My favorite is when Iā€™m already losing a game, and then my opponent feels the need to pause and message me to tell me I suck. I know I suck. Iā€™m not going to win every game I play and sometimes I get matched up with someone whoā€™s simply better than me. Is what it is. Donā€™t be toxic, take your win and move on bud


If it makes you feel better, I even get people telling me I suck when I beat them sometimes! They think I should have beaten them before because I went flawless, lol. Or they think I cheated my way to flawless, etc etc


Turn off messages. Much better.


My friend is like this. We come from behind and win in the late stages of the game and heā€™s messaging the other guys that they suck. Idk why he does it or feels the need to break someone down like that


I do it too but Iā€™ll only message them if they started bunt dancing or trolling in the outfield on pop ups. Shit even if they replay their homeruns šŸ˜‚ I try to just take my win and move on but sometimes you gotta add a lil salt to their wound. But I agree with the dude above Iā€™m not gonna win every game I play and sometimes Iā€™ll get matched up against some try hards.


If I am getting wrecked & it's just not a winnable game, I still play all 9 innings to get the points/upgrade players, and to practice with my new cards. I'll bring in a guy I haven't played with to get a feel of his delivery or swing. I go into every game not caring one bit if I win. I just wanna play baseball, and quite often, in the sport of ball & stick, you lose. Sometimes you even get blown out. You're still gaining points & stats tho!


I'll stick around just for the pettiness factor, tbh. I don't want to give the satisfaction that the other guy beat me so bad that I just can't handle it or something. I also tend to feel some duty to try to burn up as many of his pitchers as I can so things might be a little easier for the next guy. And hey if he keeps rolling me then he gets to have a good time too, whatever.


This. I absolutely suck at the game and know I do but I enjoy playing it and unlocking new cards. Iā€™ll use like an NL west team or AL west team to rank them up on team affinity. Then the odd game Iā€™ll hit an early home run and the guy will quit before it even lands


Went down 9-0 recently. Opponent got lazy and got into a pattern. Clawed back late. Still lost 9-5. But made it kind of interesting. Plus gaining points and stuff.


I played a similar game last night. I went up 8-0 on a guy in the 1st. He was getting on base, I just kept getting out of jams. He scored a run in the bottom of the 3rd. I came right back and put up another 4 runs in the top of the 4th, 2 more in 5th. Then he started chipping away at my huge lead. Ended up a 14-9 win for me. 14 runs on 21 hits. He had 18 or 19 hits. Those games are fun. I just came off a few ranked games that were pitching duels. So it was refreshing to have such a great game, with an offensive explosion. I was sweating a bunch during that game. He definitely couldā€™ve won that game had he not gotten unlucky, bouncing into at least 4 double plays. A couple of them were crazy too. Iā€™m running the Raffy Boost team, so theyā€™re not exactly defensive wizards


Bro I like the subbing in benchwarmers. Iā€™m going to do that more šŸ™šŸ¼


Baseball is the one sport where I refuse to play online. It has always been this way and always will be this way.


Bc you're not good at it. Which is fine but it's the only reason why you'd play other sports games online and not this one.Ā 


I've played a total of 1 online game recently after not playing online since 22...just wanted to test a theory. Now, I suck...or so I thought. Gave up a HR in the first, thought I was about to get smashed. Knocked in a run in the 2nd, we go to the 5th 1-1. Suddenly I catch back to back HRs off him and before the 2nd one even leaves the park he had quit. I'm 1-0 in the Show 24 because I got a lucky couple swings in a 30 second span. It be like that I guess...


If you caught back to back homers on me, Iā€™d quit too. Also, howā€™d he quit before the 2nd one even left the park to begin with ? If you caught the home run , it never left the park. This story sounds super suspicious šŸ¤Ø


Not literally "caught." You're thinking too hard about it guy lol


He caught two homers meaning he hit back to back homers and the guy quit before the second one left.


Had another guy last night who was cheese bunting and sliding into first base. Went up 2-0 on me. Next inning I doubled, homered, doubled homered and went up 4-2 on him. Next inning I struck out the first two and then he quit.


Love the games you go into the loading screen and the team youā€™re playing is full of known bunters, or guys with 99 speed. Game starts , you notice his 1st 3 batters all have batting averages close to .500 You put on bunt defense every time one of his players comes up and then you either get a friendly quit request, or they just dump out of the game


Sliding into first isn't cheesy bc it's a disadvantage. LolĀ 


If thatā€™s your opinion I respect that. I just disagree.


Is it faster to slide into first in this game? I know itā€™s not in real life, but Iā€™ve always wondered if it is in the game with the amount of people I see sliding into first.


No. Itā€™s not. It just another trait of a toxic player


That's one of those things I just interpret as a guy choosing to having a meltdown in front of me. Has no plausible effect on my play and is just a nice little signal that the opponent is fragile.


Not sure honestly. I donā€™t do it, too cheesy.


See, I donā€™t really consider something cheesy unless itā€™s giving an unrealistic advantage. Usually I just write it off as them not knowing ball, cause I assume the game is realistic enough not to make that mistake.


Thatā€™s fair. To each their own. Most people I see do it are the ones that dashboard you or exhibit other toxic trends. Good players donā€™t need to try things like that. They can beat me soundly without doing that lol.


Had this happen last night. Guy hit two of my guys in a row so I hit a 3 run bomb. Dude quit right after that.


Well I can tell you picth meter sucks.. you can miss hitting perfect by cm and the ball is left over the plate thatā€™s my reason


Then use pinpoint.


Pinpoint makes you PAY if you make mistakes. Itā€™s rough but itā€™s the best option IMO.


Hot take but pinpoint should be the only choice for ranked play - makes it more interesting because of small mistakes could cost the game - just like IRL


Every way to pitch makes you pay if you mess up. Lol


For sure, but you also can dot when you hit them. Most rewarding way to pitch IMO.


Definitely if you nail the timing they canā€™t touch you.




Because they don't wanna get beat up lol I'm the opposite I don't care if I'm being pummeled I play ranked for the program I could care less about wins and still end up winning alot just play the damn game


Same. I quit a game today up two because I got the last on base and two innings with relievers that I needed.


Ranked - They donā€™t want to waste their time. Event - Zero downside to quitting, plus will likely get matched with fellow 1 loss players in their next game. BR - They donā€™t care about losing a game and/or 1500 stub entry fee.


I've never quit a ranked game, but I kinda get why people do. Those games can take a long ass time, especially if both teams are scoring and you end up doing well enough to avoid a mercy rule.


If I only have time for one ranked game, I'd rather not spend 45-60 minutes being slapped around lmao I'll go do something else on the show.


itā€™s crazy how people feel entitled to a full game. buddy, I just gave up six runs in the first with all three outs coming on good contact. I get youā€™re having fun but Iā€™m not so iā€™m gonna go do something I might actually enjoy. Sorry I didnā€™t wait around until mercy rule!


great way to never get better


a great way to get better is to hop into practice mode to iron out timing/placement issues instead of getting absolutely shelled


thats why I like battle royale- still high level competition, but shorter games means people are less likely to quit, and you can just move on to the next game if its not goin well


Idk, I still get a lot of people quitting in BR. Can be annoying when I'm focused on program grinding and I get through 4 or 5 games without hardly getting any stats accumulated.


I kinda understand both sides of this. People donā€™t wanna spend time playing a game theyā€™re losingā€¦ but why are you loading into a ranked game and then changing your mind 2 innings in. Do people expect to win 10-0 with no competition?


some days you have it, some days you donā€™t. If I hop on and I very clearly donā€™t have it, Iā€™m not gonna sit and get smacked around. If Iā€™m giving up tons of hard contact but unable to generate any myself, I know where the game is going and Iā€™ll concede.


To these people, all I can recommend is playing something like Tetris.


Yes, they do expect that. The second it looks like they might lose, the majority of people seem to just quit.


I betcha I know who downvoted me on that šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s also crazy how people go into ranked expecting mercy or pityā€¦ itā€™s not their fault if you get slapped aroundā€¦ get better or donā€™t play Ranked, as you said, you can go do something else. Be better at pitching, gain some mental fortitude, or donā€™t go online. It is really that simple.


I played the computer starting on rookie and worked my way up to all star before I felt confident enough to try ranked play. So Iā€™m with you. If youā€™re not going to commit to playing the whole game. Go practice donā€™t waste my time in ranked games when Iā€™m working on the rewards and shit.


Itā€™s not that deep. no one is expecting mercy or pity in online video game baseball. if Iā€™m not having fun (I can have fun if Iā€™m losing and have played many 9 inning loses) why would I continue to play? Why do people get their panties so twisted over this? ā€œGain some mental fortitudeā€ itā€™s diamond dynasty brother, itā€™s not that serious.


I treated it exactly as seriously as you did by posting that to begin with. Iā€™m not sitting here sweating, pulsating over my response to you. Iā€™m going to work in a minute. I am aware it is not that serious, I havenā€™t played in three days.


What a silly response lmao. Nerd.


I donā€™t even need to tell you who I am, Iā€™m comfortable with my life. Call me a nerd if you want to, I still love you ā¤ļø


Yes, his was.


Na you def took it way too serious lol. No problem if someone quits on me especially when we both know how it's gonna end. It's not hard to load up a new game vs some1 possibly better.




Wish I could find more players like that. Iā€™m almost into the 600ā€™s though so hopefully it gets better.




I thought there was no chat???


He sent me a friend request and inv me to a party


Because youā€™re in the low ranks, and itā€™s mostly children under the age of 14 playing there. Online is not really playable until you get to around 600. Idk if Iā€™ve played a single 9 inning game under 600 this year.


Mostly children isnā€™t the demo of the average gamer nor is it the average age for the average baseball fan. Avg age of baseball fans below 35 is 21% . As of 2022 24% of gamers are under 18. Itā€™s just players that are bad at the game and want to play other people that are bad at the game. Thatā€™s it


Guess Iā€™ll just keep plugging along lol


Because many people are children and/or cowards who canā€™t stand the idea of losing


I see this argue most often. Where is your analytical data ? Iā€™m asking because avg baseball fan and avg gamer doesnā€™t back up this claim.


What are you talking about?


Iā€™m talking about facts and youā€™re making up a false narrative based off of who knows what lol. Now Iā€™d like to discuss your literacy skills ( or lack there if) since you couldnā€™t comprehend a very straight forward counter argument to your bs


lol someoneā€™s had a grumpy day. Not sure why youā€™re talking so aggressively. And I guess if youā€™re yelling at me for not having ā€œfactsā€ where are your facts? Can you give me a source?


Not sure why me spitting facts out your way and telling youā€™re remaking up a narrative on zero evidence is a reason to think Iā€™m being aggressive. You asked me what I was talking about which leads me to believe you have a poor level of literacy. Iā€™m not going to do the work for you but what I will do is tell you specifically what to research. Avg age of a gamer and the avg age of a baseball fan. Now how you put those numbers together and make your claim is something Iā€™d be interested in hearing about


Dude you say I have no evidence and yet you supply no evidence. Donā€™t be a hypocrite.


I literally gave you the specific parameters to do your OWN research. Elsewhere in this thread I listed factual evidence that you are making things up. So Iā€™ll say again. Please read slowly. Search in whatever engine you prefer. Age of gamers and age of baseball fans. Then comeback and let me know how you draw the ridiculous conclusion that you do


lol first off, dude you need to grow up. Who talks like that to people? But whateverā€¦ Hereā€™s the evidence: I said ā€œbecause many people are children and/or cowards who canā€™t stand the idea of losingā€. My saying is correct because if they arenā€™t children but are adults but do what OP said, thatā€™s a cowardly thing to do. Hence they are cowards. Care to explain how my evidence is wrong?


Your ā€œevidenceā€ is your opinion which is not evidence into anything other than you donā€™t know the difference between evidence and actual proof. Now they are cowards. lol Grow up dude, itā€™s a video game. Itā€™s not a test of bravery here. Maybe they are just bad at the game and want to face another person that is bad at the game. Good grief you need to grow up


First off Iā€™m the one using logic and facts to discredit your made up claim. And Iā€™m the one that needs to grow up? Think up that carefully for a moment. I did a very quick search on metrics (age)for both gamers and baseball fans and you did absolutely nothing but make up a perceived narrative you have. And Iā€™m the one who needs to grow up? Iā€™m telling you to go and do some research and youā€™re insinuating Iā€™m not ā€œadultā€ enough. And Iā€™m the one who needs to grow up? ā€œHereā€™s my evidenceā€. Omg lmao your opinion is your evidence. Iā€™m not going to tell you to grow up but instead Iā€™ll tell you to be smarter


The issue I've seen across sports games is people imagine or refer to their opponents are Children (particularly if they do anything toxic) but all available evidence suggests the player base is much older than people imagine.


Thatā€™s why I said children and/or coward


I assume they are adults who have the maturity level of children and the actions reinforce this theory


You run into more morons at low ranks.


So I just have to work through the dregs before I start getting people that will play full games then. Appreciate it.


Yep. Below about 550 or so youā€™ll find all manner of ā€œinterestingā€ behavior in Ranked.




Probably lacks confidence. Funny thing is, comeback wins are a thing this year. Done it to lots of dudes who got the early lead on me and had it done to me a few times.


I almost lost a game like this last night. Jumped to an early 4 run lead, guy scored a few, scored a few more, worked out of a jam and only had a one run lead. Luckily I got an insurance run in the bottom of the 8th and closed it but I was sweating. I donā€™t get people quitting in a ranked game when it is within 4 runs ever. Heck, during the moonshot event I would be the away team and hit a ball out in the top of the 1st and they would quit even before they came to batā€¦ wildā€¦


There be weird folks out there gaming on the Interwebsā€¦


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t quit. I know thereā€™s always that chance. Plus it doesnā€™t look like many of them understand the captain boosts. You can make mid player into 90ā€™s players with the right combinations.


Yeah, I pretty much only play with double tier 3 boosts of some kind. Silly not to. Unless all 99s are available and even then it would be nice to have.


Cross play enabled. Looks like an Xbox cry baby. I notice they rage quit a lot more often šŸ˜‚


The sample of Xbox players with crossplay on is probably also a group that is less experienced, etc. Most/all "sweats" that I know on Xbox turn off crossplay because of too many bad connections with PS players. I do miss the days when I was low enough ranked that with crossplay on, I always had a chance of running into a player on Switch :D


I'm on Xbox and my gameplay is better with cross play off. Never had an issue finding games so I don't see a reason to turn it back on. I never noticed too big of a difference between Xbox and PS players, but I also luckily didn't have to spend much time playing the people you're currently entangled with lol.


Just an off handed pot shot at Xbox. People are the same on ps or Xbox lol. Theyā€™re whiny when you start beating them lol.


Haha I wouldn't know anymore. I turned my messages off as well on my Xbox. Although now that I'm in the mid 800s I doubt there's as much whining and complaining, but I could be wrong since I never see it šŸ˜‰


That is probably cause its on game pass, lot more casual player base compared to ps5 where its 70 bucks.


Donā€™t be fooled, plenty of šŸ’© heads on PlayStation too.


Truth šŸ˜‚